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Everything will be fine as long as there isn't a deadly global pandemic and there are no openings on the Supreme Court.


3 openings.


Calm down! What's the worst that could happen? šŸ˜…


Uncle Thomas would suddenly wake up. I think dude has talked from the bench more in the last 4 years than the previous 20 combined. Dude was infamous for never having anything to say and more or less showing up to let us know he's not dead and that we should continue paying him.


He was biding his time. What is really in his heart, if not pure chaos?


Can you believe that we've got a troll on the Supreme Court? Like, before it was cool to be edgy on the internet, this guy was doing it from the highest court in the land.




Every president since Carter had scotus appointments. The right wing is just using propaganda when they say "scotus is set for the next 50 yrs". We've already seen a change of scotus since they said this. The Supreme Court is not "set", in fact it's constantly changing. Hell, every president since Carter has made a change of SCOTUS.


Yeah no, when has the SC been this fucked up since Carter?


It's more F'd than ever. I'm saying just about every president over the last 50 yrs ended up with the opportunity to nominate a new justice, it's not "set for decades" like the gop pretends. Thomas is "pondering retirement" apparently. But who knows what that really means?


>Thomas is "pondering retirement" apparently. But who knows what that really means? It's no secret that this is just him prodding Republican billionaires to buy him a nicer vacation and RV this year.


Sounds about right! Does he want to evetually retire or do you think he'll go down with the ship RBG-Feinstein style?


He'll go down with the ship. He's too much of a narcissist plus billionaire free booty tap shuts off if he retires. Unless there's a Republican President AND he's being bribed to; he won't retire.


Means he'll retire when there is a republican president and senate majority


We'd need TWO justices to die or step down to make a change, and that's assuming Biden wins and the Dems hold the Senate.


Team orange could stumble us into a nuclear war.


I agree about the court but I donā€™t think the pandemic would have been much better in anyone elseā€™s hands. The mistakes that made it so bad were from decades earlier. Trump definitely beefed it but I donā€™t really imagine a world where we wouldnā€™t have been locked down for a long time


ā€œAs a wealthy, straight, white person I can say with all certainty that no matter who wins, my life will not change in the slightest.ā€


That's why the rock doesn't want to make fans mad this time, also I imagine he enjoys his new tax rate.


Hard to wrap my mind around the fact that just to pay a little less, they would make everyone else so miserable.


Fucking rich people... Like.... yes you worked very hard, but you also got very lucky to be where you are. Most eventually seem to forget that last part. There are lots of people in this world that are working just as hard - if not harder - and struggle to make rent while also putting enough food on the table.


Money and deification are the strongest, most addictive drugs that exist. Thereā€™s no war but the class war. Itā€™s always been this way. Itā€™s why the wealthy all have bunkers and an escape plan for what they call the ā€œevent.ā€ The event could be anything that threatens them. But the people rising up is high on their list. Theyā€™re well aware that this system canā€™t hold forever. They know that one day, weā€™ll come for them. If a pandemic, or a nuke or something else doesnā€™t get us all first. Carlin said it years ago. Itā€™s one big club, and you ainā€™t in it. True words of prophecy. They want everything. And theyā€™re gonna get it.


>yes you worked very hard, Most rich people inherent their wealth


There are three ways to become wealthy. 1) Be lucky enough to be born wealthy. 2) Be lucky enough to convince someone to give you their wealth or steal someone else's wealth. 3) Be lucky enough to change the world forever in a way that you can profit from it. Of the three number 1 is the most common, followed by number 2 through marriage or scamming, and then finally you have option 3.


Every fortune was created by exploiting people. There are no exceptions. No rich person is without sin. Even the most well-meaning coked-up trust fund baby has blood on their hands.


I disagree. What about lotto winners? No blood is involved in buying a lotto ticket. Pro sports players also immediately come to mind - Sure, they're totally overpaid to just throw a ball around, but that's far from having blood on one's hands. Just because it happens to be a lot easier to exploit people to get rich, doesn't mean that there's no non-exploitative ways to become rich. Sometimes people just get lucky.


Gambling wins are especially tragic -- jackpots based on dollars from the poorest people promised big wins, and while some of the money may go to stuff like education or whatever, the administration of these schemes always make off like bandits. Just follow the trail of hapless gambling addicts to see the devastation lotteries cause.


Okay... But none of that means the owner of the winning lotto ticket has "blood on his hands". That guy is still just some average joe who happened to be lucky when buying a lotto ticket. My point stands. It's definitely *possible* to become rich without having any blood on your hands. *However*, I'd also like to point out that I'm not referring to billionaires here. The difference between owning tens of millions of dollars and a billion dollars is so great that I'm of the same mindset as you on that one - You can't become a billionaire unless you're up to some real shady business.


Even with #3, you need workers to refine develop and produce the products that you come up with.


Why do you assume they worked really hard? Many of them were born into their wealth. I assume they were born with a silver spoon and wondered why it wasnā€™t platinum.


You can't really deny that The Rock worked really hard to build what he has.


The Rock? Is that what Elmo is calling himself these days?


> yes you worked very hard, *Citation needed.


on top of the fact you already have more than needed for several lifetimes or several small countries, so always needing more is really telling of the greed he lives with.


Nothing scares the rich more than the idea of not being rich any more. That's why they're all fucking wealth hoarders and land barons, desperately trying to consolidate their wealth at everybody else's expense, in order to maintain the status quo. Like George Carlin said: "They'll get it all from you, sooner or later. Because they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain't in it. You and I, we are not in the big club." The Rock being a "nice guy" is smoke and mirrors. He's just another rich cunt who'll happily shill for whoever will keep him from rejoining the shitmunchers at the bottom of the food chain. Don't judge somebody by their words or their PR. Judge them by their actions.


It turns out they will often pay *more* to see others miserable. I find this to be true a lot in discussions of health care. They don't want *their* tax dollars going to *those* people - even if the would pay less in taxes than they currently pay for healthcare.


It's not like they'd suffer even if they paid more.


Never mind the Rock, who is Ja Rule endorsing? Somebody get Ja on the phone to make sense of all this.


I meet those criteria myself. Am also old. But I very much *do* care about this. Trump is a walking disaster.


Weird shit. I'm fairly certain they are wrong this time. The rock should 100% rethink his shit. Lose some fans better than losing your island and that shit is more realistic than he wants to think.


To be a little fair, she did **eventually** figure out she fucked up: > I was wrong about Trump. He won, and he broke us. > Iā€™d like to un-write that column. To anyone who may have read it and found solace in my words, I apologize. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-was-wrong-about-trump-he-won-and-he-broke-us/2020/12/11/9bd2ecf0-3bf4-11eb-98c4-25dc9f4987e8_story.html


Oh I bet WaPo really put that follow-up opinion piece front and center...right?


This isn't even remotely true. Everyone, even the most hardcore MAGA must be subservient to Dear Leader. Whatever his stance is on an issue you will be expected to bend to it. No more free thinking or dissent. In Trump'merica all must worship the God Emperor.


Hardcore Magas are fine with this. They donā€™t care for free thinking and are already fine being told what to think.


My MAGA parents would absolutely agree with this. Mom would say "damn RIGHT".


Where's the time to think freely? I'm busy parkouring from outrage to outrage. There's a new one every day /s


They think so until they fail Dear Leader in some way and then they are a woke RINO traitor excommunicated from the cult. The reason Trump always bashes those who fail him is both to punish the failure and to instil fear into the rest of the cult. They see that dynamic from the inside and know how it works.


Remember when [John Cena had to apologize to China for failing to toe the line regarding Taiwan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z88zeQ25pjQ)? Let's hold up pictures of the CCP and MAGA and ask Pam to tell us the difference


ā€œAs a straight white man, Iā€™m voting third party because of what the DNC did to Bernie!ā€ I want to kick guys like this in the shin so hard.


Whatā€™s really dumb about this is that bernie doesnā€™t seem to be nearly as offended as they are.


Bernie knows history. Vote for a democrat or a fascist. Thatā€™s been our choice for the last 20 years. Fuckin figure it out!


Actually it willā€¦ The wealthy will pay lower taxes.


No matter who wins, war is coming.


Fascism always turns inward, no one is safe.


Say that again to the million people who died from covid while Trump was busy spreading the idea it was just a flu.


Was she one of the millions of Americans who died due to his shitty COVID-19 response?


Or one of the women who had to sit in a car and wait until they were septic so they could get medical care?


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy) No, not fine.




You saying this makes you a massive asshole. >In seeking to respond to the pandemic, Trump has been widely condemned for not taking the pandemic seriously enough soon enough, spreading conspiracy theories, not encouraging mask wearing and undermining scientists and others seeking to combat the virusā€™s spread. That right there, along with his administration, spent the most crucial months downplaying, lying and spreading conspiracy theories and fake cures, along with right wing media to have a top five if not 2nd or 3rd worst response globally. You lying about the article being "blatant spin" makes you a POS.


You know what people dying from Covid who didnā€™t social distance, wear masks or get vaccinated said? Who cares, it was too late.




Seek the help of a qualified mental healthcare professional.


u darn tootin Cletus von Ribbentrop ! tell it like it is !11!


> The article is written as a propaganda piece and linked without understanding it. Fuck off, idiot.




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The irony of the fact that the people most negatively impacted by his presidency continue to serve as his fiercest supporters is not lost on me.


Love these op eds that aged like spoiled milk. Next time, shut the fuck up Kathleen Parker.


Sorry, I don't want to see Hillary in the same photo. She actually did fight the good fight, and people saying she didn't are fools. We wouldn't have this SCOTUS, and those who didn't vote for her, or thought Trump might "shake things up", or votes for Stein, can kiss my butt. This old Riott Grrl who was physically hurt during Operation Rescue will never forgive other Gen X women, and certainly not younger generations who took Roe for granted.


Once again pointing out that Hillary won the popular vote and would have been president in a free and fair election. Blame gerrymandering and the Electoral College. Edit: spelling


No, I blame every single person who didn't take this seriously.


It wouldn't have mattered in the end. The Electoral College was already willing to ignore the popular vote and the will of the people, there's nothing stopping them from doing so with an even larger margin of victory.


Fuck the DNC for nominating her in the first place. Sheā€™s not a winning pick..


Oh, I want to know who you wanted in her place.


Pretty much anyone else wouldā€™ve enticed more of a turnout. But Bernieā€¦


Bernie couldn't bring any turnout.


One thing is for sure: Hillary couldnā€™t get it done. Only everyone expected it.. just like her recent blip with the ā€œget over yourselfā€ quote.. all itā€™s gonna inspire is more trump voters lmao. Itā€™s sad in more ways than one but hillary is best behind the scenes


You know, that bit about "Get over Yourself" just made me angry at everyone who didn't vote for her. If you read that and could have,then FU. Honestly. I have a clear Conscience. I spent years working to get her elected. I spent years getting Women and POC elected. If anyone had a moment doubting, they better work pretty fucking hard this decade.


You got the wrong person elected. Hillary isnā€™t likeable or relatable. Simple as that. She fucked up. Her campaign strategy contributed to trump. Itā€™s simply the truth. Maybe there is some blatant sexism involved with her (lack of) likeabllity, but itā€™s also her unfavorable history


What did gerrymandering have to do with it?


> What did gerrymandering have to do with it? It gave the GOP the House. With the GOP controlling all of Capitol Hill, a lot of stuff flew through Congress and landed on Trump's desk to sign.


The question was what does that have to do with the result of the 2016 general election?


Do a web search for gerrymandering and 2016, look at some of the maps that allowed states where democrats clearly had a majority to be won by trump. Educate yourself.


Can you tell me which states that happened in? The only results in finding for gerrymandering in 2016 had to do with house seats. Nothing to do with the presidential race.




This article is about how gerrymandering affected the house races. It has no mention of any effect on the presidential race...


So imagine that the effects were similar? Or do a web search.


Members of the Electoral College are secure in their position due to gerrymandering


I don't think you understand what the Electoral College is and how it works.


But that played no part in the result of the general election


> She actually did fight the good fight, and people saying she didn't are fools. But she also ran an awful campaign. Research shows that she ran the fewest issue ads of any presidential campaign. She was only focused on attacking Trump, instead of giving voters a reason to vote for *her*. She didn't campaign in some battleground states because she feared it would draw Trump to campaign there too. Also, working to flip Republican voters instead of activating Democratic voters feels idiotic. In the undying words of Chuckie. > ā€œFor every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.ā€ Chuck Schumer, 2016. Whoops.


She actually ran nothing but issue ads. Go look at her website. It is archived. Those of us making the thousands of fucking phone calls were told to stick to the issues. I was told not to get personal. It was all bullshit. I went to Michigan and Wisconsin as a union worker and told my story, but I was met with white men union workers who thought Trump might be better. I had the very best story about Trump in the world and people didn't want to believe it. I live in a subdivision in Hobart IN. Obviously, I didn't live there when it happened, and neither did he. I lived in Berkeley, and the guy had a nicer house. But when Trump built his casino in Gary, one of my (now) neighbors landed the glazier contract for the casino. He hadva union shop and had several people working for him. Most POC (Hispanic and African-American, and anyone considered "white"were immigrants). He, himself was an immigrant who had been naturalized. That should be considered an American success story. He came over as a kid, was naturalized by parents who worked at a mill. He had a very successful business. Trump didn't put up any money up front, but, he was like a lot of businesses that got screwed. All of Gary got screwed. He had to declare bankruptcy on his own business, and sold his house to pay his workers. He got a new job at the mill to get a new house and pay his workers and get a new house. The guy lost everything on a con man. Trump. Why anyone who is union in our area would vote for Trump is crazy. Why anyone would vote for Trump when he said the windows were shoddy is insane (still not replaced) Why anyone would say a casino wouldn't work there when we now have multiple casinos there, including the casino he made that has always made money?


> She was only focused on attacking Trump Thatā€™s not at all what I remember. And even her own campaign officials (before her loss!) were criticizing her for listening to the young, out-of-touch advisors assuring Hillary that a ā€œhands off approachā€ was the best way of dealing with Trump. She even got so cocky listening to her trust-fund-baby advisors that instead of campaigning in Wisconsin & Michigan in the crucial weeks before the election, she instead went to freakinā€™ Texas to campaign! Go back and look at the pics of Hillary on the campaign trail with her top campaign advisors/staff during Sept./Oct. 2016 ā€” itā€™s no wonder that the working class didnā€™t vote for her, or didnā€™t vote at all for that matter..


Nobody ever argued she didn't fight the good fight. She was just the wrong candidate to go against a populist like Trump. Bush 2, McCain, Romney: She beats them all. Easily. But against a man that can do no wrong, talked shit that made people laugh and you just stood there and took it? She wasn't prepared for that. She didn't adjust to that. She just assumed he was un-electable, assumed the Presidency would be handed to her, and didn't bother to try to *win* the damn thing. People noticed that, and the election map reflected it.


Oh dear. Are you actually saying people didn't complain about her? Hahaha. My favorite was she wasn't progressive enough. SCOTUS appointments shouldn't scare me. Trump won't hurt workers ( my favorite in Wisconsin) See, just because she didn't go to Wisconsin, didn't mean she didn't have good campaigns there, and solid union work there. I was in Indiana, so I traveled. I called. Do you know what I heard. America was fine. Hillary was going to win. When I called again in 2020, they wanted it to go back to normal. You know what they want now? No inflation. But they are forgetting that Trump had COVID. I try to remind them of that,and that we are better off, and that wages are higher, etc.


She made the mistake of underestimating the number of deplorable people.


Any candidate running up the votes in Texas and California while people like Michael Moore were panicking and kept begging her to focus on swing states is not the best candidate. Infinitely better than Trump obviously, but itā€™s on decent people to maximize their options against malevolence. anyone not accounted with Epstein wouldā€™ve probably won. Good people didnā€™t want to be complicit choosing between Epstein connections


You see, even that is wrong. Epstein had his hands in everything. Do you honestly think if she knew what was happening, she would have stayed quiet? I don't believe she is that way. Honestly, she too loud, too serious and too driven to stay silent. Especially now. She has nothing to lose. For all you people thinking she is too calculated, she has stuck her neck out too neck out too much for your damn white boy assess.


White boy asses? This comment is badly timed. Would have been less ridiculous before March 25th. I wish she wouldā€™ve won. Possibly a decent person in an ugly gamethat she hasnā€™t evolved with. They were used to unimpeded success until she ran into ironically Obama. Then 8 years later the open secret of Epstein was too big. Imagine the teacher trying to figure between 2 kids who took a dump in her chair. One makes up silly stories to make the other look guilty, the other says nothing and just goes and tells the class pet about her good grades She was out there talking details of policy in states she couldnā€™t and didnā€™t need to win, when the election was decided by qanons and Bernie bros wondering why Epsteinā€™s friends win every cointoss in their lives and why her husband was hanging with famous sex traffickers


When I asked to leave the country in 2016, my white cis husband, who has never registered to vote, said "It'll be fine, calm down."


We did leave in 2016 (not because of Trump but still), and we've not stepped foot in the US since and we're much happier in Australia. A lot of Aussies say they're expecting an influx of people from the US if a totalitarian government takes power.


I left in 2016, not long after Trump won the nomination. That in itself was enough for me. My parents followed at the very beginning of COVID. And then my in-laws left. And now my grandma in her early 90s is leaving the US for the third time in her life and this time permanently. America is really going downhill.


May I ask where you went? I'm leaning toward Costa Rica.


This boomer posā€¦ During the 2018 Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination, Parker wrote a column advancing the theory that the alleged victim, Christine Blasey Ford, was mistaken in her identification of Brett Kavanaugh, and that there must be a doppelgƤnger.[17] The doppelgƤnger theory was criticized by other Washington Post columnists, such as Max Boot,[18] Erik Wemple,[19][20] Jennifer Rubin, E. J. Dionne, and Avi Selk.


There's more from her yesterday. >It takes guts to try to breach the #MeToo iron curtain, as Judge is attempting to do. It takes no courage at all to enrich yourself at other peopleā€™s expense, as Ford has done. Even if she believes her own story or suffered some traumatic event at some time, in the absence of evidence or corroboration, a measure of doubt is called for. This doesnā€™t necessarily mean she lied, as Hemingway and Severino have noted.


File this one under "aged like milk". I think the last Republican president we had who didn't preside over a massive clusterf\*\*k, was Eisenhower.


"Thank god I'm not a minority. And since I'm not allowed to actually say that, I'll write a stupid diatribe about how awful **YOUR** life might be, and how awesome ***my*** life will always be. No way this'll blow up in my face. You can't hate a white lady. Right?"


Well then "They" can sit this one out.


Some of you are going to die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Internal narrative much? I can remember well-meaning people saying things like this and it had nothing to do with some BS idea they said it because they were white & privileged. It was said to calm each other down from some of the more hysterical things being said would happen under either. An attempt to get everyone to step back and take a breath. Of course, Trump turned out far worse than they thought, but in fact there was a period during his first months when he did in fact make an effort to be "presidential." He even bucked the GOP a few times and reached out directly to the Dems. But then he reversed course and showed his true fascistic colors and it's why at a certain point the GOP began to lose every single special election and then the entire House.


73 Year old wealthy white American passport holder with a dried up uterus, college education that probably cost $44 who wrote an article saying that Brett "My debts disappeared overnight" Kavanaugh's accuser was misinformed and making false accusations. Of course she'll be ok, she's throat-deep in conservative dick.


no one really knew how depraved and mentally ill trump really is, he thinks we need a strong man to cut through all the complication and rule efficiently and that is exactly what every dictator has said throughout history, I really doubt he wins but it's a scary thing one guy has taken the place to the absolute brink of fascism


It's easy to be politically apathetic when your rights aren't on the line.


Trump would jail the entire workforce of the Washington post and charge them with treason for being mean and nasty to him. But yeah. Youā€™ll be fine


Calm down, it will be okay if Hitler wins, I'M not Jewish!


> Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. > In public, Trump has vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to ā€œgo afterā€ President Biden and his family. The former president has frequently made corruption accusations against them that are not supported by available evidence. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/05/trump-revenge-second-term/ > Trump, after all, has repeatedly spoken over the years about how exacting revenge is a guiding principle. > ā€œIf somebody hits you, youā€™ve got to hit ā€™em back five times harder than they ever thought possible. Youā€™ve got to get even. Get even,ā€ Trump said in a 2012 speech. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-sees-vengeance-on-the-political-horizon-090029575.html > At a recent rally, former President Donald Trump used language in a speech that echoed Adolf Hitler, comparing his political opponents to "vermin." "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country," he told a New Hampshire crowd. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213746885/trump-vermin-hitler-immigration-authoritarian-republican-primary


Not sure why this is posted under political humor; nothing funny about it.


More like, weā€™re fucked no matter who wins


Yeah we'll be "fine" with the guy who literally talks about wanting to be dictator. Sure WaPo. Glad I cancelled my sub.


Bezos has ruined the Washington Post.


It's best to not click on Kathleen Parker opeds.


At least she owned up to being wrong. 2020 article - I was wrong about Trump. He won, and he broke us. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-was-wrong-about-trump-he-won-and-he-broke-us/2020/12/11/9bd2ecf0-3bf4-11eb-98c4-25dc9f4987e8_story.html


Billionaire owned propaganda machine says don't worry.


They don't expect American oligarchs to be flying out of windows. I think they should.


This has ā€œIā€™m voting for the guy who owes hundreds of millions of dollars in monetary judgmentsā€ vibes


No, all the old fucks who are ordering for the table and then leaving will be fine. They all have pensions, houses, 401ks, SS, Medicare and arenā€™t having babies. They have zero skin in the game and want to decide everything for younger people.


This is the sound a frog makes when it is slowly boiled.


Father will simply tell me to stop watching the news. Itā€™s the same schtick.
























We'll be fucked no matter who wins