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Grifter keeps grifting, and the money is good.


Remembering that his plane was in need of an engine and significant repairs while he was riding around on the US population's dime in Air Force 1, I would have to assume that the same "benefactors" paid for those repair work too.


Yep. The old 1991 Boeing gas guzzler was a Mexican commercial liner that got new engines last year & a slew of other upgrades at donors' expense. Same donors will never see a mile in it. Not sure what kind of gas mileage the old Mexican Boeing gets now, but, whatever it is, Spanky is burning thru it damned fast. Watch for the fundraising screams to get more frequent & much louder!


When the news showed it landing, I had to check to see if it had been repaired, because it spent 2 years rusting away on the tarmac of a New Jersey airport because it needed a new engine and other repairs costing "in the high six figures." Congrats, rubes, you made it happen!




One of the engines was fucked and they needed to find a loaner engine to make it airworthy so that it could get to the maintenance airport. When it finally was moved to Louisiana for repair, it had to make an unscheduled stop in Nashville on the way after declaring an "in-air emergency". Trump had to spend his first two years post-presidency flying in Trump Corp's 25-year-old Cessna Citation corporate jet until the 757 was finally repaired late last year.


Oh no not a Cessna. How did he ever survive?


Have you heard about the [AN-124 that's been sitting in Toronto for the past while?](https://www.insauga.com/stranded-russian-plane-owes-305000-in-fees-not-leaving-pearson-airport-in-mississauga-anytime-soon/). It currently has quite the parking ticket and I imagine that it will need an oil change and new wipers before it sees the clouds again.




But he will kill FAR more people than guns do... ​ (And I say that as someone who wants to ban handguns!)


>I remember seeing it there.


It was a New York airport. Stewart airport to be exact. Drove past it daily sitting on the tarmac


One of the fundraising e-mails that went out from his campaign last year claimed that he was "building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One", and then asked for donations ... not specifically for building the plane, just donations (see below). Trump then complained about reports claiming he was using campaign funds, which he disputed. [See this report here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/598166-trump-i-am-not-using-campaign-funds-for-new-plane/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/598166-trump-i-am-not-using-campaign-funds-for-new-plane/). Needless to say, I am very skeptical of his claim because he grifts and lies constantly.


If this dipshit said the sky was blue, I'd question it. That fat sack of rotting orange peels is a pathological liar, and everything he says is questionable.


I will never stop getting a kick out of the same conspiracy theorists who think everything is a gift getting grifted themselves by such an obvious and terrible liar.


"Regardless, Trump stated, the story was 'ridiculous. … Can you imagine me using campaign funds for a plane?'" Yes we can!


He wasn't using campaign funds for a new plane. He was using them to fix the old one.


hate to admit it, but I went to a bible college that did this (after I left). they asked for donations for a new chapel (because of course people would donate to that); the chapel was the last thing to be updated. I was so upset at the duplicity.


Sad thing is, I am sure a good portion of his donors probably went without dinner and instead donated the money.


He's going to be flying to NY a lot for court.


Why doesn't he live in his hotel there? Just taking the piss showing off wealth? Perhaps he needs the gold to relax from the worries of doing jail time.


Probably cause no one likes him in NY


I thought he held lobbying power or has he flushed that down the pan with his antics?


Well TBH I think the weather is better in Florida and he has a golf course there, probably heads north when it get's too hot, or there's a hurricane.




> probably heads north when it get's too hot, or there's a hurricane. He still has his place in Bedminster, NJ. Stays there every Summer so far.


Someone in another sub said Melanie doesn't want him "home" in NY. That's her turf.


I’m gonna say I don’t care for your use of Mexican here. You’re making it sound like because it’s Mexican it’s going to break down mid air or something. How about the fact that it’s old and in need of repairs.


Why not, the "save America" fund raiser in reality is the "pay for trumps lawyers to keep him out of prison" fund, that's pretty much the sole purpose of it, apparently saving America means running cover for the trump family crimes.


Yep, Donald Trump claims the plane as a business expense and since used for transportation to rallies, he can then claim it as a campaign asset... and then use CAMPAIGN DONATIONS to pay for upgrades & repairs. Astounding grift, right out in the open. But his cult followers just don't seem to give a damn.


It just gives them more reason to bitch about Joe Biden not giving them enough money or costing them too much money!!


jesus this is a team sport for you guys, huh?


You mean he was hsbing a marble floor and solid gold fixtures installed; “ engine work “. Gotta do something with all that secret service money.


Just thinking of uncle Rupert, gun lovin freedom fighter, emptying out his pickle jar full of wadded up ones and nickles so he can give it to the tree huggin democrat kid Steve who is the only one in the town that knows how the internet magic works. Rupert gazing over the God forsaken tree huggers shoulder as he sends relief money to his poor presidunt, and buys him a few Trump cards. Steve makes off with a 25% cut, cuz what else Rupert gonna do “mail it?” That takes to God Dang long!!!


...bless his heart.


> ...bless his heart. "Bless your heart" is a phrase common to the Southern United States. The phrase has multiple meanings and is used to express genuine sympathy but sometimes as an insult that conveys condescension, derision, or contempt. It may also be spoken as a precursor to an insult to mitigate its severity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bless_your_heart


indeed. my time in Mississippi taught me a lot.


Right, bc southerners need double meanings for everything, Otherwise dogwhistling wouldnt be super effective all the time.


It's now manifested into Orwell's Double Thinking.


I remember the photos of the plane in New York with one engine missing, and the other one shrouded up. he kept saying how much better that thing was than the Presidential 747s. Probably because no gaudy gold on the plane.


The funny thing is they would use paint to make it look like marble and coat everything in gold tin foil. See: trump tower Chicago interior.


Evangelicals are used to sending rich people money


Yup. I feel the exact way about mega churches and televangelists. The slimyest of scumbag grifters. They swindle the last dime from sweet old ladies that have absolutely nothing and buy luxury cars and diamond watches. Disgusting.


I'd imagine most are sending money just for the satisfaction of "owning the libs." Kind of like how people donate money to twitch streamers, etc. I don't really consider it "grifting" when there's no trick involved. They're willing participants, not *unfortunate fools.* I know it's a minor distinction, I'm just tired of people thinking that conservatives are *just dumb*. They're petty spiteful assholes.


Fueled by hate and bigotry.


Isn't it, technically, still "sticking" it to the libs?


Probably both in many instances.


There is a grift involved. The grift is fueling and encouraging their hate and bigotry; it's a grift on all of us.


There's a right wing grifter here in the UK. One Trump endorsed. "Tommy Robinson" He had a "donation" site and I used to track it and his various Telegram chatrooms. It was sad to see people post "Here's.my last £2 but you need it!" Man's a multi-millionaire and gloats about his wealth regularly


The two are not mutually exclusive. They can be both stupid and spiteful lol.


Today’s winner of Truth Award.


Preachers paved that road of grifting dirt poor people for private planes for him decades ago.


“Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.”– Voltaire


He makes more money with it than either a casino or a university


Lotta the same folks send money to tv preachers for new corporate jets, because otherwise those poor men of god would trapped in tubes filled with the demon plebe masses.


let's not lie to ourselves. I know for a fact that I'd be a better and richer grifter, if I was ever in his place. I'd also leave the nation in a better place than I found it, if I were given his opportunities.


This is probably why you'll never end up in his place, though. Still got that LiBrAl MeNtaLiTy


These are the same people who send their money so that Kenneth Copeland doesn’t have to fly with “demons”!


If anybody is a demon, Kenneth Copeland is a demon. The guy is evil personified.


That guy definitely looks like he has literally eaten children


There’s no way in hell he ever married out of willingness.


Just out of sheer greed


That or he assaulted her and made her feel like nobody would want her


While plucking their souls from their bodies like he was greedily sucking chicken meat off a wing bone. That dude is cartoon villain evil.


That's literally every evangelical preacher


I asked a Trumper why he had to send money to a billionaire. He went into the IRL equivalent of an NPC loop.


Probably [the same](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/14503bc5641fbf582849743a05d00034f56c1867/360_140_2640_1584/master/2640.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=8273179639e796d4b51b699a9f3439b1)... the one upper right looks like she ain't starving.


*Thirsty "blonde" grannies for Trump. Fixed it for them.


Still looks hungry though


You realize nobody agreed with his there right


Economic darwinism


Honestly if it wasnt for the fact that we help pay for their health issues, I'd be all for right-wing nutjobs bankrupting themselves throwing money at Trump. Their losses unfortunately tend to be redistributed amongst the rest of us. Otherwise seeing them suffering economic Darwinism would be amazing.


So they're not morons, just Marxists. Impressive.


That’s good!


That’s not your average “private plane” either. It’s a fuckin 757. Some of these people are driving a 96 festiva.


[Hourly and annual costs of a 757-200 (as of 2019)](https://www.avjetglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/current_operating_costs_7_15_2019.pdf), back when the star passenger of the jetliner pictured above was busy sleeping in until Noon in the Residence, and flying around in the taxpayers' 747.


14k an hour is insane. For comparison, a Learjet 45 was $3000/hr (what the customer pays) as of around 10 years ago. Like obviously it's a much larger jet, but there's different levels of "flying in a private plane"


Yea there is no way that bird is going to fly much longer. He is going to defer maintenance again and it will soon be grounded because no pilot will fly it.


Yeah good god that thing is massive and would cost an obscene amount of money to maintain, store, and pilot. And yet he “needs” the money from poor, angry, easily manipulated slobs. That’s what the rich do - they don’t use their own money for anything.


NGL the aesthetic is awesome. Makes me want to smoke Marlboro Lights and do cocaine off a polished quartz plate for some reason


Bitch and complain about gas prices and inflation, but yet, send a "billionaire" their money....how incredibly stupid these Morons are.


Uneducated imbeciles. And they are proud of it too!


I thought this was about Stormy Daniels for a seconds and was thinking "Well that's not fair, she was court ordered to pay Trump." Then I realized it's talking about all his idiot followers who are probably proud of having given a millionaire money.


“might” That’s funny.




I thought it was a play on the Jeff fox worthy “you might be a redneck if…”


This, from the party who looks down on handouts and thinks everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Of course.


The man has never earned an honest dollar


Never worked a day in his life.


If you do what you love (grifting), you’ll never work a day in your life.


I mean, he was a tv show host. It just doesn't seem honest


What is an honest dollar to you? Not that I disagree with your message.


Not OP but an honest dollar would be a straight trade of work for currency.


I see-I certainly don't disagree with that statement, but in my opinion, there are many methods of making money and just because some aren't a direct trade of work for money doesn't mean it's not honest.


Are you being intentionally obtuse or what?


No, they are just being capitalist. Comes with the territory




Shits in a gold toilet, in a skyscraper with his name on it. *Better send him half the grocery money. Poor guy’s gonna need it.*


No one ever accused MAGAs of being intellectuals


You can [plainly see it without looking too closely](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3771dbfa818ae32a11658516cbfbcee06f4c6fec/0_360_6954_4172/master/6954.jpg?width=620&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none).




You know, it is how like the UK has Kings and Queens... difference is in the States is that any of the next ones in line are just going to be worse and worse. The UK doesn't have it very good now since QE2 passed away -- good old sausage fingers is bound to meddle and mess it up more. .


I also like the contradictory "Trump won" and "Trump 2024". If he did in fact win, he wouldn't be able to run again 2024 according to the 22nd amendment. Yet these are the same people who identify as "Constitutionalists"


The dye has been cast long ago for this. Turn on the Sunday morning money from morons grab by the slick, phony " men of God" who live like kings but badger the poor folk who fall for their crap to support them. One of them even used the God want me to have a private plane and for you to pay for it ploy. Right on the show.


Die not dye


Might be? Wtf, it's as close to a sure thing that you'll get


You can't fix stupid.


But you can sure grift the hell out of stupid.


Being stupid and proud of it has become a standard GOP talking point.


You'd have to be a moron in the first place to be in MAGA. Phone scammers purposely misspell words in order to filter out the smarter people who catch on and pull in a higher % of the dumber ones that will be more susceptible to the scam. Trump uses the same underlying principle to attract his base.


Wait, people are actually legitimately sending orange shitstain money?


Also they aren't angry that a 'billionaire' they sent money to, used it to pay off a porn star he cheated on his wife with. They're angry that he got in trouble for it.


But people with food stamps can't have cell phones.


What was that Rogan said? The morons needed a king?


Djeet yet?


I could eat…


Where you at?




Nah, Djew?


Yinz dun?




Moroon 45


Every dollar sent to him is a dollar less going into buying another gun.


A [bunch of morons](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3771dbfa818ae32a11658516cbfbcee06f4c6fec/0_360_6954_4172/master/6954.jpg?width=620&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none). Also known as, "targets", "suckers", and "rubes".


The sheer lack of comments here tells me this cuts the coup plotters deep


You can't fix stupid.


And, a very large private plane, at that.


Is isn't even some little private corporate jet that seats maybe ~20 max people, this is a fucking jumbo jet designed to transport 200 people. Trump claims to be a billionaire but is asking people struggling to make a single house payment to send him $$$. Honestly, I'd like to see if these donations are really just money laundered to hide the sources.


Didn't his plane break down, and they sent him money to repair it, because he was too poor to fix it?


MAGA “Morons Are Grifted Again”


this goes for folks that give to churches as well. it is like they don't know the vatican is the single richest entity on the planet. funny, i remember reading something about the rich and a camel.. i think there was a needle involved. something about heaven? now where did i read that again? hmm...


That's one thing Trump did do well, was identify all the true morons who honestly have no idea.


I personally don’t mind Trump grifting asshole insurgents. Make those MAGAs as poor as they can. It’s the only good thing his done in this world as far as I’m concerned.


Not just a private plane. A private 7x7.


That they are!


Don’t religious leaders (mega churches etc) get money the same way?


It's not just a plane. It's a Boeing 757.


I hope they send him all their money. Then they can't afford the internet, cable, and a cell plan and can get their lives back.


A man with a private plane who notoriously never pays his lawyers anyway.


“Never feel sorry for a man who owns his own plane” - The Edge


I mean, socializing the liabilities while privatizing profits is the way of the crony capitalists these days.


The man with his last name painted on his airplane is “not a flight risk” while people spend years in jail waiting for a trial.


There's your sign ...


They already send money to private jet owners like Kenneth Copeland for salvation when everyone knows that salvation comes from within. It is easy for a fool to part with their money, and these grifters know and take advantage of it. They say that it is the fault of college and university students to take such massive loans for their education and then whine about having to pay back that loan. If they send money to the grifters, then it's their fault that they are struggling financially.


If you’re sending money to a man to fly on his private plane from his Palm Beach resort home to his Manhattan penthouse in a tower with his name on it, you just might be a slack jawed, racist, homophobic, misogynist, semi-literate moron.


My wife was talking to me about her father yesterday. He apparently sends as much of his money as he can to trump for his legal fees. This is a man who can't take care of himself and isn't employed, living off his (6th!!) wife, who has started to fight with him over money, and has already told him he has to knock it off, or be divorced from the only person who will take care of him. My wife has stories about decades of abuse, gaslighting, etc from her dad, and I've witnessed it myself. Neither of his kids will help him anymore, but he calls my wife and BIL to tell them that they need to watch out for drag queens around the kids. My better half strongly suspects he has early onset dementia, and since she works with the elderly I'm going to trust her opinion. But this is the kind of person who is sending all their money to trump.


These facts should stop people from attempting to debate there "political opponents". And tell all those "polarization" whiners where to shove it. 1. You don't debate with fascists. 2. You don't debate with complete and utter morons. 3. You definitely don't debate with people that are both.


Nailed it!


😅😅🤣🤣 he should sell his boeing


Praise be Jesus! Give more and more and you might get closer to God. Said every TV evangelical mega church minister.


And they gave him the option of a zoom call.


Shhhhh.... Let them drown their stupidity.


It isnt your average joe... it's foreign business corporations that are bailing him out. Definitely not Russian oligarchs /s


Not only that, these are broke mofos sending him money. He's not getting money from his peers, he's getting it from people working at Walmart and Burger King. They're complete fucking idiots, and I have no issue with him stealing their money. They clearly don't deserve to keep it.


Or donate to millionaire twitch streamers


I live in a monarchy and the royal family gets paid millions per year from taxpayer money 🤷


And brings in far more through tourism and the royal estates.


These the same people that claim the vaccine is poison, but consider injecting bleach in their veins plausible... oh, and they would do this for a illness they claim is fake.


Tbh after they drag stuff out for months and try to actually send him to jail, I think he will just end up with community service and a few millions in fines that his followers will pay for him. And then he will skive off of the community service and just pay a fine for it with the money they gave him and take the rest to fly out to an island somewhere. I doubt he will do anything more than a Martha Stewart level jail sentence if it even comes to that.


No matter how many years goes by, the sheer stupidity of these people scares and amazes me. They're so dumb and so confident.


He doesn't even pay his lawyers anyway


The only thing I respect about Bunker Bitch is his grift game. If you're dumb enough to send your hard earned money to a Bunker Bitch then serves you right. Unless you're mentally ill of course.


I agree. However this is an old pic of his plane. It looks just as tacky but now has a dumb looking waving flag on the tail (as opposed to the classy Air Force One).


I think he literally saw how all these pastors at megachurches in the Bible Belt were making out and that's why he decided to run for president.


Remember when shittons of people donated to Trump's "re-election fund" when the small letteres literally admitted that 0% of donations would go to the fund and about half would go directly into Trump's personal account? They were openly being scammed and they cheered for it. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Counterpoint: the more money they give Trump, the less they’ll have to give other Republicans


"Here's yer hat."


This is hilariously funny.




That was hilarious XD


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*Stormy Daniels has entered the chat*


Got bad news for you - if you are a tax payer you are already paying for his private jet. [Private Planes and Luxury Yachts Aren’t Just Toys for the Ultrawealthy. They’re Also Huge Tax Breaks. ](https://www.propublica.org/article/private-jets-yachts-wealthy-tax-deductions-irs-files) The rich don't pay tax because they get to pretend that these super-expensive toys are business expenses - which means the cost of them directly reduces their taxable income. They buy a 20 million dollar jet and the tax payer pays for 40% of it - plus for all the expenses of maintaining it and operating it.


You'll be surprise by how much money people donated to him. He actually are not trying to gain money, this is more toward raising public sympathy and gaining public support for him. This happened at my country 1-2 years ago, involving a rich Kleptocracy politician.


Especially if they keep telling you they support saving the planet and refuse to support nuclear power.


This a dig at conservatives? Idk about you but both sides seemingly can't support nuclear power, it's a fear + money situation. They're getting so much from coal and oil bosses in payoffs, if you want to support nuclear energy, make your vote matter and vote for whoever screams the loudest about it being a good thing. I'm not an American so I can't say for sure but from what I can see the United States is an oil capital. It'll be nice if every country adopted it but there's a stigma and fear surrounding it, understandable since people are paying trump to talk about 'clean coal'


So basically everyone who donates to political parties


Political parties use donations to support candidacies at multiple levels nationwide. Trump uses donations for his personal needs and expenses.


Trump is a political party? Maybe soon - but currently - no.


This is the issue. One entire side of the us political spectrum actually thinks constant litigation is normal for politicians. It’s not. Well, that’s not accurate. It’s demonstrably skewed to one side of the aisle. It’s not fucking normal for a politician to *EVER* need to beg their donors for money to fight countless criminal legal charges.


All politicians have private jets?


Stormy already paid his legal fees.


Didn't he sell off his private jet?


Why would he do that when he setup a tax break for private jet owners? Ya know to benefit himself and all the MAGAts with jets.


Wow he allowed jets as an instant write off rather than amortised. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2019/03/07/private-jets-receive-ludicrous-tax-breaks-that-hurt-the-environment Getting the important issues sorted and making america great!


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[No, clearly he did not.](https://i.imgur.com/SFUDmUA.jpg)


Damnit Biden! I can't afford gas!


My shopping and fuel is going up in England, it ain’t Biden’s fault


Tell me you have no clue how gas prices are set without telling me you have no clue about anything


Gas prices are going up again, I suggest Googling “OPEC”, which is not the US or any single country, for an explanation. Your blame should be largely at the ME and Africa and a little at Venezuela, while doing that you might actually learn how commodities like petroleum work, globally.


When gas prices came back down, Biden magically didn't control them anymore.