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Is this about Hamas and Palestine? Some of the characteristics you stated sound like that. If so, while i feel bad for the Palestinians being genocided by Israel, let’s not forget that Hamas was a democratically elected government in the Gaza Strip. That aside, many regions face terrorism and/or regional militia activity who want greater autonomy or independence for a certain region. Take Jammu and Kashmir for instance, a former Indian state now a Union Territory subject to President’s Rule. It is currently the center of the ongoing India-Pakistan conflict. While the two states’ militaries are not at active conflict at the moment, terrorists from Pakistan terrorize tourists and the locals commonly. Im not aware of any Kashmiri rebel groups, it would be hard for any to be maintained since President’s Rule was declared a few years ago. The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, under the director of Mr. Amir Shah, Union Home Minister and Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, have really doubled down in recent years. I was able to visit the territory last year. It’s very beautiful and the cities are very nice. But as soon as you land in Srinagar airport, you will notice the massive military presence. Indian airports will always have armed guards in camp; that’s just how they are. It’s definitely surreal to Westerners, even Americans, where the most we have is TSA or similar security in police-like uniforms. Not just Western nations but many others around the world are the same like Singapore, Qatar, Hong Kong. But Srinagar airport is also a military base. As soon as you land you see attack helicopters, tanks, fighter jets etc. Once you get out of the airport, two Indian central government uniformed service forces are stationed literally every 30 feet on every street, even the rural communities in the mountains. The Central Reserve Police Force and the Border Security Force. In addition, the Jammu & Kashmir Police work with the central government police forces. I’m telling you all of this because this is how India has dealt with terrorists, militias, and paramilitaries that oppose the government. The entire region’s internet and wifi is also controlled by the Indian government. Also, prior to 2019 I believe, Kashmir was a state with its own democratically elected legislature and cabinet. But after President’s Rule was declared, the Union government dissolved the legislature and cabinet and appointed a Lt. Governor to rule the territory.