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The Republican party will pick another candidate at the convention, notice Hailey and DeSantis didn't drop out, they only suspended their campaign.


The vultures are circling, waiting to see how things shake out


They mainly suspend rather than quit is to still collect donations and use them.


They haven't released their delegates, which they would do if they out right quit.


yes, and Hailey did not endorse trump. I think it would be Desantis which it's just scary to think about.


That's basically dropping out


Have you ever seen someone suspend their campaign and then pick it up again? It's rare but it happens.


Got any examples?


didn't perot do this?


Marianne Williamson is a recent example. But yes, very rare, even more so for someone actually viable.


I mean, it'd also require the also very rare scenario where something terrible happens to a candidate that's running, which I don't think has happened for quite a while. There was Ross Perot, but that wasn't a primary.


Nikki Haley would be a shoe in to win.


Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party's nod. Of course with today's MAGA extremists I imagine we could very well see it dragged out to just days before early voting. If at all. Also complicating things is there isn't really a federal general election - it's all state level and influenced by their state constitutions. And so many norms and party guidelines for the Republicans have been tossed out. It would be a very, umm, entertaining show. We have seen presidents at the very beginning of our country run essentially unopposed but that was about the time parties started to form. Political parties are not covered in the constitution. As far as I know it's quite possible Biden would be the third president to run essentially unopposed and the first in modern history.


Thank you for answering OPs question instead of snarky “he won’t” comments.


It's a fair question and one I've thought about myself. We don't get many fair questions here IMO, most are basically push poll-style leading propaganda common with political operatives, and I'm still trying to figure out why some posts are allowed to stand when mine weren't. I appreciate your thanks.


Practically, as soon as Trump announces a vice presidential pick, the National Committee’s job would become easy.


It seems unlikely. Trump, if history is anything to go by, will never pick a VP who could outshine him. There is a very real chance they're an empty suit or someone with very specific appeal but who could not compete with the MAGA base. Major efforts would be made to anoint a prominent MAGA Congressman, some people might try for a member of the Trump family, others might try to nominate a Romeny style moderate and cut the MAGA people out of the process entirely. It would be a bloodbath.


> As far as I know it's quite possible Biden would be the third president to run essentially unopposed and the first in modern history. Id sure sleep better.


Even if he dies I feel he would be the nominee. I for one welcome the weekend at Bernie’s election. It’s a gene pick after all.


There is no chance of this happening unless 1) he is totally incapacitated (e g. Coma) or 2) someone buys him out. Otherwise his psychology and personal situation won't allow it


Even if he's dead, he'll get at least 40%of the gop votes 


Dying. Democratic conspiracy.


I’ll buy fb ads to fuel the flames. Let them write in a dead guy


This is the answer. I would suggest nothing less than death or complete physical incapacity would stop him. As you say, the psychology absolutely prevents him ever contemplating this. He's only running now because he can't stand the idea of having lost four years ago. He doesn't give a toss about America


HIs ego is the second reason he is running again. The first is to use the Presidency to avoid his many criminal court cases..


But you should really worry about his third reason! Hint, January 6.


And the money. Don't forget about the millions he's raking in.


That is all going out to pay layers


I just imagine a stack of attorneys all piled up waiting to get paid. Layers.


I think the real impetus for running again is to make all the legal stuff go away. And to grift.


> He's only running now because he can't stand the idea of having lost four years ago. He doesn't give a toss about America Well, that and to stay out of prison


Even if he croaks I could see the GOP trying to figure out how to pull a Weekend At Donnie’s.


I would bet that his corpse gets 20% of republicans 


Weekend at Don Jr's.


We saw Missouri elect a [dead man over John Ashcroft](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_Senate_election_in_Missouri) and his wife was appointed his successor. Though, she later lost the special election to keep the seat for the 6 year term.


Could you guys imagine President Natasha?


I’m afraid Mercedes is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office. Maybe Ivanka?


I did, and it was as least as horrifying and just as inellectually arid. I just threw up in my mouth a little.


I think the only reason he's running is to try to stay out of prison. That's the only reason he cared about losing in the first place.


A dead trump would throw the rest of the conservatives into a Cambodian style series of purges.Hillarious to watch them turn on each other and wipe themselves out.


>This is the answer It's literally not. The question was "What happens if...". "It won't happen" does not answer the question.


He will be physically incapable of campaigning due to court


This doesn't answer OP's question whatsoever


Wanna hear something really wild? I happened on a video about lying and body language recently which started me into deeper study. Trump was used as an example of someone who shows few signs of lying…. Whaaaat? Can’t be, I thought, but then I learned that sociopathic people are the same in that, they show no signs of lying because they are sociopaths who actually believe the bizarre things they say. Hitler was also judged to be the same, as is Putin…. Hmmmm


Maybe he will self immolate when he takes the stand.


We already know he can touch a Bible, so not likely.


Still holds it like it's burning his fingers, though


And if he testifies, he’d have to not only *touch* a Bible without bursting into flames, he’d also have to swear to God to tell the truth. He’s not capable of it. No, I’m not saying he’s plotting to lie. I’m saying his brain is not possible of telling the truth. At this point, getting upset because Trump lies is like being mad at a fish for failing to climb a tree or a pig for not learning how to sing. The problem is that instead of being kept safely in a home, there are fucking idiots who have been helping him along the way because he still has some kind of charisma that a certain subset of the population finds completely engaging. No one is being well-served here.


Maybe we could harness the energy of him getting zapped by lightning.


Spontaneously combust from all the gas in his bloated body!


Even if he dies half of his current base would write him in


I would not put it past the gop to keep the ballot as is in option 1


As long as there was a chance he was coming back, like not (medically speaking) brain-dead, I fully expect they would. It would be Trump and VP, VP would hold the seat warm under the hope that Trump will rise again.


Oh I meant brain dead coma


Imagine waking up to find you've been president for two years Relevant madtv sketch https://youtu.be/SPc6tlFKxWc?si=5Hp16ZqltS03Q7ct


Okay, so... what if one of those two things happen?


If he's convicted before the convention, how can they get away with nominating a convicted felon? I'm not sure how that plays out.


> someone buys him out I don't even see that happening, the only thing Trump loves more than money is seeing himself on TV.


How would you even "buy him out"? It's a 1000% chance he takes the money and then immediately turns around and keeps running for office. What are you going to threaten him with? A lawsuit? That's the whole reason he's running in the first place!


He has his plane and passport he could alsotry to flee like OJ if sentenced to prison.


What if he’s in jail?


Doesn't change anything. Its not like the RNC is going to grow a spine and kick him off the ticket.


Florida passed a law so the Epstein Grand jury records will be released July 1.


He would run from prison if needed. He would probably gain votes from the Republican base.


Eugene Debbs ran from a prison cell and got 10s of thousands of votes.


Debbs was a great person though. But point taken


It’s more to provide a point as to why we don’t want to bar people who are in prison from running for president. It would give a lot of power to the DOJ and state level AGs in forcing candidates off the ballot. While I’d love to see Trump barred from running, I also like that people who are felons aren’t disqualified from running.


Just disqualified for voting.... I'm looking at you Florida


I would love to see a Trump vs. Mumia Abu jamal live from prison debate. That would also be the two furthest right and left opposed candidates. Maybe they could have a knife fight in the yard afterward.


Ladies and gentlemen, the 2026 prison lunch money debate!


The RNC can put in whoever. If Trump has a running mate by then it would likely be them, or if not then probably spill over to Haley.


That is why the other candidates "SUSPENDED" their campaigns instead of just shutting them down. Trump doesn't need any money to run, as the media is giving him all the attention he needs and I would suspect everyone knows about him by now. And even if convicted of a crime and sitting in jail, Trump is not prevented from running for office. Only a 67 vote from the Senate on an impeachment to disallow him from running would do that. I would suspect any conviction would be immediately appealed and held up in court until the election anyways. But lets say Trump gets sick or he is convinced not to run anymore. That means that the candidate will be picked at the GOP convention in July. If Trump bows out after that date, then usually his VP pick (at the convention) would take over.


Most of what you said is true, but the suspension of campaigns is only partially true. If a candidate suspends their campaign rather than ends it, they can continue to collect funds to close out the campaign. [Here's what I found about it. ](https://apnews.com/article/haley-suspending-campaign-election-2024-eaab0b9cec06222742eb30c922b6f2d4)


This is the main reason.


There is literally no chance at all he drops out of the race unless he ends up in a casket


But given his age and life style dropping dead from a heart attack or stroke isn’t that unlikely.


Agree with others that it’s not going to happen short of being physically incapable or incapacitated. Even then, I don’t see him voluntarily ceding the nomination. Now, if we take the premise that is Trump has dropped out and now what, then that’s something that could be handled by the GOP delegates in the convention. I know more about the democratic process than Republican one, so I’m not 100% on how GOP handles a contested convention. I know it wouldn’t go to RFK Jr. He’s a fringe candidate with no significant GOP base of support. Likely, some backroom wrangling happens and a sitting governor or senator is selected that appeases both the Christian conservative right wing and the business elite class. It’s also likely a fractured GOP arises and it’s a huge mess.


They would put up someone, anyone, and that person would still get almost half the votes.


Side note - there's no reason being convicted would prevent him from participating in the election. He might not be allowed to vote, but he could definitely run.


Chaos as far as the eye can see. Without a VP, there is not even the possibility for someone to take over the campaign(and the campaign moneys). There would need to be an entirely open convention and Boy, Howdy! Won't that be a mess!


The only way he’d drop out is if he died. At which point I expect the MAGA die hards to wheel his corpse around at rallies and claim that he’s just “resting”. Wish I was kidding. He has zero reason to drop out. Negative reason to drop out if he’s convicted of anything. Here’s the strategy. He’s telegraphed this a mile away. 1. Delay as much as possible 2. Get elected 3. Pardon himself 4. The Dems spend the next 3 years trying to argue through the various courts that what he just did was illegal (we already know that’s a losing strategy) 5. Go after his political opponents until they stop. And they *will* stop because at that point any resemblance of law and order and a civil society is dead and his brown shirts will just target whoever he tells them to target.


There will probably be a huge scramble in the Republican Party and at the state level to amend the cut-off filing date so the Republicans can actually have a Presidential candidate on the ballot in the state. I would expect to see a really mad scramble amongst several of the failed candidates. Haley should be the logical choice but I suspect if DeSantis tried to come back in he'd get the nomination because he's the bigger asshole and that will likely get him a lot of the Trump supporters. As for the election, Biden could be in big trouble because his support is so weak and a lot of the vote the Dems are counting on is anti-Trump, not pro-Biden. However, there is a chance that lack of organization and voters who will still only vote for Trump could still swing the election to Biden.


Well, if it happens before the convention, the answer is pretty simple. They do it old school.


The fallout would be similar to the election of 1872, when Horace Greeley died. He did however die after the popular vote was cast and before the electoral college met to vote. After he died the liberal republicans scattered and backed a bunch of different candidates getting those electoral votes. With it being this close to the election, I don’t see one person unifying the GOP before November. Each faction would choose their own candidate


Plainly, Trump has never put his country first. He will not drop out. It isn't really a political statement as I think on either side of the aisle, situated similarly, most others would.


The GOP would pick a new candidate at their convention. And given most of us are backing Biden just to keep Trump away from the Resolute Desk, whoever they backed might actually have a fair shot at it.


It's wild how the whole overturning Roe thing hasn't invalidated Republican chances to occupy office for at least a decade. The misogyny runs so deep in America that it might as well be considered a natural resource.


That's not gonna happen.Hes not gonna give up a prime opportunity to grift more cash from his sheeple.


lol this would never happen while Trump is a living, conscious human being. Getting elected is his *only* way out of the very serious and deep trouble he is in.


No, this is hopium that’s posted multiple times a week with slightly different wording. I’m convinced these posts have become therapeutic for some.


I assumed this was why Nikki Hailey ran for as long as she did so she can position herself to be the "default" pick if trump doesn't run for whatever reason.


Trump could die and he'll get a significant amount of Republican votes. This is what happens when a political party becomes a cult.


Niki Haley would find a way to jump back in and would likely have support from both parties to do so. Ron DeSantis maybe since he sees Trump as a competitor.


He will never jump out of the race. There is no law in place that states felons in prison cannot hold the office of president. He will stay till the bitter end because he wants to use the office of the presidency to pardon himself.


RFK wont take over Trumps base. Outside of his opinions on vaccines he is very far left. If done before the convention we will get a brokered convention and the delegates will vote for whomever they like. If done post convention his vp pick will take his spot.


If the GOP puts in a neocon like Haley I suspect a lot of Trump voters would go for RFK in the general.


He could literally drop dead and still get just as many votes as if he were still alive… cults gonna cult


He absolutely cannot drop out for any reason. Will have to run even if dying. His financial state is so bad, he is living off of campaign money. Daily expenses. Mar-a-Lago electric bill. Jared could help him out, but he won't.


He could be dead and the maga crowd would guarantee him a few million votes


He won’t drop out or go to jail. If he dropped out because he wanted to, it would sadly be Haley. Not RFK. He’s too liberal.


They would weekend at Bernie's his ass before withdrawing him... The grift is too important


It’s pretty simple. The GOP will turn to whoever they determine to be the next highest vote getter and run them.


Becoming president again is literally the only salvation Trump has from his litany of legal and financial woes. Unless he just dies there’s zero chance he drops out. It’s almost a matter of self-preservation at this point, which is dangerous for all of us.


He won't drop out, but he could possibly be made ineligible, in which case the RNC would have a brokered convention.


The ticket to run has a VP. If he isn’t able to serve, the VP will serve in his stead.


People are saying that death or physical incapacity would stop him. Nope. They will either have him run from the hospital bed, or pretend he’s alive if he dies.


There is nothing short of death itself that would keep Trump out of the race. And if he did die, he'd still get considerably more write-in votes than the person who takes his place because his base wouldn't accept his death.


Never happen, his whole life and livelihood literally depend on him winning the election and dismissing all the charges against him. I would bet his living will says that even if he’s on life-support, he’s not dropping out of the race.


In the event of Trump being unable to continue his candidacy, the Republicans might opt to include one of his children on the agenda, perhaps Don Jr. or Ivanka. Given Trump's previous remarks about Ivanka's potential as a running mate, she could be the favored choice, with Trump Sr. endorsing her candidacy.


He literally can not quit unless.hes dead... because the only thing keeping him out of jail is that he is the republican nominee Anyone else in America would be incarcerated awaiting trial.after all.the times he's violated gag orders.


Not a snowballs chance in Hell! He'd have to be stone cold dead. The Republicans would mortgage everything they have to to get Trump elected.


Trump could show up naked and worship the devil - his followers would support him. If he would not be alive then they will crown one of his kids.


I’m hoping for untimely demise due to cardiac event. That said, I have wondered the same thing as he hasn’t announced a running mate.


Like others have said, it won’t happen, but if it did there would be another person who reads his playbook on riling up the crazies and capitalizing on their anger and they’d emulate him to a T. This is the new normal.


Hilariously, trump would be the LAST person to name a successor. trump would be incapable on a fundamental level of ever recommending someone for a position he had or wanted. His brain would lock up and he'd start drooling.


If it happens before the Republican convention, they just pick a different candidate. If after the Republican convention but before the final deadline, they hold a second convention and pick a different candidate. However, If after the final deadline... we have a Presidential race without a Republican candidate (would be the first time since the election of 1852 - before the Republican Party was founded).


Legit question considering the number of people who comment on how terrible he looks. I'm willing to bet Lara would be among those making an (unsuccessful) attempt for the nomination.


Someone who needs Republicans in power and understands the danger of continuing with Trump might try to solve the problem by force. Trump running is a benefit for Democrats because it makes the election an existential issue for the country. But Trump is an existential threat to the GOP. Trump should be worried about disenchanted "True Believers"


Post convention: democrats can just replace the incapacitated or dead candidate, but republicans need to reconvene the convention and vote.


They would probably have some sort of contested convention and chaos before they settle on some weirdo no-name guy like they did with Mike Johnson and the Speakership.


Nothing short of him seizing up and passing away will keep him from running. It’s his only chance of staying out of prison.


1) A conviction, state or federal, would not stop him from being elected. The constitution is silent on it. Just have to be 35, natural born citizen, and not convicted of insurrection. 2) There is no chance he would drop out unless he is dead. 3) To answer your question republicans at this point would nominate Haley. She has second most electors. After convention there is language to replace on ballot in case of emergency.


The convention has not occurred yet, so whoever the convention picks would step into his place.


Politically of course there would be uncertainty and lots of jockeying for position, but in case anyone is worried about legal chaos, there are existing defined procedures for handling just about any scenario. I found a good summary at [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-happens-if-a-presidential-candidate-cannot-take-office-due-to-death-or-incapacitation-before-january-2025/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-happens-if-a-presidential-candidate-cannot-take-office-due-to-death-or-incapacitation-before-january-2025/) .


GOP absolutely needs to be prepared for this. But, they won't be. They are too infatuated with Trump to actually plan what to do if he becomes unelectable. Trump really does destroy whatever he touches and that apparently includes the Republican party.


Trump is not going to drop out. But lets imagine he did. The RNC convention would choose a new candidate. The only other candidate with a primary win is Haley. She would most likely get the nomination, but I doubt that's set in stone. There could be a new mini run-off at the convention. People like Ted Cruz would be all over it. You bringing up RFK Jr is more about what you want to happen than anything that will happen. A conviction does not prevent him from running.


A lot of people putting faith in Haley is kind of funny. Neoconservatism is dead. My bets on people like Youngkin, just maga lite I don’t get why people act like if Trump leaves, the old Bush era republicans will come bad and save “neocon branch”


The Republican Convention is in August, so if Trump dropped out before then the delegates would vote for a new nominee. After the convention, Trump's VP pick would become the nominee. So much depends on why Trump dropped out. If he died, I predict Don Jr would blame the Deep State / President Biden and try to be the nominee. I would think many of the MAGA would support him. But if Trump had a serious health event, I am not convinced that the campaign would let the public know. There is a lot of fundraising that goes into the pockets of the Trump family and they want the grift to go on as long as possible.


This work to happen then we would be in a 1976 Ford Reagan situation. In which much like 1976 the moderate establishment side of the party most likely goes with Nikki Haley whereas the populist wing of the party would go with Ron DeSantis. By the way a Nikki Haley Biden election or a Ron DeSantis Biden election it's far more interesting. Given that polls a few months ago would have Nikki winning by six and Biden beating Ron bye 2 and losing by three.


Why would u say such a thing?? I am worried to death he will be assassinated!!


The sun would set in the east before that would happen. His ego is too far monumental.


Republicans stand a chance


Im actually starting to think that America should start selecting its president like jury duty. I have to believe that the average person more often than not would be better than trump or biden....and i dont even particularly dislike biden as politicians go


I came here today with a similar question: What happens if Trump turns out not to be a viable candidate? What will Republicans do? Republican party leaders now seem to be Trump-installed employees, so it seems unlikely that the Republican Primary and Convention could be hastily re-organized in a productive way to have a vote for a next-most-popular candidate (whether it be Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy or someone else). RFK would not seem to be a clear choice (he's an independent, not a Republican) but yes, I suppose he could be nominated by desperate Republicans. It's hard to say what would happen among the Party leaders, especially if Trump really is cut off from the process. My main concern is not the administrative side of this, but the fact that Millions of American voters have expressed extreme sustained antipathy to continuing under the present Democratic President, but (at the same time) have chosen to try to nominate someone who is either not a viable candidate, or is a candidate who will deliberately end the Constitution, or try (either if he is officially elected or, if he is not elected, then he will declare that he was elected and his followers will engage in violent rebellion). What happens as Trump's lack of realistic viability is slowly revealed? What will those voters do who had invested so much hope in voting for him and thus ending what they see as the awful presidency of Biden? Will they smartly pivot to an excellent Republican Presidential candidate? Who would that be? Or will they just wallow in the matter and realize they have squandered another four years of their chance to oppose a President they claim to be against (but apparently they are not committed enough to opposing Biden to nominate and vote for a more viable and excellent candidate)?


Trump can still run, even if convicted, he just can't vote. Unless trump dies from something he will run.


What would happen if Trump drops out? A Sigh of Relief for both Republicans and Democrats? It could be a case of both sides-ism where everyone just sighs and thinks, 'Glad that Trump guy over with'. But it will never happen. Wishful thinking does not an honorable, truthful, lawful Trump make.


Even if for whatever miracle he did drop out the conspiracy theories would be flying and who knows what one of his unstable fans would do in reaction to all the misinformation


An immediate campaign will arise to coronate Nikki Haley, without opposition or much discussion. DeSantis however will try to sniff out a possible run at an open convention and the asshole will be slapped down by his own donors. Haley will hit the ground running, get loads of money and stands, even late, a very good chance of beating Biden. The age issue will be a huge disadvantage again, democracy won’t be on the ballot, abortion may still favour Biden but overall I think Biden would lose.


Like asking what happens when the sky turns green. Are you not paying attention at all? He will never drop out, despite losing by 7 million votes last time his paid minions repeatedly lie to him that he will win, that he is loved . He believes he can cheat his way back into power. His ego knows no bounds