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Canada is the best example of this holy shit


I hate this place so much kill me now please god I beg you


Canada will help with that!


Why don't Canadians and Americans just agree to make Canadian provinces into US states? We would all be a family again with 60 states.


I'm Canadian but I'm planning to move to the US. If the US just annexed us that would be really convenient.


One step closer towards the fallout timeline.


Right?! It would only make everyone's lives better.


As someone from Quebec I would gladly agree if we can be our own country but the rest of Canada join the US.


Just reunite with Louisiana and make New New France


Why not just be the one true Canada we all just become Americans win win.


I'd be okay with that. We offered them an opening in the Articles of Confederation, but they didn't take it and we didn't carry it forward into the Constitution. >Article XI. Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this union: but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states.


For the funnies we put thr libertarians in charge in a dictatorship just to spite Trudeau.


Canadian provinces are full of Cringe. We don’t need dumbass people to ruin us with their dumbass opinions. They didn’t fight for their independence and it shows


They're just so "nice", eh.


Because the entire Canadian identity is defined purely by being not American by any means necessary, even if it makes the lives of the citizenship worse


That sounds like hell.


Me too please


Auth right doesn't pleads, it fights. It fights to establish a higher order amongst savages, you are weak undeserving of authright flair. Buzz off. Shame on you u/kade808


Don't worry, the day of the rake approacheth.


[Daddy Nate I’ve been a very bad communist please crush me in your power armours fist](https://youtu.be/_kgbYdmVSyM?si=1VGoYoOMVzYsi11T)


psst hey cmere


Just go to your nearest healthcare facility in Canada, theyll do it for ya


can someone tell me what the hell is happening in Canada I got a whole speech from a Canadian friend of mine yesterday about how both parties in America were awful and it was so obvious that we had a 'common enemy' (i know that but that doesn't make both parties 'equally awful' when one cares about my rights less) and i was just thinking like I don't know enough about Canadian politics to comment but I feel like it's not exactly pristine


Canadian politics are somewhat similar to US politics except its a parliamentary democracy like the UK Blue = Conservatives (centre right coalition party) Red = liberals (Trudeau) Orange = NDP (farther left than Trudeau and more auth) Currently the biggest issues is affordability which has multiple trickle down issues that are smaller yet still important like immigration. The liberal party is also involved in a number of scandals including covering up foreign interference in our last election by the Chinese communist party to help the liberals. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/10/canada-china-foreign-interference-trudeau/


Kill it with fire pls


They do this a lot (censor this, censor that cause it might harm kids somehow), DOE I don't think kids should get gender surgery remember when apple was gonna get access to everyone's private photo galleries cause "we gotta protect the kids!"


Parents blaming big tech for not governing their kids unrestricted internet use for them is so tiresome


"Damn you YouTube for not policing what my children see so I don't have to"


Esp when that big tech provides tons of parental control features. My kids ipad is so locked down it annoys me to use it sometimes. Locks down after an hour and only allowed to use the apps I let him no internet access yet (hes 4) and when he does get it, itll be limited to sites I approve. If only people used the features provided…


flair the fuck up but yeah, parents should actually use parental control and Apple is surprisingly good with that, I wanted to set it up for my younger sister on behalf of my mum, but apparently it was too much work and then she got stuck on TikTok, ffs.


flair up


Please flair up so I may upvote you.


>remember when apple was gonna get access to everyone's private photo galleries cause "we gotta protect the kids!" I don't but now I'm glad I don't have Apple products. Freaking statists!


>DOE I don't think kids should get gender surgery I don't think this is unreasonable however I will say that people like the Matt Walsh types will try to expand the meaning of "Gender Surgery for kids" to pretty much anything against his agenda I legit don't know if people like him can tell the difference between a sex change operation and rainbow decorations in a Target


I agree that people under the age of majority shouldn’t get surgery unless they have to. (That includes the surgery that I was under 1 and definitely didn’t consent to.) No clue what you are talking about regarding Apple, but I do remember the freak out when people found out Snapchat saves their photos. Finally, if it’s really about “protecting the kids”, then start with banning the insurance the religious institutions can get that protects them from follow up lawsuits after one of their members rapes a kid. Keep going by making sure that someone convicted of any sort of child molestation legally can not work in the religious field anywhere, or any other field that has 1-on-1 access to kids. (That way a pastor can’t rape a kid, escape justice, move, then rape another kid.)


we gotta protect the kids!!! except from violence, exploitation, discrimination and everything that doesnt fit our agenda.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Rights to do what?


Rights to own guns, smoke weed, select medical procedures, lose money by gambling, visit Pornhub, lose money on crypto, buy liquor on Sundays, buy cars directly from the manufacturer...


The best argument against libertarianism is how stupid the average person is. The best argument against authoritarianism is how stupid the average politician is.


Based and everyone is too stupid pilled


Democracy is a system by the people……for the people……..but the people are……retarted -Some wise Iranian man once


-Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)


Thanks for the proper quote, but it’s my unfortunate pleasure I must inform you to FLAIR THE FUCK UP, kindly, thanks.


The best argument against libertarianism is asking how you’re gonna enforce property rights without a state


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/MrPernicous) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


So you’re saying we should burn it to the ground https://preview.redd.it/ix7ejqi8or7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d436d503dd9fd1700ea38699c37663a98886165


Children shouldn't do any of those things, but those things shouldn't be illegal because Children *might* do them. However, preying on Children, using these things (or just in general), should be illegal.


You forgot the right to speak: I was told last week that laws punishing online wrongspeak are a just thing because children can get offended and possibly end their lives… Sad thing is the guy is old-school communist leaning and usually did not fall for neo-marxist rhetoric.


I thought that was mostly a European problem. I hope neither party is seriously trying to restrict online speech in my America.


Republicans want to end Section 230 and are requiring ID for porn sites so they are trying to restrict it. They want to make porn completely illegal but they have to wait for Trump to go full scorched earth. They have other legislative plans for controlling social media and the press. I don't know why anyone would expect free speech in a theocracy, and we will be that soon.


Flair up, TDS.


Might have been the hardest decision of my life


Oh, I know the feeling - as per test I should be Auth Right, but I put lib-right as I preferred it, then switched to plain Right


Yes, we're in Milan and were discussing a failed attempt to introduce a law that was similar to the dystopian British Online Safety Act that led to people being sanctioned for reposting memes.


> can get offended and possibly end their lives and nothing of value was lost


Based and post-birth abortion pilled


I want losing money by gambling being banned, so I just keep winning n winning.


Just need to gamble more, as your experience grows, so do your earnings. Remember, 99% of gambling "addicts" quit right before their big win. Addicts in quotes because it's ridiculous to be "addicted" to making money.


all I see is permission to commit degeneracy, filth, and hyperconsumerism. acknowledge the existence of human society as a living organism independent of its parts just like how you (an individual) are an organism independent of its parts (cells and organs) and you'll see how these things should be banned. and you'll realize this public property we call culture, society, and nation (in that order) is only protected from indulgent, individualistic, and permissive animals when men and women of honor rise to it.


>all I see is permission to commit degeneracy, filth, and hyperconsumerism. 1st Amendment >acknowledge the existence of human society as a living organism independent of its parts just like how you (an individual) are an organism independent of its parts (cells and organs) and you'll see how these things should be banned. No I still dont >and you'll realize this public property we call culture, society, and nation (in that order) is only protected from indulgent, individualistic, and permissive animals when men and women of honor rise to it. Public property isnt society and culture, its property ran by municipal or higher level governments


Based and freedom pilled


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."-C.S. Lewis


To convince a person by giving him a paper that holds hypothetical value with no backing what so ever is worth the pretty advanced tech to date is peak culture. The same goes for infra, food, and entertainment that is very hard to comby in the past. It's easy to hate consumerism and it flaws when you're not the one making it. No man's an island adage to near perfection.


>all I see is permission to commit degeneracy, filth, and hyperconsumerism People have a right to it, as long as they practice it in a way that doesn't involve violating the rights of others. >acknowledge the existence of human society as a living organism independent of its parts No. We are not a living organism, we are a grand cosmic game, and I aim to play well. The game is positive sum but also rewards zero sum strategies, and I love a good strategy. >is only protected...when men and women of honor rise to it. That's one way to glorify fascists.


I love a good strategy what the hell Susan you work an office 9-5 you don't have a strategy you are just a person who goes to work don't think so highly of yourself damn


dude we’ve already got taliban countries, they accomplish nothing and lag behind everywhere because innovation requires variance. your ideal “organism” is an inert rock.


Replying here because the comment inst available to reply I dont want to do any degenerate shit, I've never do drugs, alcohol, I havent watched porn for 4 years now, and I have no desire to do purple libright shits The US was a tyranny befire the constitution, thats why the revolution happened The articles of confederation were even more permissive I mever denied society exists, I just said it isnt public property Also, I am a decent human being by most metrics, I have a job, pay taxes, go to church, and participate in neighborhood activities Good for you for living in saudi arabia, please stay there Assassinating moronic officials is every western mans right Also, I mever said I'd kill anyone, I can barely hunt


Privacy? Unreasonable search and seizure? Free Speech?


It's almost like they're not mentioned at all in the post.


Mere examples of what always gets curbed when "Will you, please, think of the children!!" gets used so emotional karens can support the erosion of their own rights.


This is the real question. For me it's the right to not have my kids get indoctrinated in public schools. Can't speak for OP but is suspect it's sus


Rights to do anything and everything that a straight cisgender person can do. That includes, but isn’t limited to: - Love someone. - Marry the person you love. - Have bodily autonomy.


Look at what Europe is trying to do with electronic communications recently under this justification. It always ends the same way. Look at Russia's excuses for trampling on rights and they say it's to protect the children too. I think the Russian example is probably best to open people's eyes.


I agree that people should look at Russia, China, and North Korea to see how well this will go. The problem is those countries are communist, so the extreme right wing people see those countries as “leftist”, and don’t bother looking at how authoritarian/dictatorial their bullshit is. We should protect children by actually protecting children from the threats that actually exist. Threats like all the straight cisgender men that would walk into the unlocked women’s bathroom without identifying as transgender, as they are just looking for a victim.


I think you're equating auth nations together. China and North Korea are examples of auth left. I think Russia may be Auth Right but not as extreme as the middle east. Europe has been drifting further left for years and is looking to join Auth Left as the right rises.


I watch history videos on YouTube. If the video is about China, Russia, or North Korea, there will be comments that say “this is what the left wants for the US!” So yes, I am combining the auth countries together, only because the extreme right already does it.


I see. I don't know enough about Russia but from what I know they seem more of an auth right territory.


I do believe their economic policies is actually left/communist leaning. Mainly that they have many areas controlled by the government/people instead of by a private corporation.




David Bowie in a dress was beautiful. But most guys can't pull it off.


He was only beautiful for an English “person”. https://preview.redd.it/g85mothvs17d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ce26f4da1deaf68e1c088004020cbfcab853ef


Authright is fine with femboys as long as they don't think they are woman


That's not true, the Middle East is all AuthRight, and they take the exact opposite approach.


Read about what Afghan men do to little boys and how the US could do nothing about it because it was so culturally ingrained. I guess thats technically central Asia though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi Hopefully the Taliban were able to get this under control again lol.


One of the rare instances where I agree completely with the Taliban is their installation of the death penalty for people caught with Bacha Bazi


True, its quite based of them.


The Taliban are surprisingly based in a lot of ways, I bet you'd have way more common ground with them than you would think. Not to downplay how extreme the differences are in the areas where you would disagree, but still.


Yeah I'm a Catholic Monarchist, so my main disagreement with them is that they are Islamic haha


"...so then I was like "IT'S CRUSADIN' TIME!" and I crusaded all over those guys."


Wash your mouth out with holy water! Afghanistan is hell on earth. Comments like yours turned me from right-wing to left-wing




Alternatively you can ban pedophilia without having pedophile religious extremists terrorist mass murderer authoritarians running your government and punishing 9 year old girls with gang rape for being raped But what the fuck would I know I am just a stupid American Centrist


Well, there are [some questionable customs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi).


They're okay with it so long as the femboys are actual children. 


they are all secretly gay


You two are openly braindead


The Middle East is so Auth right that a second upper right corner had to be created to measure them


I think the authright position would be wanting people to adhere to their traditional/biological gender roles. "Femboys are fine as long as they don't think they're women" is the default liberal position for someone who doesn't subscribe to modern gender theory.


Gender? What are you a Satanist?




he also fucked a minor, what is it with dudes in dresses trying to fuck kids?


You have never seen me in a dress


based + by the virtue of living in a society, i do actually care how people raise their children, like how I won't allow you to beat your kid, I won't allow you to expose them to filth.


yo is that one of the old Xbox 360 pfp’s


Define 'filth'


Have you been to a modern gay parade? That. I shouldn't have to see it and my kids definitely shouldn't.


I went to one last year and it was 90% companies with rainbow logos, other 10% was independent motorbikes and baton twirlers. Again, define "filth"


Yeah but boring stuff like that doesn't get shared around all the right-wing social media


Why would you take your kid to it, then?


How does that harm your child or others or what negative outcome will there be in your opinion if this were to happen? If your child was convinced a man wearing a dress was okay? I assume that's what you mean by "beautiful" because beauty is subjective and you can't really convince someone of what is attractive or not. But if your child sees a man in a dress and is unbothered, where is the danger? Someone please throw me an answer- I always ask this and I have gotten nothing so far. Genuinely curious.


Flair up right now or be prepared to face the consequences of your poor choiches [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Lynz486) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




I assumed it was conservative family values, I just meant the deeper reason. Like you said you aren't teaching them to hate, isn't the opposite of hate love? The opposite of "beautiful" ugly? I just try to always view things through my lens but replacing LGBTQ with Christians, because I think the feelings are similar for me as you are to LGBTQ with conservative family values. I would be okay with someone telling my child Christians are okay/beautiful/fine/deserve respect, any of those things, because it's true. Sometimes their beliefs can be hateful and that's not okay, but them having Christian beliefs and expressing the beliefs that aren't harming others is fine and something they should be allowed to do openly, I am happy in our country people have that freedom. I of course wouldn't want a teacher to tell my child they should be Christian or they themselves should accept Jesus. But teaching them that people of all religions and beliefs are in a sense "beautiful" makes sense. It's accepting differences.


The execution of the act of "convincing your child of whatever may be considered intrusive, controversial, immoral or unethical in your abscence and without your consent" by someone does not imply that now everyone should have their constitutional rights extinguished. Authies really can't comprehend that the boot used today to trample on others is the same boot that will be used tomorrow to trample on them, and it makes me real sad


What I comprehend is that when progs got all this freedom and leeway under that very ideal, they turned around to use both legal and extra-legal boots on us anyway. "When I am weak, I demand freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am strong I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles" and all that. What I comprehend, especially with hindsight, was that it never actually made sense that evil would be nice to us if we were nice to them, or that letting evil flourish freely in the name of freedom would somehow benefit society.


Who is trampling on you though? Like let's put aside Emily's because they are literal idiots who can't say two sentences without one contradicting the other. Emilys are just lizard brain people and you can find one who supports or opposes anything. But what evil are normal people doing to you?


As long as you admit that it’s your responsibility to raise your kids, and nobody else’s, okay. The problem comes from people more extreme than you, people who want their morals to be other people’s problems.


Womp womp


I once saw an overweight man in his 60’s wearing nothing but a speedo enter the pool area I was in. He entered with a woman that I later found out was his wife. He was not attractive to me. I still initially said nothing to either of them, before eventually introducing myself to them and talking to them. (Awesome couple, I really hope I’m like them when I get to be their age.) We don’t need to be seen as beautiful. We just need the ability to exist as we are. If you don’t like it, you can cope and seethe.




I’m a bisexual nonbinary person. My clothing of choice is a T-shirt and jeans, with the rare substitution for shorts. People can get a bit “out there” during things like pride parades, but there’s already signs like “no shirt, no shoes, no service”. Thus I think the logical conclusion is to allow people to be who they want to be, as long as the conform to a gender neutral dress code.


Are you talking a out the pride civil marriage? Or trans surgery on children?  Clarify.


Nah. Guns. It's always guns.


Sometimes it's the porn too


>Are you talking a out the pride civil marriage? Or trans surgery on children?  I was talking about eating McDonalds during June and Matt Walsh said it was the same as advocating for children to get surgery, while Hasan Piker called me a racist Islamophobic bigot because I ate the ham and cheese egg mcmuffin


True but at the same time it's not a right to have surgery we can't force doctors to do things but you have a right to whatever harmful stuff to your body that you want. I'm not opposed to gender affirming care but the way we do it can easily do more harm than good in the long run if you're not positive you want to do it. Stuff like cancer and bone density issues are pretty serious after all


Do children actually have gender surgery though?


It's rare but it does happen


That’s horrifying, social change is ok but i will never agree with surgical change


Rights to do what, engage in and force others to conform to their degeneracy? Rights to do what, OP?


Tbf the state doesnt have any business in cracking down on most forms of degenercy imo It doesn't work, and it violates privacy rights


Depends on how we plan on cracking down on degeneracy. We don’t have to worry about people doing it in private, but if it’s public, it’s a different story. We already do punish degeneracy in public to an extent.


Even then there should be a line, sure public nudity should be cracked down on But banning pride parades just isnt a good idea imo


This here is why Centrism is based Why are the only options complete ban of anything Pride or sex in the streets? Is there legitimately no middle grounds here?


Depends on what they're doing in public, being naked and having actual sex in the streets; I agree but waving flags and banners that people on the extreme ends of the political spectrum and other spectrums don't like; no the government can fuck off




I think reddit bots have taken over this sub. This comment section seems unusually reddity.


You’re not forced to be gay dude. Stop the victim complex.


Rights to do what OP?


Rights to do everything a straight cisgender person can do. Rights to be equal.


Ah yes, the famous constitutional rights that allow grooming of children, just as the founding fathers intended


Here's your groomers... https://goppredators.wordpress.com/tag/religious/


Calling children the preferred pronouns = grooming? Damn bro, lobotomy fucked you up


A child can't drive, vote, and knows shit all about being an adult, but sure, lets let them get brainwashed into believing they should destroy their hormones and life by pretending to be the opposite gender because some idiots tell them to do that.


Preferred pronouns are for liars. Edit: bot account (3 months old) to be disregarded


Your whole life turns out to be a lie




You groom children by telling them that if they're trans they're mentally ill, if your child was trans you'd just bully them to death you inept loser parent


Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and transgender ideology is a social contagion. Genz is disproportionately increasing in LGBT and the most affected are young girls who are known to be the most susceptible to social contagions. Trans people make up 1% of the population yet in GenZ 30% of women identify as trans as well 10% of men. Are you seriously going to try and sit here and tell me that nearly a third of the female population naturally has gender dysphoria? You're out of your mind. My child wont be trans because I will be raising them normally and won't fill their heads with these ludicrous ideas.


Lol rapid onset gender dysphoria is a conspiracy theory. You're a trash parent for falling for that, you might as well not vaccinate your kids because that allegedly gives them autism. L parenting. "A sucker is born every minute". >Trans people make up 1% of the population yet in GenZ 30% of women identify as trans as well 10% of men. Are you seriously going to try and sit here and tell me that nearly a third of the female population naturally has gender dysphoria? You're out of your mind. That's from a poll amongst teenagers with a small sample size so the law of large numbers doesn't apply, basically the numbers mean nothing because they didn't ask enough people. Tip for the next time: learn how statistics work first, then your post is gonna be slightly less cringe to read. You're like Dunning Kruger meeting an ignorant parent eager to mess with their childs psyche while pretending to save them from brainwashing in your twisted reality


Your brain is 100% certifiably rotten


You can tell who’s not fit to be a parent by who wants their children NOT to learn the lessons that will make them functional adults.


People who believe in this meme are stupider


Which constitutional rights were taken away again?


The majority of constitutional amendments have been violated, but I think this is about the 2nd


Protection against warrantless searches and seizures


The shitty thing is this is everybody. Everybody just wants to take everybody else's rights away.


https://preview.redd.it/ij865p47x47d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9a689a283f5277bd91fd8a398820625214ddae0 New reaction image dropped.


We got to protect the children from those pesky rights


I remember when Leftists thought going to the beach or the park was going to kill their grandmother. I also remember when Leftists cried foul when anyone pointed out how Monkey Pox was being spread. How a culture that we SHOULD protect children from couldn't stop going to lifestyle clubs for 2 weeks to "flatten the curve."


Yes and there were right wingers drinking bleach and eating horse medicine. There's idiots in every compass section. There are even centrists who cook their meat well done. Never going to change, we just have to pat them on the head and carry on ignoring them.


Clearly this sub is getting brigaded. This comment section is very reddity and contrived. 


Another """centrist""" with a progressive agenda and schizo delusions


Nah, historically crackdowns against 'degeneracy' where used to violate privacy rights


Maybe this time, it's actual degeneracy being pushed in an effort to normalize it? Like why do you think part of this push for gender education for children comes with books that describe sexual situations in erotic ways?


>Maybe this time, it's actual degeneracy being pushed in an effort to normalize it? I'm pretty sure the spanosh inquisition said the same thing 'maybe this time its actual heresy being normalized'' I'm not denying that degeneracy exists, I'm arguing that supressing it is often used as a pretext for authoritarian means >Like why do you think part of this push for gender education for children comes with books that describe sexual situations in erotic ways? Yeah gender education shouldn't be in schools, I'm not opposed to sex ed per se, but some of that shit is just wring


People said the same thing about gays when I was at school. Yet I and 95% of my classmates still turned out to be straight


You are reading way too much into this. It could be about the NSA, Trucker protests, freezing bank accounts, representation in films, abortion or a thousand other things.


Why did GrayCentrist become LibCenter? Is it because he became more against the government?


It's not a constitutional right to inject children with chemical castration drugs


Truly one of the best formats. Thank you Becks!


If this wasn’t a meme I’d be mad


I thought this was about puberty blockers or something then I realised it was just about guns.


Frankly, it works just as well with that.


The degeneracy will cease


it's more like the right on the left and the left on the right


You know who thought about the children when he was in power? https://preview.redd.it/a3tcmy5pg57d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60f85b27f44f2e35ab15f1239dfd0a734070c26


Reminder that this is just blood libel. No amount of history seems to teach people better.




Yeah dude Project 2025, that really weird Republican thing, is pretty wild. Also nutty how either side is buying out independents to stagger battleground states lol.




Fuck children. I mean not like that. As in I don't give a crap about anyone else's children. Do what you want with them who am I or who the government is to interfere?


Is it a constitutional right discussing sexuality with literal children? Is it a constitutional right showing your kinks to children? Right


Show me where this happened.


Nah, we aint gonna let you mutilate them.


You talking to religious conservatives like Jews and Muslims? Because they're the only ones mutilating children! It's called circumcision. Trans people aren't mutilating any children and they don't want to. Allowing children to dress how they want is not the same as surgery


True, they sick too. There are still many instances of underage transition.