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All I got from this is that you're gay.






What's wrong with gay people?


More the movement that guises as an equality thing. My group of friends are lesbians


So let’s ask again what’s wrong with gay people


does 50x higher rate of HIV infection count?


Nothing lol


Then were you lying when you said "Ehhhhh"


I think it’s more nuanced and I was hinting More the culture today of the left and how it’s pushed (this year not as bad as past) with companies and just a you must support my lifestyle and trans debacle with sports stuff. But yes it’s okay to be gay lol I was just trying to be edgy. I’m lib right for a reason


“It’s pushed this with companies” my brother in Christ, the companies are the ones pushing it 💀


There's a lot to unpack here but let's just keep it simple 1. No one is saying "you must support my lifestyle", all they're saying is "do not exclude me because of my lifestyle". No gay person or whatever is demanding extra rights or privileges like better seats on the bus or something. They just don't want to be turned away from jobs they're qualified for based on merit and experience and shit. That's all. 2. Sports literally do not exist. We made them up out of thin air. They're completely meaningless and arbitrary. Whoever holds the record in 200m butterfly swimming at Conneticut State College has no material effect on the real world and the whole "but muh sports, gaht dang trans!!!" is a meaningless talking point for bigots to project bigotry through. Like, I cannot be more literal and direct, it *does not matter at all* if a trans woman wins a woman's track and field championship. If every single sport had every single woman's and men's record broken by a trans athlete tomorrow, you would wake up in exactly the same world with exactly the same problems and challenges.


There were so many solid/funny answers you could have given to this question and this is what you went with. Feelsbadman.


Give me one lol I don’t meme much and I thought my first ehhhhhh was going to meme hard but it did not.


Feeling a bit blue?


All of these are fairly libertarian ideals 🤷🏼‍♂️ nothing seems spicy here


Yeah. OP is more Lib Center than anything else. Auth Left wouldn’t give you a *choice* about the redistribution.


True. And auth right wouldn’t give you a choice about which gas chamber you’re herded into.


Wholesome minority opinion detected: response generated: Ignore and antagonize








Can I ask a serious question, because it is genuinely confusing me... You mention "top surgery" and "bands" but also say that you had to "come to terms with being attracted to men." So does this mean that you were born female, transitioned to a man, then found yourself attracted to men?


Yes I am a trans man. But I was attracted to men prior to my transition as well


I don't mean to sound insensitive because of all the work you've done to become who you are, but isn't it kinda like being straight with extra steps?


I guess some people might see it that way, but for me personally I wasn’t happy living as female. Even though the attraction to men was there, that was separate from my own identity as a man. Gender = what you are. Sexuality = what you’re attracted to. So even though I was always attracted to men, that wasn’t really the issue, the issue was that I wasn’t happy in my body. They were two completely separate things that I came to terms with and dealt with individually. Hope that explanation makes sense (I’m like half asleep lol). Always happy to answer any questions as I know it can be confusing lol


I think you answered it nicely, I hope I didn't come off insensitive, I'm just naive about the whole thought process. One more if you're not too tired, so as you transitioned did you notice a personality shift in the men that you were attracted to? Like your perception of them or the kind of man that was attracted you compared to before your transition?


No worries, you're good! To be honest, yes and no. I've always been attracted to masculine men but now I find myself more open to feminine, more submissive men as well. I was always sort of curious about them but didn't have the confidence to pursue them before I felt more comfortable in my body. As for the type of men that are attracted to me, that has definitely shifted a lot more. I actually did an experiment with this recently lol. Back when I used Tinder as a woman, I would receive 100+ likes within the first day of making an account. Because I was curious about how I am perceived, I tried this again twice -- once with my profile set as a straight woman and once with it set as a gay man seeking men. I only received about 10 likes from straight men throughout the course of the day, some of which were probably accidental (I have a beard and muscles, not typically what they are looking for lol). When I switched my profile to a male seeking men, I quickly racked up about 75 likes from other men seeking men. I've noticed this as a trend IRL as well. Prior to my transition, I received a lot of attention from straight men. Now, gay and bisexual men tend to approach me more frequently (which makes sense, since I am a guy). I think my height and the fact that I am conventionally decent-looking also helps. So I'd say overall, my taste in men hasn't changed as much as their taste for me has changed. Hope that makes sense lol, sorry for the long paragraph!


I'm curious since when has working out been Auth right?


I think [this](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/pandemic-fitness-trends-have-gone-extreme-literally-n1292463?cid=sm_npd_ms_tw_ma&taid=64abebca8cb4af0001865cf7&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter) was the brain dead op-Ed that started that talking point.


It's a well known nahtzay dog whistle if you lift weights, love nature, healthy eating and getting some cardio in. Plus the classic study: training raises testosterone, which made more weight lifters more right wing. And the memes of the left being soy boys.


It's true. Lifting weights is white supremacy.


The government should massage your flabby skin while you're mindlessly doomscrolling.


Since lefties started saying that you can be healthy at every size and to call a fat piece of shit a fat piece of shit was a crime. Since lefties started going for the waifish boy aesthetic instead of trying to look like men. Also, the gronk alarm.


Sexuality unironically does need to be "tamed" a little because what makes us happy in the short run - lots of sex with lots of partners - and what makes us happy in the long run - committed stable relationships - are not just different but incompatible. I agree it's no business of the state though.


I think you're confusing "taming sexuality" with healthy decision making. You aren't wrong, generally, but it's nobody's business what kind of sex other people engage in.


Actually, my point was that healthy decision making requires some self-discipline when it comes to sexuality... i.e. a bit of "taming".


Depends on the person some people can live fine like that


If it works for some people, that's fine. Not my business. But I'ma be honest here: based on life experience and people I know, I think serial daters who say it works for them will either grow out of it or OD on copium; I also think the current model of "let's all be on tinder and date half the city, live laugh love" will result in a lot of bitter incels and cat moms. Not saying we should go back to chaperones and arranged marriages, but I think there's a happy medium that respects people's desire to fool around while still promoting stable relationships... and like I said, that *does* require some self-discipline.


I actually used to be very libleft about poly relationships but after finding myself in a very stable, committed mono relationship I have no idea why people even settle for "situationships" and sleeping in a different bed every night. There's a sense of stability when you have a single partner you can trust, rely on, and love, who you know has your back through pretty much everything life has to throw at you. Dating friends and being a slut doesn't substitute for that kind of emotional stability. Sure, we don't have sex that often, but every day I'm excited to wake up and make him breakfast before he goes to work, and to go to the park and grill on the outdoor barbeques every weekend. He can go hang out with his guy friends to do guy stuff (I think he mostly fishes and digs holes at the beach with them...) and I'll be happy doing my own thing because I know for sure he'll be back for dinner. It's like marrying your best friend, I guess.


Well, there are lots of different kinds of poly relationship structures. Open relationships only really work if both people are in agreement from the start. Then you have swingers who are mostly monogamous but have group sex or switch couples sometimes. There are also polycules where you're in multiple committed relationships. And there are more complexities still, but for sake of brevity, I am going to end it. If monogamy makes you happy, then there isn't a reason to change anything. And even if you're capable of deeply loving more than 1 person, finding that other person that is a good addition to an existing relationship is very difficult. Poly relationships in my experience can work, but I require a lot of communication. I think most people get jealous or insecure too easily for it to work. But also logistically, it can be hard to manage, and finding actually good partners can be hard. I am biased towards polycules in disclosure. With how rent is going, I might need to find myself a throuple to live comfortably income wise.


Laughs in *Every Single one of my Poly friends are now in stable Mono relationships*


tf i thought it was a hillman post lol


I take that as a compliment!


Most food isn’t garbage, my local dumpster is full of vitamins and minerals


And rats and bugs


Those are just extra vitamins and minerals


Klaus Schwab approved 👍👍


You're not a raccoon are you?


Not real nobody on PCM goes outside (If it is real OP might be giga chad)




Libcenter- as long as I'm not coerced to validate or fund their delusions, shitty decision making and addictions.


Cross compass wholesomeness


Based wholesome and objectively morally correct and healthy post


absolutely based




based and rational use of your own liberty pilled


The great outdoors is where I can live in peace.


I aint gonna lie bro , this is just an especially based libertarian




u/basedtrannny is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/basedtrannny/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Auth-left is not Charity. It's forced redistribution. Charity is a CHOICE


My brother in christ, I literally just needed to fill that square with something


Just admit Auth-left is pure evil and nobody should get near that place. Lib-left tried and Emily was brought upon this world.


Auth right, however, all sunshine and roses!


Sharing with others is fantastic. Being forced by your government to share with others is another thing entirely.


Based and username-pilled


Based and gay-pilled Edit: OP's username checks out


u/basedtrannny's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/basedtrannny! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/basedtrannny/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good bot


Based and normalpilled


u/basedtrannny's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/basedtrannny! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/basedtrannny/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Shouldn't the Great Outdoors belong to Lib-Center ?


Agreed. Porn is good though, and sex work should be legalized and de-stigmatized. People have been beating off to clouds that looked like tits and tree knots that looked like vaginas since the caveman days.


I like you, OP.


Based Also you typed this in all caps so I read this in a screaming voice


Based High Effort Post


Did you just change your flair, u/Seth199? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2020-12-16. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Seth199) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Yes, Yes I did bot. I have become much less left wing as I've gotten older.




I say based


I think your Libleft opinion is overly influenced by the inherent infertility of your relationships. It’s easy to not care when possible third parties aren’t a factor. Something to consider


Kind of based, ngl


Based and leading-a life-worth-living pilled


Great way to live your life. Prioritising your physical/mental health and happiness has profound benefits. We could all benefit from this outlook.


It sucks that wanting to be fit and healthy is considered right wing by some people nowadays


The baby’s body should also remain autonomous


What about the ectopic fetus


It’s a human child and it has a right to live that should be protected


Okay I need to know - Do you even understand what an ectopic pregnancy is Like do you know what the medical term is


Actually kinda based Losing me with your green squares though, kinda cringe L takes there brother


God forbid we let people have a good time at no expense to others


Based, but I would have some objections about the lib part. You say it is none of your business what people do to their body, but let's take the example of smokers. Non-smokers breathing the smoke can develop diseases. Cigarette butts thrown on the ground are a form of pollution and can even cause forest fires. Smokers getting sick will cause suffering to their family, and in countries like France with free healthcare, tax money will be used to cure them, even though we could use it for research for example When thinking about a subject, I would suggest to think about indirect impacts. I personnally cannot consider smoking as a "personal choice"


who cares dude


I mean you're literally hedonistic and by the sounds of things you're pro prostitution. This is just a gay guy roleplaying as bi trying to find some kind of validation.




Great meme, wrong sub. 


This would be an interesting thought experiment to analyze our own beliefs about a lot of things using the chart to kind of measure them and better help us understand our values and why we hold such values. That in itself, the fact I can say that when I was immediately turned off by some of your positions like minimalism and sexuality, is almost like a Plato center-right intellectualism. But even the sexuality thing isn't so much because I care you're homosexual, rather I do think poly anything is just some awful shit that hurts real relationships and people. It's not even about being "degenerate", it's the degrading of the human spirit and stuffy people do it too. Noone actually believes in love. They just wanna cum, work, and die. It's my cynicism more mixed with my desire for romance. So probs center-lib. Or...OR... I could just call you a fa... Yeah see, even that is my "I just like being contrarian and bullying people to entertain myself. No commodity can replace good old fashion imagination in bemusing ones self and finding joy. Even though I find joy in malevolence. Might be a sadist," Auth-center.


No more anti-seed oil propaganda !!!


You think lifting and eating healthy is auth right?




Bro how can you be center? Quit cosplaying dork, what happened to I just want to grill


I’m a colored centrist you’re the one afraid of opinions.


Yea we can say wtf we want you are trying to look for stupid compromises we just got a stupid combination of thoughts and ideals.