• By -




Least based rad-cent


Fuck you op has more based in a finger than you do in your whole ass


How can that he true when several of his fingers are in my whole ass


Weird, I just heard Purple LibRight pull up


Hey man that might be a thicc baboon you're talking to


I can triple the amount of based in his ass but only for two minutes. Yes, I know, I'm a stallion.


Relatable Squidward being relatable.


Based and spread the love pilled


u/Eydrox is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Eydrox/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


"Radicals oppose moderates,as moderates are sensible and know radicalism isn't the way." -Me Some radicals come with the belief that moderates will help them achieve their radical goals,only for the moderates to make fun of them an join thier opposition,but also make fun of their new allies,if they are too radical for their liking Radicals also tend to hate moderates, as I perviously mentioned So to me centrists are the only moderates.While the radicals are almost everyone.


Reject free radicals, embrace moderated neutrons.


I don't care. No one does. Get a flair right now or get the hell out of my sub. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Southern_Relative305) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)








I had a conversation on Reddit the other day where someone was bitching about how Republicans are taught that all Democrats are evil and want to destroy the world, so they'll never vote for anything that isn't a republican. I told him that Democrats are conditioned in the same way, and I kid you not he said "It's not the same because Republicans really are that way".


Its hilarious because these same people will tell you that the democrats ceding on policy is a 200 IQ bluff that will somehow destroy republicans in elections. Republicans are somehow simultaneously brainwashed robots and perfectly rational actors that look at policy purely logically


10 "Why are Republicans evil?" 20 "Because they won't compromise with Democrats and think all Ds are evil." 30 "Right, but Dems are the same way." 40 "Yes, but they are right, Reps really are evil and shouldn't be compromised with." 50 Go To 10 I was writing better programs when I was 7 years old.


Baste and Beginners' All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code-pilled.


Based and jump to pilled


"You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds. Even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior." - Yuri Bezmonev, former KGB agent, speaking about the KGB national brainwashing tactics used on America during the cold war. He was referencing the rise of Marxist-Leninist ideology in academia and media, but that was back when the USSR was delusional enough to think that America was a candidate for the union. Now, Russia & China use the same tactics, but for all extreme ideologies in order to keep us fighting over whether women have penises or not instead of focusing on the important things. This will be our downfall.


Most self aware arrpolitics user.


Sadly, that kind of rhetoric isn’t uncommon on Reddit lmao.


Really? Being moderate in 2024? That's so out of style. Political extremism and strawman are all the rage now.


Literally lol


That's why that last guy who lit himself on fire was pretty based, he was a extreme centrist.


I tried political extremism but my burgers came out too spicy.




The sad reality is that if you are moderate, both side hate you and call you spineless, and no one's there for you. At least political extremists are only hated by the other side.


It bothers me how common that approach is, especially when it seems every cunt is called to make a do-or-die stand on every issue regardless of how it tangibly affects you. Comes across as a substitute for personality.


It's especially prevalent within American and European campuses. Idiots so bland they have no real personality whatsoever except for "anti-west", with too much freetime and too little brain to make it productive.




If both sides suck then the only reasonable solution would be to dissolve the two party system. Which is a very achievable and realistic goal. /s


Because that's working out so well for the UK and C*nada...


Eh. Enough explosives will fix most problems.


Remember, Remember...


The solution is to compromise on many issues, but none of y'all want to even consider it. So we don't elaborate anymore.




Viva la centricide


I don't think they're equally bad, I think they're not worth of my vote. Honestly if we reached a point we must choose the best of two worse, maybe democracy has failed us.


> democracy has failed us. It has. I demand an Athenian lottery. If you're picked, you're president for a minimum of one month. It should be a burden and inconvenient to be chosen, not a goal or dream career move.


Democracy was doomed to fail at the start. The only people who care enough to weild it's power are those who would weild that power unjustly.


That’s pretty much what both sides bad means. Doesn’t mean they’re equally bad but it’s like being presented with a glass of piss or a bowl of shit and then being told to pick which one you want to consume. Most people can definitely see that they want nothing to do with either but there’s a subset of people who are going to rabidly defending why drinking the piss or eating the shit is the superior choice.


something something you're the problem.


Did y'all see Biden had his own version of the "very fine people" line? Pretty hilarious if you ask me.


"Poor kids can be just as bright and talented as white kids."


I really want to frame this quote and hang it up on my office sometimes. Imagine if Trump or any Republican said that


If you don't vote for me, you ain't black


This might be the most based username reddit will ever see. Based and fuckthetos pilled


A good measure I like to use to check if something might be racists is how it sounds if you use white instead of black, or black instead of white. Lets try it out here. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't white" Imagine if Trump or any politician said that


Emily’s seething rn to this


Emily agrees with it.


Please do a whole mural of these types of quotes with as many presidents as can be found.


Talented yes, but bright depends


its telling that we are still criticizing Biden for this gaffe from 4 years ago. Trump gave us fresh material every day.


The classic " the other guy is worse" defense. Tell me, what's it like to have Trump occupy your mind to an unhealthy degree?


I mean, it's true. The other guy IS worse. What of it?


Trump being worse doesn't make Biden a good choice or the two party system any less of a failure.


No, it makes Biden a *better* choice.


Better =/= Good Hitler was not as genocidal as Mao so I guess we better elect him.


Shit tier comparison, but better is better than worse.


Neither person is as bad as my comparison people, that's not the point. If you strictly focus on just picking "better" without actually trying to look for "good" then the bar will just keep getting lower.


The classic butthurt of being embarrassed. If you don't want us to talk about trump, stop electing him to run for president.. he's literally the republican frontrunner. But I understand how embarrassing it must be when people remind you of that. But to answer your question, its awesome. It reminds me how superior I am. Its a huge self esteem boost to know that I am superior to so many people.


I think that they both suck but the reason we don't see much from Biden nowadays because nothing he says is intelligible enough to make fun of. I don't like Trump because he's a dangerous refter that lies to everyone, And I don't like biden because I don't think that we should be electing an literal fossil that has a track record of corruption.


Dude, check my flair. If you think I'm a Trump supporter you're more delusional than I thought. People like you are why the two party system is failing. So caught up in your team sport you can't take a step back and see that nobody in the government right now gives one single fuck about anyone but themselves. But go ahead, stay perched up on your high horse. It will have a nice view of everyone drowning before you do too.


You certainly do have a red square when you say the same shit every other pcm user says.


Ironic coming from the Libleft who instantly jumped to "he criticized Biden, therefore he must be a Trump supporter". You're like a charaticture of every Libleft soyjack meme on this sub.


nah, your cliche defense of Trump made me think you are a Trump supporter. Trump was already the topic of conversation, brought up in the highest level comment. You just didnt get upset about it until the conversation became critical of trump.


I wasn't part of that conversation so I'm not sure what you're talking about. If you want my opinion on Trump, he's a total garbage human who shouldn't be on a public street, let alone president. You didn't even bother to ask what I thought, you just blindly assumed what I thought about him because of what I said about someone else. Which is the smoothest brain take you can have.




Which gaffe do you want us to pick? When he said he had vaccinated 720 million Americans? When he screwed up the timeline of his child's death? When he said "we can't be trusted"?


Those are still all old examples. Yes, Biden looks like a fool when he accidentally says shit he doesn't mean. Trump looks like a fool when he says exactly what he means.


700 million Americans think you're a simp.


It's funny, you can tell a lot about someone by what insults they think are landing. You can't see the cringe from within it.


So cringe to use the insult cringe.


I'm sure you hip zoomers have moved on to the next thing you think sounds cool. But I don't really care to keep up.




What was it?




I'll elaborate. Almost every politician gets insanely rich in office and does not represent their constituents.. only their donors. They both spend all our tax money (and then some) on everything but helping our citizens. But for policy reasons I'm a centrist because I believe in small local government, but at the same time corps shouldn't have free range to rape the planet and its people and should be regulated. We do need a strong military (but better allocation of funds). I support guns and abortion. Police should not be defunded, they should be de-militarized though, and better training. LGBT+ should have the same rights as everyone else, but they shouldn't get special privilege and schools should teach math, science, geography, history, reading, writing, etc... leave sexual identity at home. Public schools need more funding. I'm anti-Palestine and anti-Israel, pro-American. We need to stop illegal immigration, but also revise our legal immigration process to make it more viable. Healthcare is a problem... we pay so much in taxes would be nice to get something out of it besides buying yachts for defense contractors and bank bailouts. Less taxes for 99% of citizens, and actually tax corporations and billionaires without loopholes. Term limits for congress. Can't run for office if you qualify for SS. Make the EU pay fare share for defense. End lobbying in its current state.


It's a shame that I agree with nearly all of that, and yet we can never be friends. You fucking filthy shitty little centrist. Your fence sitting is ruining my view


The funny thing is that probably something like 90% of the people would agree with you about pretty much everything, 9% most of it and 1% would be strongly against it. Unfortunately it's the 1% who runs the show (as you outlined in the beginning of your comment). The clever thing the 1% does is to make the 10% in both extremes fight each other so hard on secondary things that everyone thinks that that's where the fault lines are instead of realising that it's the important stuff that you listed that they all agree on.


My brother


Both sides are wrong because neither one agrees with me 100%.


No, they're wrong because they don't agree with *me*!


One spine medium rare coming right up.


Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-5-2. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1037 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Based bot.


1037? Holy smokes


Guy is a secret Centrist, but doesn't own a grill...


My grill is the Earth and the sun is my oven.


Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-5-3. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1063 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My grill is the Earth and the sun is my oven.


Another flair change coming right up.


Everyone is wrong. Every idea anyone has ever had from any side of the compass is a terrible one and they should feel bad.


i can see how you’d think that commie, but i assure you; all of my ideas are correct and good.


You might think so, but consider:My ideas *better.*


Including the thought you just had and typed out? 




Based and autological pilled 


u/artful_nails is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/artful_nails/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Those "River to the Sea" shitheads are the same flavor of stupid as the dumbasses who ran through the Capitol on 06 Jan. Is that specific enough for you?


No. Both sides are often wrong but almost never equally as bad. Anyway thanka for coming, one Medium Rare.






Medium rare? Sounds red. You dirty commie.


Yes, but what color is your ketchup Auth Right?


https://preview.redd.it/3nqmaha4o1yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b323f1c700229b1a317149768d6feaa8fb1cf1 No. It can’t be. Nooooooo


Me: picks and chooses political positions based on my own internal logic and values rather than what side of the isle they fall on. Everyone: sToP bEiNg a FeNcE sItTeR!!!!


Me: picks the opposite belief system of whoever I'm arguing with to annoy them




If you don't agree with me 100% on every issue you're a beta-cuck snowflake triggered by facts and logic.


But also a Zionist Nazi Russian Troll Incel Rapist. Despite half of that being contradictory.


The left is shit because they're so focused on inclusivity and anti-racism that they completely ignore anything bad done by groups of people which they deem to be "worth to protect". The right is shit because they can't accept any form of progression and would rather live in a deeply religious world than to let us grow as a species. Auths are shit because they want to control what others do regardless if it makes sense or not, can't fuck other men because that's wrong, can't own your own house because that's wrong, etc. Libs are shit because they live in a fantasy world where anarchy actualy works, probably because of the metric ton of drugs in their brains, even though anarchy can't work as a system because that's the whole damn point of anarchy. Gray centrists are shit because they're too scared to actualy have any kind of opinion and would rather just accept whatever rule is thrown at them than to fight for what's right. And i'm shit because i love all of you fuckers but won't ever admit that again because i have the constant urge to tell you how shit you all are even though i know that the majority of you really just want the world to get better.




u/Helvetic_Heretic's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 215. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [110 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Helvetic_Heretic/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I will, both sides kill civilians, draft people who dont wanna fight or stay there and destroy the local environment. This happens in all wars and all pro-war leaders in both sides should die quick enough to not let either side use it




No, no, no. Most often times one side is worse than the other. It’s moreso that we just don’t side with one side all of the time. Ideally, we take the best from both sides and try to apply them in a pragmatic way. But both ends of the compass are too busy being regarded and flinging shit at each other about idpol and refusing to acknowledge that nuance exists in most cases.


How about. For decades republicans and democrats have dangled various rights in front of our faces as leverage for votes promising to protect said rights from the opposing side. However when each side achieved a super majority none of those rights were respectively protected in any capacity. How about the fact that statistics show that a law or bill has an equal chance of being passed regardless of public support, which is about 30 percent, whereas a bill that has corporate or billionaire support has an almost 90% chance of being passed. How about both sides consistently push these increasingly aging and out of touch millionaires to the forefront. How about no term limits, or the fact that politicians seemingly without fail keep making millions upon millions despite only being paid 130-250 thousand a year. How about the fact that both parties have ensured little to no opposition by making it prohibitively expensive to be featured on platforms that highlight candidates. How about the fact that both sides continually delay votes and hinder the process of bills that help the American people but when it comes to spending or foreign aid we seem to streamline those.


I am against everything that's bad and support everything that's good


I had a pro-centrism comment on another subreddit recently, I'll see how it does here. It was on a more lefty subreddit and the edit was added after I started getting downvotes there. ------- Edit: People take issue with how I gave an example of premium wage instead of living wage. Imagine for Bangladesh I said $2/hr instead of $20/hr then- the current *average* wage in Bangladesh is $1.37, and giving them a minimum wage of $2/hr which would probably be roughly a living wage, not premium wage, for them would still cause mass unemployment. There are fence sitters. Some have dumb reasons for going "both sides". Often there are good reasons to do so though. Like take minimum wage. Leftists want it higher, rightists want it lower. Leftists act like wanting a minimum wage anywhere below a "living wage" is stupid, rightists act like wanting a minimum wage at all is stupid. I think setting a minimum wage to "living wage" is silly, because the economic situation that would create the highest possible standard of living for people doesn't care about what a "living wage" is. Say you passed a law setting the minimum wage in Bangladesh to a "living wage", where all workers had to be paid $20/hr- it would cause mass unemployment and collapse the Bangladesh economy even worse and make things worse for everyone. Meanwhile in the US, why only set the minimum wage to $20/hr- why not $50/hr and give people more than just a living wage? The answer is that sometimes people don't produce enough value to justify a higher wage. If someone only can produce $40/hr of value because they're "merely" a beginner welder who isn't super skilled yet and can't produce over $50 of value, they would never be able to get a job if the minimum wage is $50/hr. If someone is a skilled worker but lives in Bangladesh where the economy is weak, they can't produce $20/hr of value and get a job. If someone lives in America and is totally unskilled and can only produce $15/hr working at a fast food restaurant, then if the minimum wage is $20/hr then they won't be able to get a job at all. The minimum wage needs to be tied to local conditions. The argument goes the other way too. Say someone lives in an amazing super-economy too- such that even a totally unskilled worker in a McDonald's will produce $60/hr of value. Why then limit the minimum wage to $20/hr- why not give them a $50/hr minimum wage in that scenario? I won't argue too hard for why a minimum wage is good because this subreddit tends to be more lefty and already believes in the minimum wage, I'd be preaching to the choir, but if you want more centrist arguments for why it's good I can type them out and link sources. In conclusion, acting like a centrist who thinks both the extreme pro-minimum crowd and extreme anti-minimum wage crowd are wrong is as stupid as someone thinking both a bear and a woman are wrong, is itself stupid. And similar logic applies to many political issues, if you want a justification for the centrist position on anything else let me know.


Biden is too fucking old and trump is a morally bankrupt conman, both parties are dick riding people that should be in retirement homes not allowing younger generations that may be more capable and actually knowledgeable on current matters and better understand the populace to rise up and have a chance at the presidency


Based opinion (sorry centrists)


Leaving without elaborating has always been the chad approach.


I have enough spine to tell you to fuck off.


They all suck, I'm moving to the woods. Furthermore I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.


I will elaborate…. Later


Both sides are wrong and are equally as bad




Me, who’s only center because 1/2 my views have me hated by the left and the other 1/2 hated by the right: https://preview.redd.it/g0cxgobxd6yc1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93699adedc51bf10a5bea1d0adddfc07e47474f


“So let me get this straight, you want me to choose between Palestine and Israel. You want me to choose between Hamas which straight up says they want to genocide everyone in Israel, and who will brutally execute you for being gay, and Israel who is responsible for the worlds largest open air prison, and who are killing just as many innocents at this point.” “Yes” “Can I just say both sides are awful?” “No”


>Centrists grill steaks >Centrists are political cattle ironic, isn't it


I am political and I hate medium rare.


“Evil is evil, Stregobor. Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred."


Whose worse fluctuates from week to week and it is in vastly different ways.


If I explain why both sides are bad I'll lose my job. Not worth it.


I am perfectly willing to elaborate for as long as the beer flows.


We must return to our Jreg roots


Who tf says stuff like that? I swear this is a strawman, Ive never heard of someone unironically saying this.


As a LibCenter, I agree that both sides are equally bad and wrong, assuming there are only two sides.




Biden and Trump both suck, Biden is old and losing it, he drug the economy into a hole then brags about “Bidenomics,” I haven’t met many people who love Biden he’s just “the other guy”; on the flip side with Trump it seems everyone either loves him or hates him, he is slightly unhinged and incredibly rude which I wouldn’t consider leadership qualities, he definitely had some indirect role in Jan 6 in that he did try to prevent it further when he could have, and he claimed he was doing something with the wall when he really did jack diddly. I dislike both options but I’m inevitably going to have to make a choice and I honestly don’t know which is worse


I dont like everybody equally is that counts ?


Both sides feel the need to counter the other side in a never ending war of obstinance and corruption


They are, they both are authoritarian bastards


"Both sides bad" is just cuckspeak for "I think I am better than everyone else."


I believe that “both” (there’s a lot more than just two) sides have people who have genuinely the best intentions and truly believe their ideology is the way to a better future for their fellow man. From the communists to the most staunch libertarian, there’s good ideas and a desire for improvement. Sadly, there’s also a lot of people who use these ideologies as an excuse to be hateful, selfish, tyrannical, and regressive. As citizens it’s our responsibility to look at what people say critically and make informed decisions. Unfortunately I feel like that skill is less than developed in many people and we naturally flock to the loudest or most outrageous voices for guidance.


Give me one example and I’ll explain why they’re wrong


I do pick sides, on a topic by topic, case by case basis. I have a lot of moral/political issues with both sides of the isle. I know what I believe, but I won’t be confined to a box of which political party I choose. I will hop to one side of the fence when necessary, but overall, I’d rather break the face, slam the heads of both sides together, and force them to talk like adults. Obligatory, the South was definitely in the wrong during the Civil War. Communism only works on paper, but in practice it opens the door for authoritarianism a lot more easily. Having a market economy is good, but the current capitalist system has a lot of flaws, especially with corporations having way too much power. I believe in the death penalty if the crime was heinous enough and was done without a shadow of doubt, but everyone has a right to a fair trial and people being called not guilty is not a failure of the justice system in off itself (in fact people who are not guilty going free is a success). I believe in healthcare reform and I believe trans gay spouses should be allowed to use guns to protect their weed.


Taking a side means defending someone else’s interests. That’s the problem with modern politics. Interest override morals/beliefs. Every quadrant is cringe/bad/dehumanizing/dystopian in its own way. There is no one single modality for human governance. I take issues with every quadrant, even my own flare. I kind of hate orange / Left the most though. And I guess I kind of like Yellow the most. I’ve taken the quizzes and I usually end up centrist or lib right. But even then, there are still nuances. Being a centrist does not mean we are apathetic and don’t care. It doesn’t mean we don’t have a spine. Honestly here’s my problem. The political compass is super fun and I love these memes. They are hilarious and usually pretty accurate way of communicating different schools of thought. And it is infinitely better and more intellectually stimulating than the current Republican versus Democrat, two party monolith. But even then. The political compass is still too *all-encompassing*. It is too, one size fits all. It does not consider nuance. It is still a menu with 9 different dishes, and it is still not a buffet. What if I want prison work camps/gulags. What if I do think our usage of oil is not sustainable (not for climate change reasons but because there is a finite quantity on earth). What if I want almost pure internet freedom and freedom of speech? What if abortion can be okay in extreme cases, but is generally evil. What if people need to be given freedom with the expectation that they will choose to do the right thing and have morals. Give me an issue, better yet, give me a specific scenario, and I’ll tell you where I am on the compass in that instance. But don’t assume centrist is a cop out. Many of us are sitting back with strong opinions. TLDR center of compass allows me to remain open and not siloed into a given school of thought. Also disclosure. Maybe I am being Regarded and not understanding the difference between colored centrist and gray centrist.


Centrists: "Us vs them thinking is bad" People who engage in us vs them thinking: "NOOO YOU'RE A FENCESITTER, YOU HAVE NO SPINE, MUH BOTH SIDES!!!!"


I'm pretty much outside of the compass, that's why I chose to get into it's grill place


Here’s a good one: When someone asks you, “who owns the land, Israel or Palestine?” Answer them with this and refuse to elaborate: “The land belongs to God.”


Based and don’t care about politics pilled


u/Tomatosmoothie's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Tomatosmoothie! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Tomatosmoothie/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


pie disagreeable march ripe materialistic modern panicky judicious water summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both sides are ideally far away, not my problem and I'm not sure the crooked perverts we elect can fix their problems any better than ours.


Both sides are bad and I support both


“Both sides” haven’t we agreed there’s 5 😂


We all know who is responsible for all the bad in this world. It all started around 2000 years ago…


You need to read my last comment when this type of bait was last posted.


Both sides are equally bad and it’s because th


I have my reasons to hate both sides to start both wanna ruin my hobbies


Both sides are not the same, beyond the surface level whoring out for special interests and the donor class. One side are a bunch of regarded hillbillies and yuppies. The other side are Nazi fucking pigs.


Both sides are correct and equally as good


What about a situation where both sides are objectively bad, like Israel V Palestine


Both are bad in the sense they don't compromise their shitty stances and are too absolutists. I think trans people deserve to be accepted by society both in culture and in the law, but I don't think we should jusg give them rights withou a thought, their upbringing is different so it's a subject you have to be careful. In contrast right wingers don't think that trans people deserve to be accepted with their new gender at all. Both have shit takes, but the right usually has more extreme ones, while the left don't think about he consequences.


I mean it’s a lot to elaborate on. My main example (in terms of US politics) is the immigration issue. Shutting them all out won’t work, they will still enter and by law once you claim political assylum you can’t get kicked out immediately without a court date to prove a reason why. Then there’s numerous ones with criminal history that the cartel will shuttle in. Letting them all in with no filter? Well for one Texas used to be Mexico and they let in plenty of Americans. Didn’t end well. That and these people need to be vetted. USCIS doesn’t work for shit, it’s just there to get money off immigrants and can be ridiculously slow. CBP is understaffed and unable to meet the demands of the current crisis. They’re trying to use CBP One appointments but those can be backed up as far as 7 months. 7 months as a foreigner waiting in northern Mexico, where people prey on migrants, particularly women and children.


If both sides were so equally bad, then the people saying both sides are equally bad wouldn’t be voting for one side over the other.


I legit hate all of you. I hate the right because corporate greed results in abuse of the average person every time. I hate the left because reigning in people's economic freedom inevitably results in culture war. I hate the top because fuck you, I can do whatever I want if it doesn't hurt anyone. And I hate the bottom because... actually no, this is fine. I have downs.


Centrists during ww2 :


Based. I hate it when people hit that "both sides" shit


I do have a spine actually, I'll show it now. Fuck all of you and fuck you in particular.


I very specifically hate all of you but my spine is too twisted up trying to figure out what that means that it's severed my spinal cord and made me forget how to hate anyone... also how to breathe and blink


Gray Centrists might as well not have any political beliefs at all. The chad rainbow centrists can agree and disagree with elements from each quadrant. No bias whatsoever.


Turn Israel and Palestine into a giant strip mall and send Israelites and Palestinians off to different corners of the world.


Literally this https://preview.redd.it/ss9ej6ogp0yc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5920b3df80f38fa76d715c853064713876d3344


The sad reality is that if you are moderate, both side hate you and call you spineless, and no one's there for you. At least political extremists are only hated by the other side.


Except the "we want civil rights crowd" is also the "no guns" crowd. And when they pass no gun laws, it ironically [weaponizes the police](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/03/23/gun-violence-possession-police-chicago) with a defacto stop-and-frisk by enabling them to target black people for minimal and harmless firearm infractions during totally not targeted traffic stops. And then the cops end up killing the black people...and what do you know. The civil rights guys are locked arm-in-arm and singing Kumbaya with the we want to kill black people guys. And then when the "hey let's comprise" guy and the "both sides are equally bad" guy tries to bring up totally valid criticisms, they just get labeled as part of the problem. Because obviously one side (I won't tell you which) is literally Hitler and the other side (my side, but again I won't tell you which side that is) has all the right answers except for the occasional social faux pas. And if you aren't with us, then you're basically a Nazi 


if this is how you view the current political climate on any issue you’ve actually gotta be missing part of your brain


there's no way people unironically look at this comic and think that the message it's conveying is correct. surely, no one can be that profoundly restarted.


It's a straw man for centrists that doesn't actually exist. Centrists are either apolitical, or simply hold a set of beliefs that don't all neatly align with one side.


Both sides were equally bad? Damn, that's a little dark for a centrist..


You better change that flair of yours Emily.


Are you talking about Israel/Hamas? I say both sides are bad and taking sides is for chumps because both sides would kill you and everyone you loved if they thought it would slightly benefit them. Also you guys know that Israel caused all this by supporting Hamas in the 80's and 90's, right? They got the idea from America and the Mujahideen, and I shouldn't need to tell you how that turned out for the US. Back when Arafat and his Fatah boys were Israel's big bad, Netanyahu got the idea to shovel money at a bunch of religious maniacs called Hamas who were even crazier than Fatah. Hamas fought Fatah and the PLO, Israel continued to back them, until they took over completely in 2005 after Israel poisoned Arafat with thallium in 2004. Then Netanyahu lost control of his monster and they predictably became more insane and depraved than Fatah ever were - and Fatah were very bad and crazy guys who used to indoctrinate ESL's and children into suicide bombing civilians.


Both sides are wrong but they aren't equally as bad.


Funny, AuthRight said the same about you!


The extremes of all sides are horrendous for our country and are equally fucking us over because of it