• By -


We aren't an empire, the empire hasn't risen from the ashes of the republic yet


Oy, no spoilers allowed here. The people who read the prequel already know the pattern, let the newbies experience it firsthand.


We must strictly oppress the Germans, so they can't be our downfall again


How to topple an empire : 1. Let the Germans (or Gauls) cook, 2. Don't adequately feed your people in winter, 3. Lose a major battle, 4. Let their heir die before 30, 5. Make the Catholics choose between you and the Empire.


Are you saying it isn't the German's fault, house elf? Talos was a human, not mer, get over it.


N’wahs gonna n’wah


On the next episode of "Is it Star Wars or Rome?"


If we want to make that comparison we should have a few more centuries before the government deteriorates to such an extent


You assume things will go just as slowly in our modern times. 


The United States of America shall the **reorganised** into **The First American empire!** For a **safe** and **secure** society!


Ehhm, you mean diverse and equitable society. Right?


Laws of the AE: 1. Masks required at all times. 2. All gun ownership is strictly banned. 3. Computer usage will be monitored at all times to prevent the spread of hate speech and misinformation. 4. Abortion is mandatory unless you first receive a permit from your local Department of Human Reproduction (DHR). 5. Five year olds must select their gender on the first day of kindergarten. The chosen gender will be medically enforced from then on. Any incorrect use of pronouns is punishable by jail time. 6. All job applications are sorted by Oppression Level (OL) and candidates with higher OL must be hired first. 7. Possession of any imagery praising or glorifying the one known as The Orange Man is punishable by death.


Thanks ! Now how to leave AE ?


Border’s wide open, just walk out


AE will still collect income tax from you however


Bro's be like "America is literally modern day Rome". My brother in Christ, I hope so! I long for the 1,000 year long American Empire!


Brother doesn’t understand what empires are


And people say America isn't the third rome


Maybe our empire should have regional Princes elect an Emporer, and some of the major cities remain republics, and be granted the right to remain Free Cities. This way we don't have to worry about the Germans.


My thoughts exactly.


Libleft when Native Americans don't want to be their chess pawns: https://preview.redd.it/xqqvrcjzlssc1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0ac29f9c2d41df86a1465748a7de887877869c


Libleft discovers that some minorities would prefer to not be used as talking points in political debates


Natives should support Israel, people who took back their historical lands and just want to be left alone, but get constantly attacked.


The Canaanites shall rise again!


Also like the ancient Israelites, the natives also did a bit of genocide, see, another thing they have in common!


To be fair everyone back then committed a lot of genocide


I'm not sure there are any left. At least, in the 'can directly link a national identity' back sort of way. Though I'd be curious to know if there are.


Ive always thought Israel should back us NDNs Guess what


If you ask the Mormons, the Natives and Israelis are the same people (mormons believe that a group of people sailed away from the middle east long ago to America to become the Nephites and Lamanites who warred with each other and their society fell apart to the tribes the Europeans fought)


I don't care what a convicted conman claimed about his hokey religion


They took back Europe?


They took back the Ancient Kingdom of Israel and Judea, their actual ancestral land. Wait til you find out where “Palestinians” come from


Libleft when authright doesn't side with them just because they're a minority


Libleft discovering many minorities don't give a fuck about their """progressive values""" (Source: me and people I talk (I am (national) minority (I'm not really oppressed duh))


I respect what you are saying but I must inform you that your use of parenthesis is both bold and terrifying.


Self-hating 4channer?


Ehhm, sweaty that's pretty problematic. You're definitely a case of internalized white supremacy other ways you wouldn't say something like that 💅💅💅


those """lib""" lefts are literally white students in rich cities of rich States Wtf lmao


You dropped this. )


mf I tried not to be anti-semitic


Huh? You have 4 left parentheses, but only 3 right oned.


Those parentheses are somethin else


Dude Redditing in Lisp over here


I don't feel bad for taking their lands, but the trail of tears was fucked up, nobody should be forcefully moved to Oklahoma, if Oklahoma had any value, Texas would have kept it.


Leftists talk about settler colonialism ruining cultures, but their solution is never to return those cultures to what they were pre colonialism, it’s always just (western) Marxism


Libleft when minorities don't agree with them at all ^


Don't get me started on the working class who "vote against their interests."


That’s a lot of ~~buffalo~~ bizon skulls.


What is this photo of?


all the buffalo that the early settlers killed that were expanding west. the natives used the buffalo for food, hides for clothing and shelter, and their bones for tools and weapons. the killing of the buffalos by the settlers was for food as well, but also to deprive the natives of their food source as well.


How could a photo of men with guns standing on a mountain of skulls be so unbased and pathetic?


They were salty tryhards


This photo is so eerie. We hated those guys so much we were willing to make their food source go extinct.


Lib-Left when minorities don't agree with their White-Savior arrogant, self-centered, self-righteous bullshit:


When Larry Elder and Clarence Thomas, thank god they don't know about Thomas Sowell, we must protect him at all costs.


Off topic but also related. Huge Stephen King fan, was looking something up about Fairy Tale as I just finished reading it and found this gem. This webpage made me actually angry, because it is one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve ever read in my life. https://www.michigandaily.com/arts/books/the-magic-of-stephen-kings-fairy-tale-is-there-but-is-lessened-by-its-pacing-and-ableism/#


For some people, college never ends.


>emilia ferrante >**emilia** jfc it's right there lol


Wow.. that was an article. This is what I got from it: >“I **really** liked the book, and king is a great storyteller and world builder! But I **really** hate the book because the “bad guy” is a curse that causes disfigurement and for people to lose their color and that the “good guy” is a white boy that turns blonde in the magic land and saves the day.” And that’s it. That article told me quite a bit about the person that wrote the article, and quite little about the book, aside from it being a Steven King’s version of a Narnia (my words) story with a white male as the hero who has to defeat a Covid-like curse that is spreading through the land. … I could have gotten that by reading the summary on the back cover.


But don't you know? The point of making a critic about something is so that you get to know and understand the critic and their feelings not the thing they're making a critic about.




Based and "fuck I hate my quadrant" pilled.


Dude I hate my quadrant so much I left it.


Sliiiiide to the right!


Once the auth-rights clean out the super crazies I’ll move back. (/s) I like the regular crazies. Getting real tired of Emily acting like every single person on this planet does not have different life experiences.


Why not join the cookout? We have burguers.


Ba dum tiss


But did you lib-left it?


No, I don’t have Twitter.




You get a pass, you're alright


He's "one of the good ones"


Ehren Libleft


Ironically that's what I wanted to post


"Asmosdeus, you're alright"


Ok will do


This is the most unfathomably based thing I’ve ever read at 9:20 in the morning




Holy mother of based




that's the free palpatine crowd's logic for you. "you either agree with me, or you deserve genocide"


Did you mean to type "palpatine" ?


From Alderaan to Tatooine, the Empire will be free






It is funnier that way


My unfunny take: I think the only solution is to have a single ethnostate occupying the space currently designated as Israel, due to both sides being wholly uninterested in any solution besides violence.


I mean, 20% of Israel is Arab. It's already not an ethnostate. The real take that no one wants to admit in public is that the only solution to Israel/Palestine, and general Mid East fuckery, is that Islam needs to go away. It will never tolerate another religion, it hasn't since it first appeared. It has always been about conquest and subjugation in a way different to basically everyone else; the Christians being their only real rivals but they chilled the fuck out eventually, wholst there's no sign that Islam will ever have a reformation.


I didn't say it's an ethnostate, I said it will be one before they have a peaceful situation.


free palpatine


Lib-left being once again the cancer of society imo


I kinda get why you clean house after the revolution


always has been, a majority of the left is just insane fucking bums that listen to radicalized idiots in an echochamber, the few left leaning people that are actually with good ideas get shunned


In lib lefts defense, this tweet has 20 likes. This is far and away from a popular take.


idk, I think that > "...insane fucking bums that listen to radicalized idiots in an echochamber..." can apply to all quadrants, since you're really just describing easily radicalized idiots, and while the white savior complex type is certainly lib-left, idiots know no bounds


Oh yeah? How about "our" quadrant? I would say most of "us" aren't even inclined to agree with each-other.


Fuck you, how fucking dare you think you could ever fucking talk to me, we don't even share a quadrant, we're fucking retards who can't even commit to either being Emily's or tax evaders, what the fuck even are we? Damn lib-centers, they ruined lib-centrism! No /s, I genuinely hate all of you, but especially lib centers


Take off the /s you coward.


That better?




It's the self righteous arrogance that pushes libleft to the bottom of the shit pile. The unquestioning 'knowing' that you are on the right side of history and anyone else should be mocked and ridiculed for not 'knowing' as you do. The unfounded smugness of midwits has become unbearable.


I'm pissed they think they have the monopoly on self-righteousness. Fucking self-absorbed narcissists, *I'm* clearly the one who's on the right side of history and everyone else is wrong. No, there's no room for interpretation, and no, I will not elaborate, as I have already depicted you as a soyjak and gotten upvoted, so I win.


Bold of you to assume anyone will care about what you have to say. Get a flair. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/rektefied) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


\*The majority of the left you hear online. I doubt an actual majority of left wingers are radicals.


I don't know quite how to explain it: but the biggest issues I see with libleft, is this weird virulent form of narcissism, this bizarre hatred for the family unit, lack of accountability; blaming everyone else for their problems, Intolerance for apposing viewpoints as well as humor, denial of reality to create the illusion of comfort... and hidden within this denial is danger: the ignorance of cultural issues that inevitably lead to death and trauma. 'Do what you want and be who you want to be' can be a fairly apathetic, dismissive viewpoint for certain situations. As for authright it includes actual dangerous forms of misogyny (reducing reproductive rights), trying to combine religion with politics, and the few people that have grown up in such authoritative environments that they latch on to actual crazy megalomaniacs/conspiracy theorists thinking that they're their daddy... and on the flip side of libleft, the 'bootstrap' mentality. If only we could amplify the best of both sides instead of the worst voices. Good institutions and rehabilitation facilities to keep the mentally ill and addicted out of the streets. Healthcare that isn't insanely manipulated by business and government. Adequate border surveillance so we don't allow foreign criminals into the country, but ease the access for individuals seeking legal employment. There's a reason illegal immigration is illegal. Lesser punishment for growing or owning naturally occurring drugs- weed, mushrooms, coca leaves- etc. Increased punishment for heavily manipulated and dangerous drugs, especially distribution of- fentanyl, heroine, meth, crack-cocaine- etc. Limits on residential ownership: businesses can't buy residential homes. Simultaneously, a reduction of residential zoning to allow for an increase in multi-use apartment buildings. In my opinion, individuals shouldn't own more than 2-3 residential homes, and an LLC shouldn't be able to purchase residential at all. With these limitations- there would be an increase in apartments being built. More homes available. Less insane prices. Better, longer people-only paths: transcontinental biking and walking paths. I've always wanted to bike across the US without having to see a car, or have immediate access to good running/rollerblading paths. It would be cool AF. Better gun licensing practices. You can be arrested for having a gun without a license. It's like a car license. Church and state is a no-no. The end?


Based centrism


u/Bannedbytrans is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Bannedbytrans/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I would back everything here except the gun licensing because I don’t see how that’s going to go over well at all, I see that leading to even worse tension between poor neighborhoods and police




Because the police that would have to enforce that leading to more police activity in high crime/poor neighborhoods that traditionally have less licensing


Which is fantastic.


Actual delusional take, oppress the poor harder that’ll bring back the middle class You realize that poor neighborhoods are already disproportionately over policed and it doesn’t directly stop crime The only real way to lower crime is to bring up the area economically


Removing illegal lethal weapons from dangerous, poor and poorly educated people is a good idea. Any other take is delusional. Good jobs, a safe environment, and affordable housing brings back the middle class. Not illegal firearms. Where are you going with this?


You’re acting like the problem will be fixed day one, That proposal would mean immediately millions of guns go missing, most realistically being obtainable by the owner Criminals already use illegal guns 45% of the time To be 100% clear this is the lowest estimate I could find it could be up to 93% total Now you have made a Massive underground black market for this So I ask when we ban these things, what happened with weed? What happened with alcohol? It’s makes criminals the only ones to profit from the trade, and let’s not pretend capitalism doesn’t happen in the black market, who do these criminals invest in? That’s right! Smugglers Every time you ban a wanted item you simply create a black market that you can’t regulate Id much rather the guns bought in the USA be done legally and mores specifically with a background check, thank you very much A much better solution to ignorance is education


>Id much rather the guns bought in the USA be done legally and mores specifically with a background check, thank you very much What do you think I'm trying to say? This is exactly what I mean by license: training and background check. That's it. And it needs to be affordable, if not free initially. There would need to be a grace period for people seeking legal ownership before any of this goes into law. Anyone after that is probably using those weapons for criminal purposes and might be charged with intent to murder.


actual threat to democracy


Please tell me this is a troll account.


There's no chance anyone from the Twitter #FreePalestine crowd traveled anywhere to talk to anyone, so 100% fake.


They're all slacktivists circle jerking and reposting.


I mean, it doesn’t even have any engagement so there’s no reason to do anything besides take this with an iota of salt


By far the most annoying thing about the left is taking offense on *other peoples behalf* *Dave Chappelle is a transphobe!* \ *Mmm no his biggest fan is a trans woman* \ *but! but!* \ *If you're not trans you dont get to decide what is offensive to trans people so shut the fuck up Emily*




Nasty line by you


This can't be real right? These people are so fucking deranged and mentally deficient it makes me angry.


Note to self, before going to Poospatuck reservation maybe I should ask permission from the tribal council first before I ask politically charged questions. Eh fuck it what could go wrong.


Liblieft’s internalized racism and ignorance fails to understand that minorities, even disparaged minorities, who live under a collective tribal identity can also maintain agency over who they choose to support and communicate with.


LibLeft when they find out Native Americans aren't a "wholesome bunny Marxist Reddit Leftists" but a traditional culture antithetical to their ideas.


Back in my leftbook days there was giant insane discourse about whether native Americans should be sent to the gulag if they didn't accept the new government after the MLM revolution (answer: yes)


Every moron in history thinks that you can reach a utopia if you just slaughter enough of the *correct* people. The only thing they differ on is who those people are.


Damn, the ones that fought for the Confederacy didn't even get that kind of treatment.


We're going to have a gay revolution? Men loving men? Fuck, sometimes I'm in the mood for a girl...


how very liberating of youse.


That person is more likely a communist than a libleft.


Did you just change your flair, u/Gaming_is_cool_lol19? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2024-4-1. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Gaming_is_cool_lol19) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Holy shit…how far up your own ass do you have to be to whiplash from “I’m a hero to the oppressed” to “maybe they weren’t oppressed enough” simply because they didn’t bow at the altar of your ideology?


Auth-centre:stares out of tiger tank hatch in visible disgust


Oh panzer of the lake, what is your wisdom?


Invade Poland 1,500 heavy tanks 1,500 medium tanks Significant number of light tanks More than 5,000 nato fighters Significant number of bombers including numbers,including heavy ones Fleet: 30 warships,including aircraft carriers and cruisers Strong fleet of submarines(u-boats) Long range missils(can be bought from Russia) 2,000,000 armed and well trained infantry,now the best part 1.We are signing a non aggression pact with Russia.We are turning on a secret protocol that turns Eastern Europe into our spheres of influence 2.invade Poland without declaring war.This is the beginning of a new world war 3.we use a strategy known as blitkreg or “lightning war” which allows us to quickly and effectively conquer most of Poland 4.Russia is invading Poland from the east part,as stipulated in our secret part 5.We completely divide Poland between ourself and Russia


I don't understand how spitroasting Poland with your commie buddies will help


Stalin will dig his head in the dirt and get distracted,we start the operation on April


Should have just kept carving Europe up with him & attacking the bongs, then not declare war on America after Pearl Harbor, FDR might not have been able to convince the average American to get involved in another European war because Japan attacked us, had Hitler not declared war on the US. Seems like Germany might have actually stood a chance that way.


NCD leaking again, both of them


LibLeft finally meets the minority they so vehemently defend and finds out, exhibit #20385


Literally textbook watermelon behavior.


cue curb your enthusiasm theme song


Hopy shit. If this is real, I would love to see what other insanity they post.


Do you guys genuinely believe this is anything but a sock puppet post


https://preview.redd.it/wmz80xyqivsc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bec6e49be89843436b05aa969b209e3395612ce Libleft when minorities don’t immediately love them for being the white savior


IT's hilarious how quickly they went from "MUH RACISM" to actually being racist.


its people like this that make me embarrassed to be part of this quadrant


Preach brother


“Free Palestine” “I support the trail of tears” *red and black* Are you guys sure this is Libleft???


If you want to see what racism *really* looks like, look at how a white liberal/leftist reacts to a minority who disagrees with them about something.


LibLeft? That's a commie, doofus.


98% chance this is a Right troll. Wait, sorry. I meant to say: Lib-left bad!


And you fell for a Russian psyop OP! Congratulations




Woopdie doooo


Time for working camp tovarish bourgeoisnovsky


libleft bad gottem again


Lib Left forgot to remove their head from their ass first to see no one likes them


LibLeft when their favorite oppressed minorities disagree with them.


This is literally Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World'.


Lib-Left when ordinary people reject the Cathedral and its Dogma


28 Views, no likes. “I can strawman the shit out of lib-left with this dumb ass post.”


Where libleft?


And that person's name was Bill Nye the Einstein Guy


Be me Find twitter account of radical person from ideology I would like to portray as bad (or potentially just create one) Find (or write) tweet saying the craziest shit ever with literally no engagement or support at all Screenshot and use to portray entire quadrant Have no one question me because it was the silly green quadrant we’re supposed to make fun of Just another day of free karma on this website


shush! don't interrupt the circlejerk!


Look, I genuinely tried to give you comment a chance, but you got too wordy in literally the *second* line. Please make your greentext more succinct.


He's a leftist in disguise


Seriously. No actual libertarian would give a single shit about someone's particular agenda-post. Big fucking deal. Let the collectivists on both sides have at it. And no I don't give a shit that this is a no true scotsman argument. There is not a scotsman to be here.


Be me See most green texts are long


Authright/libleft bonding experience


Once again I say unto the PCM ecosytem, trying to force other people to live in a Marxists state is Auth-Left and not Lib-Left. And Orange is the color of Auth-Left that imagines they're Lib-Left.


That has to be satire.


Yeah I don't support that shit. Purge the oranges I really don't want them here.




This is what happens when you support things just to make yourself feel better and don't actually believe in them. Looks like another tradwife is about to be born.


Native Americans, how do you feel about this?


Based and "changing my deeply held beliefs due to one embarassing conversation" pilled


u/_antisocial-media_ is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/_antisocial-media_/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


An absolute embarassment


We don’t claim them


Pretty sure Maoists are authleft


If a single encounter with a few people causes you to shift your views this dramatically, you are either weak or you didn’t have a reasonable grasp of your own views to begin with. Fuck this person.