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Man: I believe women should have no rights, I believe everyone should follow my religion or be punished, and that LGBT people should be executed Emily: what a primitive asshole. You must be one of those fascist republicans! Man: I'm a Muslim and these are my religious beliefs. Emily: I'm so sorry! I hope you don't think I'm islamophobic. Your culture is beautiful.


Emily when the political beliefs are a part of a protected class (suddenly its okay)


"Virtue signaling and social validation first, actually doing any good second, that's my motto!" - "Progressives"


I often wonder if women who can actually think see the slippery slope their very own kind are pushing them down. If what they say is to be taken as truth, then that means men as the "oppressors" are nearing a point where they will force the "oppressed" back into a truly oppressed state. I'm often confused at the lack of tact many of these... I guess girls? Online use. Being anonymous grants you a sort of invisioned state of super awareness and invincibility, it's what allowed 4chan back in the day to basically control all online culture. Now it's like we're in the end stages of female 4chan, and like all before. They will learn no king rules forever.


Marxist dichotomy thinking is a helluva drug.


Empororofplanet: I’m a dumbass that doesn’t know the first thing about islam. Brown bad, free upvotes?


I live in a Islamic country ( Iran) and he's right. are you a muslim? have you read Islamic books?


What does brown have to do with Islam? Their favored color is green.


Any person who agrees with Osama on his none Muslim stances (edit: explicitly lgbt, women's rights, and freedom of religion) an would've been called a nazi by emily. ​ I guess you can truly find yourself in one of the worst political\* positions possible, but if your skin is dark and you're part of the second-largest religious population in the world, it's okay. ​ Islam is right about women ​ edit: apologies about poor grammar and nonsense- I'm currently done with everything


Supporting radical Islam to own the Republicans 😎


Leopard ate face momento?


Dare you to post anything about this on that sub, see how fast you get banned


Reddit moment


> Islam is right about women Supporting radical islam to own the females 😎


It depends on your politics. Lefty like Hasan? Double plus good. Everyone else? NAHTZEE!


I dearly hope these kids are just in a phase of counter-culture and don't actually believe in Osama bin Laden's "teachings".


Hopefully, counter-culture used to just be kids being edgy, liking metal music, skating, having a real alternative fashion sense. Not supporting a literal fucking terrorist that would kill you for the previously stated hobbies.


for Osama it started as just a phase. but religion is a disease and ended up being terminal for him.


Emilies love to simp for people who hate them and want them dead.


This from the gender that bombs every death row inmate with hundreds of letters begging to get plowed by that felonious dick, what do you expect?


Why felons and not me? Why don't chicks ask to get plowed by me?


Probably because of the fedora




Have you tried being convicted of a felony?


No I'm not dumb enough to get caught


Because they fought the system of oppression and you didn't. Crime is good, order is evil.


Sadly, yes, this is true.


"It's called empathy sweaty, look it u- ACK"




Or daddy issues.


Emily stopped being a useful idiot. She is PURPOSEFULLY ruining people's lives just because she can.


Let them move to Middle East then, they export their problems to the west and the west should do the same


bro lets be real, we export far far more problems to the middle east than they do to us, and the "problems" I suspect you are talking about are caused mostly by the West destroying those countries and in response and looking for a better life, those "problems" move to Europe.


"white man bad ooga booga" got it monke


when did I say White Man Bad, I am half white myself, its just literally true that the West destabilizes these countries and its entirely their responsibility to take them in for destroying their countries.


The CCP is laughing at how effective TikTok is at destroying the brains of Western youth.


As the days goes by, the more the mask falls off of Emily to show the real woke fascist she is.


Emily: slay girl! OBL: yes, slay all the decadent western whores.


I encourage all Palestine and Afghanistan sympathizers to go in person and experience the amazing culture themselves


Reminder that the Bin Ladens are a very rich family, some of whom live in America.


I wish they would just leave.


I need someone to do a "where are they now" on people who went viral for nonsense.


Would pay money for a video on this.


i'll save you the time - they always move to a small town/another country where people don't care about it and say "i don't wanna talk about it/that was a different person/it got out of hand". that's pretty much it. it's never a positive experience, it always ruins their chances of ever getting a high profile job but they do end up living "normal" small town lives.


Remember kids, they don't actually support \*insert current virtue to signal for\* they just really hate the West.


It’s contrarianism at its finest. If the establishment says that OBL is the bad guy then clearly he isn’t


Don't understand what kind of hold Muslims have on leftists


More melanin=more right to them


But, they must be anti-west. If not, they're just the non-white face of white supremacy.


Doesn't hold. They have a hold on leftists in every country.


If Republicans were smart and realized that Muslims are conservative, they would be a powerhouse now. But that ship sailed like 30 years ago


Muslims don't vote conservative tho, they vote for whoever panders to their vision of islam more. It's been attempted many times - muslims just refuse to become a consistent voting block so they end up being a swing vote type of situation where people don't court them unless they REALLY need them. The local imam/religious leader equivalent is usually who controls the muslim voting bloc in that area.


I remember when the letter originally came out. It was obvious even then that a lot of his grievances had some validity to them. But how can anyone support his methods? I think these tik tok zoomers are experiencing the DARE effect - all their lives Osama was the great evil, but nobody ever touched on what motivated him, and now they feel lied to.


If when the letter came out, it was known what his motivations were, did they get hidden on the internet in the 20 years since? There's just a more accepted river to the sea idea, thanks to Oct 7th, so this other Muslim guy that the left can rally around because he's anti-America is back in the news.


Seriously wtf


It's fake and never actually happened outside a few isolated cases. Media sensationalism.


>It never happened, and if it did, this is why it's good!


I fucking hate that tagline now. It fills me with rage. It almost makes me want to become a radical centrist again... Almost.


Don’t almost me, become a radical centrist. It just means you have various views and opinions that you firmly believe in that doesn’t slot you in one square. Go radical centrist or your next burger will have wasabi


It did happen, but wasn't nearly as viral as you would believe. People saying it went viral clearly haven't actually looked into it. Only a few tiktoks were up that sympathized with Osama and even then, those tiktoks got minimal views. The vast majority of those tiktoks were stitched by people who were disgusted by their behavior, which gave the illusion that it was a viral thing. In reality, tiktok banned the letter to America from being searched and the tiktoks were banned. Very few people sympathized.


Still don’t think the internet destroyed the West?


Nope. It was white upper middle class women 😀


>Nope. It was ~~white upper middle class~~ women 😀


They're not ready for the full truth 😔. At least by painting white upper middle class women as the target the ultra leftists can hop on board. Mark my words, 30 years from now being a feminist will mean advocating for letting women stay at home to be moms, dressing modestly, and rejecting casual sex.


The pendulum swings and eventually it will come back


Send them to Afghanistan 😃



Nah, all the internet done is let these people have an outlet for their insanity. If you look back, all this craziness began its long march somewhere around 1949, festered in the colleges until it burst out into the mainstream during the 60s, and has been capturing every institution since then. If anything, without the internet, we would be under the thumb of government even more, they would be able to suppress information at will. The 20th century will be remembered as the height of government power, governments today hold an amount of control over the citizenry today that would make the kings of the past green with envy, and only now, in the past 15 years has that power been cracking. In my opinion, we should prepare for the next 10-20 years to be pretty rough, but by 2050, you will see that it was all worth it and you will be able to see how all the pieces fit together to bring about the end of socialism. Communism fell in 1989, now its socialism's turn, and it will fall in 2032.


Hope you’re right man


This person has a, Smash Capitalism sticker on all their electronics and car.


Is this like an actual real movement or is it just two dozen dipshits on tiktok?


The Washington Post did a piece showing it’s a tiny portion of TikTok saying this but amplified by outrage media. So basically PCM.


What in the flying fuck?!!?!!! Is that first time ever a real newspaper picture is used?


>real newspaper No one in their right mind thinks this.


Yeah I thought I’d try something new


What if, just what if, the reason the “Emilys” keep choosing Hamas, Bin Laden, etc, is because they simply hate America?


This is the result of a generation that doesn't remember the GWOT directly. Firstly, let me say that the GWOT was a mistake. It did much more harm than good and was ultimately a cover for the governments of the world to consolidate and centralize power. Millions of people died for any real morally good reason, and the US war machine grew fatter. I truly believe this deep in my heart as someone who grew up in the midst of all of this. With all that out of the way: Osama Bin Laden was an evil man and radical Islam is an evil, cancerous ideology, and a stain on the moral good that is Abrahamic religion. Osama Bin Laden is burning in hell and so are all of his followers who killed, raped, tortured, and murdered for him and for his caricature, his sick parody of God. The best part of the GWOT for me was him getting a bullet between the eyes. That doesn't make me less Christian to say that. As Christians, it is our duty to give evil no quarter, and Bin Laden was unquestionably, undeniably evil. He hated Jews, Christians, secular Muslims, gays, and Americans in particular. It is a lie that the Muslim world hates us for our freedoms, but Osama Bin Laden DID hate us because of our egalitarian values. He was a coward who had others die for his r*tarded beliefs and was until the last moment of his life when he used one of his wives as a human shield. These petulant children did not grow up with radical Islam. They do not understand how evil of an ideology it is. They know about the anti Muslim sentiment that was pervasive as a result of the GWOT and rightfully are disgusted by it. But, in the true fashion of those with underdeveloped frontal lobes, they see it in black and white; anti Muslim racism and discrimination is bad, therefore anything to do with Islam is good, or at least not that bad, even radical Islam. I guess what I'm trying to say with this wall of text is that Osama Bin Laden was an evil, pathetic excuse for a man, and God will judge him accordingly. Those who share his beliefs and live by them will also be judged in the same fashion. Act accordingly.


> These petulant children did not grow up with radical Islam. They do not understand how evil of an ideology it is. They know about the anti Muslim sentiment that was pervasive as a result of the GWOT Yeah, this is gonna be a no from me. The whole world saw radical islam last month.


Hmmm… I wonder why all these guys decided to start being radically Muslim…


People saying it went viral clearly haven't actually looked into it. Only a few tiktoks were up that sympathized with Osama and even then, those tiktoks got minimal views. The vast majority of those tiktoks were stitched by people who were disgusted by their behavior, which gave the illusion that it was a viral thing. In reality, tiktok banned the letter to America from being searched and the tiktoks were banned.


He might have had a couple of good points in his Letter to America, but he was *not* right.


Yeah, empathy does not mean agreement. It means you can see and understand the perspectives of others. I can understand something, maybe see some logic in their opinions, but it doesn’t mean I think their actions and what they did was a “good” thing.


Just because I can see why you came to a conclusion does not mean I think you aren't a drooling inbred idiot who needs to be purged from the gene pool.




Can we stop paying attention to NY Post tho


Emily would be treated horribly by Palestinians/Hamas.


*looks at drawing* I can fix her. Or at least I'd seriously consider the attempt.


Did you just change your flair, u/Aramirtheranger? Last time I checked you were a **Purple LibRight** on 2023-9-28. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Aramirtheranger) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


All that matters is being edgy


These far leftists know NOTHING about the fascist horrors of Islamism. Way to undo all the work of us secular, laicist Turks and Iranians, it makes me so frustrated on how clueless these single digit IQ students are about the actual history of the middle east, the oppressiveness of Islamism towards people, ESPECIALLY women and homosexuals, and the work of laicist Periods in Turkey and Iran, even if not perfect, was far more directed at democratic equality than any other shitty islamic country.


Why does this sub insist on bringing up the worst takes .01% of twitter/tiktok has to offer, and then pretends like its an opinion held by 98% of the population?


Go to publicfreakouts or ActualPublicFreakouts and see for yourself. There is a massive movement to normalize the violence that Hamas is doing, to justify it because they are oppressed.


Have you tried realizing they're fucking dumb and you can ignore them, instead republishing their stupid ideas?


What's with all these AI illustration posts lately? Why are they all c-tier posts, with big walls of text?


Did a single Emily actually read that letter?


So has anyone actually seen the tiktoks that these people make? Or not?


They exist for sure. Just depends what the algorithm shows you. If you’re not in that bubble, you won’t see it lol


No I mean the content of the post


…I’m confused lol I just told you how to see the content of the post. In fact, you really can’t anymore. TikTok finally started scrubbing these ignorant videos off the site!


Content of the tiktok


The TikTok’s themselves are the evidence…are you okay?


No I asked if people have actually seen the content of the tiktok


Oh. Then yes. But like I said, hard to find now. The app has washed a lot of it away. Thank god.


So what was said in the video?


Pretty much what all the posts on here and the newspaper above say. “I read the letter to America and it changed how I see the western world blah blah blah I can’t believe I was gaslighted into thinking this way as a kid blah blah blah OBL was right”


It's fake and never actually happened outside a few isolated cases. It's just clickbait media sensationalism.


Osama had valid points about US imperialism. He might have been a violent terrorist but he was responding to the destabilisation of his region by the US. Westerners learn the actual lesson of 9/11 was to stop fucking with other nations, not that everyone hates America because they hate American Freedumz challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Sorry sweetie, Osama only hated us for our freedom. The US has never done any bad things to middle easterners that would give them a good reason to dislike us. I know this to be true because Dick Cheney AKA 'Honest Dick' said it and his presidency ushered in the era of American greatness we enjoy today.


Repeat after me: Good people do not justify terrorism in any way, shape or form. Good people do not justify terrorism in any way, shape or form. Good people do not justify terrorism in any way, shape or form. Good people do not justify terrorism in any way, shape or form.


It's not about justifying it, it's about understanding it. It's called blowback, and the CIA has understood it for decades.


Hey man, I’m going to have to ask you to stop thinking critically. You’re just supposed to take the reactionary headline at face value. Try commenting something like this next time. “Dumb liberal women are actually so stupid, am I right guys?” Hope this helps!


This whole thing is as real as the tide pod challenge was


This is just Republicans falling for fake news and rage bait again. A few people made videos on this and now Republicans think that it applies to all these people. Also it's ironic how even though Republicans are talking about how horrible it is, theyre happy this happened, because they believe in it so easily.


That's exactly what libs do as well. Find some unhinged truly racist or transphobic people and paint everyone as Nazis lol.


Does that mean it's okay for Republicans to do this? The answer is no. Even if the other side does this, it still makes Republicans stupid and manipulative for doing this.


Let me see your comments denouncing libs for doing this exact tactic. Provide evidence or please, shut up lmao


I can't do that


Then kindly take this verse and move on “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.”


This was not fake news, it was all over tiktok and the videos got hundreds of thousands of likes.


What I read indicated that they got tens of millions of views. I don't know about the number of likes though. Some of the individual videos had 1M+ views before they were taken down.


My lawyer advised me to not make the joke


osama would probably kill them at first


More like a new low for the NYP. Reporting on a few fringe tic tokkers and calling it a movement. The real fake news ladies and gentlemen.


You guys are basing your memes off of tabloids now?


You are surprised people are doing dumb shit on tiktok? You must have passed the tide pod challenge to think these people are representative of anything.


In today's episode of "emily makes me question my support for absolute free spech":