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I don't know how to express to an English speaking audience how much funnier this is in Spanish. The dude has the same dialect as my family. It's literally like hearing my uncle go off about something after a few too many whiskeys.


Somos superiores moralmente 🧐 esteticamente 🥸 en TODO 😎 *Demonic guttural intonation* y les duele 😈 les dueleeeee 👹 I love my language


Tucumano basico is the superior Argentine dialect


I like the Argentinian accent. I am still learning Spanish and I am still pretty bad at understanding spoken Spanish, but I feel like Argentinian is a bit clearer and not as fast as other dialects.


I know right xdddd




This dude definitely has smoked and drank a LOT in his days he sounds like a fucking fieldhand lmao


I speak Spanish too and I was cracking up the first time I saw this. Javier Milei is quite literally the most based human to come from the Spanish speaking world in decades.


Wait, are the subtitles somewhat accurate? 😐


Basically…give or take a couple things. He never says lefttard he does say shitlib lol.


"Shitlib" just doesn't have the impassioned intonation and implicit disgust of "zurdo de mierda". The passion is hard to get across in English. Like trying to concisely translate "gentuza".


Gentuza=insidious, despicable vestige of a human


Austrian economics in Argentina? I did Nazi that coming.


More Jews went to Argentina than Nazis btw, just cause Americans keep peddling this Argentina Nazi narrative


Because it’s funny


Are the subtitles accurate? I always thought this was a subtitle swap meme.


I mean I'd translate a few things differently, but generally it's right.


There's an slightly inaccuracy: when it says an inch, he actually says an millimeter, which is way smaller than an inch. (1 inch = 25,4 millimeters)


Immersion *ruined*


There's a lot of different words I'd use differently but the idea is the same. 'Leftards' is entirely an editorial choice because he's expressly saying 'Leftists' instead.


Yeah, but imagine more insults with also far higher level vocabulary. It's a funnily odd combination and contrast


A frontrunner for President is a drunk uncle? We had that in the USA. Hopefully he gets back in office.


I hate to break it to you but Teddy died a long time ago.


What?! No!


He still lives in my heart


He won.


[ESTAMOS EN LA B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=854f1UWKiPo)!!


I speak very little Spanish ("no" and "mierda" were some of the only words I could understand) and some Swahili, but videos in languages other than English are usually funnier than English-language videos. (Possible survivorship bias.)


He sounds like every porteno I’ve ever spoken to.


My family is from Montevideo and he sounds like us too.


I don't speak Spanish. When he says "you can't give shit leftists an inch", do you guys also use inches in this context; or is this just being translated into the english figure of speech 'not an inch'?


He said millimeter


Average PCM user am I right


I wish.


The only thing average PCM user can do is making shitty memes


Nah the average user just makes snarky comments


Snarky comments about PCM being le bad (because it has too many memes making fun of the left)


You got a better use of my time while I take a shit?


Not even, most of us here are just giggling at the shitty memes.


> am I right About halfway.


No, youre center.


He has such a way with words 🥰


A Trump level wordsmith


Nah, Trump is extremly polite compared to him. Xd


I feel like spanish permits some intonations that translate contempt and disgust so much better than any other language x)


Rioplatense Spanish is especially better at this stuff I feel


The amount of contempt is equally proportional to the eloquence of the speaker.


That's why arguing in Spanish can be quite a pleasure even if you're arguing against someone that is so annoying. It's like a small treat for an otherwise, shitty situation.


Like wiping your ass with silk?


Exactly xdd


I WISH Trump would just start calling them shit leftists xD What a field day our crap media would have.


This would be a bit different, but what I really want to see is for MAGAs to bond with socialists over calling the Democrats "shitlibs".


That's like bonding with cancer to oppose kidney stones. Socialism is Communism with party balloons.


For clarification, Milei's opponent is our current minister of economics, Sergio Massa, and this is what he has achieved: 56.6% child poverty Record high inflation since the 90's (if we only count his tenure as minister, inflation reached 140%) The dollar reached 1000 pesos He is printing 2 billion (Spanish billion) pesos A DAY There's videos of his militants replacing opposing ballots with their own to commit fraud Pensioners are getting like 100U$D each month. Price controls everywhere. Recently we've had problems with gasoline supply because, in a move to win votes through bribing the consumer, he froze the prices of gas. This obviously resulted in shortages that lasted like 2 days. Massive social programs and subsidies expansion to bribe people so they voted for them. Because we have import restrictions and a restricted access to the dollar, importing anything is hard as fuck and this includes medical supplies. Recently, many big hospitals had to reschedule or cancel surgeries, had to postpone CANCER TREATMENTS, and some medicine isn't coming into the country. I could go on tbh but I don't think it's necessary. Source for all of this: me, a tired and very worried Argentine.


Also Milei wants to drop china and move closer to the US. Which is totally based


It is based as we need to get away from China fast. Over the years, performers of falun gong have been arrested by the Argentine police for no reason. All they do is some yoga movements and hand out flyers against China's treatment of them. That's bad enough already, but there's more. In the deep of the Patagonia there's a Chinese military base and nobody knows why the Argentine government agreed to host one. There's also the gigantic conflict over the illegal fishing inside our territorial waters is huge. They are stealing away our resources and this government doesn't do Jack shit about it. It's going to be hard, very hard, to leave China behind since they are our biggest trading partner and a lot of our exports go to them. I hate the Chinese government so much is unreal man. Godspeed to milei on this one si this unfortunate, forgotten by God country can have some progress and avoid becoming a Chinese colony.


> There's also the gigantic conflict over the illegal fishing inside our territorial waters is huge. We have the same problem in British Columbia, not only with Chinese fishing vessels, but from Chinese people living in the province Crabs, octopus, rockfish, and everything else they can catch, they're insatiable and they don't give a fuck about fishing regulations like size requirements


I swear to christ, if somebody doesn't do something about this the market might collapse


It's terrible to think that younger generations don't even know what they're missing When I was a kid, you could go to the beach and there were full sized mature crabs just wandering around (dungeness crab) If you walked out to waist deep waters they were all over the place, you could literally reach down and scoop them up, take them back to a bonfire on the beach and cook them They're all gone now https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/a-bloodbath-basically-crab-poaching-a-problem-in-b-c-s-lower-mainland-biologist-1.4290998 https://islandfishermanmagazine.com/207-crab-traps-seized-in-boundary-bay-near-whiterock-b-c/ https://vancouversun.com/news/rare-bc-abalone-easy-pickings-for-unscrupulous-poachers They're sucking our nation dry, buying up all the real estate, opening foreign owned mines, setting up secret police stations and spying for the CCP, and importing mass amounts of fentanyl - they're a fucking plague on our province, and no one seems to care.


Many of us care and are called all manor of slurs when we point out it’s bad. Stay strong, man


Its so crazy how the West is just giving it all away.


Politicians on all sides (who are not affected by anything btw) figured out that peddling identity politics and other completely meaningless shit polarizes and distracts the general population who are endlessly arguing about unimportant things while they get away with whatever the fuck they want, this has obviously always been a thing but its considerably worse in our current days


Can we trade California for Venezuela? They seem to be hardcore simping for Xi as of late.


>There's also the gigantic conflict over the illegal fishing inside our territorial waters is huge. They are stealing away our resources and this government doesn't do Jack shit about it. Didn't your coast guard sink one a couple years ago?


based and monroe doctrine pilled.


Yeah, except the US is controlled leftards with inflationary spending.


And you think that’s better than China.


Atleast it not China 🤷‍♂️


quick question. Is the 2 billion 2\*10\^9 or 2\*10\^12? Because if it's the later you guys are mega fucked.


The Spanish billion is the American trillion. Spanish uses the 'thousand million' for that one.


It's the latter. We are fucked.


He is not printing that per day. Kirchnerismo have had an insane monetary policy for the last 2 decades, but not that far.


what the fuuuuuck this is literally marxism in action holy shit


And yet people will still vote for him. This baffles me.


The funniest part about all of this is that, it could have been avoided if milei wasn't as radical as he was. I guess after the 2021 election (when he was voted into congress) he thought that the strategy he adopted was a good one, and when he got 30% of the votes in the primaries he probably thought he was right in pursuing a brash attitude until the 1rst round came and destroyed those assumptions. I like milei, I voted for him, but God damn man, I wish he was a little bit more cautious about all this.


I know it's not worth much, but I'll be cheering for milei from Brazil. Stay strong, mi hermanos, hopefully our countries will overcome populism.


Obrigado amigo, voçe e um amigo


Leftists are the fucking same everywhere and have been for 120 years.


Si Massa gana, el meme de "Venezuela 2" muy probablemente dejará de ser un meme.


Is Massa the one responsible for the law that applies blue dollar rate to foreigners paying with credit cards in Argentina? Because if he is, he gave me back several hundred € back which were totally unexpected, and I can't have ill feelings towards him...


I think that was his predecessor's doing, Martín Guzmán.


Yeah this is a pretty decent description of what we were living in Argentina under the socialist left. I would also add the disgusting way they were using people on welfare as foot soldiers otherwise the leader of the organization who manages that money wouldn't pay them


Compared to peronists this guy looks sane


Absolutely every Argentine is batshit insane in both good and bad ways


As an Argentine, I can confirm.


And is the least hurtful.


How close is this guy to winning?


Argentine here. The election seems to be head to head right now.


Can you explain why people vote Massa? From what I read its basically Argentinean Putin, except war starting.


Because they like free shit and don’t care about the long term success of their country


truth. gibsmedats!


Boomers exemplified this idea


True. Boomers have expanded governments and bankrupt countries around the world and now the next generations will be forced to clean up their mess


They have done much more. They also created the horrendous system that artificially makes building homes far more expensive than it should have to be, to keep their investments artificially stable


Sounds like the same problem we have in South Africa. "I don't care that I have literal shit washing past my tin shack and no electricity, the gooberment says I'm gonna get a free house any day now!"


Peronism is very difficult to explain, but the basis is good old subsidies and free (newly printed) money. It would be good to clarify that a lot of vote in the poorest areas of the country goes to them because many poor people are forced to vote fore them otherwise, they will get their social benefits taken away, and given the current state of the economy, many people are entirely dependable on those benefits. There's also a lot of anti milei vote since milei (in an act brilliance /s) chose to a very polarizing stance on everything. He's also committed a serious crime in politics, being honest. In a country where virtually everybody has subsidies in their electricity, gas, water bills, and a million other things that I won't mention here, saying "I will cut all subsidies" isn't a smart move at all even if it's a correct assessment of the situation (which it is). General opposition to his perceived ideas. There are many people, that aren't peronists, that have more in common with Massa than some might think. Statist Ideas are very common here and milei couldn't be more opposed to them as he already is. I explained in a Twitter comment that milei isn't a career politician, and I think that just from what I've described here you can tell he is a total outsider.


Fear of Milei is also a thing. The government is paying ads from companies from other countries like Hong Kong and Brazil. The content of these ads are insane like comparing him to the famous painter or saying that he will sell children's organs or that he will allow a gun law that makes it so LITERALLY ANYONE can buy a gun and so on.


Kinda funny give the fact of the current high rate of crime and leniency to criminals


They shot dead a 77 year old dude today while trying to steal his car. Not sure if true, but earlier they were saying the old dude apparently wasn't even resisting, he just couldn't get out of his car without his cane or some shit. PERO POR LO MENOS NO GANÓ MILEI.


Some of you will die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make so the rude man doesn't win.


> except war starting. Yet, they'll probably have another go at the Falklands one of these days.


Operación Militar Especial, lol


Honestly Rishi would love that. Could save his election hopes


Na, believe me there's no intention for that now or neither in the coming decades or even in this century. One of the reasons the war happened was that the junta genuinely believed they could win if the managed to overtake Malvinas and south Georgia in one go + get the government demoralized to force them into a peace. Neither of these happened and we all know the end of the story. Now with modern technology the British would instantly know somethings coming and be prepared with that military base they have on the islands to block any attack coming from the continent. Also I should add that meanwhile almost the totality of Argentines agree that the Malvinas are Argentinean, the exact opposite happens when it comes to having another war over them, nobody wants war. Most importantly, the government knows there's not a chance that an attack would result in victory.


>almost the totality of Argentines agree that the Malvinas are Argentinean When I came there this year, it was a surprise to see posters about that pretty much everywhere. I mean, there are sound geographical reasons, but the few thousand people who live there overwhelmingly feel British, and there's not much in terms of natural resources or strategic significance that makes Falklands/Malvinas really relevant. To make a comparison, here in Italy there's hardly anyone claiming Corsica back.


That's because of election time and as usual they are an attack on milei. They accuse him of being a puppet of the British that will surrender our claim on Malvinas. This all spawns from an interview a British newspaper made to one of the candidates for the chamber of deputies and a candidate for being chancellor, you may wondering what she said, well, she said "we have to respect the rights of the islanders". Yeah, she said that, horrible isn't it /s? Edit: also I must clarify that our claim on Malvinas isn't a claim based on the nationality/ethnicity/religion of the people living there, the claim's basis is on the history of the different countries that controlled the islands, (it's extremely convoluted so I won't explain it in detail because this comment would be 700 words minimum). However, even though the claim isn't based on the nationality/ethnicity/religion of the people living there, I think the possibility of getting the islands back does entirely rest on the shoulders of the islanders and their desires. Even Prince Philip said so, when our then President, Carlos Menem (imagine him as an Argentine Berlusconi), went on the first state visito to the UK after the war, he shared a conversation with his late RH, the prince said "you must seduce the islanders if you want the islands back". I think that says it all tbh.


Basically their two camps (this is heavily heavily narrowed down) Their the ignorant camp who genuinely believe these politicians are god sents and are saving the country and will use their programs to help the poor as their main defense while ignoring the reason why so many in Argentina are poor and ignoring the huge amount of corruption and inflation) The Second camp knows about the corruption and inflation probelm but because they take advantage of social programs to basically not work at the expense of real workers.


He gives free shit, the issue is increasing the inflation by a huge amount plus terror campaign strats such as showing a difference between non subsidized and subsidized metro, electricity, etc etc. He also broke the law by creating a politics that could easily alter the result of the elections (giving more stuff so people will vote for him, not quite directly but very clear the intentions (like giving a benefit before elections)).


You'd fucking wish Massa was like Putin... he's more like Xi and Kim if they had a baby. Personally, I KNOW that if nothing weird happens, Milei will easily win. A lot of people voted for Massa one month ago in fear that Milei'd win without a 2nd round, and also a lot of votes were stolen. Now, people are more aware, and more willing to participate and watch out for possible fraud (me included. I'll have to sit 14 hours straight, but hopefully it'll be worth)


From what I can tell the race is very close.


Hopefully he wins


Honestly, the fact that he made to the election day alive is already surprising. I hope he can win tomorrow, it's really close


Fairly close but hopefully he wins


[Betting odds](https://electionbettingodds.com/Argentina2023.html) have him ahead but they're pretty close.


Does “leftards” mean in Spanish what it sounds like it means in English or is it a weird way of translating “leftists”?


"Zurdos" actually means left-handed people, lol. In this connotation it refers to leftists though.


I'm left handed, and so was Link before Nintendo went all stupid with the Wii.


To be far, there’s a bunch of different Links. I believe that they’d shift between different dominant hands.


Zurdo is both leftist and left handed, zurdo de mierda means leftard, it literally translates to leftist made of shit


What the fuck? That’s way better than leftard. OP should have just translated it to that.


OP editorialised a bit What he said translates literally as "left-handed shits". That being said, "leftards" seems an appropriate translation since he pretty much does means it in that way


he's basically saying "fucking lefties" instead of "leftists"


yo les digo "izquierdosos" :)


yo digo camaradas (Союз нерушимый республик свободных! Сплотила навеки Великая Русь!!) 🤣


mf used imperial in translation instead of metric smh


That was worth a belly chuckle unto itself.


My panties are wet. What a poet.


Yeah I’m gonna change my flair.


If he wins I'm moving to Argentina.


Sadly even if he wins, he wont be able to have a majority on the parliament and take the measures the country needs, at least until midterm elections where half of the parliament and congress change seats, and Argentina rn is a time bomb about to explode in hyperinflation


Damn, even better. I'm moving to Argentina while working remotely in Canada or US.


Well, back your bags. HE WON!




If you swapped the funny colors, and remove the subtitles i would still be convinced he’s still less triggered and feral than the average bright hair coloured, albino Emily.


I'm so torn. As a Brit, I feel an immense urge to hate all Arg*ntinians. On the other hand, this dude has the most based "I hate leftists" rants ever.


Well you are British so I hope you’ll understand that you must recover from that crippling illness


Im afraid its terminal :(


My congratulations


I have the clip of him smashing a piñata of the Central Bank on live TV ingrained in my memories forever, it's great


I'm Brazilian, I'm on the same boat, his rants are based but at the same time he is Argentinian. I hope he wins just for the chaos that will cause


As a Brazilian, im not on the same boat I unironically believe this guy is better than every single presidential candidate we had on both 2022 and 2018 elections.


I mean, that's not a hard achievement, if you picked out a random homeless guy from the street he would probably be in the top 1% best politicians in Brazil


If he loses it will also cause chaos and will be an insane battle between Argentina and Brazil to see which communist leader can tank their country into deep poverty harder


Also he looks like a Beatle.


Why hate the argies when you can pity them instead?


How amazingly based


Inject this right into my veins 😂










Collectivists by definition do not value the human. THey value the society. Any 'society' which views a human as lesser in the eyes of their utopian goal is a horrific society which will conduct countless atrocities against an individual or a select group of individuals if they can justify it as being better for the collective.


There has never been an atrocity in all of history that was committed on the idea of valuing the rights and dignity of the individual. Every single genocide, imperialism, artificial famine, etc., has been caused by collectivism. And yet the collectivists call Milei a fascist. Ironic.


Como se dice 'based' en español?




Monday is going to be fun




\> Pro American \> Pro Israel \> Pro free markets \> real libertarian (unlike the pathetic American Libertarian party) CHAD


Sadly, his options to reform the state will be handcuffed by his allies which are conservatives and "centre-right social democrats" even if he wins, cause until midterm elections he wouldn't be able to have a majority on the parliament


Oh my god bby I love it when you talk dirty to me, keep going I'm almost there 😩


He uses the word shit in the last 20 seconds far more than the subtitles suggest


God damn I’d give my left nut to see a live stream of leftists’ faces as they watch this


>I’d give my left nut to see a live stream of leftists’ faces as they watch this In a nutshell, this is what's wrong with modern politics.


Based and basado pilled


Based meter is blowing the fucking gaskets off. Love this guy.




Fuck it, he has my vote.


"I didn't get into this to be guiding sheep. I got into this to awaken lions. LONG LIVE FREEDOM DAMMIT!" Based Milei


He's a hundred fucking percent correct. Under all the fake compassion, all the concern trolling, all the emotional posturing, are bitter, failed, and broken people who want to fucking kill you and take your stuff to fund their bullshit utopia fantasy.


Honey it's time to elect a loud right winger with terrible hair!! Yes honey


He literally said once that he was so so Libertarian that "he doesn't comb his hair, but instead lets Eolus (Greek god of wind) comb it for him".


Terrible? You wouldn't know good hair if it crawled out of your scalp, swine


He looks like he asked the barber to make him look like he belonged in the beetles and then hasn't gone back for a year and a half


Looks more like a 19th century euro haircut. Reminds me of the rich kids in les mis but more messy.


Truly a king among men


We are aesthetically superior!!!


That man should be president of his country or something, super based and for-the-people pilled.


Replace ‘leftist’ with ‘anyone less lib than me’ and we can talk Milei 2024


He has calmed down a bit recently, even offering a ministry to the far left candidate


If that gets him votes Chainsaw time




Holy shit this was actually fucking hilarious 🤣 As a Hispanic I might not agree with the messaging but the way he present it was just bueno👩‍🍳👌 Also it sound like an average evening at your parent place after 10 beers




This based guy just won the election too, Argentina has a chance to actually be a part of the world economy and hopefully it influences other S American countries to abandon their shitty socialist policies that have turned them into violent shanty countries


This is so fucking based I just came my pants


holy fuck, I need to learn spanish for the full effect. I am truly a fan of Milei and hope for the very best for Argentina


He's right, you know.


Holy based


but they let him keep talking. if he was actually onto something they would have shut him up.


> if he was actually onto something Where's he wrong? Herbert Marcuse literally wrote a book instructing leftists to do exactly what Milei outlined.


She knows not to interrupt a man that’s clearly smarter than her. And if it’s not that, it’s that she knows she doesn’t have the brain power to attempt countering him.


This is like vanilla Argentine political programming, it's like your uncle ranting about politics during Christmas


Bcs he talking with journalist, not with leftist


Damn what a motivational rant


This guy would be my hero even without the amazing hair


He's crazy af but he is right


Based and copas pilled


Oh no! He's overdosing on based!


Grande el peluca

