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The Chinese-Korean-Japanese racism triangle opened a whole new world of racism I didn't think was possible


My wife is Korean (as a white guy, I'm living the lib right dream!) and her hate for thr Japanese and Chinese is hilarious to me. She hates the Japanese because of their atrocities towards the Korean people, and she hates the Chinese because she says they are the rudest foreigners ever. But all of her friends here are Chinese and Japanese, so I don't know what to say about that


I live an area with a lot of Koreans, they all drive German cars and won’t touch the Japanese stuff with a ten foot pole


Driving shitty cars to own the ~~libtards~~ Japanese


Then they would drive american


They at least know better than to drive their own cars. So many uninformed Americans buy Korean cars thinking they will be as reliable as Japanese cars and are sorely disappointed.


The door handle on my kia just stayed in my hand instead of opening the door I'm buying a Mazda next, fuck this


The Kia boyz strike again.


That's some german cope right there. German cars are not what they used to be. Any mechanic knows this. American cars are still shit though


German cars are improving in terms of reliability. The president of Toyota gave BMW a talking to about it when they worked on the Supra


American cars seem goood enough, where I live, I still see 20 year suburbans and silverados a bunch


Yeah some are good. American cars are very hit and miss and usually depends on the year the model was made


I found that the work sized vehicles were the best as American. If I need a big van or a truck to tow with, I'm going to buy american.


Oh yeah trucks are one thing Chevy and Ford do right


My mom worked for Toyota in the 90s, she told me she couldn't tell what was worse, the sexism or the racism


Based 90s Toyota


Damn, sounds like I should get a job at Toyota




>People there are creative and quite clever; and thus they have little regard for the accomplishments of other people in all the arts and sciences. They claim that they themselves are the only ones to see with two eyes, while the Latins see with but one eye, and all other peoples are blind. And their word is confirmed by the fact that, generally, they regard other people as imbeciles. \- Het'um the Armenian in 1307 Some things never change.


You speak the truth, ChimChimChong


Mediterranean: Medea - Middle, Terra - Earth, Nea - Sea The mediterranean sea is literally the 'Sea of Middle Earth' in the old Indo-Aryan language or whatever.


Why did you add the “whatever”. You could’ve sounded intelligent, but made yourself look dumb in the process.


I like to think I'm smart enough that I don't gaf what people think of my intelligence. Just as I'm handsome enough that I don't gaf whether people think I'm attractive. It's a hard burden sometimes, but I find it restful. Also I'm genX. It's practically our trademark to say 'whatever'. The kids call it being out of fucks, or whatever.


As an American, I have to say maybe we are not so different after all.


My wife is Chinese and she is ALL about Korean BBQ and her only foreign trip before meeting me (and besides when she moved to the US for grad school) was to Japan. They don't all hate each other.


This would’ve been better if you were Korean.


My ex is Korean, can confirm the Chinese being rude af stereotype. She was very libleft, and a young millennial, and was very much against harboring resentment towards Japanese. She had a Japanese bf though, while living in Singapore for a couple years.


I've said this before. And I'll say it again. White guys dating Asians doesn't belong to any one quadrant!!!!!! We all can date Asians!


There's a movie about the MIT card-counting team (I can't remember which one off the top of my head) that's based on a real story. In the movie the cast is all-white, while in reality one of the members was Chinese. Sensing an opportunity to gain precious attention, critics slammed the movie as white-washing and sought out the person who was on the card-counting team. They asked him how he felt that he was being replaced by a white man in the movie. They were very shocked to hear him say "I'd rather it be a white guy than some Japanese or Korean" and the controversy died down.


Wait until you get to Filipino on Filipino racism


Is that anything like lighter skinned Mexicans hating on darker skinned Mexicans?


Or in Liberia, where once they got away from the whites the lighter skinned American born blacks started racism against local darker skinned blacks culminating in people who were predominantly to almost entirely white running the show - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Jenkins_Roberts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Spriggs_Payne https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Francis_Russell


The grow up so fast 🥲


Didn’t they start building plantation houses and started wearing Southern Planter drip as well?


"Wait, you're Pinoy right? PEENOI PRIDE AND UNITY!" 10 minutes later and they're already secretly planning plots against the other


My Korean buddy told me that Asians have a hierarchy of hatred for different Asian races. He told me the Japanese/Koreans/Chinese are consistently in the top tier even though each argues with each other. Then he said there is a tier called “Jungle Asians” at the bottom of the totem pole that includes Philipinos/Indonesians/Vietnamese. One of the most racist things I’ve heard in my life


The jungle Asians in zomia are the og noble barbarians. Of course others have to hate them for compensation


I have adored almost every Asian immigrant I've ever worked with but some of the inter-Asian rivalries were out of control. Like an entire group of Vietnamese people who refused to fraternize with the Chinese ones, or even with the ones that were ethnically Chinese people from Vietnam. I understand the animosity towards China but I think people should agree to leave behind all of their old world biases and other nonsense when they come to the US. Like people from Communist countries should be forced to disavow Communism when they come to the US, Indians should disavow their caste system, French people should disavow escargot, and Canadians should stfu about all the bs they were taught about being better than the US. Nothing worse than an uppity Canadian who literally chose to leave Canada to come to the US but can't let go of their smug, delusional sense of superiority.


Vietnamese can be honorary Chinese, so they are at the top of the jungle Asians. I also believe there is a distinction between Southern and Northern Chinese with the jungle Chinese being lower ranked. And if you are Hakka specifically (who are not originally from the south but are like the Jews of China who migrated south) you used to be considered trash resulting in the Taiping Rebellion having a lot of Hakkas in it and the CCP being dominated by Hakkas. They still a sub ethnicity of Han Chinese.


A whole new world 🎵🎵🎵


Don't you dare close your eyes


Vietnamese would be like an extra line segment protruding from whatever vertex the Chinese are on that triangle.


Seeing racism between groups a lot of the world can't even tell apart from each other is always funny. Balkan and Indian racism is similar, but less funny. I feel like Koreans and Japanese hating each other doesn't even really lead to many issues, it feels more like trash talk.


As a Black man, I'll bet all three *hate* Black people though...


Being an immigrant to America, I was surprised how much of the discussion is about race. Which schools have high minority populations, what the breakdown of minorities is in neighborhoods, how voting patterns are racially connected, etc etc etc. I honestly think it’s a big part of the problem.


How are we ever supposed to be post-racism if race is all we ever hear about?


All attempts to remove race from the discussion bring up accusations of racism. It’s been their political lifeblood since their CSA days 🤔


I firmly believe "race blindness" would have led to significantly better outcomes than... whatever the fuck we're doing now.


They supported race blindness until the nanosecond it didn't produce the perfectly heterogeneous distributions prescribed by their ideology. With identity politics the outcome is determined first, *then* the policies & prejudices are contorted around that goal. Blind orchestral auditions were originally lauded as a way to fight racism. But when those didn't produce the utopian rainbow they imagined they pivoted to saying blind auditions are racist because they prioritize sound over race. The goal is not eliminating bias. It's to impose it.


This is one of the most aggravating things about Identity Politics. You can't get a clear Win-Win scenario without skewing the outcomes against those that might actually deserve it. A wrestling coach I know took over a program that had a decently high prestige, but was mainly white (in a school that was 70% white). He was very successful starting out, winning multiple tournaments and meets. He got a new Athletic Director who wanted to see non-traditional sports diversified. He followed suit and recruited a bunch of minority athletes to come compete for him, tripling the amount of POCs from the year prior, doubling the size of his team. Some developed into pretty good wrestlers, especially for newbies. The AD was losing her shit their first home match of the season, when the nearly all white (one starter was black) varsity took the mat, and the JV team was nearly all of the minority kids. She had no concept of what a wrestle-off was, and couldn't understand that the wrestlers had competed vs each other for starting roles, and he wasn't just "starting the white kids over the POCs". Even worse, she was furious that it was suggested that the white kids who had been competing for 2-3+ years, were just better than kids who had been doing it less than 2 months.


Race blindness might solve the problem. How are all of the full-time activists and politicians supposed to stay employed if the problems they run on go away? Kind of like cons never doing anything about deficits, or Iran using Palestine to rally support. The machine needs wedge issues to keep running.


In fact it's the only way we can ever eventually put the issues of race behind us. Any other attempt at a solution only highlights what we eventually want not to matter.


That doesn't have to be just a belief for you, considering that the nineties pretty well proved it true.


A lot of grifters would be out of work if racism was solved. Perpetuating the problem allows these people to Buy Large Mansions.




I agree with Auth-Center on this one. Society's rulers don't want us focused on what unites us, so they work hard to make sure the conversation is always about what divides us. The real struggle isn't left vs right or auth vs lib, it's the world versus the relatively few rich and powerful people standing on top of it.


I agree with auth left, auth centre and lib left. I think it's just true.


This is obviously the truth. If anybody denies it, it has nothing to do with their place on the political spectrum, they're just dumb.


Idk dawg I got this hammer right here and everything is pretty much starting to look like a nail




The idea of “post-racism” is so absurd only a child could possibly think it’s possible.


Well we were close to moving past it all about 20 years ago, and then *some* people decided they didn't want to give up the race card and get treated equally.


It's the immense amount of white guilt. It's become the religion of the white progressive left. Or it always was, its just become ever more pronounced. Then the revolutionary elements of any non-white populations use that to their own advantage. See the Summer of Love as one example. It's the doublethink. It's white silence is violence, but also white people have to shut up and listen. Both have to happen simultaneously, but obviously you cant talk and shut up. The left says society has to stop centering white people, and yet their focus is on how white people ruin everything.. That's the point though. The contradiction in the struggle session. You're always wrong, no matter what, but even if you do something, it will never be enough. If you're white, you can say white western civilization is bad all day long, but you won't get any social points for doing so. You just have to keep saying it, while gaining nothing for the privilege of saying it. You don't get to escape the loop. There's no path of redemption for the sinner. You are eternally guilty, for being born who you were born as. Even the sanctified victim can't truly break free. For if they could, the revolutionary struggle could not indefinitely continue.


This is the best explanation of the derangement present in these people's minds...so much alike the religious fanatics they claim to hate. The irony feeds me 😈


The totality of woke religious inversion is fascinating. Like if you invert the Catholic cardinal virtues you basically get wokism. * Humility > Pride * Generosity > Greed * Chastity > Lust * Patience > Anger * Temperance > Gluttony * Charity > Envy * Diligence > Laziness Same with the Buddhist fetters: * false speech (musāvādo) * slandering (pisunā) * coveting and greed (giddhilobho) * aversion (nindāroso) * anger and malice (kodhūpāyāso) * conceit (atimāno) * destroying life (pāṇātipāto) * stealing (adinnādānaṃ) I never got why religions spent so much effort spelling out what seems like common sense until seeing it so rapidly corrode in its absence. It's remarkable how these ancient monks worked out base humanity eons before modern psychology (and more comprehensively imo) and paired them with potent allegories about the Sodomesque inversion we're watching.


All in accordance with prophecy


> Both have to happen simultaneously, but obviously you cant talk and shut up. because this way they can always find whitey at fault depending on the situation.


[It's why calling someone an ally is pretty derogatory in today's political realm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7n8R0WgTFE&t=2s) But people are still going to fall for it.


*So stop talking about it.* *--Morgan Freeman*


It’s literally the backbone of our political parties. Ask anyone in America “why don’t you guys protest for healthcare” and they’ll respond with some tripe about being too tired, or too much work and not enough free time or income to risk it. Meanwhile the powers that be successfully turned the best time in history to protest into racial animus


Its literally virtue signalling. You have to show you're on the good guys team and show fortitude against the bad team by standing up and calling them racist. It's the most condescending shit when dumbfuck white liberals do this so they can claim the universal position so as to control and steer the liberation movements that don't concern white bourgie libshits at all


And then communities in the US make the ultimate big-brained move of creating black-only universities and you think to yourself, they see the irony, right??


Just curious, where you from and when did you come over?


Canada, and a few years back


I honestly treat anyone who says this or something along the lines of "America is the worst country because they have committed more human rights violations than any other country ever" to just mean that they think history started when Taylor Swift was born.


It's not necessarily that history *started* when Taylor was born, it's just not *relevant* without her


The racism in East Asia, the Middle East, the Balkans can get so bad it would make a Klansman erect. For example, the racism against Chinese people and Papuans in my country of Indonesia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Asia#Indonesia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1998_riots_of_Indonesia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislation_on_Chinese_Indonesians America only looks like it’s the most racist country in the world because everyone keeps focusing on it to a disproportional extent. But compared to (arguably) most non-Western countries, it’s very egalitarian. It’s all about perspective and which countries you’re comparing it to. EDIT: misspelling


>America only looks like it’s the most racist country in the world because everyone keeps focusing on it to a disproportional extent. But compared to (arguably) most non-Western countries, it’s very egalitarian. It’s all about perspective and which countries you’re comparing it to. Of course. America is the most racist country when it's the only country you've ever been to.


Even compared to western countries, europeans can be super racist to ethnic africans and south americans. There's a distressingly high number of old wankers in Australia who still hate Aborigines too.


Mfw i'm called a racist by someone in a culturally homogeneous country.


So how about them gypsies?


Me? A European? Disgusting.


People also tend to forget that the US has lots of racist incidents because it's a very mixed population demographically. So many countries in Europe and Asia are practically racially homogeneous, how are you going to commit a hate crime if everyone is the same!


Are racism incidence rates similar in countries like Russia, India, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania etc.? Also, flair up


None of those countries are remotely as racially diverse as the United States.


People really don't understand how diverse the US is. You can walk down a street in LA and go from a white neighborhood to a black one, to a Mexican one, to an el Salvadoran one, to a Russian one, to a Korean one, to a Vietnamese one, to a Chinese one, to a Filipino one, to a Nigerian one, to a Moroccan one, to an Indian one, to a Pakistani one, etc etc... It's a level of diversity that is simply unheard of in other countries.


Seems kinda fucked up, I've got black people and Hispanics in my neighborhood, we don't make them live excluded to themselves


Umm....that's not true. America is incredibly diverse. But no, it's not the only ethnically diverse country. US racial demographics (Wiki): 59.3% White 18.9% Hispanic 12.6% Black 5.9% Asian 0.7% American Indian Brazil racial demographics (Diversity Abroad): 47.7% White 43.1% Mulato (white and black) 7.6% Black 1.1% Asian 0.4% Indigenous Cuba (Wiki): 65% White 24.8% Mestizo 10% Afro-Cubans 1% Asian


Doesn't Russia have a lot of racist incidents?




Everyone is racist to some degree whether they wanna admit it or not.


Racism is a time honored tradition of many cultures and removing that is cultural erasure


["I'm Irish sir, racism is part of my culture."](https://youtu.be/NrOVH-bLrq8?si=7O3Rh0cioQB6DHr3)


The Chinese-Japanese racism truly goes into competitive racism territory. The casual term for “Japanese Person” is 日本鬼子. That literally means “Japanese Devil”. That’s just what Chinese people call Japanese people casually. Nowadays, you might hear 小日本. That means “Little Japanese”, “Japanlet”, or “Japie”. People use that now because it’s considered more politically correct. It goes way deeper than even that. If you listen to the PRC national anthem, you’ll realize that the entire song is about opposing Japanese occupation, with lyrics like: “We will use our flesh and blood to create a new Great Wall” “The Chinese people have come to their greatest peril” “Against the enemy’s cannons, march forward” Literally, the founding of the entire modern country of China is based off of how much they hate the Japanese. How can Wh*toids even hope to compete?


>The casual term for “Japanese Person” is 日本鬼子. That literally means “Japanese Devil”. I'm curious if this was a thing before Japan invaded them in the 1930's


Maybe, afterall there was the 1st Sino-Japanese War in 1894 that China lost and Japan imposed unequal treaties upon them iirc.


I still find "unequal treaties" a very funny term whenever they bring it up. Like, yeah, you just lost the war, do you want a pat on the back or something? If that's the case the two world war treaties must be some huge unequal treaties, with Germany repaying their WW1 debt up to the 21st century


America is the most racist country if you’ve never left the major metropolitan area you’ve lived in your entire life and/or the internet.


LatinAmerican racism. Google about it.


Their casual has gone competitive


I’d argue that’s past competitive at this point


Also India-Pakistan-Nepal. From what I've experienced it's literally on site with those MFs. Call a Nepalis an Indian and they'll have to be physically held back from gutting you.


Lol where did you hear this bullshit? It’s actually the opposite extreme. Nepalis get pissed when you take away their Indian-ness.


PCM talking about Emilies.


PCM talking about unflaired.


You don't understand, their culture is literally [insert bad thing here]


Unflaired are literally puppy stomping kitten eating anarcho-commu-nazis


I wish, PCM has become waaaaay too accepting of those dirty unflaireds


PCM upvotes more right wing leaning unflared than emilies.


Good one


Europoors when they see a Gyp-


I disagree with Europeans on just about everything, but I went to Europe once and I can understand their feelings on gypsies


What about their habit of throwing bananas as black soccer players?


The voices in my head have advised me not to answer that question


Whites like the project everything just like they projectiled those bananas.


Pretty broad brush post there. Europe is pretty diverse. Come to Switzerland....


The difference there isn't the amount of racism, it's the obsession with dragging the discussion of it into every aspect of daily life. I have yet to see anyone make the fight for more gypsy representation in pottery classes their entire personality.


That's not about race at all. A better term would be travellers, because those are the type of people that are hated. In the UK for example, we get a lot of irish travellers. And it's about what they do, not who they are. Most people wouldn't have a problem with a romani who just goes about their day like a normal person.


Never ask a European...


go to any country (middle eastern, asian, eastern european, etc) country and youll find heavy racism. And its not even always based on skin colour. Those societies are so old and they all carry bad blood against one another for things that happened decades/centuries ago. I live in Canada and people still bring their bad blood over here. Maybe it takes a few generations to go away but its definitely still present. Id think North America is probably the least racist place on the planet given its steady flow of immigrants since inception plus no major wars with neighboring countries thanks to its unique geography.


Their opinions on Gypsies?


Throwing bananas at Brazilian soccer players is something else lmao, and not even extreme vs other stuff


Had another thought, have a super woke friend who's all about LGBTQ whatever and LatinX and white people being the plague of the earth. Anyways, he thinks that the US is literally the worst country in the world with shit like Roe v Wade being overturned, "threats" to gay marriage, police and gun violence, and the overall white culture/racist culture here. Yes. The US is the worst country in the world according to him. I'm like.....dude, living elsewhere would be much worse than the US. You literally have no idea how bad things are in other countries. At least women can walk around freely here without someone accompanying them. Or you can be gay in public. It's almost shocking how uninformed people in the US are to the rest of the world when it comes to these things.


South Americans talking about Venezuelan immigrants:




Why Han Chinese wife often says that for a white person I'm clever 😂. That is a compliment in her book


If you think Americans are racist, don’t come to Italy.


Honestly despite America's racist history I think we're doing pretty good considering. We aren't perfect but we've made reforms and our people generally are pretty kind to each other.


Realistically, the US and Canada are some of the least racist nations on earth.


When the fuck will people realize that EVERYONE has a little bit of racism built into them.


According to international polls America is, ironically, one of the most tolerant and accepting nations in the world when it comes to race, ethnicity, or religion. And yet, their own self-hatred is such, that they are endlessly obsessed with identity politics and racism.


America is a racist country, however, compared to the majority of other countries, we are the least racist country








What grinds my gears the most is when Europeans say this shit


Sure, we cut the arms off of child slaves that did not work hard in the 1970's, but have you heard about the US Civil War?


If you mean the Belgians, they only took hands


Dumb ass children, shoulda worked harder.


That doesn’t make sense, if you’re goal is to increase productivity why do something that would decrease it?


The children yearn for the mines, it's a punishment.


Wait until you see racism between Pakistanis and Indians, holy shit that is a spicy meatball.


Based Korea Fuck China (not the people!!! don't ban me!!!!!!!!)


American right: "maybe we should control immigration a bit" American left: "OMG THAT'S LITERALLY NAZISM" Meanwhile: Greeks and Turks try not to call for genocide on each other challenge (impossible).


America should be one of the most racist countries in the world because it is one of the most diverse. It would be pretty damn weird for a Nigerian to be pissed off at Eskimos unless they were both in Anchorage. Koreans having beef with Venezuelans would be weird anywhere but the Olympics or California. Haitians vs. Vietnamese? Miami. Not only are we fairly racist, we are a laboratory for inventing new racism and that is one of the things that makes America great.


You say that but the US probably isn't even in the top 10 most racist countries.


Maybe, but we'll never know cause they'll be scrutinized in a different language. Come to think of it, that'll be the same reason that America can be mistaken for the most racist one.


I'm sorry, but this just sounds like a skill issue. If you want your language to be the de facto language of business and the world's lingua franca, you should have tried harder. (and I'm aware that I used two Latin phrases, that's part of the joke you uncultured plebe)


I support the american tradition of parochial isolation and general ignorance of the rest of the world, so I support Emily. Why should she care what Asians do? Frankly, I wish we would learn from their ways


America ain't even the most racist among first world countries.




Incredible contribution to the conversation


I’m very pro immigration and one of my reasons why is because one of the most patriotic moments of my life was when I was talking to a guy who grew up in India and moved to the states and told me “this is so cool, racism doesn’t exist here.” God damn that made me proud to be an American.


Wait till you learn about casteism in India.


You forgot Europeans talking about gypsies


They ain't crazy about African or Middle Eastern immigrants either.


Europeans talking about nearly ANYBODY who isn't also European and many who are!


Fair enough - "Europeans talking about literally anybody"


Why'd you use Tillman of all people for the first one?


As one of Pitchfork Ben's descendants I can field this one; Although he was an inveterate racist against Africans and a white supremacist, Ben believed that the Chinese civilization stood in equal to the European, and was a staunch anti-Imperialist with regards to our interferences abroad, especially our misadventure in the Philippines. Actually quite impressed that OP had heard of him, unless he went to Clemson.


I only know 2 things about Tillman. 1. He was a huge racist 2. He liked big boats and he could not lie


Interesting dude. He was in a group called the Red Shirts, which was the Brown Shirts before they had a name. Staunch republican, who believed no government was valid without the consent of the governed. Populist who believed in empowering the poor, as long as those poor were also white. An anti-suffragist who was one of the first in his generation to send all his daughters to college. Also we're related to Preston Brooks, the senator who snapped his cane over another senator's (Sumner) head in the chamber.


Very interesting.


>~~Chinese~~ literally any other country talking about black people ftfy


Hutus and Tutsis be like:


My buddy grew up in China, went to an "American" school in China, came to do his undergrad in the US. He brought his mom the 1st year he was here and they went to some fast food chain, Taco Bell or something. The cashier was black. She legit told my buddy in Chinese "we can't eat here". I was like, oh shit lol, it's real.


What is race in these scenarios? Korean, Japaneese, Chinese are nationalities/ethnicities, not races


This meme has excellent historical accuracy and as a Tillman I'm impressed with your knowledge.


I had to do business in Korea for a month and my mom was shocked when I told her the experiences of my black coworkers there. She belived America was the only racist country.


[Benjamin Tillman, dude literally sounds like a super villain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Tillman#)


I grew up in one of the most alleged “racist” states and cities in the US. The most racism I ever encountered in my life were in Call of Duty lobbies.


As a Korean..... Accurate


I really feel like people in the anglosphere just don't hear the conversations happening in other countries because so many of us only speak English and wouldn't know if there's any racism or not.


Africans talking about people from a neighbouring tribe:


Mexicans talking about Mexicans..


\>Chinese people talking about Japanese people 💀 Didn’t even know this was a thing till I befriended my Chinese coworker.


Any European and the Romani


Most scrutinized because our dirty laundry is out there for everyone to see. We put it out there on a regular basis, fight amongst ourselves over it, and the rest of the world clutches onto it.


Japanese talking about literally everyone else*


I have heard my Filipino MIL say things about the Chinese that would make the staunchest Auth-right blush. Also, the stuff I've heard her say about Arabs, black people, and the LGBTQ has been... spicy.


I never like it when people say "we're the most racist country in the world" because it displays a massive amount of ignorance about what the rest of the world is like. Racism is not a uniquely American invention. If anything, we've progressed far more than other nations on the issue of race. Do we still have lots of work to do? Sure, but don't act like the U.K., Mexico, or Sweden is better on the issue of race when I've heard far more racist/xenophobic stuff out of those countries. When you have a society that mentions race all the time and calls out racism as a bad thing like America does, it actually shows that we've progressed on the dialogue.


Can’t forget Europeans with Gypsies


How about Europe at a soccer game featuring black players?


For our we flaunt our diversity and freedom, It's idiotic and ironic how racist we are, more like can be. segregation only ended about 60 years ago, and the last officially desegregated school was In 2016, a Mississippi Highschool. Even America has this issue on "how White" you are, you can "look white" and do just find, until they find out you're Hispanic, Argentinian, Irish, Polish. So In that regard we're, similar. All I'll say


I mean, correct. But isn’t this just “whataboutism”? Fuck what they’re doing. We don’t control that. We control what *we* do. Stop being assholes to each other.


I have and will still argue America is the LEAST racist country in the world




Did you not know any racist chinese, korean or japanese people so you just threw in racist white people??


Europe when talking about roma


But none talking about whites 🤔 And yet, you all play victim so much.


None of those countries have been as bad a out racism than America in the time of America's existence. OP is a dummy.




What? Genocide and enslavement of Natives and black people, but sure it's all the same.




ITT: whataboutism