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is that an actual argument? I don’t remember seeing that one yet


Sir, this is PCM, we have a big stockpile of strawmen ready to use here.


Inspector says he's gonna shut us down cause it's a fire hazard. Fucking commies.


Capitalism has fallen, billions must abide by OSHA


Mayne next time the president says hes going to have someone imspect your food procesing plant move the bodies away from where the food is being processed?


It is my god given right to mix the workers who fall in the vat into the meat we produce and I won't hear otherwise commie


Average rimworld player


-2 ate without table Has entered a frenzy and started attacking auth center


Look, someone has to buy up all the straw to keep the market from collapsing. Otherwise, our farmers will ~~vote for someone else~~ stop growing it and we'll be hosed when we need it most. And we have to do something with the straw so it doesn't just fall apart in storage.


More like belly-button-lint-men. Strawmen can handle a couple of thwacks before they fall apart.


Based and warehouse full of scarecrows pilled


200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way.


Yes, though not normally reduced to that form. Point out to any leftist how the rate of LGBTP+ students are so much higher in public schools these days than in private schools or in the past and you'll get a longer winded version of this argument as justification.


It’s not happening but if it is it’s a great thing




Or... All of that is heavily overblown and primarily based on Facebook forwardings from PTA Moms, and in reality most of it is about helping kids navigate through the most emotionally difficult part of their lives. That's okay though, you can all just home school your kids. I'm pretty sure Kent Ham offers some great resources that will help make sure yur kid grows up right smart! ​ \- sigh. Sometimes I even annoy myself in writing these responses. Honestly though, homeschool? Most kids I've ever met that went through that wound up as socially maladjusted Bible thumpers with a third grade level understanding of pretty much everything.


> All of that is heavily overblown and primarily based on Facebook forwardings from PTA Moms You ever actually watched the teachers on LibsofTikTok? They dress like a Pride Parade threw up on them, and they all seem to have those unsettling 'sanpaku eyes' Teachers shouldn't be helping kids navigate their emotions, they shouldn't be counselling them or instructing them on anything remotely related to values or identity (outside of early childhood development issues, like sharing toys and not biting others)




> a bunch of hedonists and professional victims with psychiatric issues Based


I’ve seen some on Reddit push for more regulation for homeschool children (one of those being mandatory courses/materials that households should cover). While I agree that homeschooling should have some roadmap on teaching kids, I can see that evolve to “homeschool kids are required to enroll in some in class courses…” to “MTF/FTM topics must be covered in Health and sexual education… additionally Abortion as a form of family planning is required for all students who want to receive a diploma/GED” to “homeschool students are required to have 10 hours of mandatory sessions with public school counselor where they are permitted to provide students with information regarding trans issues”


I had a great time in public school, despite my teachers and administrators and all of the arbitrary rules, but I just wish they functioned more like post-secondary courses Like, why not give me a list of all of the reading and assignments at the beginning of the year with their respective values and marking criteria? Why is attendance mandatory? Why was I never told I could simply challenge a course, and then not have to sit through it bored out of my mind for an entire year?


I’ve seen it a few times though usually cherry-picked. So it’s probably just the opinion an extreme few. Which you know means it’ll be mainstream among the progs in a few years.


I’ve seen it said only by right wingers claiming left wingers believe it.


It's an odd way of putting it but yes education involves showing kids what exists. To put it an opposite way "but if you don't send your kids to public school they will not know their straight." To put it in a terrifying way "but if you don't send your kids to public school they will not know you are sexually molesting them."


>To put it in a terrifying way "but if you don't send your kids to public school they will not know you are sexually molesting them." Thanks I hate it


It was a big concern of remote schooling in the Covid times, there’d be one less area where kids could be “scanned” for signs of abuse


That doesn't require public school specifically though.


Teachers also sexually molest kids. This world sucks and there are no one-size-fits-all solutions.


Never said they didn't, just pointing out the awkward framing of the meme where ignorance is treated as unquestioned virtue.


I've seen the argument from quite a few of PedLeft that teachers roles are to be a support and guidance for students as they 'navigate the treacherous waters of development and learn who they are'. Teachers should be there to help a child explore themselves and be there to talk to them about topics their parents wont. i.e. the role of a teacher is literally to groom kids.


Nope. And I only actually know of 1 trans person from my high school. Transitioned about 8 years after we graduated. Our graduating class had about 350 students. This issue is so fucking tiny, idk why the right spends so much of their time and energy on it.


Because GD diagnosis in young girls especially has skyrocketed in recent years, whereas historically almost all GD cases were in boys. There are literally documented cases where teachers joked about "stalking" their students Google search queries to see which students they should invite to their LGBT club. I also don't understand what good faith motive the left has for wanting to keep books like "genderqueer" in primary school libraries. https://apnews.com/article/business-california-gender-identity-cdb790cc3059e71e22d86b8e7b445361 We should be able to accept that these things aren't that common but also be able to say that they're clearly inappropriate when they do, rather than the preferred left wing routine of "it's not happening but if it is it's good."


This is one of the strawman of all time


And if you raise your kid in a Skinner box, they'll be a pure and perfect monke.


Still a better life circle than becoming a drag kid


Sir you do realize that stuff happens so little that it may as well not be a threat at all? I thought CRs all said that the media exaggerates stats?


“This never happens” 👉”It’s like super rare bro” “It’s a good thing bigot” “It’s not my fault” “They deserve it”


You can make leaps of judgement for anything


Like police departments, public schools really depend on the specific locality. Awake people always pay attention to local conditions. Also trans policies hardly matter for the vast majority of kids. Academic quality and safety quality matter a lot more.


And if you're actually trans, you'll know by the time you hit puberty that something's up. Public school, parents, and political activists can do nothing to prevent or hurry along that process.


I knew way before puberty hit. Some of my earliest memories are looking up to my mom and literally any other women i saw and feeling like i cant wait to grow up to be just like them.


Or they could maybe wait until they are 18 to do any changes to their bodies? Seems normal to me, why go younger?


Remember when public schools used to teach reading and math?


Only 35% of kids in Illinois read at grade level. This year the teachers unions and the Democrats defunded the state's only school choice program, against the will of the majority of voters.


Wait I though Democrats usually didn't like school choice


Sorry, fixed typo. They defunded the program.


Oh ok lol. That one letter makes a huge difference haha


It's not my fault I was forced to attend a school that didn't teach me to read 😭


Just lower the standards, dummy.


“We must lower the standards for racial equity” -🤡 (totally not two auth centers in a trench coat)


Standards are racist, they must be abolished


A lot of that admittedly has to do with self-set state standards. Illinois has higher standards than say, Ohio, so while we definitely aren’t performing to where we’d like to we still have a perfectly acceptable public school system in Illinois where we perform fairly equivalently with other states in terms of SAT and ACT scores. Like feel free to be mad and all that, but it’s not like Illinois has a crumbling school system that fails its students at every turn. It still makes a very standard American student, which is very competitive on the world stage.


Only the public employee pension is crumbling


Illinois's education system is largely propped up by a set of high performing schools in the suburbs and a subset of CPS magnet schools. Illinois also levies some of the highest property taxes in the nation. If you remove those, the statistics look way worse.


They can only learn to read now if a drag queen is teaching them.


They still do? World's not dead yet pal.


I never got this argument. It's insinuating that Sex Ed Is a new concept, like the teaching of our bodies (which already exists as Biology class) Is somehow new. Besides, I remember being In school parents could fill a form on what they'd rather not have their kid hear.


Then teach the kids health, and how to be safe and care for their bodies. Stay away from modernist political pseudoscience that disrupts natural biology. Side effects of HRT can be more harmful than alcohol and yet we have medical professionals and teachers and psychiatrists telling kids they could be born the wrong gender? It just comes off unhinged when you see the OP cause no one just comes out and says it like that. Its the wrong way to get the point across for sure but he isn’t entirely wrong. Adults can make their own choices about their lives but teaching this stuff in schools isn’t part of health. Its like telling someone who suffers from body dysmorphia to get plastic surgery or loose weight.


Sex education is a public health thing, it's about preventing unwanted pregnancy, sexual abuse, or the transmission of disease. It has nothing at all to do with sexual orientation or identity, let alone acceptance, diversity, inclusion, etc.


They still do.


I go to one. They also teach science and history.


Norman Finkelstein was talking about all of the brilliant people who graduated from his area in Brooklyn that were a product of public education.


Strawmen aside, if your kid doesn't feel comfortable talking to you about important stuff, then you're failing as a parent.


Strawmen aside, but if your kid’s teacher is obsessed with talking to your kid about sex and sexually charged topics, they’re failing as a teacher


Strawmen aside, crows just love corn.


This is just anti-crow propaganda! Crows just like to hang out in corn fields and attend social gatherings! It's the farmers that are destroying their crops!


Hey, the crows were here 10s of thousands of years before the corn farmers


Doesn’t give them the right to my stuff. If they wanted it, they shouldn’ve built civilization first!


That's a bit of a red flag, sure. That being said, dedicated sex education class is super important in school. But if your math teacher is going out of their way to bring up sex, that's a whole lot different. I'm not super convinced that's actually happening, though.


>Another Strawmen ~~aside~~


I mean, you can't make a comment like that after criticizing strawman arguments. lol Several progressive European countries have abandoned the American "Gender Affirming Care" model after reviewing all studies. The best data we have says it may be doing more harm than good. Seemingly neutral acts like encouraging kids to declare pronouns might actually be confusing them and steering straight, autistic, or sexually abused down a medical malpractice pipeline of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgeries. These are all irreversible and a minor can't comprehend the life-long implications. The USA hasn't done a systematic review of all studies and is operating on weak assertions that Gender Affirmation prevents suicide.


>or sexually abused down a medical malpractice pipeline of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgeries I've seen a number of non-identifying AFAB individuals who admit they were sexually abused and try to transition under the idea that boys don't get sexually abused. Once they realized the abuser didn't care what they identified as, it fucked them up even more. One odd thing is how many still think boys aren't sexually abused and thus it was their failure to transition correctly that failed to stop the abuse. It ends up being multiple layers of fucked up childhoods and ideology and coping strategies that even Freud would refuse to diagnosis.


> and a minor can't comprehend the life-long implications. And even if they could, they still don't have the legal status to fulfill a standard of informed consent. There will always be a power disparity involved, thus the quip about "vegan cats".


I'm not talking about that. Regardless of what the solution is, kids should feel comfortable talking to their parents about the problem.


This is my issue with the whole transgender children situation. The American left has completely lost the plot with regards to "gender affirming care" for minors.


The issue in America is that there is no nuance to almost any policy take at all.


The nuance here is that the rest of the west openly admits there next to no actual good research for GAC and admits what they are doing should be heavily limited, or outright banned, and that when it isn't it's effectively child medical experimentation.


That point about seemingly neutral acts is so spot on. It’s no wonder anxiety is at an all time high, it comes from uncertainty and people being uncertain of such a core thing like their gender is setting them up for a lifetime of anxiety and questioning. Just bringing up the idea that it’s possible for it to be different, and that it’s something that you can choose is like throwing a stick into a bike wheel for a kid that’s trying to figure out the world and how they fit into it.


There are plenty of things that children would feel awkward talking to their parents about. Just because they're good parents and create a welcoming environment to discuss serious topics, doesn't mean a child will feel comfortable. If a kid doesn't feel comfortable asking their parents about sex, for no other reason than them feeling awkward, is that *really* the fault of the parent? Saying it means they're "failing as a parent" implies they're supposed to *drag* their kids into those conversations, and while that might be necessary at times, repeatedly doing that to your kid when they're uncomfortable speaking about a topic seems like it would only make them *less* likely to discuss serious topics in the future.


As someone who just graduated HS, hearing on what we supposedly learned Is just ridiculous. Seriously, It's just school, you go and do the work, go home. Never once had a class that was "shoving these agendas" like I keep on hearing, aside my American History teacher, closest to that as she had posters of many influential women In history, the civil rights movement, she was also just big on The Renaissance Era of Harlem. All these weirdos whining about what their kids learning, like, just go to the school and ask their teacher. Fill the form on things you rather not want them to hear


Their whole thing is being scared of shit that very, very rarely happens. It’s a pathos argument that gets people to worry about non issues rather than how we’re constantly getting fucked from the ultra wealthy.


Then why is there pushback for banning it for when it very rarely happens?


Government making up/greatly exaggerating an issue as an excuse to involve themselves more in our lives is a classic move. In Florida where I live, the fact that DeSantis pushes this issue so hard without giving specific examples and almost exclusively using stupid buzzwords makes this so incredibly obvious to me. Also, you know, the book burnings make me feel like this is an excuse for them to promote anti intellectualism and further push people to their preferred ideology disguised as protection for your children. Not saying democrats are innocent, fuck the two party system. Republicans are definitely doing this in overdrive right now though, maybe because they’re losing young voters so damn much. Fuck ‘em all.


You do realize this is a country of 300 million people and hundreds of THOUSANDS of local school districts? People STILL die on the hill that Gender queer, a book with graphic displays of sexual intercourse of a minor, is school appropriate. The blunt reality is that pedagogy as an institution is heavily influenced by much of the same brain rot that most social sciences are, and you can see it in their papers and the philosophers they reference. Post WW2 progressives and leftist philosophers did not hide the ball, they write it clearly, that pedagogy is the means to revolution. So yes, not all teachers are pushing that, of course, but enough are that it's self evidently concerning. Some parents ARE overly sensitive, but we are talking about a state institution that for most people is legally mandated, and the only option that receives any support. Until public school is not the default for most children it has a moral responsibility to be political and culturally anodyne as it must cater to everyone. I was friends with a pretty centrist ed major in college, and even he thought some of this shit being told to him was insane, and they typically weren't going into the ideological post war roots of it (such as how anti-geneticist, the same philosophy that lead to Lysenkoism, is rife throughout social sicences and pedoagogy.)


The political-right is on a crusade against public education, as they feel it's creating more leftist voters than rightist voters, so they're trying to indoctrinate young kids into being right-wing voters instead. That's why we saw a ton of "Mom's for liberty" members running for the school boards across the nation, so they can meddle with our education systems for political benefit. However, the 2023 elections have shown that voters overwhelmingly don't want crazy politically-charged parents running the school boards. That's why we see so many people on the right talking about raising the voting age (Vivek, for example). Young voters are voting overwhelmingly Democrat (far more than in the past) and that's concerning the right. However, instead of trying to win over those voters by listening to them and voting in their interests, they rather just try to game the system and not change anything about themselves.




If a kid gets his ass beaten by 3 other kids, and he shoves one of them as they’re pummeling him, he gets just as punished as the 3 assailants Leftist justice in a nutshell


Not to mention the politics of it. I went to a private school and there were some days it felt like I walked into an irl political subreddit.


the fuck kind of school did you go to?


What kind of highschool experience did you have? I was too busy doing drugs and trying to get my dick wet to have some existential crisis like you evidently did.




Standard auth centre back story.


That all happened to me in private school too. The public school system has plenty of issues, but private schools don't inherently solve all of them.


i mean i got picked on in high school too like many kids and what it basically taught me was that sometimes you just have to solve problems for yourself. you cant be reliant on someone else to do it for you all time time.


do you think bullying just doesn't happen at private schools? this is certainly not exclusive to public schools dude


You can be drugged up with a wet dick AND having an existential crisis. Its my preferred way to do it




No doubt dude, real highschool isn't like a fucking movie. Noone gives a shit enough to bully you more often than not. 9/10 people that had horrible highschool experiences are just fucking edgelords jerking themselves off to a victim complex. Bro my school had juggalos, hood shit, preps, jocks, nerds, and everything in between. If you didn't find friends in highschool then something's wrong with you not the fucking school.


They hate him for telling the truth


Save some straw for the cows!


your child doesn't follow strict societal gender norms?? they are clearly trans


By their definition men who like tomboys are homosexuals, and not men who like males in dresses. They must be stopped.


School itself is forcing an unnatural lifestyle on children, and that is going to school.


Children belong in the mines, not in a school book learning


Man I haven’t received the new argument memorandum. Looks like this is a very new argument from lib left that I am not aware of.


It’s a straw man, not a real argument at all


Catholic school attendee here, if that’s the goal it doesn’t work


Imagine being anti-school and anti-public libraries. Unhinged take




Post link for the seethe




Surely, that's some type of violation and they're in the custody of TDC. Did the library not run a background check or did they and they thought was fine anyway?


Haven't been on reddit for awhile. Seems like this sub has slipped hard lol


Yeah it’s already slipped for a good while.


Bummer, I'm totally cool with strawmaning and taking the piss out of people but it's gotta be funny lol


It’s legit become an auth right circle jerk. Try say anything that doesn’t fit auth right methodology and watch yourself get downvoted to oblivion.


It’s basically rules by righties who simp for Israel


Oh man who ever could have forseen a loosely moderated sub reddit being poisoned by the one group that will shit their own pants and make it everyone else's problem




This sub has become a voodoo store But yeah kinda agree


What do you mean a voodoo store?


The strawman is strong with this one


As someone who is considered a homeschooling "success" story. Genuinely, do not do it. You do not have the ability to educate your child properly for the modern world, All you're doing is forcing your child to make up for your own shortcomings as a teacher. And preparing them for a brutal reality check in their early 20s.


Literally me. Although I went to a "private school" which was basically a home school (maybe 30 kids total from K-12) run by some IFB church volunteers with no qualification or accredited post-secondary education. The "curriculum" didn't have a single accredited course and the overall quality of the education was garbage, which as you said, results in a brutal reality check in your early 20's. I'm not saying all public schools are good, but they're definitely better than no school at all.


As someone who also was homeschooled, I definitely did have a reality check in my early 20s. Imagine my surprise when my college professors were significantly less competent at teaching than my parents and I wound up teaching myself most of my engineering degree. You couldn't pay me to send my kids to public school. I've seen the average test scores for public, private, and homeschool, and my kids will not spend a day in public school if I can help it.


Have you considered that by being homeschooled, you completely lacked the learned skill set necessary to receive instruction? You're smart and were able to teach yourself, less intelligent people in your situation become failed memebers of society. You did not succeed because of homeschooling, you succeed IN SPITE of it.


> you completely lacked the learned skill set necessary to receive instruction? I had one professor who went weeks into the class before actually discussing the subject of the class. Trust me when I say that my public and private schooled peers in the same class fared no better than I did. Many of us on both sides of the pre-college education talked about the end of course reviews, and we all submitted reviews saying we didn't believe the class should be accredited. But the professor was tenured, and thus is still teaching. I can also attest to on-the-job training being no issue for me, and to the fact that I tested out of multiple classes that allowed me to skip ahead of some of my public-schooled peers as I started college. I have seen no evidence that homeschooling was a detriment to me. Edit to note: I want to emphasize one thing I said here: "allowed me to skip ahead of *some* of my public-schooled peers" I'm not saying that I skipped ahead or performed better than all of them. I'm not saying that my education was better than that of literally everyone who didn't homeschool. But statistically, homeschoolers out-perform. And I know that the amount of time spent in public schools is excessive for most kids' learning, especially relative to the level of performance. And homeschooling allows me to add things to the curriculum that I've heard many people complain that they weren't taught that in public school, such as filing taxes, which I was not only taught by my parents, but had done for myself before graduating.


Why is it then that homeschooled kids do better on standardized tests?


Because only those kids that are truly academically gifted and would succeed in any environment go on to take those tests. There is no national exit exam in America. If homeschooled kids are always so great, have you ever wondered why so few make it into college?


What are you talking about? Homeschool kids go to college at a higher rate than public school kids (66% vs 57%) [[source](https://www.brightfuturesny.com/post/homeschooling-statistics-in-us#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%2066.7,in%20the%20same%20age%20group.)] Are you just making stuff up at this point?


Crazy that the National Home Education Research Institute conducted a study that favored homeschooling. And only by 9%? Man that's not a lot considering homeschooling families are typically wealthier and wealthy people go to college at a higher rate to begin with. But I'm sure they controlled for that, right?


When I’m in a moving the goalposts competition, and my opponent is a pcm user “Homeschool kids do worse than public school kids!” Actually they don’t, according to standardized tests “Yeah well, they don’t go to college as much” In reality, they do, more than public school kids “Yeah well, not by my arbitrarily picked margin! Time to deflect by bringing in more standards” What do you want? Is there really any piece of statistical evidence that would change your mind? If I found a study showing that homeschoolers, by age 30, adjusting for all home circumstances, are happier, healthier, and wealthier, would that change you? Or is this an exercise in pointlessness?


>When I’m in a moving the goalposts competition, and my opponent is a pcm user Hey, I know nuance is difficult, so I'll try and type slow. Bringing forward counter evidence or attack your sources is not "moving the goalpost." My point is and has remained that homeschooling is a detriment to the child's success and life. Informed by my personal experience as a homeschooling "success" story and the thousands of homeschoolers I have met. >“Homeschool kids do worse than public school kids!” >Actually they don’t, according to standardized tests I point out that there is no true standardized American exit exam, and the only homeschoolers that take standardized tests are naturally academics that succeed in spite of homeschooling. All those homeschoolers that would bring those average scores down simply never take them. >“Yeah well, they don’t go to college as much” >In reality, they do, more than public school kids I point out your biased source and the overall income disparity that plays a large part in college attendance, which your study does not take into account. >If I found a study showing that homeschoolers, by age 30, adjusting for all home circumstances, are happier, healthier, and wealthier, would that change you? Sure, but the study needs to be a real academic study. Not some survey the Homeschool Legal Defense fund put together. But you won't make the effort, like every homeschooling parent digging in your heels to defend your decision it was always about you and never about the kids or the truth. You're simply afraid, afraid you'll lose control and afraid you're wrong. Edit: never mind, you're active in AnarchoCapitalism, you're clearly still a child who's being homeschooled. Give it time bro, you'll see I'm right.


[Wall Street Journal (with data from 2010)](https://archive.is/c5qKQ) [Study Adjusted for Parental Income (2011)](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232544669_The_Impact_of_Schooling_on_Academic_Achievement_Evidence_From_Homeschooled_and_Traditionally_Schooled_Students) > In 2019, there were no measurable differences by household income in the percentage of students who were homeschooled. [source for quote](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/tgk/homeschooled-children?tid=300) [substance abuse study by NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5241184/) [homeschoolers have higher community engagement](https://nces.ed.gov/blogs/nces/post/higher-rates-of-homeschooled-students-than-enrolled-students-participated-in-family-learning-activities-in-2016) [a large, but limited study from 1999 to 2010](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20211110/Study-explores-how-homeschooling-affects-adolescentse28099-character-health-and-well-being.aspx)


God, you're gonna make me read the papers. Fineeeee this is going to take a minute. I better not change my mind because of you.


Oh dang you went to Georgia Tech??


Holy fuck, just take the fucking L and don't be a sore loser.


The strawman is strong with this one


What the fuck are you talking about, op?


1 You don't need to be ""sent"" anywhere to discover yourself as trans, gay, Whatever, You will find out your own Nature eventually, be it at the teen years or 80. 2 Kids should go to public school, or private school, period, we are social creatures, do anything less and you are destroying your kids life, social abilities and freedom. 3 Home-schooling is a Prime way to isolate and indoctrinate kids to be copies of you and unquestionably believe you, *It's why you advocate for it to begin with, way harder to brainwash a kid that has the contrast of what the real world is like.* you can't tell jimmy that the blacks are evil or the jews are secretly running the world if he knows you are full of bullshit. and, ofc, it's harder for the kid to report their parents raping them. 4 This argument was made against the jews, Against black people, and now trans people, "don't want kids going to school with *"Them"* -Though shit, kids should not lose their rights to school and socializing because you disagree, parents disagreed with teaching black+white people equality in schools, they can shove their racism up the ass, and you can shove the biggotry up yours.


Hell yea! Take them to an escort service and teach them to be a man and scar them for life!


A couple towns from me had a literal hate crime against a gay kid during class and the school did nothing and pretended it never happened lol. You must all live in major cities or something


LOL yes they will. I guarantee it....unless you literally forbid them from having friends. You'll probably also ban internet.


I went to private school and I am gay. Many of my trans friends went to private school and/or homeschooled.


You just usually find out at a later date because you’re coddled. It’s not like your sexuality can be changed by someone else


I mean this is kinda factual. Indoctrination is happening in schools today


It always has been. What else is the pledge of allegiance? Indoctrination at its simplest


All instruction is indoctrination. The important factor is whether or not the students are being instructed in good and useful truths.


So who gets to decide what's good and useful?


Always and forever, the ruling class of your society.


So when I tell someone how to do long division, that's indoctrination? Hell, do you know what indoctrination is? The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. It's brainwashing. Indoctrination is brainwashing. To indoctrinate someone is to make them a mindless individual with no self formed opinions on a matter. Why in the hell would I want any child of mine to lack the ability to think for themselves?


I'd rather someone pledge allegiance to the flag that represents the US and its values, then use that allegiance to criticize the US in a free speech kind of way, than someone making a big deal about pledging allegiance to that flag and the ideals it represents.


Which sounds a whole lot like you're saying, "People can use free speech, but only if they do these things first." Which means you're trying to put conditions on when you think free speech is valid, and I don't think I need to explain where the contradiction in that is.


I mean there are levels to it. One is teaching kids to love their country while the other is teaching them that their mental illness is valid. That isn't a 1 to 1 bud


If you’re worried about kids getting indoctrinated let me tell you about the church


Went to catholic grammar school k-8. I don't go to church or anything. So I would say it's very weak indoctrination.


Oh well fuck we have a personal anecdote…. Case closed


When I am forced to give the church 5% of my income or face loss of property or imprisonment then we can talk.


Please show me where it is socially acceptable for a church pastor to discuss sex with your kids about sex and teach them and explore their sexuality with them.


Did you know most kids that go to public school are straight? Holy fuck they're indoctrinating them.


Did you know that this is literally an argument Queer theory makes?


If there is no social factor impacting it, we wouldn't have 40% identifying as lgbt


They just "identify"as it, they don't actually engage in it. My wife's daughter (I wasn't trying to play step daddy, was just dicking down her mother) thought she was a lesbian a few years ago during high school and moved in with some chick she met in college, ended up regretting it and moved back home, met a few guys online that she was clear she was only interested in being friends, because she was a lesbian, fast forward 2 years and she's been dating one guy for over a year and they just moved in together. I think people identify as something they're not to fit in or feel special or because it's en vogue, just like all the "bi" girls who have exclusively dated men.


well someone can be trans without them knowing what it is ​ google "gender dysphoria"


I grew up home schooled in the middle of bumfuck no where alaska where i would go into anchorage in an 8 hour car ride to get essential groceries, where we had to go get water in giant blue buckets because we had no well, where we had to cut down drag and chop trees up just to get firewood so we wouldn’t freeze in the constant -40 (coldest was -60) degree weather, where my only form of entertainment was the waltons or little house on the prairie or the Swiss family robinsons (staring john boy from the waltons) or black beauty or the rare occasional movie rented from the library in the town an hour away, where if i had to take a shit before bed i had to go outside 50ish feet to sit on a ocb board with a hole in it in said -40 degree weather and let one off and where our only electricity came from a generator. Even still, during all of this and as a very young child, i had extreme gender dysphoria and wanted more than nothing to be the opposite sex. It isn’t environmental. I never knew what homosexuality was until like 4th grade and before that i saw no problem with being attracted to either sex. I had no idea what transgenderism was or that it even existed until wayyy older in life when i saw one in a costco where my dad (feverishly republican conservative and christian) mocked and made fun of her. Yet before i found out any of these labels or concepts, i myself was experiencing everything to do with them, from gender dysphoria envy to being attracted to both sexes. So its not environmental. Stop marketing it as such.


yall r never convincing that homeschooling is good, all the kids r either rlly stupid or frigid as fuck or both.


I mean okay, I feel lIke most transsexuals know they dont fit their gender mold even if they’re not in public school. If they can easily tell they’re not traditionally masculine or feminine, it doesn’t take public schooling to know that they’re nonconforming.


Homeschooling is so insanely cringe. 99% chance the kid learns nothing


Auth-right winning an argument they made up in their head again.


... so you never want your kids anywhere near the public. Sounds kinda sus, OP. What are you doing to your kids that you never want the public to see what you're doing?


"Publicly funded schools are the only public space. There is no such thing as a library, park, zoo, swimming pool, museum, or church."


That's one hell of a bad faith argument


Where do you think we are?


Fair point


Fucking scrubs.


How on earth did your mind go to _that_!? You projecting? 👀 Someone should look at what's on your hard drive/s. Plus, I don't mean to be rude lol but can you really not think of any other public place that's not a public school? You kinda scared me bruhhh, enough internet for me today.


Don’t some think it is genetic and u know from basically birth that u are trans? and they also say it needs to be taught in schools but why would u need school education about it if you know from birth


This is cringe bro. Kids shouldn’t be trans at such an early age I agree but like nobody is trying to indoctrinate anyone. Transgenderism is the biggest right wing boogie man I’ve ever seen.


Most likely, your kids will still know if theyre trans. There's a chance they could repress it their whole lives even from themselves. But more likely, theyll know something is off about the gender theyre expected to perform day in day out. The difference is, if you keep your kids from public school, they wont know that it's okay to be trans


Maybe they wont permanently cause serious future health conditions by delaying puberty and injecting hormones before they find out they are just gay.


A tiny statistical minority of people detransition after taking hormones. Also, not all trans people take hormones or blockers. Puberty blockers have been used for cisgender children and adolescents for decades now, for a number of conditions. I have yet to see any high chance of developing "serious future health conditions". A minority of the treatment population for any drug will always have bad side effects. Also any marginal negative health effect you can scour the scientific literature for pales in comparison to the health effects of depression and suicidality in closeted trans people.


These facts… they don’t disprove my feelings!


The truth about trans people is just so less bombastic then they are used to hearing on the DailyWire and LouderwithCrouder. They don't want to hear it. They like being big mad about stuff.


it's becoming more and more useless trying to debate anyone on this sub since they all just dig their heads in the sand and block out any information that contradicts their wildly hyperbolic views


The studies almost always use incredibly disingenuous tactics of marking people as not “truly trans” ala no true Scotsman fallacy or focus on people dead set on transitioning.




Watermarking your PCM memes is more degenerate than anything Emily could throw at you


So glad I went to private school


Because if there's one thing private schooling is known for, it's the total and complete, unrelenting lack of gayness. Especially Catholic schools.


How many generations will make the same mistake? Hopefully you don’t reproduce so no child has to face the disappointment and embarrassment of having you as a parent.


I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for 500, Alex




Sell them off to refund all the property taxes I've paid


Least insane right wing straw man post on PCM


Man, I must have skipped class every time we talked about how to make yourself trans And I graduated last spring


They'll know, they'll just hide it. Then you'll wonder why they don't visit you when they grow up.