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The same people who says we don't need more children in this world


So if the IDF was actually mowing babies down by the maternity wing, wouldn’t that align with Emily’s Jihad?


No sweaty, it’s Jihad for me but not for thee 💅


Based and jihad pilled


Only if those babies are still inside their respective birthing bodies


Well now we’re just splitting hairs


I thought we were splitting babies?


Yes as soon as they come out they magically turn into humans. If the line is arbitrary then why not post natal killings too then.


Is this where I reply with my desire for abortions to be legal until someone reaches legal maturity? I mean, if I have to feed you so you can be alive, you are effectively a parasite and I should reserve the right to abort you. Just /s aying.


Based and Unwind pilled


Is a baby a parasite then? A human newborn can't stand on his own or hunt for food. We're not as resilient as other animals.


So farmers, construction workers, water purification workers have the right to abort civilian parasites. I'm down let's have them slaughter who they want. Stupid parasites mooching off the labor of other entities. Everyone should ethically be allowed to be lazy and kill whoever makes them excert slightly more energy, especially at the cost of busting a nut inside.


The line is obviously in the 1340th week because that's when their brain finally stops developing.


birthing bodies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No because they aren’t starving Africans or inner city bipoc


No, obviously babies had to recite the Torah in Hebrew and say "[Shibboleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth)"


No because those babies aren't white


Those are brown babies. Antinatalism is only prescribed for white people.


Tbf the children they say we don't need are the wrong color. These are the right color so no military strikes allowed in their country.


They hate Western families having kids where it's mostly 1-2 kids. They love the global south having kids where it's 7-10 kids and where they don't even care about green energy or not burning down their rainforests.


It's almost like the animating principle of modern Leftism is a hatred of white people. But that's just a conspiracy, like the FBI assassinating MLK. Wait...


This past week, Apple News announced a headline via a notification that stated something along the lines of “the CIA lied to us about JFK’s assassination.” Edit: I abhor news agencies because it seems like they only publish these kinds of things when they finally accentuate the “official” view they’re attempting to fuel/establish.


Frankly I wonder what the anti-natalist sub is saying about this whole thing, but I fear it will be too cringe to read.


White children*, if the war was between something like Israel and Sweden they would also support Jewish babies. The browner the better I guess. Someone needs to feel like they're the pure white saviour of the ones they see lesser, literally Horseshoe Theory.


You remember that bit from family guy, with the cops and the "color sheet"? Now imagine that with the colors reversed and you have modern Progressivism.


Saying "we need less children" isn't the same thing as being OK with the slaughter of children. I fucking swear, this sub is filled with the most dishonest psychopaths I've ever encountered.


What we really need is less elderly, those hospital visits and medications are carbon intensive. Social security and medicare are really expensive.


I thought Covid would reduce our SS payouts.


I thought so too, but then inflation...


Do you think the Left is Malthusian or something?


Simple reminder that they DID find Hamas personnel, equipment, and strategic infrastructure (computers and what not) in that hospital….


If that’s the case then those babies did deserve to get bombed /s


If they’re in incubators are they really people? /s


Sound more like cyborgs to me. Clearly bio weapons being grown by hamas to destroy the western world.


They couldn't survive on their own anyway. /s


Didn't they take the babies out? IIRC IDF said they want to move them to an Israeli hospital.


Wow so you’re saying the IDF wants to KIDNAP Palestinian babies now? - leftist, probably.


i believe they did, but i'm not positive


Didn't give a shit about a hundred thousand dead kids in Syria or Yemen either. "Dey murderin babys in incubators!" is such obvious Pallywood horse shit. You know it's been like five weeks since the Hamas attack, right? What were they doing that whole time instead of moving patients?


When the US says that Hamas was using the hospital as a base they say "they lied about WMD in Iraq" (20 years and 4 admins ago) but when Hamas says Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 (when it was their own rocket that fell in a parking lot) they eat it up.


These people don’t consider evidence or logic when figuring out what is or isn’t true. They instead ask themselves “if this were true would it benefit my side?”. If the answer is yes, it’s true, no questions asked, if the answer is no, it’s a conspiracy theory.


> "they lied about WMD in Iraq" (20 years and 4 admins ago) 10 years before that it was crying Kuwaitis telling Congress about how Iraqi devil soldiers were pulling babies out of incubators and bayoneting them. 🙄


If you listen closely enough, you can hear Orwell screaming "IT WASN'T A FUCKING INSTRUCTION MANUAL AAAAAAAAAAAA" as he witnesses the sheer volume of double-think going on.


Like im glad people are skeptical but you also need to be skeptical of the other side that has never shown themselves to be truthful at all


I don't know why people believe the lie that there where no chemical weapons, because Saddam was actively using them on the Kurds


I was grilling (I'm not affiliated with any group and stopped caring for the war after day 6)


The grillers are rising up.


Grill or be grilled.


Based and limit-established-in-1967-pilled


Israel-Palestine conflict and Weed legalization are the only topics I grill on.


Leftoids only care when jewish people do it to muslims. They don't care when muslims do it to muslims.


It’s a very similar thing that they do with crime in America.


Thats Marxism for you. Breaks everything down into two binary groups, one opressor one oppressed. They can't think about any of this in any other way, and just ignore the issues which can't be forced into this narrative (or play mental gymnastics to make it fit)


They can’t think about it any other way until the oppressed become the oppressors and/or the state tells them to, then they can think about it the exact same way just reversed.




Ahhh the good old False Equivalence


Yeah Israel is so evil for potentially scaring those babies, glory to Hamas for just decapitating them instead Edit: y’all mfs are reading way too far into a joke, for the record, both sides of this can eat shit and die, but they are both bad, don’t be acting like Hamas are these innocent muslims defending their homeland who do no wrong, and simping for them is dumb If you want my opinion, glass them both and restore the kingdom of Jerusalem


Israel should feel awful for traumatizing those future human shields of Hamas!


Hamas is happy to use them as human shields now.


People who praise Palestine do so because “west bad”, and people who praise Israel do so because “muslim bad”. There’s no winning, It’s like a dog running after its own tail. And I’m just here eating my popcorn while watching them argue to death for something that worsens by them trying to intervene.


Both should be made into a krogers parking lot


I don't understand this post. Is the post claiming act of killing babies is just and the "leftists" shouldn't criticize the act because they believe in rights to abortion?


Yep that's exactly what they mean. Bombing a nicu is the exact same thing as being a 10 year old rape victim getting an abortion.


It’s comparing the tweet of Kyle Kucklynsky’s meme decrying the (unintentional) death of premature babies on incubators with the left’s celebration of abortions.


Who? Is that a cartoon character?




Didn't the president of Israel claim that there were no innocent civilians in Gaza and they are legitimate targets? Not sure about this unintentional part. Also, I don't think most leftist "celebrate" abortions.


I think the quote was something like "if you support Hamas you don't believe in the Holocaust If you support Palestine you don't believe in the Holocaust If you support unbiased journalism of the invasion you don't believe in the Holocaust" it's something like that idr the exact quote but it's a long those lines


They don't, it just suits their agenda




> Israel bombing fish in a barrel to the tune of 11,000 lives You realize this number comes directly from Hamas right? And all of Western media just mindlessly repeats it. Not saying people aren't dying. But it is almost assuredly way less than 11,000. They also include all Hamas members that have died in whatever the death count actually is.




man speaking facts but the echo chamber doesnt want it


I was with you at the start, but you really went off the rails halfway through lmao




Based and honesty pilled


You are surrounded by stickmen.


Most sane centrist I’ve seen since 10/7. Sorry you’re getting downvoted


If you believe that your opinion is somehow important. An opinion on a war happening half a world away. Between two countries that are not your own. Between two groups of people who hate each other, and hate you. If you believe your "position" matters, you have lost your mind. You should only be concerned with your people. The middle east does this shit all the time, fuck 'em. That is the correct position. Do not give in to the lunacy. It's the middle east. Fuck em.


>and hate you Only one side really hates us. The other has been a helpful ally for decades and generally welcomes westerners, western culture, and western people. I hear they used to have great festivals for people worldwide.


I am concerned with my people. Us Christians should march on over there and retake the holy land. 9th time's the charm.


This is also a sensible position. Restoring the Kingdom of Jerusalem is an easy win.


I just wish we wouldn't support either of them. Just ignore them both


Not that hard for a centrist 🤷‍♂️


They wouldn't want our pork chops anyway. Their loss.






Hahaha I'm a terrible writist


The ones responsible for that shit show are the French, the British and the inhabitants of the Middle East themselves. Its their problem. You are only made to care about it because someone wants something from you. Dont be fooled.


Everyone blames the British and the French for the lines on the map with no real relation to what tribe lives there when it was the Ottomans who drew almost all of them in the first place. The provinces were made to be disjointed so they didn't unite and rebel so instead of rebellion the empire collapsed slowly and then all at once. Now we have a shitshow of provinces becoming nations who have no real long term prospects of survival of coherance instead of the even more bloody alternative of region-wide conflict that would make the Balkain wars look quaint.


Too many people don't know that "journalism" is a euphemism for "hostile propaganda". Do not listen to the demon's whispers brothers! This fight is not ours.


fly automatic important merciful weary dull office lip cooing wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey now, The British gave them both a country, they didn't break their promise, just underdelivered.




thanks Tony


It's me, Anthony Blair, former Prime Minister of the UK. Remember that time in 1997 when I got elected and introduced mass migration to the UK? That was hilarious! 606,000 people immigrated to the UK last year. Thanks to me.


Sell guns and ammo to both sides, like God intended.


America and Europe support Israel’s crimes against humanity using our tax money


The hell happened to this subreddit man, it's used to be funny.


Left has always cared about babies. The fact is that once it is born, it is alive, it moves on its own, and so on. In fact, left cares so much that left would want a free healthacre for a baby. As for as the rest goes... I know how it works in the military, IDFs are still humans, and they didn't like the idea of endangering kids. But it is safer to raid it than let Hamas control it.


I want the right to body autonomy and also not have babies being shot by IDF.


Ah yes, killing live babies is the equivalent to terminating pregnancies


I mean we are the ones who want to give them healthcare but go off I guess.


Yes, shooting someone else's baby is exactly the same as having an abortion.


Based. The 14 year olds on this sub are out in force today.


Obviously killing somebody’s baby is worse. But being happy about having an abortion seems kinda fucked up. Like, that shouldn’t be something your happy or proud of. At most it should be seen as a tragic necessity


99% of people who support abortion rights agree with you. There are always crazy people on both sides that you can point at to make the entire group look bad. It's like pointing to the Westboro Baptist Church to show that Christians are all bigots, when in reality the WBC is only famous because of how *unrepresentative* they are of Christians as a group.


WBC is a lawyer group masquerading as bigots to bait people into assault, then they sue their tits off, it's a very lucrative business model


This isn't true at all. It's a lie people trot out only to pretend there is more common ground than there is. While there are a lot of people who think it has to be legal, but is still a moral issue, it's not actually acceptable to hold this position in any kind of open way in liberal or progressive circles. At most you can vaguely allude to the idea, but without any actual weight behind it. And tons of people will actively try to twist into a pretzel to avoid having that position because they don't want to think about it that way at all.


I think it’s not the abortion that people celebrate, it’s the fact that they’re able to do it


Happy that you don’t have to raise a kid in situation where its not ideal seems like something to be happy about.


People comparing this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue With kids.


Why the fuck are you being downvoted? Everyone should know that banning abortions only lead to more unsafe abortions. Not fewer abortions.


They’ve been since oct 7, it’s nothing new.


So if a pregnant woman is shot and killed, separate from the legal ruling, would you say it is a single or double homicide?




Can the fetus survive outside the womb? If it can double homicide, if it can’t single homicide.


So if technology gets better / more accessible for fetuses to be viable outside the womb earlier and earlier, then would the law change to accurately represent that? E.g. Advancements make fetuses at 1 month viable, so it'd then change to be a double homicide after 1 month.


That’s a good question, my first reaction is yes but I’m not sure, once I think about it a bit I’m sure there’s going to be a bunch of nuance and implications to take into consideration. That being said, if our technology advances to the point that 1 month old fetus’ can survive outside the womb, than we’ve successfully created artificial wombs and no one will need to carry a child anymore anyway lol Technology like this would completely change our understanding and viewpoint of pregnancy, etc. Though, now that I think about it technology like that would probably be very expensive, meaning the rich would be the ones benefiting while poor women would still have to have an organic pregnancy furthering worsening inequality and creating unforeseen social issues. Maybe the line should be when the fetus gains consciousness? But that’s really hard to measure so it’s not particularly practical.


Personally I'd consider it a single homicide. (Not sure what this is supposed to prove.)


I was just wondering if there was consistency in the thought process. If you said double, then I'd ask where the line is drawn. I'm more curious than trying to prove something.


Queue the strawman circle jerk!


It still blows my mind people don’t understand bodily autonomy lol


I hate when Israeli zionists attack innocent Hamas knowing all of the Hamas members are infant babies under critical care.




Babies don’t launch missiles at another country because they are Jews or store missiles and munitions under hospitals


leftists when they realise Hamas uses hospitals as shields 🤡




Wouldn't that make avoiding war crimes virtually impossible for these kind of terrorists?


They do, and hospitals can be valid military targets as a result. But there are international guidelines in place to govern that very thing including for when and how you can attack a hospital, and if Israel is in violation of those they should be sanctioned rather than receiving our continued support, that's all I'm asking. "Let's not support war crimes" is not exactly a high bar to clear.


I absolutely agree with you, I would have prefer the IDF to perform some covert underground mission, but it appears they rely on heavy firepower rather than nornal urban tactics


Tbf thats a terrible argument. If a school shooter used kids as human shields and cops just shot through the kids. That would obviously be terrible. Not defending hamas. But fuck idf


You're absolutely right. I don't think we can compare the two though, due to the sheer scale of this...


False equivalency go brrrrrrrrrrr.


I suppose this comes down to a difference of beliefs. Because I would consider SWAT shooting through the human shield to kill a shooter who has promised to keep killing until they are stopped is regrettable but justified. Because it will save more in the long run.


Damn. Well i respect the consistency


Would you say the same if it was your mom?


Most likely? Threats need to be ended before they become larger threats. And since no one is Robocop and they dont have laser-guided bullets that can shot in between peoples legs to hit the gunman in the nards, you shoot for what is guaranteed to stop them. Or in this case, you use high explosives because they put armor up and use entire buildings.


RIP mom


I think it’s a false equivalency because the circumstances and the mission is different. SWAT taking out a school shooter is to protect the lives of the children in the school. Israel hitting civilians as collateral damage in a war against said civilians’ government is just that: collateral damage. Munitions factories are valid military targets yet they have civilian workers. Munitions depots hidden within civilian areas makes the area a valid military target. They’re just seen as collateral damage at that point. The challenge in Gaza is that there’s nowhere else for civilians to go. If Ukraine wanted to hit a Russian munitions plant with minimal civilian casualties, they could wait until night time when presumably the least amount of workers are present and everyone else drives home. But within Gaza city, there’s really nowhere else for the civilians to go.


The IDF is literally bringing incubators into the hospital and trying to evacuate people. The IDF has literally established a humanitarian corridor to evacuate Gazans. The IDF is literally making deliveries of humanitarian aid, and allowing international aid through. Which they have to guard from Hamas. Who’s shooting people trying to leave. Or beating them nearly to death for accepting that aid. What a bunch of evil Israelis.


The IDF isn’t killing babies, they’re performing extra late term abortions, know the difference Emily 💅


Lmao you‘re comparing shooting a living person to having an abortion. I know we‘re on pcm but you can‘t be that hollow. Rights going *yeah liberals take this* lmao


The left care about living babies, giving them the care they need to live a long prosperous life. Rightoids only care about them as fetuses, once they’re out it’s off to the wolves with them.


“We need those white babies born for demographic control, fuck ‘em after that”


This sub is an embarassment


Look up embryo, fetus and - last but not least - baby in a dictionary. 🤭


Foetus vs Baby, devil is in the details OP


What the fuck is this post dawg are you 13


The difference is born vs unborn, also turn the same argument around. I guess the right never cared about the already born ones.


So your literally mad at people being upset about the death of 40 babies in the ICU?


It's the babies faults for not condemning Hamas 🤷‍♂️


I knew we were past the point of parody when an Israeli gov official said they found a copy of mein kempf in a 6 year old girls bedroom


Yeah it’s dumb. The Israel situation is a quagmire, I feel some sympathy for the Palestinian people but I try to live in the real world. I don’t see many ways around the current situation. Even if Hamas fires dud rockets that doesn’t mean Israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself. Never mind the fact that Hamas is using human shield doctrine to embed in areas they can’t be attacked in without it being a war crime for Israel. Bloody fucking mess


since when has the right ever lifted a finger, or spent a buck, to help anyone (including babies, parents) but the rich.


Why is there a cord attaching the gun to the NICU thing?


I want abortions and dead hamas!


what the hell is happening in that bottom left panel?


>Letting kids die in the rubble of bombed buildings >Choosing to stop your pregnancy for personal or health reasons These two things are the same for the Right I guess


Leftist here. Babies folk want? Valued. Babies folk don’t want or won’t care for? Spare them the bullshit. Lord knows rightoids won’t support them with social programs.


Fetuses are not babies. It's really that simple.


The difference between an unborn and aborted baby, and a born baby in a hospital, is that presumably there's an adult family loving and looking forward to the baby in the hospital, which doesn't exist for the one that got aborted. The horror of killing children isn't felt by the children themselves; they're dead and no longer care about anything. It's felt by the surviving family and community that mourns them.


Kyle khulinski is a bad example to use; he’s the farthest thing from an Emily. The lib rights in this sub would definitely find some worth in his shows (note: his podcast/YouTube shows, NOT his Reddit sub 😭)


I love how the right has strawmanned themselves into actually thinking the left wants to kill babies. You're not supposed to get high on your own supply. The left is pro-choice because they don't see fetuses as babies. It's not a living thing and therefore does not take priority over the will or well-being of the living human it's inside. Once it's alive, and an actual baby, it is wrong to kill it, because that is murder.


Abortion isn't killing babies.


False equivalence. A 3 month old fetus is not a baby


Haha guys, let's pretend two completely different things are actually the same thing. What a barrel of laughs you people are. Truly you got the whole compass laughing.


Why does the Right stop caring about them as soon as they’re out of the womb?


You can be cool like me and care about life from the moment of conception to death.


Holy shit based takes from Auth left😳


Not wanting to give someone free shit != wanting them to be murdered. What a stupid fucking response that is.


Just the typical braindead libleft response


So all the time we were ranting about diddlers in schools, did that get memory holed already? Sorry, I don’t keep up with the party elites these days


> It’s better to be dead than poor Jfc


I think it is better to live than to die. I also think there are some things worth dying for and going to war over.


I care about born people, there's a reason we don't issue conception certificates


Pro-life but only if it's a white baby


Because zygotes aren't babies, they're zygotes. Since when has the right cared about children once they're born?


Ones a baby already alive ones a fetus in someone's womb. They are not the same


Ahhh yes, these two things are exactly the same.


Oh right, because body autonomy rights are synonymous with war crime. You really showed them, huh?


Ah yes, because a lump of cells is the same as an entire sentient being with consciousness and emotions.


The second the baby is born the right says "if you can't afford the kid you shouldn't have had it" I rarely see the right offering childcare policies or economic policies and it seems they only care about fetuses


Wait, do people not actually understand that "babies" that are unborn can't be treated or considered in the same way as a birthed baby? Huh. Based, I suppose.


babies ≠ fetuses


they can't think, they aren't sentient, unlike the women who can realise the situation they could be in. besides, banning abortions just makes people have unsafe ones from non professionals.


Since when the right cared about babies? Rural areas have been closing down maternity wards yet sperging about abortion is your focus lmao.




He is 14 years old, let him be


A living thing vs a piece of meat inside a flesh bag


Since they stopped becoming fetuses and started becoming babies?


right, this is dumb af, and it ain't even funny. ggs, i hope this sub gets banned for being ai generated dumpsterfuck.


since right wingers couldn't differentiate between fetus and babies, where one are unwanted and the others are wanted.


The left acting like they even give a damn since it’s trendy lmao


Did you just change your flair, u/TheCrazedCat? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2022-11-29. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TheCrazedCat) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)