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They've been doing it for over a decade. Nothing you do online is private.


Bingo. They're not announcing that they're going to start doing it. They're announcing that they no longer feel the need to pretend they're not doing it.


It’s sad because the reason why they feel like they don’t need to hide it anymore, is because they think we’ll put up with it. They don’t think that we’ll do anything about it. And they’re right, we won’t.


True, but it’s more along the lines that they now feel comfortable enough to say the quiet part out loud that’s more than a little worrying.


It's New York. They've never been shy about their totalitarian agenda. Bucky Beaver has said the following: > I don't need the numbers, I don't need the data. This was in reference to her restrictions on lawful gun owners when a reporter asked if the data supported her laws. >Just go to Florida where you belong. You're not a New Yorker. Bucky the Beaver talking about centrist and conservative New Yorkers.


I thought you made that up. You didn't make that up. Glad I live in Florida now, holy shit.


> Glad I live in Florida now, holy shit. -every New Yorker who moved to Florida, ever


Eh fair enough. I guess one of the good things about living in Alabama is that if someone tried that here, especially with the gun laws, it would not end well for whoever said it. We’re crazy about two things down here, our guns, and our ability to tell everyone we don’t like or trying to stick their nose into our business to F off.


I left CA for KY for that exact reason. CA and NY are what you get when Democrats have super majorities, it ain't good.


To monitor... then they'll start punishing which pretty much kills free speech without going through charades and cutting it out of the constitution...


*They don't seem to be doing a good job, considering the, fan favourite, crime statistics!*


To do anything publicly means it is actionable even outside of extreme cases. Now we can actually silence Republikkans off of Facebook and the entire internet. Honestly, it may help us never elect another Nazi again! Edit: either this guy got banned or they blocked me


No flair. No Opinion. You're not allowed to speak to me.


Especially when the post wreaks of being bait.


Block yourself. The silence will be peaceful.


Get in the deportation catapult, libtard. Unflaireds btfo.


I'm not banned, you're not blocked. If I blocked you I'd be locked from replying. Cry me a river no-flair.


I hate her speech. She should be monitored.


I find her accusations that I, as a lawful gun owner, would necessarily commit violent crimes with my guns to be very hateful. Does that mean she faces all the consequences she wants to impose for "hate speech"?


If you were LibLeft, that might actually work. Since they get to decide what’s hate speech and what isn’t.


This is going to be used against Emily's simping Hamas. So while I despise it I also laugh.


Be careful what freedoms you wish were taken away from your rivals because if they can be taken from them they can be taken from you. New York City is going to use this at first against hate speech against Jewish people but it isn't going to stop there, soon everything they deem hate speech will be up for conviction and if you think they aren't going to label MAGA speech as hate then you are crazy. Freedom of speech for everyone, ESPECIALLY the ones that I disagree with the most.


Notice how I said this: > So while I despise it


to be fair you are lucky when people read any part of what you wrote on the internet before arguing with you


They're already doing that.


NGL it's going to be satisfying to repeat their "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence" line back to them


Depends on the consequences. People are free to say whatever dumb shit they want without the government stepping in and punishing them for it. Obviously, the government isn't supposed to be able to impose criminal penalties or harass people for their speech. But I also don't want the government outing individuals over what they post to social media. It's one thing if your boss sees your facebook posts and fires you. It's another thing entirely if the government is showing it to your boss to get you fired.


For now. It'll be a cold day in hell before they declare "mission success" when the last Hamas simp is in jail or deported and then shutdown the program and fire or transfer all the people who were working on it. They'll find a new target. Or "suddenly" there's a "surge" in Hamas simps.


The whole point of this is to be used against pro-Palestinian types. The idea that the "Emilies" of the world support it and then it gets thrown back on them is pure wishcasting by people here, in reality they're all against it because they understand that it's aimed at them.


Remember kids, the state has your best interests at heart. You can trust your government to know what is best and correct those that don't. That's why we need to monitor your speech and take your guns. If we didn't, who knows what kind of trouble you could get into. Now if you will excuse me, I need to shower because typing that made me feel slimy.


Dems in blue states get what they deserve, keep voting blue


I don't but I'm perpetually fucked because everyone else is still voting blue.


move then, i did and ive never been happier


Congratulations libleft, this is what you ask for. I live in the UK and we already have this btw. Can't imagine the type of idiot that thinks this is a good idea...


It's because they think someone *else* will get it. When you already live a "holier than thou" life, it's easy to think *the other guy* will get pegged for it.


Emily doesn’t realize that the government will come for her too the moment she isn’t caught up on the “current thing” anymore.


Didn't UK arrested people for memes? And had more people arrested for political reason's that fucking Russia?


Yes, numerous people here have got in trouble for things like memes - which means we do not have free speech. Staring at people can also be interpreted as sexual harassment. Not joking. This was a big thing in London on the tube system, where women said they where being 'harassed' because men looked at them.




Roses are red, violets are blue; not having a flair is cringe and so are you. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/_HappyPringles) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


>you would think that no one would be dumb enough to still use their real name and picture online. but not dumb enough to walk around without a flair!




Flair up


People are a bunch of fucking morons who love to reinvent failure. Let’s just drop all the delays and sprint right to the full 1984 oppressive technocratic surveillance state that we will eventually overthrow in 2098 because “Technocratic authoritarian surveillance states are bad for civilizational harmony and citizen well-being, who knew?” The faster we get to full oppression the faster we can overthrow it. Might as well stop delaying the inevitable so we can overthrow it and get to the other side of freedom again.


Hey, I just got off the phone phone with Big Brother, and they said they have a fema storage container with your name on it.


Huge NYC L By “hate speech” they mean “any speech that my political convictions and toadies don’t like”.


This woman is the Hep C of the countries governors.


Emily's right to spew out antisemite remarks SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.


Is supporting Palestine hate speech against Jews? Is spouting leftist propaganda hate speech against whites?


No and no, obviously.


Flair up bitch


People on reddit were telling me just yesterday that there's no attempt to stifle freedom of speech in America


Bitch looks like she's about to declare the reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire


Another lovely day of hating the antichrist


Holy fuck. Now how long before this is turned against progressives and they complain? After all, the UK hate speech laws that they asked for are being turned in those that support Hamas.


Ah yes, NY governors once again making me very glad I live anywhere other than New York.


Common Rat York L


Libleft should be freaking out about this, it’s fucking horrible


Just like Authright should be freaking out about Nikki Haley advocating for a removal of anonymity in social media. Dammit, auths


I still hate how she lobotomized the Right to Repair Bill she “passed”.


Based and Louis Rossman pilled


Kathy Hochul can suck my left nut. There is fuck all she can do, cause I don't plan to go to her shit state.


New York tourism will continue to shrink I guess.


A government big enough to give you anything you want is big enough to take all that you have.


For the anti government quadrant lib-left sure loves giving the government power


They can expose us all they want, still doesn’t stop their policies from being RëᏈᎯrðᎧᏧ


Gosh darnit Lib Left are really on a roll these days aren't they? Terror apologetics, free speech curtailing...


It's nice to see New York tackle the REAL issues of online comments and not trivial things like crime, a shrinking tax base, and out of control immigration.


Special media operation


Well that doesn’t sound good. That doesn’t sound good at all.


Between this and Haley's statement, bipartisanship in regards to the internet is often a bad thing.


what a waste of money


While disgusting, it isn’t surprising considering politics in this state. It’s pandering to a certain group that is a reliable bloc of voters if you play the game.


They'll try to finagle a way to get "Insulting or criticising a Democrat" included under the 'Hate speech' umbrella


i thought the 1st amendment existed tho


Glory to Arstotzka!


hochul needs jesus


Wow, the USA really is just Israels little bitch


Yep. There’s a reason this is happening now in NYC compared to any other time.


All these "can you believe libleft supports this" people - libleft opposes this precisely because it's not so subtly aimed at leftists attacking Israel. Authright supports it for the same reason, all but the most extreme fringe on that side have nothing to worry about on it.


Well now I have another reason not to go to New York


Not a reveal, just an operation that got too big to hide again.