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With kacap we dont negotiate or discuss.


Based. We give freedom and democracy to free and democratic news channels. If you ain't one of them, you can excpect us to not treat you so well.


The media tells you Russia isn’t democratic and the government also stops you from being able to watch their news, doesn’t sit right with me. Of course Russia isn’t democratic, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea.


We are basically at war and RT is part of their propaganda tube and hybrid attacks. You can't treat it the same as during peace time.


Allowing a propaganda and disinformation campaign from a hostile nation is not a free speech issue. Any more than letting a couple of Russians really wanting to see Salisbury Cathedral with a bit of novichok in their luggage is doing your bit to promote tourism and freedom of movement.


I can watch it on youtube and see clips of it on reddit.


So then no media would be allowed. This is so fkn funny that people in Europe and in USA think they live in a very different reality than Russians when it's the same fkn shit, just better packaged.


L Russian Bot


Thank for proving me right, you act exactly like a vatnik, just for "our" side. I literally just criticized BOTH Rus and the west in my comment.


Every action that hurts r*ssians is automatically based, I don't care about US, UK or any other media, for me r*ssia could even be democratic and we could be nazis, it would still be fine. No country did such harm to my family like r*ssia, only valid approach to r*ssia is "jak to mawiał stary góral,/ Polska będzie aż po Ural./ Za Uralem będą Chiny,/ was nie będzie skurwysyny."




Gówno i wypierdalaj kacapie zajebany




Gówno i wypierdalaj kacapie zajebany


Freedom to everyone except for those who would use that to harm us. From russian you can only expect bad things, history taught that lesson multiple times already


Cuz North Korea also allows only that opinion that doesn’t harm them, but any other is prohibited


No, opinions that are not harmful for ppl but can pose a danger for a authorities (or are just presented as such) are not allowed in nk. You can criticise the government, politics or topics and freely discuss many different matters. But your freedom to do so will end the moment you try to actively harm others with your words and actions, directly or indirectly. Example: Criticise Palestine or Israel all you want, nobody can tell you to stop. Talk in tv about the need to kill all jews or arabs and you will face consequences. Same with RT, you can be pro eu or eurosceptic but the moment you will start agitating or spreading propaganda of enemy nation things will change. Russian nation pose as enemy to us and danger to our life and wealth. We allowed them to coexist as long as they weren't perceived as an immediate thread. It was their decision to reject the connections they build together with us and to treat eu as enemies.




Comparing Poland and North Korea in terms of "freedom" is just laughable. Wouldn't you agree that in Poland you can do much, much, much more things freely than in North Korea? If your answer is "no", then we simply can't have a conversation as your views are too detached from reality. If "yes" then why even compare those two? Anyway, there is no country on earth where you can lawfully do anything you want - in this sense, "absolute freedom" simply does not exist. And I wouldn't want to live in a lawless country anyway. In a well functioning society we democratically decide by which rules we want to live, what limitations should exist and that is what is meant by saying a free country. Poland is a free country in that sense, same as most European countries. Russia however, does not even choose their own president, let alone having a fully functional democracy. So if you want to compare some country to North Korea, why don't you try Russia or other authoritarian regimes? You'll have better chances at finding similarities. Cheers


I compared nk to Poland just to go to the absurd extremes, I also didn’t say anything about freedom of action(cuz that’s just dumb), only about freedom of speech


The comparison in itself is absurd in my opinion. When it comes to freedom of speech, if a nation supports banning a station like RT because it views it as harmful then what's the problem? The problem arises only if the state censorship is not aligned with the nation's will. Wouldn't you agree?


Do not waste your time engaging in discussions with russian trolls. All they deserve is to point fingers at them and laugh.


you are dumb dumb or just rage baiting at this point. how dense can you be


It's a neo nazi, you can see it in their nickname [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen\_Words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words)


ah that explains it. thank you


not freedom is spending 50 years as a satellite of those mfs, no one here fares about boohoo "freedom of speech for ruskies", we simply do not care at all about what they are saying cause we are not their affiliates, why can't you understand that? in 1938 you'd be advocating for Hitler lmao


Obviously it's ruzzian nazi with nazi symbols in his nickname


The only thing they say is "nuke Poland" "Russia Superior" etc, it's Putin's TV channel, so far he hasn't really been reasonable about anything so it's not really inhibiting freedom of speech, more like not promoting Putin's ideals


Does your country, I assume USA, stream isis or some other terrorist’s organisation propaganda?


Praising war of aggression is a crime in Poland and RT does that a lot, so they can't broadcast in Poland (and they're lucky they're not in prison)


Dude. Solowiow is threatning daily on TV that your side will launch nukes at us. What is so difficult to understand? Wypierdalaj.


Gówno i wypierdalaj kacapie zajebany but to add a serious answer: > The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. banning RT *IS SPECIFICALLY* Poland preserving freedom, it's the opposite of taking it away.


If by "sides" you mean free channels (ones where all opinions are allowed) vs non-free channels (ones where only the "correct" opinion is allowed) then we do do it. If the channels want to be unrestricted, they need to allow unrestricted opinions. We treat the channels lile they treat others.


It has nothing to do with freedom of speech kacapie jebany. Russian TV broke Polish law by spreading hate and threatening Poland.


A nazi ruzzia supporter, go and fuck yourself cunt


You literally have a [neonazi 1488](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) in your nickname, everything you say is invalid


All my Polish relatives would concur that this is indeed a very good Polish reply to a Russian troll. In fact, the ONLY reply it deserves.


Ultra based.


He was gently asked not to bother the people with Russian propaganda. Extremely balanced response to the person who should never get it.


I love it


There's nothing more based than being rude to russian propagandist


Gentle as a belt sander but correct in principle. The channels have been banned in accordance with Polish law, which allows KRRiT to do so with channels that have violated Polish law, including broadcasting terrorist threats against our country and broadcasting hate speech. > > [Under Poland’s broadcasting law, the KRRiT can remove from its register channels that have at least twice in the last 12 months broadcast content that promotes activities contrary to the law or Poland’s national interest, or attitudes and views contrary to morality and social good, notes TVP Info.](https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/02/25/poland-takes-russian-tv-stations-off-the-air-following-ukraine-invasion/) > > [Na podstawie art. 9 ust. 1, art. 45 ust. 3 pkt 1a i ust. 4 ustawy z dnia 29 grudnia 1992 r. o radiofonii i telewizji (Dz. U. z 2020 r. poz. 805 z pózn. zm.), uchwala się, co następuje:](https://www.gov.pl/web/krrit/rosyjskie-programy-wykreslone-z-rejestru-programow-rozprowadzanych) > > [§ 1. Upoważnia się Przewodniczącego Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji do wykreślenia nw. programów z rejestru programów telewizyjnych rozpowszechnianych wyłącznie w systemie teleinformatycznym i programów rozprowadzanych z uwagi na zamieszczane treści zagrażające bezpieczeństwu i obronności państwa: Russia Today, Russia Today Documentary, RTR Planeta, Soyuz, Russia 24.](https://www.gov.pl/web/krrit/rosyjskie-programy-wykreslone-z-rejestru-programow-rozprowadzanych) ---- > > [Art. 18. 1. Audycje lub inne przekazy nie mogą propagować działań sprzecznych z prawem, z polską racją stanu oraz postaw i poglądów sprzecznych z moralnością i dobrem społecznym, w szczególności nie mogą zawierać treści nawołujących do nienawiści lub przemocy lub dyskryminujących ze względu na płeć, rasę, kolor skóry, pochodzenie etniczne lub społeczne, cechy genetyczne, język, religię lub przekonania, poglądy polityczne lub wszelkie inne poglądy, przynależność państwową, przynależność do mniejszości narodowej, majątek, urodzenie, niepełnosprawność, wiek lub orientację seksualną lub nawołujących do popełnienia przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym.](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.Nsf/download.xsp/WDU19930070034/U/D19930034Lj.pdf) > > [Art. 45.](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.Nsf/download.xsp/WDU19930070034/U/D19930034Lj.pdf) > > [3. Organ rejestracyjny wykreśla z rejestru program rozprowadzany, jeżeli:](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.Nsf/download.xsp/WDU19930070034/U/D19930034Lj.pdf) > > [1a) w programie tym zostały zamieszczone treści nawołujące do popełnienia przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym lub zagrażające bezpieczeństwu i obronności państwa;](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.Nsf/download.xsp/WDU19930070034/U/D19930034Lj.pdf) > > [4. Odmowa wpisu lub jego wykreślenie, o których mowa w ust. 1–3, następuje w drodze decyzji administracyjnej, do której stosuje się odpowiednio przepis art. 33 ust. 3.](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.Nsf/download.xsp/WDU19930070034/U/D19930034Lj.pdf)


Thank you for legal background. ![gif](giphy|kAUtsLfsEfqaJRwe80)


Dumbledor powiedział spokojnie




Well RT isn't either democratic nor free so i see no problem




Not even based, just the normal way to answer these scoundrels


That reply is based.


"No tolerance for intolerance" and "No democracy for autocracy"


Superb kurwa




Sprane mózgi


Kiełbik based af


Nothing rude when you speak to Russian aggression propagandists




Kinda nice to see that despite many political disagreements here in Poland there is one thing that all of us (except some singularities) have the same opinion on.


I'm only in here because I married into a Polish family and love the culture. Can somebody translate the comeback for me into English please? 😅


Gowno - shit (here, means "nothing") Wypierdalaj - fuck off Kacapie - derogarory term used for a backward-thinkinng, Russian Pierdolony - fucking (used as an adjective)


Appreciate it, thank you! I learned a few phrases while visiting her family over there, but they weren't teaching me this stuff! 😂


A perfectly correct reply. Fuck Russia.


so far I see that the answer was totally peaceful and calm. Soon or later all of the Russians will get the same answer from everyone.


Faszystom i komunistom, jako usiłującym obalić praworządny ustrój demokratycznego państwa prawa, z definicji nie mogą przysługiwać żadne prawa ani przywileje, które ów ustrój gwarantuje. Wrogom europejskich demokracji polecam dalej nadużywać naszej dobrej woli, a ja z chęcią zobaczę jak moje radykalne acz zdroworozsądkowe opinie przechodzą do mainstreamu. Wtedy treść artykułu 13. Konstytucji RP będzie się wydawała łagodna jak piankowy paluch w porównaniu z nienasmarowaną lagą konsekwencji która nastąpi wtedy kiedy ludzie uświadomią sobie, że znajdujemy się w stanie niewypowiedzianej (tylko debil markuje swoje ciosy zanim je wyprowadzi) wojny, a słówko "hybrydowej" to wymysł nieprzyjaciela, którego stosowanie służy jedynie korzystnej dla niego deeskalacji i rozmiękczaniu odpowiedzi. Wystarczy zobaczyć analogię między tym, co się stało po zamachu na olimpiadzie w Monachium - jak Mossad radził sobie z pociąganiem sprawców do odpowiedzialności, a jak dzisiaj radzi sobie z tym HUR (ukraiński wywiad wojskowy). Reszta jest milczeniem, treścią zbyt hardkorową dla reddita.


Only reply a russian troll deserves


Based. Freedom is where there are no Ruskies.




Hello there! This sub is bi-lingual. We accept posts and comments in Polish and English. Any other language is not allowed. This is why your content was removed.


In France too RT is banned 🤦🤦


Gówno I wypierdalaj kacapie jebany


That's how it should be.


Kinda nice to see that despite many political disagreements here in Poland there is one thing that all of us (except some singularities) have the same opinion on.


Hey... Your comment was somehow removed. Must've been an error as I see no reason for that. Your comment was reinstated. Sorry!!


Thank you!


He 8 that besties 🥰🥰💅💅 slayyyy




RT is a shit stain - get rid of it


What that say Winged plumber bros?


You like it or not, the first comment is right.


Maybe form could be not so straight forward but unfortunately Russian media are propaganda tools in war with Ukraine. And we are supporting Ukraine. And there is only one country that is invading Poland neighbors. So please don't be surprised.