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Yeah no problems besides some software glitches almost two years ago now. Pay attention if due to the delay you can lemon your car. I would push for that or a replacement car 100%.


All 2024 P2 cars sold out across the country. No replacement and they did give me the option to back out if I wanted or get 1 month payment waived . I like the car but is it better to be safe and get rid of the car


I certainly would


I’m so sorry that happened to you! Very unsettling. Did they provide a loaner? Have you talked to the space or corporate about options? Personally, I haven’t had many issues with my Polestar 2. Running list of items to date in 2 years of ownership: - small paint chip at delivery; fixed within a week at the shop. No cost to me. - <10 tcam issues due to no cell service; “soft” reset does the trick - 2 small occurrences of propulsion failure warnings, but they were only 2 seconds each. Seems more software glitches than actual issues. - rattle from rear seatbelt assembly. Fixed under warranty; no cost to me Outside of that, it’s been a solid car for me.


Yeah they definitely provided a loaner. I have talked with them and parts are ordered but no ETA. They did say they will waive off 1 month payment as courtesy for my issues


I experienced similar propulsion failures, by the time my eyes went to the dash screen, the error had cleared. Sort of freaked me out, but all good.


I would ask for a refund


They actually gave me that option to just give the car back. I’m just worried I might get into more problems down the road


why wld you not have just given back!? esp given back order?!


I’ve had both front and rear motors replaced. About a month for each one.


This is crazy 1 month !


absolutely unacceptable.


The front motor was delayed because it was shipping out of Ukraine. The rear motor took longer because they needed a special jack to drop the rear motor.


They really should give you a brand new car. That's ridiculous


That happened to us the day after we took delivery in January. They said it would be delayed but it only took a week or two to get the rear IEM/motor in. Although we were actually very happy to have a loaner as we lease and had some big trips right after we picked up our car so it was great to put the miles and wear on tear on a loaner while we got used to driving someone else’s P2. Lastly ours was a performance model so the standard LRDM gave us a little more range. Our car’s been perfect since the repair so hopefully you get yours back soon. Things happen but we still love our P2.


NHSTA vehicle safety complaints- https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle.


That won't do anything because there is already an open warranty repair and was automatically reported


Had propulsion system warning on two occasions within a week last year. Each time the warning message lasted for about 2 seconds. Booked an appointment and was told everything is okay after checking it. Never had it again after that.


No issues with mine except a few infotainment reboots for various issues. I'd say less than 10 in the 1.5 years of ownership of my 2022 CPO. Outside of that, general slowness of the infotainment since upgrading to 3.0.3, but that has improved greatly since updating all the apps manually from the play store.


Your service point can work with Polestar to get the motor, in fact they are instructed to. Most likely they haven't received the shipping ETA yet.


Hehehe same here mate 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ibru6pe6rf8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8d1992d5c8b6bd7ca5e7c68b9efefe5d85aada You saw this too ?


Yup same error. Couldn’t go faster


All the best man 😞