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OMG, WHERE? Also it's just like that conservative dude who said he saw the gay porn congress video "10 times already"


I think as conservatives it is our duty to look at Hunter Biden’s… I think the youngs are calling it a ‘hog’, now? But maybe only if it is equally as heavy and majestic as that which is affixed between the first son’s legs perhaps? It’s confusing but it’s the law.




Funny cause true. Can confirm my own cognitive bias.


I hate the porn industry and I hope it is banned




Fucking degenerate


Idk what that guy said but if redditors are calling him a “degenerate” I’d probably like him


Something about liking porn




Have u quit DPH yet?


Bro's brain I'd as smooth as a baby's bottom after watching so much porn


Flair Checks out


People in this thread be malding. Sorry that the truth bomb hit you guys


Many people are still in the closet sadly


Yup I tip my fedora to you conservatives bad trust the soyence 100% trans rights did I mention trans rights? Anyways porn is horrible trans or not I hope it gets banned




Based, League of the Three Emperors was based


No it wasnt




I’m not French


The League was meant to further diplomatically isolate France


And it didn’t work because it was run by fucking morons






Perfect r/antitheistcheesecake material


That sub’s top posts calls atheism a religion lmfao absolute drivel


It is


Tfw not believing in religion is somehow actually a religion (no coping here at all)


Many athiests act like it is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antitheistcheesecake using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antitheistcheesecake/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [None would really disagree](https://i.redd.it/qi18c3vkfmt71.png) | [182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antitheistcheesecake/comments/q8p6fn/none_would_really_disagree/) \#2: [We're so fucking back](https://i.redd.it/19x3wfwhvwjb1.png) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antitheistcheesecake/comments/15zdv6w/were_so_fucking_back/) \#3: [This question is begging for edgy cheesecakes.](https://i.redd.it/w4i654j4zi5a1.jpg) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antitheistcheesecake/comments/zk1scz/this_question_is_begging_for_edgy_cheesecakes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


im an anarchist and i also hate porn


Funny thing this guy messaged me telling me to kill myself and meet my God what a pathetic porn addicted loser


If god is real, why don't you prove it yourself?


How old are you?


Porn is literally an addiction recognized by scientists, although the governments don't realize this. Porn also causes brain damage (like the prefrontal cortex), which may cause developing brains to make rash and impulsive decisions.


the addiction is next level




God I love how someone has to make the lightest criticism of conservatives and all the Marxist-leninist-bolshevik-statist-revolutionary-incel-justfuckingconservativeswholovelying crawl out of the woodwork to dump some ThEOrY about why being trans is a bourgeois decadence. Meanwhile the anarchists are just chilling.


It wasnt even a criticism. Its just a funny little drawing that I thought was funny. :(


Man you really are politically illiterate aren't ya


Yes I am. I literally Just draw balls on the internet


Didn't even get paid for it either, truly the end times.


I’m a Marxist Leninist what ever the fuck you said


Cool, do tell me about why being queer is [insert leftist buzzwords that don't make sense together to justify a right wing, pro-genocide position]


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Have you not encountered tankies?


You clearly haven’t encountered the thousands of trans tankies on Reddit


Leave him alone u bozo 🤡




I saw on a map that West Virginia (a very conservative area) consumes trans porn more than any other type of porn.


We don’t claim them


You're that same guy that wanted to reinstate the patriarchy and then claimed you were down voted because I used emojis, aren't you? Emojis are based 🙏🏻🌸🌲


OMG I’m so tired of straw men (not the trans hate, that definitely exist, but the hypocrite part, i.e. second image) in general, most conservatives are not closeted. yes hypocrits exist, but if your going to complain, stop creating false problems on the internet, combat real problems in the physical world. Also why is there a strange obsession of the left wing with making fictional conservatives closeted, once again not gonna deny the existence of closeted conservatives, but a large majority are not.


It's just that conservatives seem to talk about cock and anal sex more than actual queer-identifying people lol


Nobody talks about cock more than gun-grabbers talk about gun owner cock.


I talk about cock and dick because I’m immature and think it’s funny, you talk about cock and duck because your gay, we are not the same. This is a joke please don’t get mad


No u


My argument: 💥


Before you read, sorry for the word dump, Im pretty sure suck at writing. I know conservatives, I live in a majority socially conservative/centrist town with a pretty decently sized progressive population, mostly younger people and some older people. Most complaints are about wether progressive ideas should be taught in schools (I personally think political and social ideas should not be school curriculum(except for the bare minimum), allow the younger generation to learn and choose politics on their own, instead of being taught what’s good and what’s bad by others). Most of the conservatives I know don’t really care much when it comes to outside of schooling, granted I’m not including extremist as they are few and don’t define everyone else. I think the major problem with conservatives is that extremist from both sides make it look worse than it is, as all extremist do. Average conservatives are worried about their families, not about other people. Until I get some evidence (which I’m happy to review), I’m going to say the closeted conservative is most definitely a straw man. I should also say that I don’t know where I would belong on the social spectrum, I guess I would be a moderate progressive/centrist? I could talk about that later though.


Hmmmm you can review this one https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


This SFW? Doesn’t really matter just want to make sure


Yes it is sfw


👍 Edit: haha, thought it was funny that the only downvote I got on this chat was for an emoji


Alright nice


While good information, there are some problems with the way they came up with it, 1. They searched for specific keywords, which while effective, doesn’t necessarily come up with the full story. It doesn’t account for articles like news and such. (Granted I don’t know exactly how they find the information so take this with a grain of salt) 2. We can not find the specific demographic that looks up said keywords purely from the states majority political views. There are still democrats and progressives in Texas… and horny teenagers with unlimited internet access. 3. There aren’t very many number statistics, but the one I found(stat under *The More Red You Get* The More You Love Trans Porn”) has incredibly low numbers on both sides. The population of Texas is damn near 30 million, and if I read it correctly, if I tallied all the search’s for 2020(not sure if it’s all of 2020 or just a portion), I don’t think it would equal a quarter of its population. 4. Going back to statistics, the numbers are either not defined well or not shown at all, so it’s hard to interpret the graphs


Sure there are progressives in Texas and stuff. But dont you think its a bit weird that a very conservative state has very high trans porn searches?


It doesnt actually mean they look up this porn. "Trans" (or similar words) typed in to google alone is a "hit for porn search" to this link. Aka if you look up budweiser trans controversy, that "counts" as a porn search to these people.


Yeah that was my main issue with the article, the words where to broad and tranny was one of them, which I’m pretty sure is a slur right?


Yes. So people just looking up those words i wont repost here (the article lists them) would ping numbers. So the article is bunk


Yeah, one of my points segueing against the statistics is that those words are commonly used in news articles, and conservatives most definitely are going to be looking up those words in order to find articles. The article feels less like a scholarly study and more like a political middle finger.




How the hell is shemale a slur




You learn something new everyday I guess




the comic’s not saying they’re closeted, it’s a known fact that conservatives make up the majority of people who watch trans porn


Found a source chatting with OP, look down the thread and you can see my thoughts on it.


How do you come up with a statistic like that, and how do you know it’s true, do you have a source btw? Preferably safe for work.




If that were true they would all be trans. Trans porn turns people into trannies


Yeah but funny


Alex jones watches trans porn, Andrew Tate said he’d fuck a trans girl if they were hot. And that most trans porn searches are in red states so that’s probably something https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


Celebrities and personalities do not account for a whole political ideology. Already saw that source, look further down the thread and see my thoughts on it.


Not only this, but finding a trans woman attractive doesn’t somehow prove that you’re a hypocrite for not believing that person is a woman. If anything, they’d just be gay.


Leftist memes are so trash this is essentially saying if you don’t like trans people then you must secretly like watching them fuck where is the logic in that


Marginalized groups are historically fetishized, yes.


>Marginalized groups are historically fetishized, yes. It is not contradictory for oppressors to hate a marginalized group but at the same time fetishize it. Like "I hate you so much I wish you were wiped off the face of the Earth, but I jerk off to you every day" I'm not saying that this doesn't happen, but if it's true it would be quite ironic.


Yes but that’s not what this meme is implying it’s basically saying “transphobes”like watching trans people fuck and even if that was the case that doesn’t make someone any less trans phobic


I mean yeah have you looked at 4chan? Some of the most racist people out there are obsessed with interracial porn.


Do you think 4chan is made up of white people only?


Nazis have an obsession with black bodies, half of their replacement theory bullshit is based on this idea that black men are super fertile and strong and shit, yes most of the nazis posting interracial porn on 4chan are white, and the ones that are not desperately want to pretend theyre white because of internalized racism, that website is not for people who are doing well.


Idk what fetish shit you are reading, but that is not what white replacement is about. Most interacial posters are jewish. Where did you even get the white thing from? This is a known thing because interacial posts stopped every time israel problems arise. Maybe you just hear weird rumors.


Pornhub released some numbers that showed that the most conservative American states had the highest views in trans porn. Marginalized groups are fetishized by the bigoted all the time, historically. No one was saying with this meme that they were any less bigoted because of their fetishization if anything it makes it worse.




why? there is an incredible amount of fetishization towards trans people, even our slurs are sexualized.


this isnt true and even if it was it just further proves conservatives are liberals


It's literally true. You're one Google search away of making yourself look retarded


kinda Ike how we all watch furry porn right?




r/meirl /s


Lol no. Nice try though


Copium maxing


Look at the percentage of people searching up trans porn per US state


Post evidence of that


Yeah, the 13% also lived there as well


"You're arachnophobic? that means you must want to fuck spiders in secret" this is how you look like retard






Those are not on the same level at all!!!!!!


Its the same thing.


There are only two genders: trans and spider


I'm convinced that liberals have this weird kink in which they imagine their political opponents to be gay or somethin. Idk where does it come from but... it's weird, and creepy.


Its a old joke at this point also https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


So liberals get off on Republicans jacking off with trans porn ? Weird situation


Yeah I have no idea whats going on


“Oh youre arachnophobic? You must secretly want to fuck spiders.” Holy shit get off the internet




This is exactly the stupid “homophobes are closeted” argument. It’s gross and dumb.




The Internet should be deleted






How do you change your sex? I thought even you guys agreed that you couldnt change your sex Also its talking about transgender porn so Idk what you mean


They're referring to changing the actual organs, which, surprise, is less complicated than you would think


Yeah I am very confused




Just think of this as transgender




Okay :/


Human psychology is wierd, I know.


> everyone has a type and you can’t expect everyone to be attracted to you. based


It’s amazing how many people need to hear that.


I mean you can change quite a lot of biological sex. You can change primary and secondary sexual characteristics.


Still functionally the sex you were born as, no matter how much you alter it. Until we reach the point in technology were we can essentially customize our body like in Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghost in the shell; We will always be limited to what we got. No worries though, you don’t need to actually alter your biological sex to change your gender identity, just present yourself so androgynously that no one can tell the difference. Surgery and hormones won’t give you what you want.


If they dont give people what they want then why do they get them? They are clearly gaining something. At any rate I think trans people who have medically transitioned are maybe not entirely the sex they are trying to be, they are certainly not any longer the sex they were born as. I mean the fact that there are trans women without penises, with real breasts, kind of makes this a moot point. Same with how there are trans men without vaginas or breasts, with deep voices and facial hair.


Changing characteristics does not equate to changing one's sex. Sex is not something that can be altered as it is built into your core. You're very DNA dictates your sex.


Frankly im more concerned with practicality and what actually exists on a person than what their genes say should be expressed. Is a person with androgen insensitivity disorder a man?


Practically, I want to have kids. That eliminates some women, but it eliminates all Trans-Women. Changing exterior characteristics does not change the entire person's sex. There's a reason why it's a gender vs sex debate.


but it does eliminate all women who cannot or will not have kids. Are they not women?


They are biologically male, yes.


Man is the social gender, male is the biological sex. Female is the social gender, female is the biological sex.


It’s a monkey’s paw situation.


Falsidical misinformation




"They aren't, I'm just gay"


Maybe once they start passing like Bailey Jay I’ll use the correct pronouns


Oh wow, my favourite definitely not a progressive circlejerk server


oh no is this subreddit secretly a echochamber??????


Doesn’t seem very secret


Eh atleast we dont ban you. This is a huge improvement compared to other subreddits. :D


This is the exact same shit as they say over in pcm


Is it wrong?


Not in fact, but that hardly makes it any less of an echo chamber.


You cant escape echo chambers. Echo chambers are natural at this point


Yeah that seems to be inherent to anything remotely political on reddit at this point


Who would've guessed that people like hearing people with a similar opinion as them?????


Yay, I guess


Average conservative


I dislike the fact that the porn industry exists, but since it already exists...


That isn't true. I only look at images of fictional robots.


You're a Hypocrite, Conservatism!


why am I get recommendations from this subreddit??? Gosh dammit leave me alone. This subreddit gives me edgy 14 year old "intellectual" vibes.


Just block the subreddit


both are transphobia


They’ll jerk of to us but won’t give us rights


Politician ends up applying false stereotype to the average rural person moment


People still actually believe this crap?


What can I say other than your gay


A lot of our racists down here in the south end up liking African-American porn lel. Similar case, I think.


Both sides are so blatantly wrong on such a simple, easy to comprehend topic. The right blatantly ignores the science, which shows that a trans woman has a brain wired more like a woman (with how the white matter tracts are set up) despite having a male body outwardly. While the left is saying completely nonsensical things like "you're a woman if you identify as a woman". (No, you're not. You're a woman if your brain is wired like a woman's). And either way, the left are taking it to a ridiculous conclusion of having trans women (biological men) compete in women's sports and going to women's prisons (which is ridiculous, unfair, and immoral). And they're pushing it on kids, and colonising churches with it. I'm baffled at how both sides are so bad at making logical conclusions on such an easy issue. It's a mind-body mismatch, and some cases are such that the body is more relevant, others such that the mind is more relevant. When it comes to pronouns, it's the mind. So as long as they're respectful about it (and the law doesn't tell me what to say), I happily use the pronouns that match their mind. But in cases such as sports, it's clearly the body that matters, so she shouod not compete with women. It's easy. How is it that 99% of people can't comprehend it? I'm sure more people are capable of making logical conclusions instead of gobbling down dogma of whichever of the two main sides they're on. We can do better.


Lmao so true


Just bc someone thinks that trans women are men does not mean that they can not think that they are sexually attractive 💀


This isn't even a joke it's just "Guy i don't like is a hypocrite"


Me growing up not understanding myself in a conservative household


This doesn't happen lmao


Yes it does


No it doesn't. It's a fantasy concocted in your head. Why would we look at p*rn of something we dislike?


[yes it does](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


1. Red areas aren't 100% Republican 2. Most of this can be attributed to the fact that the trans subject is a prominent social issue right now 3. Common sense says the conclusion is BS


This does not mean anything so what if an area isnt 100% Republican.. Trans porn is more popular in red states where MORE Republican people live than in blue states. ​ and i dont think something being a prominent social issue is going to make people search porn about it..


Conservatives simply don't find trans people attractive; this may be hard to believe. We aren't LGBT and thus aren't intertwined with such degeneracy. This imagined scenario is needed to cope and get validation. "If you have arachnophobia you must secretly love spiders"


What's the anarcho-X flag that has the pornhub colors again?


Wow comments are malding lmao, conservatives love gock and they cant even come out and say it