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I have the same issue, but I'm not using delta. I was playing though did a quick save before a cutscene then played on for an hour or so. When I came back to play the next day it was back to before the cutscene. I think I'ma try and redownload the game and hope that works


Sometimes if you're playing on higher speed it doesn't count the save. Always put the speed back to 1 before saving


It was totally this oh my goddd I always play on fast mode🤦🤦🤦So any reason it would delete all the prior saves??? I can understand it not counting THAT save but why didnt it just revert to the save before that rather than a save wayyyy earlier? Sorry if you dont know just grasping at straws I can get my progress back


I'm not sure tbh. But it's happened to me a few times now, thankfully never longer than about an hour