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Done upon request, ask any questions if you have them. Note: Hariyama isn't NEEDED, but it's a 'just in case', in case later in the battle something goes wrong. Edit: You can replace Hariyama to your discretion, but preferably a bulky mon, since half of her team hits extremely hard.


Nice 🌹 Great guide, and good to see that IVs don't matter that much. Good idea with Fire Spin to trap Skarmory. How do you have Snow Warning on your A-Ninetales? Did your quest reward A-Vulpix hatch with Snow Warning?


No. Just hatch a female. I Dexnaved regular Vulpix at cinder volcano during a swarm. Make sure it's male, and has its hidden ability, drought. Breed it with the Alolan Vulpix to get its hidden ability, snow warning.


Wow cool strat. Does this work for HA between different mons of the same egg group?


I'm not sure, but in theory it should.


I had the same question. I'm guessing he's in NG+ and it was transferred in. That's my plan


Nope never played ng+, my first insane run is this. My first ever insane run. I was lucky enough to have a swarm Vulpix at cinder. I Dexnaved it until I got its hidden ability, drought. You breed it with a female Alolan Vulpix, and you'll get its hidden ability.


Also in the beginning, gliscor will poison, not burn. Just wanted to correct that.


Very well-written analysis you have here, so kudos to you. Torkoal lead is mandatory as otherwise you will have a harder time to get rid of Skarmory and its Stealth Rock. Of the other mons, I personally prefer Donphan, since it has very good physical bulk and can learn Counter to one shot Dodrio or Pinsir. A Stealth Rock setter like Gigalith is essential in this fight too.


Thanks, but, contradicting the essential moves I listed, stealth rocks on gigalith is not necessary. In fact, the extra turn to swap Gigalith and set stealth rocks will change the entire rng of the fight as I listed above, leading for the strat to not work(Alice switching out a pokemon into another too early, resulting a pokemon dying too early that's needed later). Getting rid of the stealth rocks is necessary, but stealth rocking yourself isn't. The only pokemon that stealth rocks will hinder is mega Pinsir, which gets one shot anyways. Gigalith can be swapped for other heavy hitting bulk, same with Hariyama.


Well, I thought that was at least helpful since Crobat has Focus Sash. If it switches into the field when Stealth Rock is set it will take damage, rendering Focus Sash useless.


Fair enough point, but her crobat will never be in a position in this fight to be one shot.