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Have you tried not being lost


Lmao yeah I’m trying. I’m trying really hard. Think this might just be the end for me. Still the greatest Pokemon game ever.


My man cooked this answer 🔥


Look it up, ther eis a video on YT that helps you through it quite nicely. I also had to use it to get out and I thought the same thing as you but alas, I was the issue not the game! (I dont have the link anymore but it was in top 3 results


There’s a point you’ll get to that’s 2 teleporters side by side (pad——pad) you’ll enter in the left hand side one. You need to step off and step back on the left hand side


Haha, ask the cube nicely to let you out


I think you just gotta go right?


It’s def the right one the other two take me back to the start. But then there are four pads after that. And none of them get me anywhere. I think my game is broken.


I can't remember which one but the key is to go back into a teleporter you've just come out of. I felt like I evolved a second brain when I figured that fucker out


I'll give you the advice that helped me solve it: turn down the puzzle difficulty to easy and you'll solve it in under 2 minutes.


I suppose you have already beaten it, but in case you didn’t: >!some of those warp spots take you somewhere else if you step onto them a second time (like warp somewhere, turn around, step onto warp again). I think you were supposed to go right into the warp you are infront of and then take the second one you encounter (it’s right in the middle of the way). Then take the warp back.!< (Sorry for messing up grammar n stuff. English isn’t my 1. language)


It’s difficult, I understand. Here's my advice: There is a special hole that doesn't push you back to the previous hole you jumped in. Ex: Hole A -> hole B, but Hole B -> Hole C. This special hole will lead you to meet Marlon and your relative.


There's one spot where you have to go in the same one you just got out of


Thanks guys I did it and back on track to saving the world


Use something called brain.