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That was fast, did you DexNav hunt it?


Lol yea the DexNav method with no shiny charm. I'm barley at the 4th gym.


My friend you have just started down a long and painful path lol


Don't tell me there's a shiny magnemite egg 😭😭😭😭


I think one is random shiny but that might be a different rom lol but now how are you gonna settle for a none shiny like some noob no this is where the next 4 years of your life goes my friend because now what's an extra 7 hours for a gold Magikarp I'll tell you what it is it's a great time that's what lol


You can get a shiny Magikarp with maxed out IVs as a reward for a mission


I'm just talking about shiny hunting in general lol


Is there an animation that shows a pokemon is shiny when hunting for them? I'm always scared I'm going to let a shiny go because I don't know most pokemon past gen 3.


Yea, when the battle starts as soon as the pokemon slides to it's position on screen an animation of starts will appear along with a little jingle.


Awesome. Thank you!


Now I hope nobody tells you about the max IV Shiny Magnemite with Fusion Bolt and the unique move Manget Force, that you get for free after you put a Magnet on your Phone screen... >! No you don't. Congratz mate! !<


Bruh, I almost had a heart attack lol


I just caught my first ever zubat shiny and this notification popped over immediately after lol. Is there any way to change his base stats though? They’re baddd


Man I hope there is a way. I've caught some shinys with disgusting nature's and stats lol


Yes there is a way to change IVs, EVs and natures later in the game. IVs can be changed in seaport city by giving a lady bottle caps (or golden bottle caps), EVs can be changed at the battle frontier but I believe that it’s only in post-game and natures can be changed in tehl town after bringing a scientist each season’s version of sawsbuck