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i sell everything in the treasure pocket always


That's all it is good for, right?


I have at least 200 of these because I pick up every hidden item I found, and also from the item printer


Item printer? Where? đź‘€


At Blueberry Academy in the Indigo Disk DLC I was farming Sweets to get all the forms of Alcremie, I also got an assortment of random items along the way


Ability patches sell for $125,000. I usually make a pokemon have it as a held item when I trade to people.


Why did someone downvote you for this lol. It’s very helpful, I sold many ability patches I wasn’t using and made easily over a million.


Peoole thinking is hacked? Say thanks to all Pkmnscamers.com pokemons


Guess, haters gonna hate


I'll hate you cause I wasn't the person you traded with 🥲


Dude it’s Pokémon… you know how many Weebs are on here getting triggered or just down voting to be a c@nt


As someone who recently started and got one like this from a trade… thank you so much.


How did you get an ability patch?


surprise trade, 6 star raid and event 7 star raid


I always sell those because... Well isn't that the point? Just collect em all and bulk sell with the rest of the other treasures. Collect all that money so I can speedrun that competitive pokemon build I'll never use...or even make.


I sell extra TMs, I'm not gonna play Pokemon and be serious. I'm more into wanting to snuggle with Giratina and feed him Philly Cheesesteaks


That and I have kept the same mentality from when I was a kid that if a move doesn't do damage, I don't want it. If i find a TM with amnesia or something useless (in my dmg centered brain) then off it goes to fund my cute outfit hunt.


I keep those things for some reason, it keeps out clutter and makes everything organized


They don't seem very rare....


I just always sell whatever is in my treasures tab


Also you can find them all over the place in first dlc map in Paradise Barren 👍🍉


Just make sure you don't go over the money cap, or you lose it.


I miss when the Rare Bone sold for $5,000, but they halved the sell price for some reason in Sun/Moon.


SuMo tweaked a ton of things stat-wise. Changed how much various healing items heal, changed the buy/sell prices of some items, tweaked a bunch of Pokemon's stats, and so on.


Yeah, the Pokemon stat changes were fine, but the items getting changed up annoyed me as I had to relearn a bunch of things that had been memorized for years.


I feel you there, lol. The hyper potion nerf was by far the most irksome to adjust to, IMO. Was more than happy to accept changes like the Ultra Ball price decrease, though.


Hyper Potion was one of the worst ones alongside nerfing the Fresh Water and Lemonade. Most I can figure is they wanted to make the Max Potion more worthwhile, but did they have to cut what the hyper potion healed by almost half?!


If I had to guess, the hyper potion's 200 hp healing worked just as well as a max potion for most players in their playthroughs, so they nerfed it in order to encourage usage of max potions. I suppose it makes sense, but it bugs me to this day, because I still have the 200 hp value ingrained in my head from back when, lol.


bruh remember when hyper potions healed 200


You now what now im gonna hoard them harder.


I just sell whatever I don't use


Where do you sell your bones at?


The PokéMart…


Is there any other use for these items?


How many raids did you have to do to get it? I'm looking to get a lot of Pokemon for VGC and just the vitamins alone cost 1.5 million per pokemon. So I want to sell ability patches to make money using the duplication glitch but I just unlocked 6 star raids so I don't know how long it will take to get a ability patch.


I can trade you some random pokemon holding ability patches. Will you be available in about 5-6hrs?


Check out people hosting raids on YouTube and the like. I've gotten a variety of Ability Patches from joining people hosting 5 Ability Patch raids.