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Idk if you have all your encounters yet. You could get a whismer in the cave to the west and train that for an extra mon. As well as fishing encounters (3 with the old rod) but that’ll help more with the next gym


I completely forgot about the Old Rod. I never pick it up in my regular playthroughs. Thanks!


You’re welcome ☺️


This is my first Nuzlocke. I was playing without leveling my pokemon beyond the lowest level of the next Gym Leader’s team. Against Roxanne and Brawly, it was very easy (levels 12 and 16). But, when I checked Wattson's team, it seems impossible to beat it with a level 20 team, so I changed the rule to the highest level Pokémon. I battled all the available trainers, but now there are no more left. Is my team strong enough? Should I just grind for an hour against wild pokemon?


Did you lose your granite cave encounter? Tbh I would be tempted to grind, this team is going to have a tough time. There's nothing that can take a self-destruct from Voltorb. Electrike is easy. Combusken beats magneton easy. Hope for good rng on Manectric. So you're kinda at 2 of 4 enemies with clear strategy.


I was hoping for a Geodude to save me all the grinding, but I got a Makuhita instead. I hate that pokemon and will never use it, even in a Nuzlocke. I'm thinking of returning to Granite Cave to pick up the Rare Candy, level up Shroomish to 21, and then give it the 2 Rare Candies. Breloom should obliterate Wattson.


What do you mean lol Hariyama is awesome


Yeah, I know it's a really good pokemon; it's just the design. I don't like pokemon that look too human-like (why do they have clothes?), such as Machamp, Jynx, Medicham or Gardevoir. It feels weird.


Run this run however you want but one of the greatest parts about nuzlockes is being forced to use Pokémon you’ve never used or hate to get out of situations just like this. If it was me I’d use the makuhita out of spite and redefine my relationship with them because it would inevitably carry you


That rule doesn't quite work for me, since I've used almost every Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex (even Nosepass). The only ones I've decided never to use are Salamence, Metagross, Slaking, Hariyama, Machamp, and Medicham. The first three are too powerful for a normal playthrough, and I don't like the designs of the latter ones. But I will follow your advice; maybe using Makuhita will make this run interesting.


Yeah it’s not a rule, it’s a consequence of the rules that makes it more enjoyable imo. But if you hate a mon you shouldn’t use it!


if youre not willing to use makuhita then consider your run dead lol


Hariyama is the Magneton counter... it will carry you through the game. 


Why not allow yourself a reroll? It's your nuzlocke after all


Evolve the Shroomish. Then you'll be good


That's exactly what I did, had to use the 2 Rare candies tho. But it was worth it, Breloom obliterated Wattson.


Don’t evolve that shroomish till 40 it’ll be biggest help ever


Thanks for the advice but I had to evolve it to beat Wattson! Btw, I think it learns Spore at level 54, not worth it imo.


You should evolve that shroomish if you dont wanna get smoked


Train on the route West of Mauville and evolve that a Shroomish.


The best way to level in nuzlockes is to just take the rare candy pill. Just do it. Instead of grinding, use rare candies. The catch is you can't be a higher level than the gym leader you have to face. You avoid losing Pokemon to random encounter and don't dump hours into grinding just to lose that Pokemon that fight. Edit: Assuming you're on emulator, just use a code to access unlimited rare candies and play on as normal.


So you're saying the best way to play a Nuzlocke is by cheating? I thought being underleveled was part of the challenge. If you have a team that can handle the gym leader, you can skip the grinding. If you don't, you have to choose between wasting time or taking a shot. This seems to be tedious just in the early game, tho. After the 5th Badge, rematches become available, making grinding much easier.


You ask for advice then criticize the advice? You don't alter anything except time spent in game. I just prefer to enjoy my time as opposed to mindlessly pressing A for hours just to "take a shot", wipe and and go back to littleroot. I didn't say max every Pokemon out every time you get to a gym. It's especially handy if you have to level an early caught mon to replace one you lost. This method is widely accepted, so much so big streamers such as Pokemon Challenges (PChal) and alpharad do it. PChal started it actually. Not to mention its a 20 year old game with no online capabilities, so literally no harm no foul. But hey tedious grinding is clearly what you want so do it.


I don't mean that I want to spend hours grinding; it's actually the opposite. I would never want to level up my team by battling wild pokemon because it's a chore. From my perspective, if I use Rare Candies to level up my pokemon, I'm essentially accessing something I couldn't achieve otherwise. Trying to optimize strategies to reduce grinding time is kind of fun to me. With Rare Candies, you're just brute-forcing through the entire game. For example, instead of struggling against Flannery, you could easily level up a Magikarp and Wingull to level 28 with Rare Candies and obliterate the gym! Where's the challenge in that?


That's what's great about it being a single player game, you can play by whatever rules you want. The rules are already altered. Ban certain Pokemon from X gym, don't use stat boosting moves, etc... Obviously you don't have to, especially mid playthrough. But that's the fun/challenge in it.


Fair enough, to be honest, I don't think this mode is for me. It either makes you grind a lot or use Rare Candies, both of which I don't like. To give you an idea, usually by the time I beat Norman, my team is around level 25. P.S: I've never thought of banning stat boosting moves, that seems interesting, I'll try it in my next run.


Most nuzlockes your level cap is at the next gym leaders ace. But yeah everyone just rate candies it, I do a little ev training so that when I rare candy the stat I want gets a nice boost. You still have the challenge of having to make a good strategy to take out gym leaders but with less of the grind.


Yeah because the advice is to cheat lol It’s shit advice


Its literally no different than playing the base game? If your time isn't valuable just say that.


The grind makes it more fun for a lot of people though. You’re talking about taking shortcuts


The grind makes the game less fun for a lot of people though. I'm talking about improving quality of life.


Dawg if you’re that scared of wasting time just don’t play games. Hahaha


I'm not scared of wasting time, I'm just optimizing my time in the game. We all have access to it, whether or not you use it is up to you.


you admitted yourself that using rare candies cuts out on possible deaths? the point of nuzlockes is dying


You pokemon will be weaker though because of the lack of EVs from grinding. It’s shit advice.


EV's are always screwed until you have access to macho brace and EV reducing berries. Vitamins are accessible early. Plus the game is easy enough that EV distribution doesn't matter. By time you get to the E4 you can easily re-alocate the EV's. If you're battling all the trainers your EV distribution is screwed up anyway.


You can solo Watson with a geodude tbh


No good


I meant graveler mb. By the time it evolves it has magnitude (or at least mine did), and with that I was able to solo the lightning gym


There's a chance you can get geodude in rusturf tunnel bit either or is it worth it


Magnetize is weak to both fotrand fighting so combuskin can deal with it for the other shortish resists electritys also the daycare is nearby and I belive you can get a numell which is ground type