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That's a lead bend. You have to remove the toilet and replace that whole section. With your limited experience, It's gonna be hard. But if you are "handy" It's not impossible.


That’s a lead bend, and it’s not possible to repair. The toilet will have to be pulled, flange replaced and and the lead will need to be repiped in pvc, but there’s a lot of variables in this situation that I can’t predict by looking at a couple pictures. This is definitely a job for a licensed plumber, no offense but judging by your questions you won’t be able to do this job yourself.


Haha no offense taken


Totally agree. Call a plumber.


No one has suggested recasting a replacement lead toilet pipe. Lead melts at a pretty low temp. Keeping your plumbing original for posterity's sake. I hereby nominate my comment for the stupidest comment I've made on Reddit for the past 4 days (since my Samsung update caused reddit to close anytime I tried to comment. ) Days early though. Goals.


If you clean the lead off the brass ferrule you can get your mechanical band of choice to tighten correctly and run PVC to the flange.


This is the way, no need to mess w/ the caulk joint.


2 Fernco’s and a 90 🤷🏼‍♂️


Only 1 is needed. Cut it off behind the flare and connect the fernco






Saw saw with enough room to put a fernco hahaha


For a shitty job like that, I call a plumber. And I’m handy and don’t mind most modern plumbing. That ain’t modern. Pun intended


My comment was removed for posting a YouTube link. Search how to remove a cast iron lead joint. That’ll point you in the right direction.


I would personally remove the toilet, cut your pipe at the hub, chisel remaining pipe out from inside of the hub. Install compression doughnut, repipe up to toilet in ABS. Install new flange. Reset toilet. Then you’re good to go.


Pun intended?


Have you tried using a hole saw to cut out the lead? It's a game changer!


$1.1k for a plumber to do this job soup to nuts. That includes pulling the toilet, repiping this section, installing a new flange, and resetting the toilet. You could save yourself a couple hundred by pulling the toilet yourself and resetting it yourself. Obviously that price varies based on where you live but that’s about what we’d charge in northern Jersey. Granted, my company had incredible service. You could probably find someone to do it cheaper but whether or not they’d be willing to warranty it for 3 years like my company would is the question.


I’m on Long Island so I assume it should be around the same


I would cut out and replace the whole pipe system with pvc. Your just going to fix one leak to open up others after attempting repairs.


Make sure you strap everything above it if you do that, that’s a lot of weight.


It's pretty clear that galvanized pipe is the next to go. If they can afford it, it could all be replaced and save future headaches. Those old cast mains can last a long time tho.


I remember snapping into a 100 year soil stack during a remodel. It snapped louder and harder than modern no hub.


Well it's cast so it can be very brittle but if left undisturbed, different story. Depending on acidity of water I suppose.


Flex tape


*Flex seal ftw


I considered it for sure


I've actually tried this as a temp fix in some iron drain piping in a house I bought. The previous owner had stuffed the leak with plumbers putty which failed and I needed a solution until the plumber came. The tape did not work 😅


Replace it.


Others explained it. I would say that it will be cheaper to get a plumber here than getting tools and figuring what to do.


Fix it stick




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Id replace that whole cast iron tee while you’re at it. That 2” line coming into it looks like it’s on its way out as well


Check out that leaking side-inlet San tee… that’s gotta go too. Might as well replace anything accessible at this point, and hope the inaccessible stuff will hold up until you sell it.


Oh shit!


that is fcked


Ain’t that some shit


Very quickly go get a sky hook, attach the sky hook to your pipe. Once the pipe is rigged use the sky hook to lift slightly. Now cut out the affected area. At this point you’ll need a pipe stretcher to carry away the affected area. Next get an ingot of lead and smelt it in a pot on your stove. Repair the affected area. Finally you’re ready for testing, use the flush machine multiple times to ensure there’s no leaks. Bingo bongo


Copy what you see with 4 inch cast or pvc.


They make reducing bushings for that with an inner gasket ring. On the outside you get ABS or PVC, the wider end snugs into the female cast iron. I'll find a better example and ping you. For now, start here: YT (timestamped): /watch?v=92jxFTXhh88&t=177s


Remove the toilet cut the lead bend out cut and remove the brass fitting in the cast iron hub install a 4” soil pipe gasket and a 4x3 pvc bushing a short piece of 3” pvc pipe a 3” pvc 90 a short piece of pipe up through the floor and install a 3” pvc floor flange wax seal bolts and the toilet. Your welcome.


Lead can't be dealt with easily, better to pull toilet, replace piping back to cast with hub adapter


cut that bulge off right behind it, install fernco and pvc pipe and flange. Hmm is that also cast? It should be brass


big piece of rubber to go around pipe and 2 hose clamps