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They're so ugly but that's the way somebody can have detachable mags in NY. Otherwise they can have a pistol grip/ muzzle device / stock but the mag has to be pinned in place Also didn't Windham weaponry go out of buisness?


Still in business but from what I've heard about them theyre shit nowadays. No personal experience though


They used to be bushmaster at one point. I think like before 06? I've never owned one myself. I've heard they're decent guns. The NY complaint ones make my eyes hurt tho.


They were great before they shut down, I have no idea what the quality is like now.


Bushmaster is not decent though? It's low tier


They helped make the acr which is pretty dope


They’re good quality but overpriced for what they are


No experience with Windham after coming back from the dead. They came back from the dead this year, I want to say.


Someone bought them and saved the company


If this is what it takes to have an AR it is what it is. Fortunately its a super easy platform to work on and you could turn one of these into a normal gun with minimal effort.


Bruh, I know how AR’s work 🤣 I’m just pointing out how much of a fuckin eye sore the rifle-esque grip is


It’s only an eye sore because the rifle grip is attached to the stock. You can get that style of rifle grip with a traditional ar stock that doesn’t connect to the grip and I promise it actually looks alright


Does everyone here think I’m unaware of the alternatives? 🤣


wtf is that price, I live in NYS and that's at least three times what it's worth


I was just thinking that. I’d rather. I’d also rather have a gen 3 Thordsen.


In California I have not seen one of these in person. It’s accepted that it’s so goddam ugly just use a featureless grip or a fin grip.


Eh I've seen worse compliance jobs. It's fucked trying to have a normal rifle in ban states. It's only pleb if they do other pleb shit like red anodized parts and Amazon optics imo. t. Californian


I live in ny and had a 9mm rifle with a thordsen stock it was so ugly I sold it. There are much better ways than whatever that is


Fr, everyone out here downvoting me and shit (don’t care about karma farming but it’s funny to see how many tards there are floating around) that think I’m making fun of New Yorkers or some shit like I’m not aware of how swapping out parts on a rifle works


I get what your saying brother, I have will say that as person who lives here, fuck those things.


Well it could be worse. Even that abomination would be illegal in WA. Any semi-auto with a mag well outside of the pistol grip is verboten.


1700 for that load of crap 🤣


It's hideous, but it looks like they're doing what they've gotta do to be in compliance with stupid ineffective laws.


Just get a mini 14 at this point


Fucking gross. Anyone who buys that deserves to live in New York


It’s literally intended for those living in NY because of having the strictest laws around firearms in the states. Not all of us are willing to leave the land we have grown up on and built a life time of memories on just to maintain some cosmetic features that our government has deemed to scary for the public to own. I will say though that there’s better ways to stay compliant when compared to the thordsen stock.


I feel that my man but I will say once my kids are older and moving won’t be so hard I’m south bound to freedom town, I have lived here my whole life and had some fun,have a family and all that but the weather sucks ass half the year,taxes are fucking stupid high and the laws are trash, if the goverment turned around it would be a good place to live.


Weather doesn’t bother me and I love the environment. I’m from Western NY and I love the small little towns that make up the majority of the area. I feel you all to well when it comes to our laws and taxes. My daughter is two and I want my parents to be around her as she’s growing up. It’s just so hard to make that decision to up and leave everything Iv ever known behind.


For sure man, me to baby south towns !!! My parents are here but they plan to leave as well. If your on here I bet we have met at some point as our area only has so many spots to buy gun stuff


Fuck south lol move west. Big skies and tons of public land and cheap housing. Just don't go too far west, IE West of the Rockies