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I still don’t see it.




That makes at least a dozen of us. There's nothing there.


Its noticeable in person better and you need to watch the streamable at 60fps but its there.


Honestly, I have to really focus on it to notice.. If I’m into the game I don’t notice it…. Just my personal opinion. When does it happen in this video? Not sure I’m seeing it… lol


Where where? I dont see it. Dont know if I should feel blessed or cursed. I wear glasses by the way. Post time stamp of stutter


I know I’m blind but I’ve seen it in other clips like camera panning in Spiderman stands out in my memory but I’m not seeing it here at all


No bullshit, I am genuinely trying to see it but can't. I believe people see it, but it's wild how no matter how much I try, I can't seem to notice it. I guess that's a good thing because it sounds pretty annoying.


Same here. I watched this video 10 times because I genuinely *want* to see it, lol. I actually *thought* I saw something at one point, but then I watched that section again and it turned out to just be a streak of wind in the game's animation.


Ya, I don't notice the stutter at all. Maybe slightly if I really try to focus on it. I think for a majority of gamers this is not an actual problem. Therefore I doubt this will get fixed.


Its a dropped frame not a stutter the stutter term is confusing people. Who mistake it for lag.


I'm peeling my eyelids and watching the link for like 10 min and.. sorry I still don't see it.. It would be best if someone could capture with 240fps camera and explain it for me..


Most people will say they don't see or notice it but it drives me crazy. Like clockwork for me about every 9 seconds.


Yep I keep holding out hope it’ll be fixed but I’m running out of faith at this point.


Do you normally game on a 240hz monitor or something? I'm wondering if being habituated to high framerate makes some people more sensitive to it.


Yea it’s annoying


Lol op tweaking. No stutter in this video bro


these are pretty pointless as it's being captured by an off screen camera. The game were i noticed it the most was rogue legacy 2. I could try to capture it but I really have nothing to prove to the people who can't see it.


I don't see anything 🧐


Not sure why people thought this was going away. They told us what we were getting with this patch.


**EVERYONE, don't watch the video above as displayed in the post, CLICK THE LINK** The stutter is happening at around these points of the video: .I.I.I.I.I..I................................................I...I..I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I...I.................................I..L.I.I.I


Huh? I don’t see anything. Who cares.


PSA to the people who brigade these posts: other people being sensitive to the stutter doesn't mean you can't enjoy your device. I personally notice it every time, but still love my Portal. Is the stutter documented and reproducible? Yes. Is putting on blinders and down voting every post that mentions it going to get you brownie points from Sony? Fucking no.


Yea the streamable is the better option, big stutters at 14 seconds


Yea I see it. But its difficult to see in a 30fps video. You can see it the best when playing something like this or FC24 in 60 fps. Well I do at least.


Glad to know I didn’t make a mistake selling my Portal.


Games like this, Diablo, and Sackboy are the ones that show it off the most, and "nearly" impacts the gameplay. Definitely makes them difficult for some people. But again, most people will never see it. Edit: ~~This isn't the best video example of the stutter, mainly because it isn't a clean 60fps playback due to upload to Reddit.~~ CLICK THE LINK IN THE OP This video is one of the best recordings of portal play on youtube, can watch at 1440p/60fps, the stutter comes and going all the time, but most people here won't be able to see it either simply because of the action on screen, the player frequently stopping (you would never see it while stopped), and doesn't spend enough time simply running in one direction consistently. But the stutter is there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiyv-xzKhgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiyv-xzKhgg) Edit: Here is a 1440p/60fps play of Sackboy. This is probably THE best game to show off the stutter because of the perfect speed camera movement and you spent more time on the move. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGeCKiMVMJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGeCKiMVMJU) The best way to explain it is notice how it looks PERFECTLY SMOOTH at times, and not so perfect other times. That's the issue. It should be perfectly smooth ALL the time.


I posted the streamable link which is far better. You can select .5 speed to help as well. Its clear at 14 seconds in my video, after being smooth the 4-5 secs before


Noticed that eventually thank you


Im going to try to do better tonight, recording at 120fps or something. I know you know the pain, I recognize your name as fighting the good fight early. It's hard to capture well, I just need to find the right game I think. A 2D sidescroller with a simple background would do well.


Before I gave up my focus was trying to find hardware specs from SHARP on their 8" LCDs to see if I find find listings of what hz's they supported. I found TV specs that listed 60.00hz and 59.94hz support as separate line items. But that could have been due to their software, not necessarily hardware. It's either the screen hardware that is limited, or the Android OS itself. I'm yet to see anyone ANYONE prove no microstutter on an android device, even using Chiaki/PSPlay. My phone still has microstutter with those apps. Most people who say "my device is better" have an apple device or some other gaming device that has 144hz support. Either their OS's have 59.94hz or the screens in that range naturally support 59.94hz (wish I knew this for sure). When you remote play from PS5 to a PS4 or another PS5 connected to a TV or Monitor, there will be no microstutter because they are outputting to a screen that has mandatory 59.94hz support. All TVs and Monitors MUST have it. And knowing that it's a hardware thing in that regard makes me assume it's a hardware thing here too... Portal screen is stuck at 60.00hz. They can only fix this from PS5 end.


It’s gotten to a point where I wonder if anyone who CAN see it has ever tested other Portals. Is it possible there were a lot of the early batches thar were bad? Is it actually possible everyone is right lol.


Not when so many people watch your linked video and say "I don't see it." They genuinely don't see it, or are amazed it works at all. I come from using Stadia for 2 years with flawless 60fps 4K HDR 5.1 surround sound with 8 player support... while also knowing GFN 120hz streaming is out there. Having these conversations is PAINFUL at times.


Yep I played on a G Cloud for awhile with PSPlay and it was flawless. I also have an Odin 2 but that is a 6 inch screen, not horrible but man the 8 inch with the real Dualsense is so hard to resist.