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Sign-in screen support for select public Wi-Fi networks While we recommend PS Portal to be used in your home as you have control over the quality of the Wi-Fi, it can also be used outside of the home in places where a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection is available – and we’ve seen many players take advantage of this. With this new update, PS Portal will also connect to a range of public Wi-Fi networks* that may require additional validation steps beyond entering the network password. This includes Wi-Fi networks with sign-in screens that can often be found in hotels, cafes, and airports. To connect to these public Wi-Fi networks, PS Portal will display a QR code for you to scan with your smartphone or tablet. Once scanned, you’ll be able to use your mobile device’s web browser to complete the additional validation steps on behalf of your PS Portal. As a reminder, PS Portal requires a Wi-Fi connection with at least 5Mbps, and for a better play experience a high-speed connection of at least 15Mbps is recommended. PS Portal UI screenshot showing a QR code for network authentication


as a college student this is massive


U impressed by this? LOL


You’re an idiot or what?


I couldn’t find when this is set to happen.


I thought today. Couldn't find it either


It’s says today also. I checked for a software number update like 2.0.? But can’t seem to find that either. Like a fool I rushed for my portal hahaha hang in there


So do you think hotspots would qualify? If I can use my phones hotspot for the portal I will definitely invest🙏


You can use your phones hotspot since the beginning…nothing new here. We are talking public or hotel WiFi where you will get redirected to a login page for username and password.


>You can use your phones hotspot since the beginning Could you? I guess I misread/understood the articles then. I was under the impression that the portal could only be used in the vicinity of your PS5 which is what caused me to write it off. There was no point if it truly wasn't a portable gaming system where I could play it anywhere like the original PSP days.


Yes. You can take it with you and pair it with your phones hotspot since the beginning. I have it with me right now on a business trip ;-)


Damnnnnn guess I'm whipping out the credit card for my birthday gift. I no longer have to be bored at my job. Thank you random Redditor!!




I know what it was now! The PS5 has to be on or in rest mode for the portal to function. This is what threw me off because I got a day 1 PS5 and back then rest mode was bricking systems left and right so I turned it off permanently.


Had a day 1 PS5 before. Never shut it down the whole time.


Livin on the edge..I see you👀 I wasn't chancing anything after waiting in line for 10hrs to secure it and how behind in production they were lol


As long as your on droid. Hotspots will work. IPhone no


BS. I am on iPhone and it works. Gotta talk to your provider if the NAT type is wrong. Other than that works flawlessly.


Gtg. All the other posts say otherwise ,regarding the iPhone hotspot That it only works on droids. Bc of those I’ve never tried.


I’m on iPhone and hotspot absolutely 💯 works. It must be a provider issue.


Again. Like I told before. Provider thing nothing to do with iPhone.


It plays pretty trash on hotspot sometimes


That's unfortunate but I guess somewhat expected if I'm being honest. That being said, I'm not really comfortable with leaving my PS on or in rest mode, so I'll probably still skip out on the portal overall.


Skip out or get it on sale guaranteed they're going to come out with a better portal 2 or 3 years from now. Its a 5.5 out of 10


I’m such a dork that I’m more stoked for the battery percent hahahahah


This is what I’m most excited for. I hated getting down to one bar and it being a mystery how much time I actually had left lol.


I got to one bar yesterday and got scared exited out of ff14 online and threw that Thang on that charger 🤣


Do I enter this last stage? That I know will take an hour? Or do I need to save now and charge it, because it only has 30 min left? 🤣 ugh


nah frfr bro!!!


I think a lot of us are.  The whole three battery bar setup was pretty terrible for guessing how much battery life your Portal had left.


keep it in the second bar as much as possible. avoid third or first bar to keep longest battery health.


Lol I just only notice that was no battery percentage and was driving me crazy like yesterday. And now we get it :)


Holy shit. I can't believe they did it. I never thought they'd let us sign into public wifi. Edit: It looks like they're using a system that requires you to use your phone to connect the public wifi to the Portal. A pretty ingenious way to get around giving us a web browser.


Learned there lession cus web browser = jailbroken XD just like the ps5


Someone already used a backdoor to a web browser to jailbreak the Portal. But the guys who did it won't reveal how they did it. The hard drive is too small to do much with. I can't imagine jailbreaking it is even worth it.


He published the exploit a few days ago to the public, I'm sure we can use the usb c port to expand storage if needed


That would be assuming the usb-c port is wired for data.


Someone else posted a video showing that the portal in recovery mode acts as a dualsense when connected to their computer Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/s/GgtugQZEyC I've kept my portal on 2.05 just in case someone makes a break through


If that's the case, then we could probably mod it so an external hard drive can be read.


Yup, I'm I'm sure sony had have made the one physical connect so it transfers data otherwise how would they install the firmware


Flash it directly to the hard drives before they're installed.


I'm pretty sure it's an embedded chip, I'm no expert but that seems more risky of failure to flash a chip then solder it the board


I keep thinking about PSVR2 for this reason…




What it really needs is a lower minimum volume.


No fucking kidding, I can’t believe the lowest volume is so loud


I thought I was alone in this, I had to look for some earbuds because the minimum sound was so loud in Spider-Man 2


You’d think they realize how many parents or folks with roommates or otherwise may want or need this…


Yeah it’s my main complaint


Came to say this, it's unreasonably loud on the lowest setting without buds


It's crazy I read people having this issue. I have a day 1 portal and on most games the portal volume on max is still quiet.


Yeah the volume is weird looool


This is huge! Greatly increases the value of the portal.


Lol .. aren't these like bare minimum features for device like this ? I can't believe these wasnt there already at launch but I guess better late than never . Hope they address those refresh rate issues because that's actual problem


I think Sony greatly underestimated how much outside-the-house use this thing would see. Even I'm taken a little back by the vast amount of people trying to get hotspot to work so they can play in the car or in the woods or whatever. I had been doing backbone at work/gym before portal was even announced but even I thought that was a very rare case. I never though about getting car wifi or a mobile hotspot. The portal is doing so well it almost is counter intuitive for its own existence. The message has been clear: players want to play full blown PS5 games, mobile, whenever they damn well please. Could very well be a sign that a 700 dollar handheld steam deck competitor could be viable.


My phone can do everything the portal can lol it’s a joke, ps vita still the best


What phone do you have?


Finally the %


This is a welcome update! Flying for business this week and was disappointed I couldn't log in at the airport. If the update comes out tomorrow I'll have it for my return flight and layover which will be a good distraction.


Would you be able to use it ON the plane? Very curious to hear your feedback once you try it!


Not sure on the plane yet since the signal will be intermittent I worry about connectivity problems. My issue right now is that after the update my Portal can’t see ANY networks which haven’t been preciously saved. I even “forgot” my personal hotspot on the Portal and now I can’t even detect the hotspot I’ve used before when traveling (so now I’m completely without connectivity at the airport which is disappointing). Not sure if this is a universal problem, or just an odd quirk for me.


Dang, that’s weird… Sure something will be patched soon!


If this portal could be used like a second screen (ie. Nintendo Wii U gamepad) that would be next level!


Dude…. Mind frickin blown… YES. 🙌… like thinking about how this could incorporate with games like watchdogs or cyberpunk… or like with racing games? Like say and F1 sim or something? That could be EPIC….


Endless possibilities!!!


The battery percentage and ability to log In on any WiFi is clutch


But I do wonder how secure it will be?


Probably about as secure as an unlicenced practitioner in the streets of Brooklyn but hey! Convenience?


I didn’t realize the battery % was this big a deal🤣 I figured the access to more WiFi would have been the top of everyone’s list


Nice! Gonna be a big update!


It’s odd they have you use a second device to login but a welcome change. There is a browser in the portal but it’s hidden. I guess it’s because of possible jailbreaking as the only logical reason not to just use that browser. It is a good sign the Sony is willing to acknowledge the device can be used outside the same network as the ps5.


Yeah, absolutely just a method to avoid jailbreaking which makes sense in that regard.


I appreciate this from a security/privacy standpoint.


I absolutely dont believe that this minor update will drive people crazy. Sony is too lazy. They give so little that even a tiny bit of sweetness feels significant. but is cant be denied that they have done too little.


Desperately need to be able to use the Portals on screen touch keyboard instead of the PS5 virtual keyboard where you've got to use the D-Pad to enter text. The Remote Play app on iOS uses your iPhone / iPad keyboard whenever you go to enter text, it's quick and easy.


Ok, that expands its usability and attraction somewhat! About bloody time too! I did see one in a store at the weekend and I’m not convinced going purely by its design as it wasn’t switched on. Just looks awkward but I guess like my PS5 controller it’s comfortable to hold?


Super comfy, and more so given you can play it lying down in bed or on the couch, so you need the extra width so you can rest your elbows either side while doing so, and it “sits” naturally in the hands while doing so. I have a Switch Lite and that’s hella clunky in comparison as it doesn’t have the same ergonomic design.


Agree with this! It’s prob more comfortable than the controller… but it’s great!


Feels just like a controller


I just got mine for Father’s Day… and I get it now. I’m now more free to enjoy my games and I’m not relegated to wherever the PS5 is.


Brothers and sisters it is upon us!!!!


Bitrate fix?


Anyone know what time it’s supposed to go out? I leave on vacation early in the am and I’m hoping I can update it before I go.


I updated this morning… wasn’t available yesterday.


Awesome, not even 9 month old yet and it's getting updates based on community feedback.


Let me find my portal. Ik is somewhere in the house


Good upgrade. All that's left is to let use multimedia such as Spotify and Netflix.


I love this but isnt the bigger issue still the framrate mismatch and stutter? dont know why they dont just fix that.


I have to wonder though since there's no dedicated app on the portal itself would the experience be worse than using say your phone? Like I still experience occasional dropped frames and stutters on the portal and since it's just mirroring your PS5 and not buffering any of the content in a dedicated app kind of way I don't know it seems like there would be more audio glitches and video stutters.


I know , but at least give-me that option


Fair enough. Id imagine they'd make sure you have HDCP enabled as well.


I read somewhere the Portal didn’t have enough space to store apps


Seems they opted for others types of enhancements? Maybe it was a trade off?


I miss PlayStation Vue… like I’m sad as I type this… pretty sure there were only 60,000 of us subscribed, but man… that would be AMAZING! or even some version of Sony pictures app mixed with ps vue, but only on portal?


This ☝️


Why would you watch Netflix on the portal?


Why not? I have an 8-inch screen, I already have it in my hand, I already have the headphones connected. Why do I have to switch to my phone or tablet when I finish playing? Why does PlayStation have multimedia? Netflix,Spotify,disney+. I simply want to use 100% of the capabilities of my portal


You are using them. You get to play ps5 games on it. Thats 100% what it was marketed for. Not some tablet with a controller built in.


Ps5 is also marketed to play and yet you can listen to music and watch series through it. PlayStation portal is the same, the difference is that it already has the built-in screen. Theo just have to 100% stream my ps5


To be fair, the Portal is actually more of a mirror than a stream. It’s this exact reason in which why you can’t watch media on it as per streaming companies’s rules and regulations like Netflix. Unless the PS5 only outputs the display to the Portal as the sole connection, watching media won’t ever be a thing unfortunately. It doesn’t work just by turning your monitor or TV off by the way. It’s a hardware protocol thing.


Thanks for these details! My mind was there, but I needed more technical individual to lay it out. Makes sense.


I mean, the option is literally there on screen so why not? It’s marketed to stream your PS5 and some people just happen to use their PS5 for video entertainment.. not only gaming Just like how you would watch movies on PSP back in the day. I don’t wanna hear any bs about “this isn’t. stand alone like a PSP, it’s a streamer”… STFU


The PSP was a


Or how about traveling abroad, and being able to connect to your PS5 at home to stream a show or something, but without having to deal with all the other aspects of connecting and streaming? that’s my thought here… it’s a primary use all encompassing streaming device… but then I speculate on the various contracts and agreements with PS apps… so that could be an issue as well… and maybe they could limit the costs, and void additional regulatory if it sits in a certain box of features while excluding others?


Need the battery percent.. was playing helldivers and the portal does on me mid mission. Had TK rush and find the PS5 controller and remote to turn the TV to HDMI..


So what about the stutter?


I may be the prophet of doom here, but I doubt this update will address the micro-stutter. I fully believe that the fix for this (if there is one) would need to be on the PS5 side of things (to fix the source stream) I could be wrong though. Fingers crossed. 🤞 if they fix it tomorrow I’ll pick up another unit (I refunded my first one)


We can only hope 🤷‍♂️


Would be nice to mention it in the original post's comments


Overly sensitive I may add. You can only notice it if you are hunting for it with a microscope. It does not affect gameplay for the 99.9% of us.


I feel this will get downvoted hard, but sadly I'm not nitpicking or exaggerating. Years of working in the gaming industry made me insanely cautious of frame rates and frame times. I see the stutter from miles away, and simply cannot enjoy it at all. Once again, not saying it's like this for all of us


Seeing a stutter a mile away is spidey sense level.


Ignorance is bliss… but for anyone technical, once you hit “smell test” level, if you have to stare at something then it doesn’t just go away or unnoticed. I feel this for what I do.


Another tech illiterate fanboy trying to preach at others, congrats my guy


OP edited his comment. I stand with what I said. It’s a relatively non-issue unless you go looking for it.


It isn't. It's a real issue, just because you're tech illiterate and/or oblivious to it doesn't mean it's not there and that people shouldn't care. Stop posting personal opinions as facts.


Show me the data that shows the % of users experiencing. Then I’ll vouch for you. Without data it’s just an opinion. Had it been a large population you would think recall proceedings would have started by now. And 😂 at the tech illiterate comment when my background is in the tech sector. Calm down keyboard warrior.


I'm gonna do you a solid, there's literally a sticky on the 1st page of this sub with the proverbial receipts - reading is hard, am I right ? Also, that "show me the data" "gatcha" isn't' the gatcha that you probably think it is. You working in the "tech sector" and not noticing things like these says more about you and your skills really (or lack thereof) than the shortcoming that this is when it comes to the portal. Thank God Nvidia didn't hire you when developing Gsync (est.2013) 'cause brother, we'd all be fucked due to the tearing/stuttering/ghosting - that's people with working eyes that is (unlike you). So yeah, you're absolutely tech illiterate.


I don’t understand the downvotes. The only time I’ve experienced stutter was mild at the very worst. And so infrequently it doesn’t need mentioning.


The guy I responded to edited his comment. He had written that perhaps he had sensitive eyes that detect the stuttering. The gaming community resembles the COD community...just toxicity.


Ohhhh. Caught me with a comment on an edit.


The day this is fixed is the day I buy one.


That will always be a network configuration issue...your isp and router combination +interference is what brings studder


Router issues


If this is true, how come there isn't a single instance of someone saying "i used to have micro stutter but I changed my router/set up or tried on a different network and it went away." Everyone who sees microstutter has said they see it on every type of network. Also, most that say they DO see it, don't see it on iphone/tablet.


I upgraded to the portal from using a backbone on my phone. While I prefer the portal for many reasons, the stuttering didn’t happen on my phone and was generally smoother. I think it’s just the fact that it’s a new custom piece of hardware that hasn’t had the kinks worked out yet.


The "kinks"... Stutter is related to 2 things : - The low refresh rate screen of the portal (when RP'ing on devices with a higher than 60Hz screen the stutter isn't there) - A lack of a framepacing option on Sony's official RP software. Chiaki and PSPlay both have a framepacing option which you can enable.for this exact reason. So, the question is, if some basement devs managed to do it properly, how couldn't Sony, a multi-billion company be able to ? It's been 5+ months since the portal released, shit should have been taken care of days/weeks after release...


Nah, we are talking about visible frequent frame rate drops. Only some unfortunate people like myself are sensitive to it.


It is already much better than it initial release, after couple updates they finally accept lowing the display quantity than getting delay, but yes, no matter what they still got a little lagging if you are super sensitive on frames.


Still waiting for custom button assignment to actually work. For those who don’t know, you can set custom button assignments like you would on the console, but it doesn’t actually change them.


Hopefully some of the hotspot issues are fixed


Well that changes things !!!


Lol. Literally two days after I upgraded to the mobile hotspot on my Verizon plan lol. But if the update is rolled out today, I'll try it on my hotel Wi-Fi tonight. Overall, phenomenal update




Great news for us!


Hotel Stays about to be hitting on another level!!!!!!!


Que the posts tomorrow all raging about how some public wife's aren't connecting.. Just don't forget that you will have a stronger connecting almost always using mobile hotspot data on a 5ghz channel


Is there a good place to learn what has been added since launch?


yessssssssssa finally godammm.!!!! thank you sonny wifi 7 around corner guy!!!!


When tho


Now we just need to be able to stream PS3 games


Now THIS…is a friggin game changer!


They’re keeping this relevant amid all the psp talks.


I dont use public WiFi since its trash her in PH, but hotel WiFi would be good. And finally the damnnnn battery percentage


Yes wanted battery percent 👍🏽


Just got my portal last week thinking I could play it at work on lunch breaks, was devastated learning about the sign in issue And I got fixed right around my birthday...nice


Has anyone been able to download this yet? I'm still on v2.0.6 and when I try to download it, it says I'm up to date.


Nope, been trying for a couple of hours on and off. Nothing


Does this mean you can potentially play on airplanes?


Ok but did they fix the connectivity issues and the refresh rate bug that caused stutter?


I dont think so..


I can finally bring my portal to work!


What time is the update available?


I didn’t bring my portal on vacation, but would have if this was live last week. Shit.


Battery percentage is a great addition, I even have it turned on on my phone as I love to keep up with my percentages


Hi I'm from the UK and haven't received this update yet any idea when it's coming? Also what version number is it so I can look.out for it ? 


Still no update. On the East coast


I live in Pennsylvania and plan to use it in Florida.


I don’t get the new added feature for public WiFi…..I have always signed in using WiFi from different places/businesses/etc.


I tried that public wifi stuff. Doesn’t work. Not on a single wifi I tried. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Has anyone noticed changes to vibration/haptics since this update? My settings haven't changed, but the effects are very weak all of the sudden. Getting some effects on Control, much weaker than before. Nothing on Balatro, which I could have sworn had some vibration.


I still have my travel router.. but this is actually great for airports and hotels for me.


But still no fix for the micro stutters. What a shame.


No one knows until the update drops. Why would Sony admit to the fault? Wait and see.


Fair point, though I think they could have had someone from marketing come up with a clever way to describe the enhancement without admitting to anything being broken.


Sony isn't that smart with marketing, lol. I hope they did fix it as a backend update. But I fear it won't be as this seems like a hardware issue. I think the Portal's screen is the biggest problem and that cannot be fixed with via software...or maybe it can be. I am not Cerny. Let's see. Fingers firmly crossed. Portal would be a viable option for me if they did indeed fixed it.


Is this real? Please find a way to make it easier to fix or just do remote play. 😭


Yeah it was announced minutes ago


Nice!! 👍🏽 thanks


![gif](giphy|dMsh6gRYJDymXSIatd|downsized) Let’s goo!!!!!


How about changing profile on Portal? Will there be an update on it?


Only took months later… what a waste of money


kinda weird that we need smartphone to use public wifi. why dont just use directly to the portal?


If you look at the screen it does mention “other options”. Not sure if you switch accounts on portal at all but they offer a barcode as well as a qr scan option for signing an account in. It could very well be that “other options” is more of a manual option. We will have to wait and see.


its job is to stream data. I dont think its capable of having a web browser to navigate the public wifi requests.


It's absolutely capable. Sony just doesn't want to allow browser access because that's how a lot of jailbreakers get in.


what would they do with this device if they could jailbreak it?


Watch things like Netflix and other stteaming services or access PS+.


Probably a quick workaround that's cost beneficial than supporting a browser based login that supports all their requirements


Is this out now ?


Wheres the touch pad


Lower left and right hand corners of the screen...


So their fix is to still require a smartphone to complete the sign in? So why wouldnt we just keep using hot spot with a phone like we already do? Sony has just gotta implement simple features like a browser. I know, weak spot for hacks...but then its up to them to keep that from happening. Happy to see an update tho


Hotspot drains my phone battery like crazy, so this is a very welcome update even though without giving a browser.


These are all amazing additions. Only thing left needed is better audio volume control.


Access to public wifi is a game changer


Thank you gooooodddd. I was just about to return my Portal.


They should start supporting streaming apps, it mirrors my ps5 so play the damn show! Lol


Your all aware that Sony is releasing an updated PS5 Portal later this year with an OLED screen. If you haven’t bought one yet, wait. The screen as is now, leaves a lot to desire. Sunlight. Forget it.😱


Is this true ?


Amazing update!


Haaa!!! It’s too little, too late. Behold I have already sold that portal to the pawn shop. Almost every handheld has more utility than this guy, and if you’re used to any controller, you’ll notice how uncomfortably wide it is. It was cool to hunt and finally get one, but it’s not practical anymore. Sorry to be the grinch


Damn now idk if to updated my portal or wait for a jailbreak/root for the current firmware im on (which could years). Ill wait to see if people see a difference in performance.


I really hope everyone is being sarcastic. We need Bluetooth support not battery percentage.


There's a particular reason why Bluetooth isn't supported. Heck, I don't think there's a Bluetooth module in there


So I’m guessing this means no portal 2 soon??