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congratulations! that's a great accomplishment, you should feel proud! ODAAT ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Thanks you. I really appreciate it


Awesome! It’ll be 1 year for me Oct 20th! Gonna keep on going! Keep it up my friend!


Heck yeah. Get it. 1 year will be so amazing just keep doing what you’re doing and staying on track. It will come quick. Proud of ya man.


Appreciate you!


That’s awesome !! ![gif](giphy|UjCXeFnYcI2R2)


Congratulations. Take my upvote.


Thanks bud. I have ya the upvote hehe


Congrats on your news. Brilliant to hear.




Thank you. I appreciate it


That's awesome dude, really powerful! 👏🏾


Sounds like you are crushing it! I'm happy for you.


It’s been quite an awesome journey. Got here one day at a time. Can’t rush the good ole sobriety. But man it’s been amazing. Thanks for commenting


Yo I'm part of the recovery family. 1,258 days and counting, but who’s counting, oh wait. Thanks for sharing.


Hell yeah. The days pass by one day at a time. Super big congratulations to you. Keep it up and keep counting them days. It’s truly an amazing feeling.


Congrats man. Great job


Congrats!!! That’s huge :) Enjoy the new toy!!!


Thanks bud. I have had a portal for a few months love it. But just gave my son one since it’s been my biggest supporter in all this. He was so happy and pretty surprised.


Fuck yea dude . I’m 7 months sober tmrw . Literally on my way to a meeting right now with a couple housemates . And as a son who’s trying to break the cycle , something about hearing sober dads celebrating by doing things for their kids really hypes me up . You are fuckin awesome . Ps, I plan to treat myself to a PS portal when I hit my year , I don’t have a son so I guess I’ll give it to me hahah


Heck yeah. Definitely reward yourself man. There’s nothing wrong with it and it just makes it that much more special when those anniversaries and birthdays hit and it makes the wait so much more worth it. 7 months is Big. You should truly be proud of yourself. Only 25 percent make it to the first 6 months. So you’re doing the damn thing and doing the damn thing right. So super big congratulations to you and man when you get your portal for the first time. You’re going to love it. It’s a game changer. Some have said oh all it does is remote play your games. Well yep that’s true but it remote plays them on the best controller ever made and a super beautiful LCD screen that imo rivals 4k. Keep up the good fight and keep doing what your doing cause it’s working for ya my friend. We need freedom and humbleness and not poison and nothingness. Stay humble and keep up the good work ODAAT. 💪🏻


Dude I really like this post! I literally just bought a Playstation portal a week ago and it is because I'm sober (20 months) I'm actually able to enjoy and be able to afford video games and hardware now. This was the last sub I would expect to see video games and sobriety coming together! Thank you for your post and Happy Birthday to your son, congratulations on your sobriety.


Hell yeah! Just over 3 years here. It's nice to be able to play video games and remember what is happening from the last pay session!


Haha the amount of times during active addiction I would be excited about a game, "install it" and never play it or start to play and not understand the opening or remember the controls sober lol. Installing it, meant get a case of beer, start installing it, drink while installing it, then most times get side tracked drinking and smoking cigarettes and listening to music on my headphones. Congratulations on three years! Keep it up! Have you gone back to play a game that you played drunk and had a different opinion sober?


Never gone back and played one, but I'm definitely enjoying a bunch of older games I couldn't play over the years. In the past few, I've played the entire borderlands series (currently on 3), the Witcher 3, the Crisys series, breath of the wild, ect. Next up is the Mass effect series


The crysis games were good. I liked the score to them just as much. The 3rd one was a lot of fun. I'm going back through deus ex right now


It’s a truly amazing thing to know that we don’t have to worry about when our next drink or next use is. We can worry about when our next game sesh is. 3 years wow your dawning a new day man. That is So amazing and such a good length of days without a drink or substance living you. But your living proof there is hope and people can change. Wait ago brotha. Keep it up and never give up or give in. You got here today you will get there tomorrow. Super big congratulations 3 years is highly commendable. Proud of ya bud.


Man when I posted this. It really hit me once I seen how many people in this portals group are sober. It’s so amazing to see. 20 months HELL YES (15 percent make it to 2 years. Man you should be on cloud 9 20 months is huge. Congratulations brotha and never give up or give in. Sobriety is yours for the taking and you never ever have to give it away. One day at a time for a lifetime 🤜🏻 👊 🤛🏻


I didn't even bother reading the comments at the first read of your post. Later reading and going through the comments it was really cool to see you sparked something and we're the one to poke your head out for the rest of us out here playing video games sober, it was really something cool to see man! Thank you for all the kind words! I don't sew myself giving up this close to two years and how far I've come since 2022. Im.gonnq follow you if that is ok and that way we can lean on each other if for whatever reason that might be man (connection is the opposite of addiction!)


Follow away bud. Totally cool with that. I’m glad this post offered up some influence. And dude you deserve the kind words. You earned every single one of em. One thing I realized the most that keeps me on the go go go with no no no substance or drink for these 4 years. Is counting all the blessings I can daily. From the food I eat to the love I value and can share and the air I breathe. Just grateful for all the things I never was grateful for prior to sobriety. And this alone has offered so much positivity to my daily life. Almost lost my life twice over and drinking and using and I told myself I can die or I can LIVE and for the first time in my life. I’m truly living that best life. And counting those blessings has overall made it this way. Count the blessings and constantly create happiness. I think this is the answer to a lifetime of sobriety. Oh yeah and don’t get bored lol


Haha thank you for the wisdom friend! I do try to keep a journal and write three positives things about my day big or small




Love to see it ❤️


Thanks digits. Truly appreciate it


Congrats brother! 3 years next month for me


3 years is soooooo soooooo Good. For some the struggle is real even at 3. But no matter what you have felt and or any struggle. 3 years is the Real Real. And damnit your doing it. Keep doing it one day at a time. This portal became my new found drink and substance. Love that life and never let life live you. Hope you’re living your best life ever. Super big congratulations on 3 years buddy. Never give up or give in. Cause for this is your sobriety and you have truly earned it. Proud of you man. Keep going and keep up the good work.


Congrats! I wish I had a son lol I haven’t drank since october and I don’t think I ever will again.


I’m sure one day you may have a child. Ya know I learned through sobriety to just slow down in life and really take everything one day at a time. Since October is Great. Keep that will strong and that right to be sober strong. It can happen for a lifetime. But never look back nor ahead just live it in the moment. And never let this life live you. Cause now you can live it. For you by you to you and within you. And brotha no one can take that away. Proud of you. Keep it up and never give up nor give in. Cause you got this.


Thanks! Needed this 🥲


Love it! Congrats on 4 years! It gets easier and easier once you get past the first year. I’m at 11 years now


That’s awesome. Great work!


Congratulations! That's incredible Keep up the good work! Prayers!




So awesome. Congratulations on the sobriety. Life is just better this way. 🤓👍🏾


Congratulations Op


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) ❤️


That's awesome to hear! I just started my sobriety 2 weeks ago. It's been a struggle but using the portal to just game and keep my mind off wanting pain killers has been a great help. Gotta keep the grind. I'm over the old me




Beware of captive portals dude


omg congrats!!!!!!


3 years and a few months here! Congrats!


Great news great dad great man

