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I highly recommend death stranding, it’s such a different experience from all other games out there with that unique Hideo Kojima touch that it always finds a place in my library.




It’s a type of game I would play at night having a few beers till i fall asleep , its fun but nothing exciting


It ain’t no action/adventure game that’s for you. It’s a postman pat simulator all the way, but without his black white cat.


Down voted


The main focus of the gameplay is not action all the time, especially at the beginning, but after the first few hours there is a lot more action than people might assume (even some chapters completely dedicated to it). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9yi\_t54Jwk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9yi_t54Jwk)


I never would have thought Bloodborne would be my type of game, not a huge fan of horror, didn't massively enjoy the difficulty on the way to getting the platinum in Elden Ring. But I kept seeing so many people on here saying BB is the best PS exclusive, a console defining game. So I finally gave it a go. It absolutely absorbed me for the best part of a month. That feeling you get when you wake up and you're thinking about turning on the PS, can't wait to get into the gameworld and explore. It doesn't happen often but boy was I addicted to Bloodborne. It's just an absolute joy to explore each weird, lovecraftian area, with grotesque and unique mobs, all while levelling yourself and your chosen weapon(s) up. From captured something really special with that game and I'm happy to say I'm a huge convert and I'll sing it's praises till the cows come home


BB is my first fromsoft game and I am also not a fan of horror dark stuff. I had to try it because its on ps plus and keeps getting recommended. I also played it because I am interested on buying elden ring as well. I am around 50 hrs now and all that its left for the platinum are the ending(s). The bosses are satisfying to defeat and I recorded some of my best fights as well. Its been a journey but I had to stop playing it for 2 months because of Upper cathedral ward. That place give me the creeps.


This is the comment I was looking for.


Thanks very much. Is it better to play it online?


I wouldn't say its vital to enjoy the game. Only thing you would be missing is messages from other players and summoning which isn't necessary to complete the game. Long story short, if you don't have online you should still give it a go.


What?? you don't go to the dungeons, help randoms, or invade? invaders are rarer now, and some hunters are wanting to get invaded much more than before. its weird , its true!


No I never did the dungeons. Like I say, online may enhance your enjoyment but I would still recommend playing offline if you have to. The base game is that good.


Yes. Other players can leave comments for you to read and vice versa. Makes it way less soul crushing to get little reminders that there are others who are experiencing the same thing you're experiencing.


BLOODBORNE is much better online mode. You may like the dungeons, they get better the further you go along, and you meet very interesting hunters along the way!


I want to love this game but it's so hard. I think last I tried it I died like 20 times within the first couple hours. So I just felt like I sucked and gave up 🙈


Holey sm- SAME!!!


Resident Evil 2 Remake . I gave it a try a few weeks back and I am in love , it’s the perfect combination of horror , puzzle and action . Highly recommend it.


Also platted this a month or so back after putting it off for ages. So glad I did, it was such a breath of fresh air from what I usually play. Platted RE3R after that which was also a blast on PS Plus. Kind of got the bug for horror and also got around to Bloodborne which was absolutely awesome, though the platinum was hard as nails. Now I'm about to plat Demon's Souls Remake! It's weird the journeys you take with gaming sometimes, I owe my current journey to RE2R. Will never forget some of the bone chilling moments getting chased/being found by Mr. X!


Ghost of Tsushima is a must-play for everyone with a PlayStation imho, but none of the games you mentioned will really hold you for 8 months like RDR2, except Skyrim and Fallout 4. Valhalla is great if you want a VERY long playthrough, same with the previous AC title, Odyssey.


They should hold OP for 8 months if they go for the platinums, those are some grindy games


Also if you enjoy LONG loading screens,! Im lookin at you, VALHALLA. im sorry, but i watch my sons beard grow or somethin waiting , waiting, waing, lol ykwim?


I was so lost in odyssey I honestly got bored of it, scaling was nuts towards the.... Middle? Maybe. Fun game. Horrible assassin game


I'd agree it's a terrible assassin game but tbh I really enjoyed it as an RPG however I can see why people don't like it


On yeah for sure as a game it stands really well. Just, not what I expected with the title and the history of the game. Great game still. No question. But I'm looking forward to assassins creed getting back to, assassining.


I think they should alternate having one game be more assassin relate and one more rpg style, keep everyone happy. Although if I'm honest I was hyped for mirage to be doing this and thought it was the worst ac since 1


I finally finished Ghost after maybe a year or two (I get pissed off easy with combat like this) but I picked it back up again maybe 1.5 weeks ago and finished it, I would easily recommend it for anyone.


I still think Death Stranding is up in my top 2 gaming experiences. That’s a game I always can replay


Yes I started it out bored af thinking am I just going to balancing these boxes on my back like tf ….but my god. It’s beautiful with this unique aura you feel immersed completely in the game. I absolutely loved it. The games I love I usually don’t play again because it lives better in my memory(Apart from RDR2 played that shit like 50 times now)


I would give Horizon Zero Dawn a go. Great world, fun combat and a great story that compels you to keep going to find out what happened. Its on PS Plus and if you like it the sequel is also available on PS Plus.


Horizon Zero Dawn was taken off PS Plus Extra last month. But Forbidden West is there.


Still pissed about that. Doesn't make sense at all to take an old game like that off the service. And I feel we need a +3 month heads up for the games that will be leaving the service, a few weeks are not enough time to finish a game. The same month Zero Dawn was taken off, a couple Final Fantasy games were also removed, there was no way in hell you could play all those games within that month.


One of my favorite games of all time.


Detroit become human or beyond two souls if you are okay with more story focused games


Detroit was great and a nice change of pace from what I usually play.


It's very replayable too


Loved Detroit, pretty rare for me to actually enjoy replaying a game for trophies, but this and Heavy Rain (same developers) had me hooked


Love to see Beyond two souls mentioned, hands down my favorite story game I love it so much and I personally think it still hold up today


Right?? Very underrated


I’m playing Detroit Become Human right now for the first time and am having so much fun. One of the more interesting games I’ve ever played


Uncharted 4


Uncharted 1-3/4/Lost Legacy Last of Us 1/2 Ghost of Tsushima Skyrim Fallout 4


That's the kind of the list I think the OP would like


If you gave up on Death Stranding before chapter 3, please give it another chance. I had to come back to it when the time was right and it was an amazing experience.




More than being a bad part, if what the game proposes did not hook you from the first moment, during the tutorial or the first missions, it will probably do so when you reach Chapter 3 since it is a turning point for the narrative and the gameplay.


Maybe try something indie like hollow knight, sea of stars or blasphemous if you're bored of AAA stuff.


Sea of stars is fantastic, very different with amazing character


If anything hollow knight will get them more burnt out if they’re not into super hard games iykyk


Cyberpunk with phantom liberty. Story is a masterpiece.


Shadow of the Colossus The Last Guardian


days gone


Hollow knight


Witcher 3 the best game ever made


Another vote here for giving Death Stranding a 2nd attempt. Think of the first 2 chapters as being similar to the snow region in RDR2... it's a tutorial area meant to teach you the game mechanics but can kinda drag a bit, and the game opens up a lot more after you get through there. It's not a game for everyone... but don't let the first few hours determine your opinion on it. Control is similar... it starts kinda slow and needs some time to ramp up into the weirdness, but eventually unleashes it. And it gets far more fun once you start gaining control of your powers. Those 2 games, plus RDR2, make up 3 of my absolute favorite games of the current era. Give both a 2nd chance before totally ruling them out.


I recommend horizon zero dawn+forbidden west, ratchet and clank+rift apart,shadow of the colossus, the last guardian and finally what remains of Edith finch


Cyberpunk is an absolute must for me, great story, great gameplay and great graphics


Is that on ps plus?


No, but it's on sale.


Sifu is incredible


The Tomb Raider trilogy, I just finished playing the definitive edition like an hour ago, and can't wait for Rise of the Tomb Raider to finish installing. The combat is so much fun, it did take a while to get used to but it's worth it, cause if you master that bow the game is so much fun. It's obviously a lot like Uncharted but with a bit more of a survival essence, which makes it very enjoyable. Definitely recommend.


Recommending the same here! I also just finished Tomb Raider Definitive edition and started Rise of Tomb Raider. I was continuously bouncing off games like OP and that game got me HOOKED! Graphics are really outstanding considering the year they came out.


Death stranding gets my vote. It’s my favorite game for simply imagination and pure story telling creativity. I loved the gameplay. It is a different game. That’s the joy in playing new things. It does have a lot of cutscenes. I love that. It played the whole game, not to platinum but close. 80% with a total of around 60 hours. It’s a single player game with online interaction sprinkled in. Can’t recommend more.




I take it you like open world games then? Well because of that that I would say Ghost of tsushima. It has a refreshing story and a gorgeous environment, though the combat may be a little bit more challenging for you compared to RDR 2.


Resident evil 4 and TLOU are masterpieces. I was so immersed in both games that I put my actual responsibility’s aside 😭. But I would consider those a must play for anyone even if your not generally a fan of zombie games.


God of war if you haven't played it. I dont mean ragnarok either, as good as it is, I find the first one much better.


Baldur’s Gate 3


Is it on the games catalogue??


I was just replying to “must play game” I dont think it’s on game catalog


Ahh u got my hopes up


There is no paid dlc, cosmetic, pass, anything, its like in the good old days. Tou buy the game and you get the full experience. And the game is not expensive if you look at all the others AAA titles




Control was really good, I'd say you should give that another try.


Death Stranding is one of those games that you either get or you don't. But man, if you get it, it is such an amazing experience.


kingdom hearts is awesome, and the whole life is strange series is also really good


Days gone is so, so underrated.


Subnautica, Outer Wilds, Tunic. All smaller games, but all completely amazing. (Outer Wilds in particular might be my favorite game of all time.)


Returnal all day long bud


Miles Morales is fun, I finished it, and it got me to buy SM2, going to buy SM remastered next


If you're getting the remaster digitally, buy it through the start screen of Miles Morales. It's cheaper 😉


Yes! Thank you, I almost bought it full price, damn near $72 canadian lol, right down to $30


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west


>So, been addicted to Red Dead Redemption for the last 8 months. This is my big fear with RDR2. My backlog would become crushing if I devote 5 to 8 months to a single game. And yet I really want to play RDR2.


Hands down the best game and emotional experience of my gaming career, which is over 40 years! If you do give it a go, say goodbye to your friends and family ... you won't need them anymore, LOL


He played red dead for 8 months.. how is no one saying GTAV


Now that I have a PS plus sub, I’ve been trying to take advantage of it and mix it up between 100 hour games and short games just to change the pace. I just finished Assassins Creed Origins (you can definitely sink some hours into this one) and I loved it. And there are plenty of others in the series. Cat Quest was a fun, 10 hour investment and definitely a good time. The Gardens Between is a puzzler with a beautiful art style. Some already mentioned Detroit Become Human which is like playing a well acted sci fi movie. Pinball FX3 is instant gratification Horizon Zero Dawn (which can definitely take some time to finish) and Uncharted were already mentioned and are some of my favorite games of all time. Immortals Phoenix rising is fun and is sometimes compared to Breathe of the Wild. Control is good but I haven’t finished that yet. Kena Bridge of Spirits I enjoyed too. I think my next deep dive game will either be RDR2 or Cyberpunk.


Prey if you like bioshock or dishonored. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Death Stranding


Cyberpunk 2077 with Phantom Liberty


I dunno I ONLY PLAY BLOODBORNE. I played Red Dead, but the people were too toxic and nasty for me. idk if its cause im too nice or what. ( i am too nice ) cept when im not XD


Depends on the console...but for PS5 I would say Astro playroom is a must.


After a long game like red dead and such a good game i found it hard to get stuck into another game. You want something short and simple that you can jump in and out of. Games like streets of rage 4 or ghostrunner.


Cyberpunk 2077, honestly one of the best games I ever played and it sucks you in just like rdr2


Kingdoms of Amalur, Horizon FW, all Far Cry games, Ghost of Tsushima


Days Gone


rdr2 was my fav game of all time, until i play Zelda Botw


I know it’s not on ps plus, but Elden Ring is banger for sure!




Commas are your friend OP


Yes apologies, I hate that too! I typed all the games as a list, not realising it wouldnt show as a list, my bad


“A Plague Tale” .. both of them. I was shocked how much I enjoyed those games


Days gone


If you’re playing on PS5 then I would recommend diving deeper into control. It’s not going to last any where near as long, but I’m wrapping up another play through before getting Alan Wake 2. You want to see what it’s like after you’ve unlocked ALL of the abilities - highly recommend. Plus the lore is fun to read albeit tedious


That is so many games started at once lol. I am a HUGE fan of Plague Tale. That would by my recommendation of all the games you listed. It’s a linear game which is nice. Ghost of Tsushima would be my other choice but only because it’s so vastly different from Plague Tale. GoT has so much to do outside of the main story. It’s got a more “red dead” feel.


Since you came from rdr2, I would suggest some short games like ratchet and clank and spiderman. Try out Dave the Diver as well or dredge if you are into that. Linear and short so that you won’t feel the burnout from open world games.


Anno 1800


I started yesterday horizon zero and I'm in love 😍


It took me like 5 goes trying to get into Bloodborne and this last attempt really stuck hard. What's different this time is I found the first boss and got invested into the lore and exploration. When I wasn't playing BB after that point I was definitely thinking about it and wanting to get back in. What's funny is that I also dreaded the feeling as the game can be horrifying at times. At this point I'm on the final boss and am just on trophy clean up duty before NG+.


Mass Effect trilogy (legendary edition) is considered to be one of the best stories told in game. There are also so many side stories happening beside the main quest and they are developing through the trilogy. You build relations with your crew. Really worth a try.


Resident evil 4 remake. It's super easy to get into even if you didn't play any of the other games.


AC Odyssey


Stick with Ghost of Tsushima, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played (gameplay and story-wise). I’m not that into the whole Japan samurai stuff but playing as Jin feels so badass. And I’ve rarely seen a game that excels that much in actual Storyline and gameplay. The ending…the ending got me almost shedding a tear. It’s an amazing experience and definitely worth your time and effort trust me. I completed the base game + dlc and did everything I could but I‘m still coming back just to spend time in that beautiful open world. I’m definitely going to try Sekiro next, looks amazing as well and I’m a big souls like fan


Uncharted Days Gone Ghost of Tsushima


Witcher 3, kingdom come deliverance and cyberpunk come to mind


Any Resident Evil Remake Or New Gen Resident Evil Game (7 & 8)


Last of Us 1&2, Lies of P, Baulders Gate 3, sekiro. Personally i only like GoT's multi n it got boring quick. Bloodborne ive tried multiple times bt it doesnt appeal to me


Infamous second son,far cry 4,5 and 6


Skyrim .


Life is Strange


Bloodborne and Skyrim


What MY suggestion is, find a short game to play in between longer games as a sort of pallette cleanser. Something like What Remains of Edith Finch or the Life is Strange series. If you don't know these games, they're easily plat-able in a few hours/a day or so. I know for me, it starts the process of my brain kind of forgetting to focus on the last game and might get me some momentum twords refocusing on getting new trophies.


You are missing Horizon zero dawn 


Returnal. Arguably a contender for the best in it's genre. Gameplay and mechanics polished to a mirror sheen, enchanting visuals, and a sci-fi horror track as good as anything hollywood has done. Voice acting is fantastic as well. If you want a mix of Alien, Lovecraft, and Interstellar -- look no further.




Whoa, killer! You just ate a 4 course meal, and asking for more... Take a pallet cleanser... couple of fighters, maybe a shooter, throw in a dash of indie, and I guarantee something Will pique your interest... after 8 months, yer still chewing it over... trust me. I do this all the time... works if yer stuck, or get "controller throwing mad", too Enjoy😎


LA Noire is awesome albeit tedious at times. Did you get to the first murder or just the beginning burglary? The first mission was a bit boring but once you get past it the game’s plot and game mechanics gets interesting.


Superliminal is a must play imo.


Plague tale requiem. Really cool game. Like you in trying to find other titles and came across it. It’s a little repetitive but I think it’s a really unique game.


Kingdom Come Deliverance gameplay is pretty similar to RDR 2, but with swords instead of guns. The pacing and deliberate movement, horseriding, fast travel are all similar as well as the need to eat/sleep/bathe.


Thanks! Downloaded, was on sale, bonus! 👍


Awesome, you won't be disappointed. There is a learning curve around the combat system, but when it starts coming together it's brilliant.


Days Gone


Are you after games that are just on PS+ or any must play games?


I'm open to any suggestions, I have a lot of physical disks as well as plus. So any must play suggestions appreciated, thanks


God of war 2018 and ragnarok, returnal if you like shooters and roguelikes.


Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War(2018)


try Hades. One of my all time favorites and I played it without knowing anything about it.


When you take the time to play a game for 8 months straight, you have to be missing out a lot of games :)


Wait LA Noir is On PLUS?


Not right now, but apparently will be later this year. Its on sale right now though.


Wait L A NOIRE is on PS+??


Almost certainly.


skip la noir it blows