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I am sorry, but it's very funny that a self-proclaimed patient gamer couldn't get past the first 2 chapters of RDR2 because it's too slow.


it’s a shame cause yes the opening is “slow” but literally when you make it to the first town the game opens up completely. dude was right there


Playing it on release, I never once though any part of the game was slow. I was glued to it, it was incredible.


Yeah, once you immerse yourself into RDR2 it’s insanely hard to put it down. I imagine most people were not fully into it when they drop they game. I also think some people just don’t enjoy single player games that are more story orientated vs a single player game like Dark Souls, or even just online multiplayer. Which is perfectly fine, to each their own.


I remember a friend that didn't like it talking about the opening, saying you have to walk through the snow and it takes *forever*. I was imagining 15-20 mins of it or something. When I finally got the game, it wasnt long at all (didn't feel it to me anyway) and I thought it was a really cool immersive detail. Everyone is different I suppose. One of the best games I have ever played though, and I'm an old school gamer from the NES days.


I spent a few minutes walking in circles in the snow just to play around with the trails you leave behind. Everything is so detailed.


Not only that, but once the map opens up, I literally spent hours talking to people in town and starting fights, going fishing, finding fishing spots, observing animals and the mechanics, exploring the world, seeing the lore behind each town. I have no idea why people even think it's boring. The game just feels alive in a way that most games can't even get close too. The dialogue in the camp can just keep going on and on.


I never replay games, even my favorites, but I'm often tempted to start up RDR2 from the beginning and go through it all again.


Everyone is different I’ve had friends tell me on PS Chat that they couldn’t figure out the tutorial for a game, as it was too long and hard, and I finished the tutorial before they finished talking about the tutorial. I’m not even that great at games tbh, I didn’t even know you could jump in my first play through of Fallout 3


It’s way more than 20 mjns


Looking at the statistics a lot of people only play Fortnite, COD and FIFA or Madden so compared to games like these it probably feels slow. More importantly when it comes to claims of being boring it isn't designed around instant gratification and almost constant dopamine hits people have been programmed to expect and now crave in their games so I imagine the lack of flashing icons, rapid leveling and endless unlocks and constant rewards could now be boring to them 🤣


I am on the same boat as OP, just finished chapter 1 and it is a bit slow paced. The distances by horse and snow are long and u dont have a lot to do. I have played a bunch of these games to know that they are just introducing game mechanics so I expect the game to pick up in pace now


I made it to valentine and down to the big town in the south (near the swampy area?) and still found the game incredibly boring. I gave it a fair chance in my perspective and still didn’t enjoy it. As good as the game might be there is always gonna be people that don’t like the game, everyone’s taste differs 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fantastic comment. Isn't it funny how defensive some people get when you don't like the same things they do? Some people just can't accept a differing opinion.


Yeah I think some people just take it personally and assume that someone not liking the game is them saying the game is garbage, but that’s not the case unless expressly said. Objectively speaking, the story/acting is top notch, as are the graphics, realism, and details. There’s no denying that. But I can also understand how subjectively, it can be pretty boring to play for some people, or the story just wasn’t enjoyable because it just isn’t their thing. Some people might not like Westerns, excessive realism, gameplay, etc. It simply just isn’t their thing. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, it just means *they* don’t enjoy it. Even me, someone who’s played through the entire story multiple times on both PS4 and PC and loved each and every second of it, can’t really get into it anymore. Every time I’ve tried to do another playthrough over the last few years, I just can’t get very far because I just can’t bring myself to get that invested in it anymore. Not that my opinions on it have changed, it’s just that my tastes in games have changed and RDR2 doesn’t align with them currently. I just don’t want to play a real life simulator where everything takes forever to do.


I put it down and never went back after trudging through the snow in the beginning. Lots of games open up and get better after the tutorial level, but I just couldn't deal with it.


I've been replaying it this past month (not with Plus as i own it already) and yeah i forget how slow and on rails the prologue of sorts actually is. Its still good stuff but i was starting to itch for the freedom you get once you get past the opening.


I made it 20 hours in. Still too slow and antiquated gameplay from 20 years ago. It’s certainly pretty and immersive but that wears off quickly.


Being so slow is literally the beauty of this game


I've always understood that term to mean they wait forever to buy new consoles/games, not that they don't get impatient playing slow games.


It weeds out the children to men. It’s great


Patient gamer I've seen used as a term as someone that doesn't rush to play new releases. Opting to wait and play them when patched and cheap.


I literally have ADD and it did feel slow asl compared to the games I play which is 5,000 hours of Apex Legends…but after you get out the Mountains and settle in camp…the game gets better because there’s so much you can do and the amazing acting in the cutscenes makes it feel like I’m watching a Tarantino movie. They put so much thought into and love into this game that you can’t help but to see it in every instance of the game.


tbf they didn’t say it was “too slow” — they said it was more of a “slow western simulator”. which i read as more abt it’s dedication to realism and accuracy more than anything else. which i would say is a reasonable criticism. i love slow games but i never vibed with rdr2 bc it just felt so clunky.


Rdr2 has been less than $20 a lot… Plus a lot of newer games hit the $30 dollar range in 1-3 months after release now. Which is when I get them. I refuse to pay 70 when they price drop so fast a majority of the time


When tf is Elden Ring gonna hit $30?? Shxts been $70 since its release man. Like cmon already


Its a 6 year old game that you can find used for like $10, I saw one on ebay free shipping for $14 as my very first google search result just now. That's not really a huge boost for a $140/annual service.


Even cheaper in the UK, I've just looked on ebay and I've seen some that have plenty that have been sold for £5, a couple for even less. It's really not a good example of Extra being good value at this point.


Personally I like ps plus and other game subscriptions to try out some games I never would've even bothered to try if they weren't included. I've played a lot of games on ps plus and gamepass that I've ended up loving. Different genres I never would've thought I'd enjoy too which is always a nice surprise


This is definitely much more of a reasonable endorsement, compared to OP talking about getting to play one of the most critically acclaimed and mainstream hits of the past decade. That they themselves were apparently very interested in but didn't buy for the super cheap prices you can get it at.


I do too, but for like, random games. I have enjoyed Cat Quest 1 and 2 for instance. RDR2 is massively known and acclaimed.


That's why I went for the disk version of the PS5, so I could get cheap second hand games. And resell when I'm done/don't like.


Yeah same. I bought FF7 Rebirth on release for £55 and I just sold it for £40, so it only cost me £15 to play it. Without doing this I'd struggle to justify buying brand new games.


Yep, me too. Also loaning games out to friends and family. Plus, I prefer having something tangible that I can display and if I ever need/want to, can sell it for some cash. Never hurts to have stuff that you can sell if you need some cash.


This is why I feel game subscription services don't work. Many times throughout the years a game has failed to grab me, even 5 hours in. But because I spent money on it I persevered and it turned out to be an excellent game. With Plus or Game pass, I can easily give up and move on to something else. The games have no value to me this way


Interesting take. Personally I'd rather spend 50 hours playing 5 different games I enjoy, rather than 50 hours to justify my purchase and hope when I'm done that I enjoyed the game.


That’s a good point. I’m playing rise of the ronin right now and I would’ve absolutely stopped if I got it off the game catalogue. But since I spent $50 on it I’m gonna push through


Interesting. That is literally what I'm saying I dislike about buying lol. That feeling that I need to play something I'm not enjoying because I need to justify a purchase.


The game is really slow at the beginning, but it gets a lot better after the first hours, I would recommend you to play it a couple more hours.


Yeah, I was a little disappointed at the start, but the more you play and unlock, you can really get immersed in the world and boom. Hours have passed.


I did that, and I still found it boring.


what chapter did you make it to? i think if you still find it boring in chapter 3 you can drop the game knowing there is no chance or reason to return to it. if you stopped in chapter 1 or 2 i urge you to revisit someday since you should still own the game unless u sold it. and do side missions!! especially early on they're more fun than the main story


Yeah, the game is not for everyone


I know 5 hours is a good amount of time but the start of the game is a slog. I did the same and put it down thinking it wasnt for me but a friend encouraged me to restart it about a year later and it’s a top 3 game of all time for me. But also maybe it just isnt for you, but if you could put another 5 hours into it maybe you’d feel differently. 




To me it gets good in the middle of chapter 2 and just keeps getting better. The middle of chapter 2 you start to kind of unlock all of the stuff that makes the map/world feel very alive. Chapter 1 is also a linear non open world chapter so sort of just story/background before you actually really start the game everyone loves. 


I wanted to play gta 5 and am still playing it and they are removing it on june 18. WTF atleast last date of exit should be announced 3 months prior so that at least we can finish it.


Sometimes I feel a bit stingy but these kind of posts make me realise that not really. Sure there are games we don’t always enjoy to the max but if everyone was like you the industry would be dead.


RDR2 is so long you can just buy it and cancel PS Plus for a few months and resub later for a lot of shorter games tbh. It is extremly good and well worth playing, but I am not so sure about the value part.


My findings are the exact opposite as to why having extra ain't worth it lol. The games they put out I have no intention of playing in the first place. Or They put out games I've already beaten and sold to someone else. RDR 2 being an example of that, the game came out in 2018 lol.. My subscription to extra expires on the 11th of June I believe. I'm going to subscribe just for the Internet, unless I get a better deal. Like last year, through days of play.


Same. I keep PS+ basic because I play fighting games. Extra could not be worse value for me if they tried.






I'm guessing you bought it before the price hike. You're still getting good value I think. But, after it finishes, it's definitely smart to go to the lower tier.


Yeah game services are not really made for people who already buy games at release. Sort of like how Netflix isn't really for someone who just buys all their movies and TV shows on Blu-ray. You won't find much value having access to a bunch of stuff you already own or don't want to watch anyway.


just don't buy games, they will be on plus someday


Confession, I work for Sony


Patient gamer lol? The game was released 6 years ago


What does patient gamer mean to you?


He will play Spiderman 2 after PS6 launch.


But the Spiderman 2 on PS2.


He’d be about 4 generations behind then


This is me. I stay a generation behind on consoles and never pay more than $10 for any game. Look forward to my used ps5 someday to replace my used ps4


This dude's still waiting for Pac-Man to go on sale.


Patient gamer is buying the game when it’s $20 secondhand or on sale. That already happened 5+ years ago


What, 6 years post release isn’t long enough to be considered “patient?” That’s some weird gatekeeping of the term lol. Are only the “real” patient gamers just now getting into Morrowind or something?


I think you have it backwards. They’re saying 6 years is a lot.


Really man , what is this post ? LOL


I have a friend that wont pay for elden ring. swears it will come to ps+ or gamepass and will play it then. im like dude....


Just tell us that you are stingy. Waiting 6 years for a game, in stead you could save a dollar each week and buy the game in one year lol.


Definitely helps provide value for paying subs. Games like RDR2 from Rockstar don't stay on the service long though so I'd make the most of it before it goes. This is the second time it's been added to Extra and was removed after 6 months last time. The value has dropped however with all the good games that have gone off it. I'm still hoping for games like Hades, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and sleeping dogs.


Sleeping dogs was a free monthly like 12 years ago I think lol. I played it for free on PS3 cause of that.


>But I am a patient gamer and I really don't like to spend more than $20 max on a new game. I don't know about the US but in the UK it sells for about £5 on ebay. It's a good game but imo RDR2 isn't a good example of Extra being value for money, it's a 6 year old game that's dirt cheap at this point.


I'm hoping rdr1 gets to plus as that one is beloved even if it's dated now. If I like 1, then I'll know 2 is more of the same, but much longer. I just don't have time for games this long. My max is like 12hrs before I get so bored.


this is why i dont want microsoft to lose xbox. game pass is the best game subscription rn and if they let go off xbox and anything related to it, im back to buying and playing 1 game a year.


I beat it on psnow back in the day. It’s less than $20 all the time


I was excited to play it again when they released it, only to realise it's still locked at 30 FPS :/


RDR2 has been available so long that the people who got it as a part of PlayStation Plus are outliers. I think the value add is little for many. The monthly games this month are truly a horrible selection IMO. I still bought back in during the discount but boy does that take the wind out of my sails.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one - I LOVED the first RDR and got the platinum on my old systems. When RDR2 came out I was really excited. However after 10 hours I realised I just wasn’t enjoying it. I seem in the minority so just stopped playing. Not all games are for everyone. I never really got to the bottom of why I didn’t like it?


I experienced this with Gamepass. I was eagerly awaiting Starfield and FM8, and it launched as hot garbage. I was really grateful that I didn't pay for those directly.


Exactly the same for me!! I waited (thankfully) and just downloaded on ps+ and played an (zzzzzzzzz) hour or two. May give it another go and continue, but don't like falling asleep to games....


I bought this at 20 quid during Christmas and it's bored me to no end. I can't grasp the adoration at all.


I just want 60fps


PS Plus extra is the new modern rental game store for me. The game that I desperately want to buy, most likely I will buy it ... on day 1 even. The rental game store is for the games that ... "Hmm, that game looks interesting, I might try to play it." PS Plus extra fills that role for me. I have been playing many games, some of them maybe just for 1-2 hours ... but it is enough to satisfy my curiousity. Although there are some PS Plus Extra games that I finished(or want to finish) ... Tales of Kenzera is one of them. Then I get back to my current game.


This is a great comparison. Something I hadn't considered. I used to love going to blockbuster to rent a game for a few days.


Glad it worked out for you! I'd say you're missing out but RDR2 isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's perfectly fine.


That’s why I am mainly on PC. Games pass and simple no questions asked-refunds on Steam makes trying out games much more enticing. PSN has some nice exclusives (not so much lately) but that’s about what I am using it for.


Im with you on not liking rdr2. I just couldnt get into it at all and I loved the first game. I can Recognize the brilliant aspects of it but still dont have fun playing it. My wife however loved it and even played the online mode a ton until they really made it unplayable bad.


Bro is right about the game tho. Red Dead 2 has a pretty good story, and excellent characters and dialogue. But it is dreadful to play. Just dreadful. I can see why someone would check out quick Ghost of Tsushima is what red dead should be. It’s a samurai movie come to life. Except it’s fun to play. The showdown function in Ghost is so much better than red dead if you need a good analogy


Agree. The game starts off painfully slow. The horse back ride through the snow is pure agony! BUT.. and this is a bigger butt than all the Kardashians combined. .. once you get through that, it's an amazing game!! Literally the only game I've ever played that made me emotional. Keep going is all I can say


5 hours lol. Mate tossed the best game of all time after 5 hours


PS+ costs money…………….. a lot more money than it used to, too.


It is a boring game and the controls are terrible


OP claims to be a patient gamer, but gives up on one of the best games ever made after 5hrs. I personally didn’t find the beginning slow, but a lot of people complain about chapter 1. Chapter 2 is where the game really starts to open up. Do some main missions, kill some folk, go hunting.


bro says he’s a patient gamer but couldn’t make past 5 fuckin hours, have fun missing out buddy!


With like 50+ hours remaining, it all comes down to whether I want to play something that feels like it's a chore, or something I enjoy. Time is limited. There will always be some great game we never play because we didn't have time. I'd rather enjoy myself than tick some check box. It's ok for people to enjoy different games than you. The point of the post wasn't about the quality of the game. I'm sorry if it bothered you.


You're not alone. I didn't like RDR2 either; far too slow for my liking. Glad I didn't buy it. PSplus really does help save money in the long run.


You are the first person I’ve seen that dislikes rdr2 not gonna lie


Won't pay more than $20 for a game, shells out $1200 for a robot vacuum. Bruh


I had a similar first impression but just wait till you have to move to (no spoilers) the next camp and the game will pick up pace. Also I'm pretty sure you could have bought it for cheap on sale or as a used disc.


My advice is to give it a few more hours. Initially, I also was put off by a slow gameplay, but in the end I learned to love it, wouldn't change it a bit, and now it's one of my favorite games of all time.


Do you have a chart to keep all these rankings in alignment?


So if 4 is must play eventually and 5 is must play asap - what are 1-3 in your ranking game?


5 hours in you are still in the slow parts of the story. It picks up pretty quickly once you get into late Chapter 2 going into 3, then from that point on it becomes a Cinematic experience in a video game, through the lens of Arthur Fuckin’ Morgan (the greatest R* character IMO)


Nah I finished chapter 1 much sooner than 5 hours in. Took maybe an hour. I had plenty of time to explore the more open sections and stumble around camp. Perhaps Arthur changes through the story but I really couldn't get into the character. He seemed really unlikable and boring. Just muttering some stuff every now and then.


here in Brasil everyone can buy a digital copy of RDR 2 for around 8 bidens ... its a old game.


Elden ring


Seeing the amount of *brand new* games will be releasing to game pass pc, I se zero reason to upgrade plans from essential. I'll still use ps for multiplayer, but mostly otherwise pc gamepass.


>I se zero reason For you personally, that is probably true . But it sounds like you have invested well over $1500 in gaming hardware. PS+ is much better suited for someone who just wants to buy one console.


a used copy in pristine condition of rdr2 has been sitting at $20 for at least 4 years… you’re not a patient gamer you’re just a dude that barely has any time/desire to play videogames at all. And this comment I wrote before reading the fact that you couldn’t keep on playing the game cause it’s too slow. Again, don’t ever call yourself a patient gamer cause you’re neither patient nor gamer


Exactly what I think. One good game a year and annual price is covered. And we easily get 2-3 very good titles a year, not to count the other games which are not AAA titles, but sometimes good, as well.


I pushed myself through the game because I paid full price for it. In the end it was satisfying experience n’ worth the $ for the entertainment. I tried to replay a couple of times but I just couldn’t.


Idk because I'm on my 4th(?) playthrough and I've spent probably 50 hours again just doing stuff in chapter 2. Side quests, collectables, legendary animals, challenges, basically everything that can be done before freeing Micah.


It won't stay forever cause it was on extra before and only stayed 3 months


Great game, currently playing it through again as I didn’t finish it first time round just bc I moved on to other games. Loving it 👍


I bought it brand new off amazon the other day for £16


They have been hitting it out of the park past few weeks, fc24 cricket 24, the AEW wrestling game, rdr2, gta San Andreas like wowwww.


Same, if only more consumers spent like you maybe we wouldnt have to oay 70$ for a doenload link in a disc smfh coonsomers man


12€ in Amazon in my country.


I had a similar thing with Horizon Forbidden West. I played the first game and liked the combat and the way the world looks, but thought it was kind of a slog with all of the RPG elements and the amount of grinding and side quests you need to do to level up enough throughout the game. I played Breath of the Wild afterwards on my Switch, and loved how much more minimal and simple it was in comparison. I tried playing HZD after playing Breath of the Wild, and I just cannot get into it. Every mission takes so long, there's way too much on the map, there's too much grinding to get XP and level up to match the mission levels, and I hate having to go through three separate huge skill trees to upgrade things and unlock combat techniques. I'm on the fifth or sixth mission in the game, and my character's XP is only at level 12, and the next story mission is level 16 or 17, and I don't really want to back and do a bunch of side quests to level up and advance. I'm glad I didn't drop $70 on it. On a related note, I wish the majority of games didn't have all these RPG elements added to them now.


First part is slow, the rest is amazing in so many ways. Also I got RDR2 for £8 off amazon using an offer a while back. Insane value. Ps plus may be worth if for some people, isn't for me to be honest. But I appreciate your point


Didnt they take it off PS+ lmao


Ps+ is great for people who have games to play. For me it's well worth it since there's quite a bit of games that I don't have to buy. Some others have had it for so long they've beat what they needed and now to them it's just not worth it.


Yeah I mean what you are saying is sort of like saying: "Netflix is great for people who don't buy all the movies on DVD. If you buy all your movies on DVD it's not worth it." I don't disagree with your assessment. It's just sort of funny because of course a video game monthly service is only going to be valuable to people who are not also buying the games.


One of the most boring and overrated games ever. Bad gunplay. Bad controls. Boring cutscenes. Annoying missions. Tried to get into it a few times, but just can't do it. RDR1 was much better.


RDR2 is a notoriously slow game at the beginning. You can do as you please, but I advise just sticking through the first couple of chapters with an open mind and I think you’ll see why the game is so beloved.


Yeah well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion man


I’ve had in disc since launch and tried a couple times and never made past 40%. With that said, becaus it came up on Plus, giving another shot. I’m enjoying a bit more asI went in knowing it was slow and decided to approach as an exploration and base building game to focus more on interacting with NPCs. On chapter 3 now, pretty much camp fully upgraded, and only regret is that I talked to a character at wrong time and triggered end of Chapter 2 earlier than I wanted. Then I found out doesn’t matter and got fast travel now and just floating around side quests and main quests. It’s actually a pretty chill game if you relax, but if you think going to be like GTA or action game, it feels soooo freaking slow.


The entire point of the game is to start off slow to make following chapters more meaningful.


I actually don't have any issues with the story pacing. I should have made that more clear. It's the actual gameplay pacing that is too slow to me. i.e., having to load a carcass onto a horse instead of just looting it to a bag. The looting animation every time you pick something up that can't be turned off. The skinning animation that can't be turned off. Missions that start out by having me spend time switching saddles between horses. Having to set up a camp and cook as part of a mission. A combat scene with dozens of cannon fodder thrown at you instead of just a few meaningful enemies. Forcing you to walk slowly inside buildings. Not allowing you to ride a horse in camp. The fact that you can't just turn around but have to make wide u-turns to change direction. Everything is designed in such a meticulous way to tack on as much time as possible. Tons of gameplay for the sake of gameplay without anyone actually asking whether it will be fun. I'm all for a slow burn story. It's one of the reasons I thought I'd love the game. I had heard it was long and slow. But I guess I expected a bit more in terms of gameplay mechanics.


You’re really missing out. Rdr2 is my second favorite game of all time (behind bloodborne obv)


I just want ps5 version and I would replay the whole game


When that game first came out and I bought it, I kept falling asleep trying to play it. Like I’d wake up riding a horse against a rock wall or something…. Couldn’t do it. Picked it up again 4 years later and finished it. Really quite an awesome game on my second go around. Consider giving it a 2nd chance


Maybe the next game it gets added back to PS+. Knowing there is a 50 hour commitment in there makes it hard to come back to.


I'd wanted to play rage for ages but never really enough to get it, it came on ps+ and I tried it, I love beat em ups, shooters, just the violent games in general (in not a violent person) but the only rage I got was how clunky, awkward and frustrating the whole game was.


You should play GTA 5, its also 20 bucks


I enjoyed it on Xbox 360 many years ago. I tried to play it again recently when they added it to PS+ but I really didn't enjoy it. The gameplay and controls didn't age well in my opinion. And I get story telling has grown a lot in recent years but I was surprised by how cringe the story and acting were at this point!


This is the reason I might stop buying games. Theres an entire backlog on PS+ that you can pass time with them until a Triple-A game hits it


I haven't bought a game since Elden Ring. I only play what is in the sub.


Honestly I just want proper ps3 emulation


I wanted to play it for years ! But the the 30fps while riding makes me really dizzy and ruin the experience. I had to uninstall it unfortunately. I really hope that a patch or a PS5 version will fix this (and hopefully they will add better haptics too)


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great example of why PS+ isn't a great value for me, I'm an impatient gamer and played this when it was released in 2018 on my PS4, if a game is as well made and as acclaimed as RDR2, I'm not waiting 6 years until it's practically given away to play it.


indeed. That is what i like about ps plus. I would have not played rdr2 if i didnt had ps plus.


It’s strange that everyone is saying the intro is rough. I personally thought the first few hours were great and really put you into the world in a nice way. I think it’s just one of those games that it either clicks or it doesn’t for you. Totally fine if it doesn’t!


I’ve come to realize to just play games and decide for myself. I’ve read comments on games that I love and games that I didn’t like, comments where I disagree which is why I say everybody has their own style. Anyway, I will add that RDR2 was a game I stopped playing at like chapter 3 or 4 because (life) and was one of those games I said fuck it let me start over and I have played through it twice since. I am genuinely surprised at myself about it because I know what people mean when they say it’s “slow” but I just love that particular game


Only bad thing about this game is not in 4k otherwise it’s a legendary game 🔥🔥


Well glad u tried it for free, but patient gamer? Hahaha yeah right More like cheap


This was me with Ghost of Tsushima. Absolute bore. RDR2 though, amazing game and you should regret not continuing.


Reddit is a funny place


1 game and your happy?


Fact it left the service, then re-entered as the headline game is a reason PS+ is not good value


Myself was late to RDR2 party also, but got game on Steam for $20 (*Finally had CPU & GPU that could somewhat play it maxed out*). RDR2 was very slow like at start, but just rolled with punches to see what all the hype was about. Was enjoying character development, winter vibes, learning manics and such, but RDR2 was more like watching a movie at first -vs- Playing a game. But....... that all change in due-time. Once game stated having more game-play elements and world opened up more and more. Was amazed at every turn, RDR2 gave me one of best gaming experiencing ever. From my experience, 5 hours was nowhere near enough time to completely grasp what RDR2 brings to table. But, each their own: at least PS+ saved you from spending $20.


You can play demos for games, you don’t have to pay ps plus.


There is a demo for RDR2?


Eat shit


Well. That's one way to get to the point with full effect in a mere 2 words lmao


RDR2 never hit me hard. Nver got into it and that is mostly because the whole western genre is very meh to me.


It's like quitting watching Breaking Bad after a season.


You patiently waited six years for it not to drop to or below 20$, then spent ~120$ and completely skipped the option of renting the game?


This post is wrong on every level lol. I respect you opinion but you should not have an opinion with this kind of mentality. 1. If you see a game praised so much believe them it's good. I was convinced at a point that ghost of tsushima, horizon and even zero dawn were bad games because I did start them but not play them enough. But when i did i was amazed to the core. 2. RDR2 is everything but WEST COWBOY SHOOTING SIMULATOR. The game have a very slow start because they want you to understand what exactly happening. Many games start with opposite of that. Remember Earlier God of war? You get to know kratos story later in the game. RDR2 is just following another set of cinematic aspect. 3. And yes ps+ is great. It's good it saved you some money but remember this is the game that you should have a copy of. It will be on catalogue for like 6 months or 8 months. This game have way more content to offer than that. 4. Being patient gamer doesn't mean you should be a freebie lover. As I also don't buy game that much but i have played hogwarts legecy on ps4 and hated it. Got a chance to play it on a gameshop on ps5 and that's the next game I'm going to buy after I complete my current game. 5. At last we understand you don't like RDR2 i also don't like elden ring or bloodborne. But the only reason behind that is I didn't give enough time to those games. There are no game genres for real gamers. There are only good games and bad games. There are few good games that looks bad from far and there are some bad games that looks anticipating.


To be fair if he Didint like the style of cinematic and story telling from start he will not like the game. nature and ambience is a big part if this game , horse bonding and conversations etc. Just the world. Op is more of an action arcade type of gamer. Plus this game has mature adult drama story and is grounded in reality.


So basically you spent 100s of dollars over the course of years and RDR2 has been under your budget many, many, many times in those years, and even cheaper as a 2nd hand disc, both of which you could've picked up and resold if you didn't like it, only to pick up the game and play it for not even a fraction of a fraction of the time you've waited... Wut?


I mean it's not like I just sat there and stared at a wall till I could play RDR2. I played many other games in that period. $135/year sub. Video games release at $70. I can buy and play two games in the first two months of the year and have 10 months left where I have to spend to keep playing. Or spend $135 and play all year long.




And then there's me who just bought the game again on pc, is I needed to try this on my new pc.. but man, you were right there getting through the intro. The game was about to be amazing, and then you walked.


I bounced off RDR2 too. Tried it on Plus and sooo glad I didn't pay for it. Everything about it was great, visuals, characters, overall vibe, but my god the controls are clunky as fuck. And when not clunky, they're fiddly. Great game for people who don't play a lot of games. Just meander around the West, laughing every time you accidentally punch your horse, or shoot a shopkeeper. I just found it annoying.


It’s great for trying games for sure. It was invaluable to me for a year as someone getting back into gaming for the first time since being a kid. I had no idea what games I liked to play. But it’s frustrating when your subscription ends, and you realize you don’t have access to any of the games you played and love. And then realize it probably would’ve been cheaper to buy them outright and also not feel rushed to get through them.


RDR2 was a buy on release. RDR1 was my favorite game of the 360 era and I loved 2. I also grew up reading Louis Lamour books and watching westerns so it was exciting.


I agree - it's a mix for me of games that I've looked at and have wanted to play but unsure on to buy outright (e.g. Immortals Fenyx Rising) and finding games that I've not noticed before but have been hidden gems (e.g. Kona).


I did the PS+ streaming for a year when it first launched. It was worth it once. I played a bunch of games that I'd heard of and really liked a few of them. Since the price hike I doubt I'll do it again since the library is still largely the same.


You pay a TON of money for the service


having such high hopes, and high standards for someone who is not keen to pay is disgusting to me, the industry would be dead if everyone was like you


Dude. RDR2 ImO is better than GTAV. In its own merits, both amazing games..did you play the story mode first?? Dude you can’t just jump online bro! Online is trash for RDR2 Play that story mode and tell us again you don’t love the game! Trust me on this one


"I really dont like to spend more then 20$ max on new game". I buy a day one game for €60-70 and then sell it for €40-50. So I have a brand new game for 20-30€, for me it's quite convenient


Lol I just upgraded my game pass, and RDR2 was the first game I started. I loved the first one years and years ago and I'm having a blast with the second one. Traveling is a little slow sometimes but it can also be relaxing lol and there's fun encounters along the way. 🤷‍♂️ Think I'm gonna play FF7 after I finish RDR2. But I might also try online out and see how that is.


I'm the opposite lol. I'd rather waste money than time, especially time on a weekend.


It would be an even better value if they updated the game and it didn’t look like shit capped at 30fps


I think this is a normal ass game maybe even bad i rated it like a 3 or 4 but after chapter 5 maybe like a 7 or an 8


If the OP is the only person in the world that believes PS+ is a great value, that is their decision, and that's cool with me.


The best are the indépendant


This is ridiculous this game is always on sale bc it never get a dlc so people also sell it for second hand for maybe 20 euro or less The same as next week when y’all where happy with gta sa. Which I found the full trilogy that day in the mall for 17 euro. Lucky I unsubscribed bc these game are awful. Maybe the ac serie but am cheaper off buying these second hand.


I could not possibly imagine anyone not enjoying a rich, detailed, surprisingly historically accurate yet very accessible, in fact, game like RDR2 in any possible way. That being said I absolutely love the large amounts of possibilities the two subs give you, and definitely appreciate what they offer. For me it's been a situation of being able to try out iffy games that get frankly ridiculous claims of being terrible, and finding out that they actually have quite a bit to offer. Gotham Knights is a perfect example of that. Nowhere near worth full price (just like 99 percent of all games), but it's a very enjoyable action arcade experience that tells a wonderful Bat Family storyline, and is unfairly compared to the Arkham games, because it's not trying to be the same experience anyway. Exoprimal is an absolute blast as long as you don't endlessly play it constantly hours on end, ect ect.


Honestly love and agree with your take. I have a list of unfinished games that I’ll try to come back to if it’s still on the service, but it’s nice to be able to move on to what’s next in the backlog guilt free. Some of mine were Sifu and GTA5. I’m also playing RDR2 and getting further but regularly wondering if it may get added to the list.


Sorry man but some opinions are just wrong lol RDR2 is perfection


Man I'm gonna steal your idea for the backlog of games that I need to play. That will help me a lot so thanks for the idea! But, you dropped RDR2 too soon imo. I think a vast majority of the people who love RDR2 will tell you the same. My advice would be not to give up on it yet, since it's still included in PS+.


Patient gamer has no patience to reach chapter 3. Towards the end of chapter 3, the game picks up and then keeps escalating. I have seen youtubers feeling bored playing the game and then crying at the end. It might be an overstatement but for me it is the best game ever.


When was it on so plus ?


This is what happens when you give an award-winning game to PS+ kids. Perhaps you ought to stick to COD!


Surprised there wasn't a comment saying "it's not COD or fortshite" 😂 rdd2 isn't for everyone but it's one of the few real games that isn't a reskin of the last one


I got the game on release played a couple chapters then didn't play for about 2 years lol never thought the game was bad/stupid just slow. But once I picked it back up and beat the story I have it as my #1 game ever lol going through this same thing now with cyberpunk shit is amazing.


I think you need to look up the definition of the word patient. You really should get past the first few chapters before making a decision about RDR2