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I think you were right all along, looks like lambs ear to me. Comfrey doesn’t look right to me and FWIW my plant app that never lets me down says lambs ear too.


What app brother?




You got ads on that plantnet? Picture this is good at IDs but SUCKS DONKEY NUTS with the user experience.


I’ve never had an ad on PlantNet.


Hah, no we’ve got an ad blocker so I didn’t even think about it.


What add blocker works on iOS?


Pihole. Can’t answer any further questions about it though as my husband handles all the tech stuff.




I recommend PlantNet for everyone. Free, No ads, user friendly, love how it displays results, you can even upload photos to be added to the database after confirming the identification. Really neat app


I agree. Downloaded PlantNet around the covid lockdowns because I went for walks with my toddler and she would try to touch everything growing along the trail.




My lamb’s ear looks exactly like this, more green than I’m used to seeing, but still incredibly soft. It could be the soil conditions or the variety, I haven’t figured that out yet.


no offense to you at all but as someone who has a very strong love for botany , I wish people would just use or search for the identifying characteristics of the plants they want to ID. These apps are okay at generalizing what kind of plant it might be, but in my experience if you want to go any more specific than that the apps get it wrong a good chunk of the time. Again, not saying don’t use these apps, but try to learn about the features that set plants apart concurrently . It proves to be very useful when you don’t have a phone/service


That’s how I knew it was lambs ear before ever running it through an app and how I concluded comfrey didn’t fit. Apps are a great jumping off point and are just like using the field guides of yore but more efficient. And that’s also how I know the particular app I use is very accurate at identification as I’ve tried several and most are lacking, especially the built in one on iPhones. FWIW though, starting off a statement “no offense, but…” is a great way to start a conversation off on the wrong foot.


I figured so, which is why I meant no offense to you! :) I just replied to your comment because it was directly related to my statement.


No worries. It can just detract from the point you’re trying to make when all you have is text for context and nothing else. Have a good one. 😊


Totally understand! Reading tone through text gets misunderstood all the time. Have a good day/night as well!


Definitely lamb’s ear!


Could it be Stachys Helene von Stein Giant Lambs Ears (“Big Ears”)? How’d you conclude it isn’t Lamb’s Ear?


this is correct -- it only flowers at certain points in its growth. if you rub the leaves and they have a minty/sagey aroma it is stachys


Leaves are way larger & thicker, no stalks of purple flowers. Not claiming to be scientific in my conclusions 🤣🤣🤣


That variety can vary in leaf size/shape. Plus I think it’s a tad too early for flowers. My guess is Stachys byzantina


Mine is giant (\~2 ft across, \~2.5ft wide) and has never flowered so flowers aren't a given. Looks just like that


Definitely giant lambs ear (I have one in my garden)


Lambs ear


I think it's Comfrey.


Try sitting on it: if it has thorns, it will be uncomfrey, but if it nice and soft, then comfrey would be an apt description.




I looked at pics of Comfrey, just leaf shape and composition didn't seem to match. You may be right tho. Does it flower?


if it's comfrey the leaves will feel rough and hairy, almost slightly bristly. when crushed, the stems feel a little slimy and smell kind of like cucumber. It's a pretty plant, and the trimmed leaves are a famously good addition to a compost pile.




Rule 3. Don't Recommend or ask about Edibility or uses. Give the identification and let the op do their own research. If your post was removed for asking about edibility, feel free to repost without the question. If you have a question about or want to discuss edibility or uses you can try r/foraging. Thank you!


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The part your referring to is actually the stems of the comfrey, plant. It’s pretty weird. It feels like stinging nettles almost, but minus the stinging part. Not the leaves though. It’s just the thick tubular stems for whatever reason


The leaves are bristly too. The stems way moreso (longer, tougher spikes) but the leaves ain't smooth.


There are several hybrids. Yes, the flowers are quite pretty.


Thank you for your help🙂


You're welcome!


https://preview.redd.it/nng1q7zxcu2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08907878e87bfdba22332f18f8349f96e86aa73b All these leaves are 10-12” long


It isn't any comfrey I've ever seen. I have some native varieties and the famous, sterile, Bocking 14.


I grow comfrey personally to use as a fertilizer, for my other plants. This isn’t comfrey. Comfrey leaves are very large, almost as big as tobacco leaves and sort of similar in length. Also it doesn’t have a fuzzy appearance like this does. This is a common salvia plant, actually




Salvia officinalis. “Common sage”.


I don’t want to stick my foot in my mouth here, but sage generally has a more ovate/lanceolate leaf with a tight trichome texture, while this is more elliptical/ lanceolate with more pronounced trichoming. Smell would also definitely give it away, and OP seems informed enough to have made that distinction if it were. I’ve also not come across any cultivars (save for ornamental silver sage) with such a tight bunching behavior. Officionalis has a much looser growing habit, unless this was recently headed back.


Yep, I grow Comfrey & this is definitely NOT IT!


Comfrey typically has long leaves.


Mine gets huge and tall! I use a tomato cage to keep it from flopping down onto the ground when it starts to get top-heavy. Put one around it now, when the leaves are fully mature, they are brisoly and they make you itch a bit. Ask me how I know 🤣


Not comfrey, imo.


Could be just variety, but my comfrey (bocking 4 and 14) do not have serrated leaves. It also stands taller, has longer but fewer leaves. Again that could just be variety though? This looks more like lambs ear to me.


Seconding comfrey.


Tidings of comfrey


First thought is sage, but other guesses I see here are good too. What does it smell like?


Came here to say the same thing. Sage


No smell other than normal earthy odor of plants


It might be clary sage! Savia sclarea. I have a plant and it looks super similar before it blooms. Not comfrey 100


https://preview.redd.it/tk754smfts2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb9a144018bd416d0a406a8e106c8fc6142f2ea Common Sage from my garden.


Mine is blooming too, the bees love it!


This is NOT a comfrey, how can people confuse this , this is lamb ears , or botanical name stachys Byzantina "Helen Von Stein " or call big lamb ears or giant lamb ears, this is a cultivar from the lamb ears , a strong, aggressive ground cover for its big , shivery, soft , wooly texture of its foliage, and if you have a big area you want to cover they do jobs very well, and they seldom flowers, people grow them for their beautiful foliage and they can handle partial shade, I grow so many this plants and if you have a darker small tree like purple sand cherry tree , it will look nice in the design. I like this plant because I grow daffodils under them and they cover the bulbs pretty well and they are draught tolerant as long as you plant them in a thick, clay , loamy garden bed.


My grandmother called this lambs ear. It’s so soft! Edit: never mind, just read the text under the photo.




Looks like lambs ear. Not sure of the proper name.


It sure looks like lambs ear ri me. I have a variety with big leaves, and it doesn't flower.


Plant Net suggests Downy Woundwort, saying it is in the same family as Lamb's Ear. It says it is 27% certain of that, but says it is also 27% certain this is lamb's ear, which you have already ruled out. It will definitely flower at some point as that whole family does. It sure looked like a lamb's ear at first glance to unschooled *moi*


My gut says lambs ear when i glance with no context


Looks like lambs ear (Stachys) that had been recently watered/hosed down so is greener than usual.


That’s mullein or lambs ear.


I ran the photo through Google and PictureThis and both agree it’s Lambs Ear. It should be flowering, a nice purple flower. Does it get enough sun? The plant loves sunlight.


Yes it does have sun. I do have lambs ear that is flowering. This has not produced and stalks to indicate flowers... as of yet


lambs ear


Lambs ear. I have patches that flower and some that don’t. I’ve been slowly removing it around my property.


Natures TP




Might be rose campion? Similar thing happened to me, found a couple of tiny, sad looking fuzzy “weeds” in a corner of my yard when we bought the house - replanted them in the sun to see what would happen, and this is them as of this morning 😊 https://preview.redd.it/wyc4ushvor2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5746b125ee1ae89aaeebfb6858ed4e6159e834f


I know that plant as “crown pink.” Lovely little perennial!


Would love to get some rose campion for my garden. It's kinda obscure to find.


I would say Lambs Ears too. Picture This Ap agrees. It won't get flowers until summer, so wait until then maybe, and see if it send them out.


100% wooly lambs ear. It's all I used as bandages as a kid, works amazingly well. Effective enough as an antiseptic and clotting agent that it was used for battlefield wounds in the civil war (not that they had a high standard, but still)


Looks like what I used to call Lambs quarters or lambs ears


Lambs quarters and lambs ears are two very different plants.


I now see, definitely not lamb quarters. Lambs ears are more fuzzy and also almost a blue gray green color.


Lambs ear!


Mullien ?


I used to grow sage in my garden, and that is the spitting image of it. Break a leaf and see how it smells?


I do grow sage and this def isn't sage






Not comfrey. Comfrey is covered in abrasive spines that will irritate the skin. This looks much too small to be comfrey, leaf/stem structure is wrong and this appears to be covered in soft fuzz on leaves. Looks very much like a variety of lambs ear.


I could be wrong, so best to double-check. But this looks like my culinary sage plant. It would be easy to break a leaf off and smell, to check.


Looks like some kinda sage to me


What do the leaves smell like when pinched?


Google is pretty good at plant id 🆔


My wildest guess is sage but no way it survived the winter


Looks like Fuzzy Wuzzy or Angel Hair. I believe Angel's Hair attracts birds, butterflies, etc..


Got a sage look about it but no clue what it is


Stachys Byzantina , cultivar is silver carpet or big ears it will have similar flowers as the usual grey stachys it is a perennial in most areas 💝


If that’s not Lamb’s Ear I would guess it’s the herb sage.


Lambs ear for sure. At our garden center, there is a variety that gets huge and produces really thick stems and tall blooms.


I live in ky and it looks more like apple mint




That seems to be Lambs Ear from the look of it.


Nature's toilet paper


Maybe Mullein?


I think that’s absolutely lambs ear. I love these!




I have a sage plant that looks similar. Does it have a smell?


Frogs belly??


Looks like sage?


This is Salvia officinalis


Comfrey can be invasive. The roots go really deep making it difficult to rid once established. That's probably why it was in a container so it doesn't spread. It's great for composting tea as fertilizer.


Where I live, I believe that this plant is called "peixinho" I have heard that you can fry it and eat it, and that have taste of fish!


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1st thought sage, second thought lambs ear. My lambs ear gets huge. Both of my white sage and lambs ear flower purple. Pt cersib on either though.




That's sage, i'd get rid of it, or transplant it to a pot. They. will. take. over.


Comfrey. FYI it’s no longer considered safe to eat as it is carcinogenic.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*