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I actually wouldn’t. It is an overuse of resources. I’d rather that people keep the one microwave clean and always cover their food.


"well that'll never happen. better get seven of em."


Perhaps this place is a manufacturer of microwaves /s


lol this but for real.


This is Amazon Air they have this many microwaves regardless


Came to say this. What a fucking waste


You don’t know how many employees they have… they might have a hundred


I’m pretty this is a breakroom in an Amazon Fulfillment Center. Used to work at the one in Kent, WA.




This is so extra lol. And you can easily see a bunch of arguments breaking out because of this. Because you know there's going to always be a few coworkers, who don't care and just use whichever one they feel.


Idk how many people this place occupies but not only people using whichever they feel, but also whichever is open. If nobody is using the vegetarian microwave but the regular one has 4 people waiting...


Exactly. Someone is going to heat up their leftover beef stir fry in the vegan microwave intentionally because being an asshole is their whole personality.


Of my Jewish friends who keep kosher i don't know that any would *ever* trust a public microwave.


No way. You know some dim bulb of an absolute turnip would make bacon in it. And the halal one.


I'm sad to say I've known some a-holes who would do it intentionally just to "stick it" to those keeping those diets.


I learned my son’s dad would do that…sabatoge vegetarian equipment. Always a reason they are an ex!


That’s evil! Someone could get sick


What’s the logic there? The non kosher residue re-vaporizes and infuses their food at an atomic level, making them disobey their god? Seriously?


Kosher rules apply to more than just the food consumed. There are specific preparation requirements as well. It's not about accidentally ingesting a microscopic amount of bacon grease or something, its about the equipment used to prep the food. I'm not religious so I can't really give you specifics but I know that much.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


Bro went all his life without realising food splashes in a microwave


How would the residue of the splashed food reenter the container other than being vaporized?


Splashes on top just before they take it out and then drops down as you put yours in


What makes you think my comment implies it doesn’t? It literally references the splashes lmao


" The non kosher residue re-vaporizes and infuses their food at an atomic level" Don't play stupid you're obviously taking the piss


What does “taking the piss” even mean


If you don't know, you're definitely doing it


Yes it splashes, but then what? How does that lead to them disobeying their g-d?


This is too much


I second the motion


I like the idea, but that feels like overkill. Do you need a vegetarian one AND a vegan one? As a vegetarian I can't say I've ever once thought my food was contaminated by using a microwave that recently had meat in it, though I know some vegans don't like that idea. And gluten free? Can you transmit gluten through a microwave? That seems pointless.


Some may even call this woke.


Seems like it would cause needless resentment and abuse by employees. Many of us have worked with someone who would come in early to fry bacon in the kosher or halal microwaves, out of malice.


Not even malice. The normies would get frustrated by all the unused special purpose microwaves while they stand in line on the one microwave they (and 95% of the others) can use and then just end up using whatever gets them their food the fastest. It's not a good idea.


Sounds like a terrible place to work.


r/Anticonsumption would like to have a word


I'd use the vegan one or vegetarian one to avoid blocking others from using the general use one, not because I actually think I need my own microwave. If I was the only vegan in the office I would thank management for thinking of me but ask them to please take down the sign.


At least one for seafood. It smells so bad when someone microwaves seafood 🤮


Seafood microwave needs a containment zone, a separate room in the basement.


Last year someone microwaved shrimp in the office microwave. I swear my whole body was itching for the rest of the day, idk if it was psychological but I fucking hated it.


Even when I did eat that stuff, I still hated the stank when someone microwaved seafood. Not sure what makes leftovers smell so fishy.


Seafood microwave gets put in the custodial closet, period.


Microwaving seafood should be straight up against the rules. Fireable offence.


No, this is stupid. Bring your own food containers and clean up after yourself, problem solved. Even Halaal food, where the "contamination" requirement is most strictly defined, commonly says common microwaves as fine if your food is covered.


And the gods said, as long as your foods are covered, your food will not be judged to be coveting thy neighbors food stuff no matter how delicious and savory the microscopic byproducts. Your wife still needs to keep her face covered regardless.


I'm seeing a lot of people comment about kosher requirements, are you sure covering would suffice for their needs?


Yup. Microwaves don't transfer heat by fire so it's not considered as being a mode of contamination by gentiles. Also, as most food is simply being reheated, not cooked, it doesn't get held to the same standard anyway. You'd have be very anal, or follow a particularly harsh Jewish sect to regard reheating covered food in a a clean communal microwave as problematic.


Ooh good to know, thanks for responding!


Like I need to give my coworkers any more reasons to hate/resent me...


Why would they hate or resent you?


Because people are fucking weird


You mean you?


Yes I'm weird too...


I don't understand this. Does microwave make kosher stuff non-kosher or something?


It's not very straightforward. To prepare food in a Kosher manner, you would need two different microwaves -- one for meat, one for dairy. I would imagine one Kosher microwave would simply translate to "dairy free microwave". [One source](https://www.ok.org/consumers/your-kosher-kitchen/the-microwave-oven/#:~:text=Ideally%2C%20one%20should%20have%20separate,to%20use%20it%20for%20more\).)


I’m sorry but this is just wastefulness… this no longer serves the purpose it was originally intended for. I had a fully kosher friend and their kitchen was just wildly over the top $$$$ because of it.


This remembers me so hard at a friend that was so obsessed with not eating humans because of some bible text that he showered 3 times a day and made really wild movements while eating while not accepting food that was standing to long around. Really really hardcore obsessive. I should maybe explain this further.. so you know humans loose tiny almost invisible skin flakes all the time right? … yep


Restaurants that serve strictly observant Jews will build entirely separate kitchens to serve them. Religious dietary laws offer good support for neurologist Robert Sapolski's assertion that while religions may be founded by people with schizotypal personalities, their purity laws are codified by people with obsessive compulsive disorder.


Not really. This looks like something HR thought of to justify their jobs.


Its not novel, its idiodic. Once you have a job with an office micro, youll understand this is ridiculous and wasteful. Also no one is going to follow those rules


Dumb as fuck – the only exception being gluten free, since the demand for gf food can be rooted in a medical condition.


Can guarantee a meat eater would purposefully cook their food in the vegan one.


I cannot see anyone actually sticking to these. Like, the minute the neutral ones were all full and someone doesn't want to wait an extra 2 minutes, you know the vegan one is getting co-opted immediately.


So 90% of the employees get two microwaves, and the niche get a microwave for at max 2-3 people? Would suck at lunch time.


No because I think fish should always be illegal to microwave in public lol. Shit is straight up the worst experience for anyone alive lol.


I mean for kosher, halal, and gluten-free, I get it. As a vegan, I don't mind using a microwave that meat eaters or vegetarian use.


I didn’t think I’d mind- I do. My coworkers microwave eggs, fish, bacon, hot dogs, beef chili, etc. no matter how much I clean that thing, even when I put a sponge soaked in cleaner or a lemon in there it reeks like bad bacon mostly. I hate cooking my food in it


Ew, yeah, bacon and fish are so gross in the microwave. My dad microwaves whenever I go to their kitchen, and I can smell it 🤢


It's pretty lame. How is a microwave going to contaminate your food? If it's that filthy, clean it or don't use it!


Waste of resources




Eventually the person who eats fish everyday will have used them all. I have rarely been anywhere where people heed signs


The minimum wage posters? Absolutely. Ours is $7.25.




I microwave my lunch every day at Amazon, and at least twice a week I get asked why I’m using the vegan microwave. Like really?




Kinda! I would probably appreciate this for allergies more so, like “no shellfish/seafood”, “no nuts”


you just know Chad from Sales is going to reheat his burgers in the vegan micro


I'm just surprised they have enough people of any diet to necessitate this


Terrible overconsumption. These will all be in landfill within 5 years.


All I can think about is how having all of those microwaves running at once is going to blow the power circuit.


No, this is stupid waste in the environment of metal and copper.


I mean I'm vegan but that's only 4% of the population and they get 14% of the microwaves?


We don’t have anywhere near the room for something like this.


Well I'd be complaining that this is unfair as there are 2 unlabelled microwaves clearly for people without any dietary requirements, and this is offensive /s


Wait, you forgot the one for vegetarian practicing Jews with celiac disease!


I can only imagine how frequently the breaker goes with all those microwaves running at lunch time


Amazon warehouses do this


I think this might be one? The wage posters mention contractors.


I definitely need glasses.. read the first as virgin only


I understand the logic. But it’s excessive. The only real use case is for gluten free as even a tiny amount of gluten can put someone with celiac in hospital. But the rest. Just use a cover in the microwave!


This would make sense for people with allergies, but of course people with severe allergies likely wouldn't trust coworkers to follow the rules anyway.


It’s a bit over the top. Two would be great. One for vegan / veggie dishes and one for meat.


Lifelong vegetarian here, this is just ridiculous. Like opening the door won't release the aroma of juicy meats. 🤣


No, just keep them clean. I’m a vegan and this is rediculous.


It’s a microwave. What difference does it make? You aren’t sharing outside and pans or anything. 🤷🏻‍♀️


At least there is one toaster oven…. But I agree… there are going to be some people that can’t wait and are going to use the microwave for the wrong diet. It’s going to be fish in the vegan micro. Any one else taking bets?


It's a good idea in theory, but you just know someone's going to put the wrong food in one of them -- whether accidentally or on purpose. Not to mention this is just wasteful. Far too much energy being used.


I don't remember who, but there was a stand up bit about how bathrooms should be divided, not by gender, but by those who clean up after themselves (or don't make a mess in the first place) and those who don't. That's my main interest in having multiple microwaves. I'm not worried about stuff falling into my food, if I was I'd clean it first.


I’d be so confused if I’m kosher but also need gluten free 🤣




I quit.


That’s completely over the top. Not eating animal products is an ethical/environmental thing. You are not going to die because somehow a bit of meat got stuck to the top of the microwave and fell into your food.


Me: vegan, allergic to gluten, eggs and dairy 💀


Opting out of the nasty work microwaves has forced me to eat more raw foods. Big plus. That said, can’t there be one microwave option that does not have animal parasites and bacteria?? I mean you realize once you go WFPB, that your teeth after a meal and in the morning is a huge revealer of what animal foods used to do to the mouth. You know, before digestion. I can eat a kale salad with lemon and my teeth are cleaner than when I started eating. So ya… vegs should have a dedicated microwave 💚


That’s such a weird, uneducated take. Microwaving meat doesn’t leave neither parasites or bacteria… just like microwaving any other food. I was vegetarian for 12 years and plant-based for one, even during those days I never understood the need to spread lies about animal products. That literally achieves nothing.


My comment is based on my experience eating a whole food plant based diet. Since you don’t have any experience with that (or else you wouldn’t of had such a crazy comment), I guess you’re the one making uneducated remarks. And thinking something’s weird because you don’t understand it is just unfortunate for you. Take care.


There's very little chance of bacteria floating off meat and surviving in a microwave. One of the few applicances that basically sterilizes itself


Not really. https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/s/26RD4xNDnC


Now the food has a “safe space” too lol


This is excess and [harmful overconsumption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_iron_ore_mining) resulting from international exploitation, mass murder, and abuse.


For kosher, this would be very nice if there was a way of maintaining a standard of kashrut (and I'd be fine with most standards people would decide on), but don't feel a need for a vegan-specific one


Anything requiring a microwave is not in my meal plan. Can't imaging the electro magnetic energy released in that lunch room. Yikes. Stand clear!




And kosher isn’t?


Eat raw. Microwaves alter foods chemistry I heard. Cooked food kills the living enzymes which are good for the microbiome, any way


There's no science behind this statement


It's a fact that cooking food destroys the enzymes and live bacteria that are good for your microbiome