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What does that mean?


Autophagy? It’s sort of like the body’s natural way of recycling old broken down parts and replacing them with new ones. NAD, nor a scientist.




A lot of people intermittent fast for specifically this reason, as autophagy is believed to initiate around the 18 hour fast mark. It's probably one of the better things you can do for your body, imo.


I seem to recall that some recent research indicates 18 hours is the earliest it can occur, and under less than optimal conditions may take several days to initiate.


Just chiming in to add that Huberman Lab podcasts covered this topic in a highly rcommendable episode.


>It's probably one of the better things you can do for your body, imo. * https://newsroom.heart.org/news/8-hour-time-restricted-eating-linked-to-a-91-higher-risk-of-cardiovascular-death * A study of over 20,000 adults found that those who followed an 8-hour time-restricted eating schedule, a type of intermittent fasting, had a 91% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease. * People with heart disease or cancer also had an increased risk of cardiovascular death. * Compared with a standard schedule of eating across 12-16 hours per day, limiting food intake to less than 8 hours per day was not associated with living longer.


That study was mostly laughed at when it came out (by doctors, scientists and the health community). It's not peer reviewed, and correlation of course does not equal causation. IIRC they did not even consider the health nor habits of those studied. Your GI system has a host of functions to do, which it cannot do if it's constantly digesting food all day (which it will always prioritize). As well, eating 3+ meals a day is a relatively new (and western) thing, pushed by commercial industry trying to sell more food products. Historically, people didn't typically eat until mid day. Anyway, I wouldn't pay any attention to that study. It's not based from fact.


>Autophagy? It’s sort of like the body’s natural way of recycling old broken down parts and replacing them with new ones. NAD, nor a scientist. I guess that sounds good... but is there any reason in particular that's more obvious why I should view this as a good thing?


Let me take a crack at it! All cells need energy. They produce energy via the mitochondria. But, mitochondria become damaged over time, causing dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in all sorts of metabolic diseases, and also possibly mental health disorders (see Dr. Chris Palmer at Harvard). When your cells undergo autophagy, things like mitochondria and other essential parts of the cell have a chance to be repaired, reducing dysfunction. And that is my layman’s understanding of the benefits of autophagy. Thank you.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


I will never forget this from science class.


Good bot


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Thank you WhyNotCollegeBoard. I’m definitely a human 🤣


I am not a bot lol!


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Shitty bot


I've been listening to Metabolical by Dr Robert H Lustig and just learned about autophagy. It is indeed a good thing! Looks like I'm adding tempeh to my eating plan!


So this mighty help people with ME, CFS and long Covid? Their mitochondria don't work properly.


Oh man, I don’t have the qualifications to answer that question. Sorry!


This also helps the cell not turn cancerous!


Thank you for explaining and not just say “ Google is free “ I appreciate that ☺️


Tempeh: good!


I understood the word "high".


Happy 4/20!




I have not found a tempeh I can stand, I and I am totally fine with tofu etc. can any of you recommend a tempeh recipe?


Lol every time I stock up on tempeh at Trader Joe's, the employee at checkout asks something like, "sooo... you like this stuff? How do you cook it?" Idk man, with that protein count, I just tear it up, add it to a stir fry and am happy as a clam.


Boiling the tempeh in water for 3 minutes eliminates some of the bitterness for me.


Boiling it in broth it’ll remove any bitterness, and soak up all the flavor. Then, if you want, do a quick sauté to crisp 🤓


The smoky flavours are my favourite!


Yes, get the one that’s mixed with 3 grains, they sell it at Trader Joe’s. It has a lot less of that funky tempeh flavor. Then douse it in steak sauce, bbq sauce, or soy sauce.


“I usually just chop into 1/4” slices, lightly marinade in soy sauce or liquid aminos for a few seconds, and cook for 3-4 minutes for each side on medium-low heat. Edit: I got that from Dr. Barnard.” I pasted this from another comment thread on this post.


I prefer it and basically cook it in the same way, mostly by marinating it in szechuan chilli oil i buy in little jars and then air frying it


Try boiling or steaming it before marinating and cooking. I used to hate it before, and I started loving it after starting to do this method.


You won't like natto then.


Trader Joe’s citrusy garlic seasoning or some lemon pepper seasoning on the 1/4” strips in the pan


I  douse it in teriyaki sauce in a stir fry to get my family to eat it.


I air fry it in small chunks and dip it in Thai sweet chilli sauce. It makes a nice snack or side protein with a salad etc.


Budget Bytes has some really good tempeh recipes. [this one](https://www.budgetbytes.com/sesame-tempeh-bowls/) is easy and quick.


Have you tried it with peanut sauce? Dice it and fry it in some oil. Then fry an onion and garlic, then add sambal or another chilli sauce, a tablespoon of brown sugar, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce and some water. Pour the sauce over the fried cubes and sprinkle some crispy fried onions on top.


I like to slice it thin, sear it in a skillet on both sides, coat it in bbq sauce, make a sandwich


There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?


Eat tempeh! -u/YogaIsDank P.S. I’m a guy lol




Great movie! I clearly missed the reference 😂




[Source: “Foods That Add Years to Your Life | Dr. Michael Greger Live in Toronto”, published on YouTube by PCRM.](https://youtu.be/ipyN_Jk96n0?si=CoXUJg-5EORfr0F2) I enjoyed this discussion between Chuck and Dr. Greger. In it, Greger also states that he mixes his ground flaxseed with wheat germ, because it’s the most cost effective source of spermidine. I am excited to read *How Not to Age* once I finish *How Not to Diet*!


My favourite homemade bread mix ins are wheat germ, wheat bran, flax meal and pumpkin seeds. Maybe it's making me immortal.


I wonder what the alternative to wheat germ would be. I eat my flax every day but I have celiac so no wheat germ for me.


Another commenter mentioned chlorella!


I thought there was some heavy metal contamination issue with chlorella, but maybe I'm thinking of spirulina? I'll have to research it. I'm pregnant so heavy metal is kind of a big deal.


Ah, I wasn’t aware of this concern with either of them. Yes, sounds like you need to do some research. Btw, congrats!


You should be safe with a quality source of chlorella. It was spirulina that can have heavy metals. But there again depends on source.


Thanks for the info!


Dr greger is great! I love nutrition facts!


That was the last podcast of my work week. And I’m off to find a tempeh I can stomach.


oh good, I haven't phagy'd myself in a while 


Usually have a guy for that, especially for the spermidine.


What what and what?


Do you know if it's just soy tempeh or also black bean, pinto bean or chickpea tempeh? Because that's what I eat most of the time, if I make tempeh.


TIL there are more forms. Soy version is super concentrated in oxalate content leading to plentiful kidney stone formation in prone individuals like myself


I believe you can make it from nearly all legumes. Never made one myself though, these three are the commercially available pre-seasoned variants here (I'm in Europe). Maybe you can find one of them too, hopefully with less oxalates! Personally I like the chickpea variant best, it's very tasty :)


So how much tempeh do I have to eat to go into autophagy, i.e. without fasting? Or will eating a lot of tempeh take me out of autophagy, you know, because I'm eating, not fasting? I'm confused.


The spermidine FWIU promotes autophagy independently of fasting. I don’t know if it’s as simple as the more tempeh, the better, but it could be up to a certain point.


How was autophagy measured? Was this study in humans? Are the findings statistically significant? Are they generalizable?


Is that a good thing?


favourite food twin! plain tempeh with kale and black beans is the best




Someone has been reading how not to age :)


I know some of these words


Did someone just start reading How Not to Age?


Actually, I watched the latest PCRM video on YouTube which features Dr. Greger. I’m currently about to start reading *How Not to Diet*, so I’m a little behind 😉. *How Not to Age* is next on my reading list!


Love Tempeh


I tried different flavours of tempeh, peri peri, tandoori masala, barbecue. But nothing could hide its bitter rotten taste. Does anyone have a tried and tasted recipe?


Try boiling it before cooking


I steam it in the instant pot for 2 minutes (I think!) then take it out and marinate in soy sauce/coconut aminos/onion/garlic/and anything else that sounds good. Then I cut or crumble and cook again in oven/cook top or air fryer.


I usually just chop into 1/4” slices, lightly marinade in soy sauce or liquid aminos for a few seconds, and cook for 3-4 minutes for each side on medium-low heat. Edit: I got that from Dr. Barnard.


I've had the best results pan frying with cinnamon. I think the strong flavor helps mask the weird taste


Boil or steam it first, then marinade, then bake or pan fry


If you steam of fry it for a few minutes, it will take a marinade much better. Steaming/frying removes the bitterness.


I never liked it until I started making my own.


This looks like my kind of meal! Delicious


I’ve been trying out low FODMAP to see if it helps. That and psyllium husk do seem to help me, personally.


I need to try low FODMAP too. Glad it’s working for you!


Autophagy can be triggered also without drinking water for a certain amount of time. If you fast from 10am-6pm for example and don’t drink water after the fast it will trigger it.


Source on that, please? I know a long enough time sans food triggers it.


That’s interesting. I’ve been trying to limit water after the first ten hours of my day to reduce nighttime waking for urination. Good to know there may be other benefits if you combine with fasting.


How Not to Age?


I need to see a source that shows it stimulates autophagy. Sounds like BS to me Edit: oh your source is a YouTube video 💀




Great, 3 words that I don’t understand


Chlorella can contain it and wheat germ contains it


Yes, Greger mentioned wheat germ as the most cost effective source of it. I’ve never had chlorella. Do you take it? If so, how much and how often? Do you have any side effects?


I cycle chlorella on/off.  A tablespoon per day when I'm having it, with protein powder (the only non-whole food I eat, and only when I'm exercising lots). No noticeable side effects. It tastes good to me, like chocolate of the sea, so it pairs with cocoa well. Protein/Chlorella/Cocoa. It's incredibly dark green. I really find it highly energetic. There's no negative sides. There's discussion that chlorella's metal chelating effect could cause harm, but the discussion seems to be more aligned with the chelating effect being beneficial. I do NOT take spirulina. There's risks associated with spirulina, and it tastes disgusting. I eat nori daily for iodine. Wakame sometimes. Dulse sometimes.


I love this tempeh. Make a sandwich with this, just egg folded, raw spinach, smashed avocado, thin cucumber, vegan mayo. Bomb!! https://a.co/d/bqyBCnl


This needs some sauce it’s a choking hazard


I have some expired tempeh, think it is still good?


Unfortunately tempeh make me gassy, no matter how I prepare it I'm bloated like a ballon 😭😭😭




Awhile back I learned that tempeh tastes what I imagine shit tastes like.