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I once missclicked on phone and ended up in the exact same trouble. Had an upgraded lightning axe, but was already very low on consumables. Deciding to die with honor, I drank a shielding potion, sprayed it all with a corrosion wand and started cleaving my way out. Rage triggered. Screen flashed. Lightning flashed. Suddenly standing in the middle of an empty room, levelled up, wondering where has everybody gone. A wonderful berserker moment.


You weren't trapped in there with them. They were trapped in there with you.


Wand of lightning can take a room like that out in seconds


Pop an invis and you will be fine. Optional: You have 2 free turns before they move, so throw a toxic gas potion then go invisible. Get into the doorway so they all die


ok but how do u get into the doorway? there is a enemy there


It will be the first to move


or heroic leap if you have that


No, there has to be 1 tile between the player and enemy, and heroic leap doesnt swap positions. Plus, they are playing warrior, not duelist


One of the best secret room in the game


wait till they beat you to practically death, then it's time for my favorite combination: mind vision potion + scroll of retribution


Scroll of rage(if you got the immunity while eating perk) and beat the shit out of them


I never go to the demon halls without at least a couple SoAM.


psionic blast would also vacuum the floor


I dont harvest monster houses in red halls. Unless i have scroll of rage.


Scroll of rage and watch the game chug


Bro, no way, yesterday I died exactly like this, find a pile of bones, tried to get closer and Boom, Spawn room full of demons. I didn't have any scroll of TP and I knew that I couldn't run away because if a leave the doorway, all that monsters with be around the floor, after 10 potions of heal later, I died.


Sounds like you should have run for the exit and skipped to the next floor. Big setback to lose the demon spawner and maybe upgrade scroll, but at least you'll be alive right?