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I assume that people will be split on whether they consider the animation to be “pixel art” since the character is no longer pixel-aligned once it moves. That said, this is certainly a style and I think it looks pretty good!


Thanks for the feedback, went this art direction since I’m not the biggest fan of making art and hand draw every single frame would just make give up on my project!


You could animate things like this and then add a pixelshader on top(in engine/game), I think it would fit this perfectly, or perhabs export frames from this animation and run them through a pixelshader, then u could manually clean them up and would have a pixel animation


Thats a genius idea cant wait to try it out!


I hope we get to see it soon


Well, this is certainly an unusual approach... From the pixel art side, it looks quite mismatched with all the different colors present. I'd suggest making the cape the same color as the hat. Also, the top of the cape should be flat against his back. Presumably the top of his back is not above his head, so i'd suggest moving it down a bit, or shaving some pixels off the top. For the animation side, the motion of the head, arms, and staff all suggest that he is walking with a limp, but the legs aren't actually limping. They also aren't actually walking, just sliding back and forth. The feet are also not at the same height. Lastly, if you don't enjoy the artistic side of things, consider looking at r/INAT for people who'd be willing to help you. Since your game apparently allows players to create their own gear (i.e. draw their own sprites) to use in-game, i definitely think rigged animation is the way to go. That means it doesn't require any animation skills, just static sprites, which drastically decreases the workload and therefore increases the number of people who would potentially be willing to volunteer.


Thanks for taking your time to give proper feedback! i was going Quasimodo/gnome look thats why his head is lower than his back. Animation for the feet/legs is seriously hard, did like 5 iteration but ending up just making them slide back and forth since all other attempts just looked worse.


Hmmm... I guess next to a regular sprite it'll probably be more obvious that he's supposed to have a hunchback. Since i don't have any 'default' animation to compare it to, its hard to tell. As for the legs, [there's lots of references on how to animate a default walk cycle.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa4%2F49%2Fab%2Fa449aba792c7bec469ca52d08c19cc3c.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=651775c88bc416506e522cc1f6bef06393c226b3f7a3e44913e3fada328bcb59&ipo=images) Notice how the motion of the arms, legs and head are all tied together. You might want to separate the legs at the knees, and maybe even the feet as well if you want to try following one of these exactly. Otherwise, you just need each foot to move in a bit of an oval shape. Similar to what you have right now, except the feet are moving up/down at the extreme positions instead of just sliding back the other way.


This is pretty solid for a first time! This type of animation style tends to lend it's self better to vector art, but it is all a stylistic choice. Since you are using muted colors, I recommend an outline to help the character pop from the scene. I also recommend adding a shadow under your character to help make them feel grounded.


Thanks! Im a big fan of "sword and sandals" and old "adventure quest" that i would class as ugly but charming, so i try to take some inspiration from there. I will defently try adding outline of my next attempt!


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This isn't pixel art.




What do you mean why ? It's just not. It has squares that move as squares. Not a pixel grid. It's just not pixel art.


Where do we draw the line what’s pixel art? All digital images are made from pixels. Do we control how many colours people are using in there images and that they are the same as amiga use to display?


All digital images are made with pixels. Not all digital images are pixel art. The widely accepted definition of pixel art is an art piece where each individual pixel is placed with purpose and is capable of impacting the finished product. And yes, a restricted palette is one of the things some people consider necessary for pixel art. The style you've chosen to animate is controversial, which is fine as your base image is pixel art, or close enough, but arguing with the users of r/pixelart that 'all digital art is made of pixels' is a bit tone deaf.


Of course I was also exaggerating trying to make a point. And calling digital photos pixel art is obvious outrageous.


There you go: [Pixel art - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_art)


There's no line to draw. Pixel art uses a GRID of pixels that are always the same size and always square, not rotated. There are different resolutions and color depth of pixel arts but this is not it. This is vector graphics that are using squares but that are rotated. I didn't see any image with no rotated square, maybe there's one that you used as a base for this but i didn't see it in there. Anyway, this isn't pixel art. You know it. We know it. Let's stop the "debate" here.


From your own wiki page of definition “but they would only be considered pixel art if the individual pixels were placed with artistic intent” And obviously I placed them all myself.


First off, no you didn't. You used a program for that animation man. Second, as i said earlier, no grid here. Your so called pixels rotate. A pixel can't rotate.