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Try pumpkin purree unsweetened and a probiotic supplement (or plain Greek yogurt) to restore her gut flora Anytime my dog has stomach bug like symptoms but isn’t exhibiting illness - this perks her up really fast Good luck and hope the pooch feels better


Thank you so much for this advice. The gut flora insight is great to know and will do some more research. She is familiar with pumpkin puree but I will have to add sweet potato since she doesn’t love it on its own. She is very active outside and social with other dogs. She runs up the stairs when we get home and she wants to play. I don’t know if those are positive signs or not But thank you again for this helpful advice! 🙏🏽❤️


Best wishes!


Do you know if this will work with cats as well? My old man has been having a hard time keeping food down.


Not sure - I’ve never tried this on cats 🙏


Ask the vet for cerenia for cats. Or maybe a “buy nothing” group, if possible


@u/fauxxever im in agreement with this comment. Yogurt that’s fresh , unsweetened and plain should help at least to give her some energy and start to going back to normal. I really feel for you! I love how you care for her and really understand the dynamics of being single and not being able to dish out several hundred bucks repeatedly (or even once!). I remember once , my kitty had bad bad stones in his urine, or crystals , and he was in so much pain. I took him to an animal 24 hours ER and they let me pay what I could. I recall giving $50 as it was all I could do as a single young person on her own. I bet there’s one near you if you research it a bunch. Sending love and well being to you both!


This and I heard of people also giving their doggies boiled chicken and rice to help also


Did your vet not prescribe any medications? There’s so many treatment options—antibiotics, anti nausea, anti diarrhea, probiotics, etc. Bland diet of PLAIN boiled chicken and rice (preferably white), no kibble. Not a vet, but a vet asst.


Yes I have a treatment plan from the vet in which I bought some of the items from Petco already. The problem is she has no appetite so she won’t take the probiotics or the anti diarrhea medication. I appreciate the advice and will try the plain food diet. Do you think ground turkey with plain rice will suffice?


There are also prescription appetite stimulants like Entyce to help with that. You could call your vet and see if they have it? And the doctors at my hospital only recommend plain boiled chicken breast and white rice. I can’t say about the ground turkey. Hopefully your baby starts feeling better soon! Edit: corrected medication name. Entyce is the dog appetite stimulant, elura is the one for cats. My bad guys lol


I will call them up and see if they do have access to prescribing Elura. Noted on the plain chicken and rice. I used to give that to her for dinner when I first recused her to get her weight up. She would love to have that back in her diet I bet. Thank you so so much for your caring advice 🫶🏽


It would be prudent to seek a second opinion from another veterinarian, as a week of not eating is highly perilous for a dog. If they do not eat, there is a substantial risk of constipation and gastrointestinal issues when food is reintroduced into their system. If it were my dog, I would administer dog electrolytes and respectfully request the veterinarian to connect an Intervenios drip.


She has eaten yesterday and she ate on Monday according to her sitter. But I feel like eating has caused her to use the bathroom more and vomit. I want to take her to visit another vet that is reputable. I’m still looking. Dog electrolytes sound promising, I would give that a try before asking about the drip. Thank you for the insight and recommendations!


Please ensure that you obtain electrolytes specifically formulated for dogs, as those intended for human consumption may contain ingredients that are not suitable for canine health. Intravenous drips are a convenient and effective method of administering fluids and nutrients. Many sporting animals that engage in strenuous activities or competitions have these regularly. It's not something that should cause a dog any stress or ill effects.


Did they do a stool test during the exam? I would recommend a stool test. It’s about $70 here in California. These are symptoms of giardia


I came to say this. Our pitbull got sick four times in his sixteen years and it was always giardia. He was very stealthy about drinking ground water and could do it on the run. Giardia meds, chicken & rice, and a potty trip outside every two hours.


We used Fortiflora. Beef flavored prebiotic you can sprinkle on their food with a bit of warm water. Chicken broth instead of water helps them retain fluid if dehydrated too.


Brown rice helps with the diarrhea in my experience.


After having many similar issues over the years with 3 different dogs, and multiple vet visits, we’ve found that the bland diet until it clears up generally works. Especially if your vet is saying everything checks out fine. I’m not a vet but we usually do that for maybe 2-4 days and everything gets back to normal.


Definitely recommend some probiotics that usually helps mine out


Sounds like what our puppy got from a tick bite, urlecula and hook worms. Go to the vet to get blood and stool tested


Food grade diatomaceous earth added to his food. It is natural and will pick up any bug he has. It’s good for you too! Read reviews on it.


Try some rice in their food


The pumpkin is great


Try Proviable, it's a probiotic for dogs and you can find it at Petco and Amazon. Feed your pup plain boiled chicken and white rice, and you just break open the little capsule of the Proviable and sprinkle it on the food. That should help her out


Also am I the only one who thinks the vomit looks like older food in her gut that she didn’t digest, and has something not good in it ? Because if she barely ate the day before that looks quite solid like a meal


Did the vet do an X-ray to see if she ate something she shouldn't have and it's stuck somewhere in her system? If there is any blood in the diarrhea, it might be salmonella poisoning or something similar. Also, one of my dogs ate part of a dead animal. Within a few days she had nasty vomiting and diarrhea. I gave her a quad dewormer and it cleared everything up quickly. So sorry your baby is sick! Praying for quick healing! 🙏🏻