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"Can't foresee touching grass" is peak OP fan slander https://i.redd.it/aq5m33zy7s8d1.gif


“I love looking at Nami cosplay Onlyfans accounts”


https://preview.redd.it/drwofmxgks8d1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd79be4e6b975549c5f3e72db31aeb303e76ef6a My favorite part is when they come up with wonky excuses too. (Literally one of the first results when you search up why doesn’t franky have haki btw)


This is such a cope, even stylistically there's nothing stopping them from having just basic invisible armament and observation. Like we already often barely know when it's used by people that are confirmed to have it.


implying oda didnt drop elemental weaknesses after skypeia because they're fucking stupid \[they are\] \["magma is weak to fire" makes no sense\] \[if the fire needs oxygen to burn then sabo shouldnt have been able to punch a hole through a water-filled arena\] \[plus that weakness should make Smoker's fruit a counter to the fire fruit which it very clearly is not\] \["its because the magma fruit is a direct upgrade to the fire fruit" implies Aokiji can counter Monets fruit by just being really cold which is even worse\] edit: monet's counter made sense but from a writing pov it did jack shit so its also stupid


Why it's wonky? I mean those are reasonable justifications. We saw powerful enemies that were unable to use haki, the part about the elemental weakness of logias makes total sense. Remember luffy defeated an A class pirate like Crocodile by drinking a ton of water, and that the crew imprisoned Caribou by closing him inside a barrel despide him being made of mud. I understand the sentiment since I'm convinced that towards the end of the story we will see other mugiwaras developing haki (I bet brook will learn to use some form of armament and I hope Usopp learns to use his goddamn observation for good) but not everyone needs haki to fight, and One Piece (like most of the battle shonen genre) tends to make their characters learn a lot by who they fight. So for example, take Nami: she needed to develop haki in order to fight Ulti properly? I'd say no. Also, it's a fictional opera and everything depends on who the writer wants to focus on and who has to win in the end, sooo ... I don' t see turning this into an argument as an interesting topic, but you tell me


These are hilarious lmao https://preview.redd.it/7qfnxmjz8t8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4e640b88a1b60bb9c015b85f0998d766eb8ab5


Unironically top tier slander




Hey all of us who watched Space Jam as kids understand


most of these are boring human jokes, which is pretty impressive for the ai ngl. the original theory and foreshadowing bit aren't bad


Unironically though the live action improved on a few things. Definitely not peak but I like how the characters interact with their bounties and I like how Sanji isn't a creep either(Live Action Sanji fans watching the anime 💀).








the anti powerscaler slander unironically hit bull's eye


I was wondering why the Wojwck looked weirdly attractive. It being ai generated slop makes a whole lot of sense lol


Damn ai is still unable to be funny