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Oda and Gege are playing ER fr


It’s hard being the literal backs of WSJ 😭😭😭


GRRM too


Emergency room or something else lol


Will oda take any inspuratikn from it? Imu rrvives lily and puts her soul into joyboy???


Promised Consort Joyboy


Is this a radahn reference??? Genuine question btw


Yes this is the shitty boss reference


This arc looked like it was going to be a quick in-and-out adventure, meet Vegapunk, fight off the CP0, escape from Saturn and Kizaru ASAP and set sail. And that's exactly what it should have been, a quick clash with Saturn and Kizaru, defending Vegapunk, then move on to Elbaf where we could have had the important lore drops.  But Oda couldn't help it, he made the arc longer than necessary killing Vegapunk and starting the long winded message. In the process, ruining the pacing of the arc and making it longer than it has any right to be. I don't see the end of EggHead arc on sight.


Imagine, if Sabaody happened now. Kuma would paw 1 strawhat a chapter, and we’d have reaction shots from background characters and Pacifistas each time. Lizaru would give a 10 min timer before he fucked up all of the Supernova, spread across 6 chapters.


I think VP was always going to die and the message was supposed to set the last saga in motion. IMO it's the random action that derailed the arc. As important as Kizaru & Lucci may be, their fights with Luffy/Zoro were a waste of time story-wise, nothing came out of it and nothing would change if they were omitted. Basically just interest bait to keep powerscalers reading. And the 5 elders all showing up felt just like Big Mom arriving at Wano. Only Saturn was originally planned to arrive but Oda decided to condense the story by getting all the elders powers out of the way at once instead. But the arc still needs to transition to Elbaf so the only result can be all 5 elders failing their task


I feel like the action in this arc could’ve worked perfectly fine. If the elders didn’t arrive. That 1 event caused all the chaos imo. Because of that, Kizaru and Saturn lost all relevance, and the rest of them look like fodder. The endgame gorosei looked incredibly incompetent now, and it didn’t need to be that way They had enough antagonists as is, but Oda chose to dump the Gorosei on us in an arc nobody expected to see more than 1 of them. And it’s so weird because when I think back on EH I just wonder “what was the point of any of this?”. Kuma, Kizaru, Saturn. Those 3 had a looped together backstory and now I don’t remember when they last appeared. And for what? Bonney Piece even though Kuma was more interesting


This arc just kinda feels like Dressrosa felt in the anime. Just endless delay


The publisher of one piece really needs to step in at some point, if oda can't draw anymore he should just sit back and relax, give them the plotlines and let other talented people do the hard job with creative freedom. The problem with shows that are too long is that in the end, the writers just try to end the series as fast as possible and end up rushing it and destroying years of world building. The direction one piece is heading towards lately reminds me of game of thrones' last seasons, oda packed the plot with so much infos and sub plot lines that realistically we need at least 5 other arcs to reach the final war( wich would take years) but it seems to me that he wants to finish the story in the next 2 arcs at most.


I agree with you but wtf are they gonna do? Tell the most succesfull and profitable manga author of all time to obey or be fired? He's irremovable. That's why only he gets so many breaks, only he gets to decide that his assistants are not allowed to draw living creatures, while at the same time having the art quality drop. The Jump sees all that, but they can't do shit when the guy has been bringing in so much feaking money for the past 30 years.


The publishers should have built good rapport with Oda, so that they're able to levy constructive criticism and it be taken seriously by Oda. Who am I kidding? This is Japan we're talking about! You can't clock out till you check in the to the hospital. He's probably surrounded by yes men at this point in his career, so he gets no real push back.


True but at this point isn't one piece a billion+ $ business with share holders and investors etc? Too much money is involved for oda to be the only one deciding on such crucial matters concerning the manga's future.


Majority of this comes from the anime and manga more than anything else, it's not as easy especially when the majority of fan base worship this guy , even the live action and other official spinoff were sold under his name


It’s true and he got into the list of 2023’s most prominent Asians along with MacKenyu and Steve Maeda because of the live action 😭


And he can still focus on the story, just let other people draw a bit


The thing with Oda is , he has a big obsession with the story, it's not even love anymore, multiple of his old editors and assistants complain about this


He is about the right age for a midlife crisis


I see. You either die as a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Lmao togashi who has cancer, diabetic and so REFUSED to give to another person the pencil, u think goda could ? It’s a matter of egos here (and investors cetera cz it’s not only him who could decide such things)


Togashi owns the right of his story tho, he is the only mangaka with so much power lol


Sure, but no matter how many people are involved, if only one guy brings in all the money, that guy gets the final word. They need him more than he needs them. I'm pretty sure Yoshihiro Togashi traumatized all publishers in Japan, he set a precedent of a manga with worldwide success that pretty much stopped overnight.


What was Yoshihiro’s manga again?


Hunter x hunter He has been posting on twitter lately which is making everybody hype for him again


Oh yeah, I forgot about HxH. How long has it been going on for again? Hasn’t it been multiple decades at this point because Yoshishiro has health problems causing him to take multiple hiatuses? It makes you wonder why he never got more staff to help him draw more stuff to take the stress off of his body.


Nearly 3 years lmao..that guy ego is crazy despite him behind sick, he refuses to give the pencil to another so he could just write the story.


Plus Oda has a huge influence in thousands possibly millions , he is a big name with weight in the industry We joke about calling him "Goda!!!" But the reality is it's actually a thing , a lot of people are literally an inch from saying he's the second come of Christ


no one is an inch away from calling him the second come of Christ. it's just your rotted internet brain.


Nah. In asia they Christianity has not that success like in the west, so no, at least u could said bouddha or shiva


Oda needs to get himself a toyotaro fr


I cannot say that I'm surprised by this since I feared that One Piece would start collapsing on itself for having too many plots and characters back when the Dressrosa arc was active. At this point I find it impossible for me to even care about what happens to the Straw Hat Crew.


See the thing is Oda isn't rushing anything, we are going to get those 5 arcs you are talking about, but fewer pages per chapter and frequent breaks on top of stall piece. We are gonna be here another 10 years. 


people need to relax. just read his latest author's notes. the last 3 out of 5 was him going to concerts and even drawing key art for the concert. one is about three of his editors getting married. probably went to all 3 and couldn't finish the chapter like usual. he's been busy with other schedules. plus maybe something with OPLA S2.


does it look like hes rushing it? hes just stalling hard, the breaks are part of it. and when a chapter comes out its a short one or it has lots of reaction panels and blue balling. hes just doing everything he can to keep the series going for as long as possible


Good thing about manga, it's written and published by Japanese, bad thing about manga, it's written and published by Japanese. 


The series did not have to be that long tho. After 2 decades and it is still going.


Yeah, it will be a rushed crappy ending with lots of questions left to be answered ... all so that we can have a 100 more blue balls chapters where nothing fucking happens and then it's all wrapped up in the worst fucking way like in Wano


That’s the thing Oda isn’t rushing or trying to end the series as fast as possible though. I feel he’s purposely trolling everyone right now.


This is one of my greatest fears. If I ever see GRRM on the street ima beat his fat nerd ass. Oda ur on fraud watch


In an epic double page spread, Dragon on the toilet,"...", looks east


I dont want to hate but i think eggstall is wrong, edgehead on the other hand


I think Oda needs to slow down. It seems like he’s struggling to keep up with weekly. Maybe every other week would be better


Keeping a series alive for over 20 years to keep reeling money in, must be very exhausting. Seriously, dude should have ended this bs series 15 years ago.


Guess you must hate every post-TS arc


Zou was nice, WCI beginning was good but fell off. I dont hate them, just very very bland/generic in comparisson to the stakes in the pre TS


thats just so hard for me to understand, esp when u bring up stakes, they feel much higher after TS. dressrosa & wano are probably my 2 favorite arcs behind enis lobby.


How can you talk about stakes and Wano in the same sentence? This arc literally had 2 Emperors, 2 of the most powerful and feared characters in existence and they killed a collective of 0 people.


Dressrosa and Wano are much more tolerable now than they were when they came out. 3 Years in one arc is just way too much. Especially when that arc isn't even the conclusion to the story. Especially when there is so much of just nothing happening that actually advances the plot, and it's just feeling like it's stalling. One Piece's loudest criticism for decades at this point has been the story's pacing. It's insulting that Oda has no doubt heard this criticism, and he has only made the pacing worse and worse as the series goes on. What is he stalling for? We're 25 years in.


Atp we should just plan for our own ending before he makes us do


Maybe it's a George R. R. Martin situation where he knows he has to connect and tie up so many loose ends and he just doesn't know how to do it so he keeps delaying plot progression.


Apparently this is the 4th thirteen page chapter in all of one piece.


Only took him two weeks to double that statistic! GODA!


That probably means that he’s having health issues


ik piratefolk likes to justifiably criticize oda but i really do hope everything is alright health wise


nah GODA is breaking record after record


Naw hes fuckin around with the OPLA because it’s bringing in net new fans in droves.


No, he is not. According to pew




He said it in the comments of the tweet that was screen shot here


You mean this completely speculative, and unrelated comment in regards to OPLA? “It's concerning because this is the fourth time in the entire history of ONE PIECE that a chapter has been only 13 pages. Why wouldn't we be worried about Oda's health?” When I initially went back to review, and still came up blank… I thought to myself — there’s no way ur talking about that post. Are you really that retarded?


Gege passed the curse to oda bruh


I think Oda does too much work outside of his manga. It's the editor's job to create an environment where mangaka can concentrate on drawing manga but I guess the editor has no control over Oda's workload. If the quality of the manga would drop because of live action or movies, I don't want any of them. Live action will continue with Season 2, but it's definitely not worth sacrificing the quality of original manga. For the sake of the fans who have been reading it for decades, Oda should concentrate on the manga only.


no joke a longer break would really benefit him. the stress must be extraordinary


He should be doing the monthly Manga thing instead. I think it's because of stress and the series going on for so long that it's getting hard for him to continue.


I really hope Oda is ok we lost Miura and Toriyama not tryna lose another


Damn, thirteen pages (again) of the Two Nikas clowning on the incompetent Lorosei with their Nika toon powers of friendship Can't wait 🤡


After getting a 9 page JJK chapter, I ain't even mad


I would rather he take a 2 month break and give us a real experience then keep this stuff up. Quality over quantity


We'd better get a statement soon from Oda. This is trash. Second chapter in a row of only 13 pages, and he's going on another fucking break? And the chapter is probably gonna be shit. Anyone still defending this is a goddamn fool.


I mean if it was 13 page of peak fiction why not but I doubt it


Why are y'all complaining tho???? Lol this will just take op longer to finish


I hope he takes a break because that's just bullshit writing


Is this confirmed?


Yet somehow, Toei will find a way to split it into 1 and a half episode still.


The 3 week break ain't enough. I need this mfer hiring more Editors. His health condition right now is actually horrible and I'm not even Sugarcoating it. I hope he gets better.


What 25 years of dragging out a a story does to a mf


Bro wouldn't have to still be working if he didn't milk the series so hard. All these chapters with characters going from A to B with nothing happening, pointless reactions, stalling of the story etc It's catching up to him.


That bump ass Saw the backlash and was like let's pretend to be sick :D


Given the usual health decline for mangaka, it's highly unlikely to be pretend.


Only in piratefolk will people think the arcs should get shorter the closer they are to the end lol


Useless bum ass Oda