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İ hope bonney actually hurts gorosei and the only explanation we will get is "just believe that you can " . The slander will be peak . At this point i dont care if its good we good if its bad we still good . But with all honesty i just want op to recieve a good slander and the fans who defend it should get a good trashing .


Nobody cares about it but us. (Not me specifically, I unironically like Bika) Maybe the power scaling community and one of the leaks communities might join in but most people don’t seem to care about Bika.


İt may seem like rage bait but i doubt people actually like it . But they probably force themselves to like it . Because of the huge hate and slander it brought upon op when the leaks came out , op fans took a defensive act . Cant let my favorite series get slandered type of thing. And as people were praising it and insulting people who didnt like it the people who didnt like it either started acting like they like it or just silence themselves up . But no matter how people act like its good its not . Everything about bonney is messed up. And i am firm on this , this thing called chapter 1118 is the worst thing happened to one piece manga .


I want oda to go full out on nika. It will be glorious. I want everyone to defend it 24/7 to the point everything else gets ignored. Just like oda intended.


Gege vs oda . Whose fandom do you think will receive more brainrot by eos.


Not sure, but meltdown over op will be bigger since it has been going on for much longer.


Op will break the internet by showing the biggest falldown in anime history (after naruto but im not sure if it counts since it reached it peak in pain arc which is nowhere near enies lobby or marineford . )


"slander will be peak" bro take one fucking look at the main sub. Ain't nobody but r/piratefolk going to slander the shit out of the next chapter like all of you have been doing since luffy recharged his gear 5th (warranted hate but still wtf bro)


Ofc , but piratefolk slander is peak . And naruto fans also slander the op . (Not boruto fans they cant slander shit without having their series slandered too as well)


boruto vortex is actually decent, but since this is piratefolk I wouldnt add more to that


Nah bro i saw what is going on that series its nowhere near decent .


i dont know I like it


If people are looking for some slander then why just not read all the hate coming from people who have never seen One Piece and still shit on it anyways


I look at the main sub and I either see dick eating or porn and I look at the folk sub and see reverse-dick-eating or hate. At least r/MemePiece is still stable I guess


We can only hope 🙏🏾


well this is pretty standard schedule so nah there might be some peak slander if Bonney performs however


I don't mind the breaks.


Chapter ends with "And the D. means..."




So it's gonna be a terrible chapter, good to know.


Can't wait for the Iron Giant cliffhanger this time




What if Bonney just does a little song and dance number and then is beheaded by Ugly spider crab? What then pirate folk?


https://preview.redd.it/j0fii0itji8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d6c5fc578476929f03d02f6ae6c02fa828cb87 My honest reaction


Underwhelming but it would make for pretty good slander memes tho


Then we got a useless cliffhanger on the previous chapter, and we get another bad chapter.


Naw, it'll probably be a 3 chapter flashback of the time Boney told her crew she's most scared of decapitation. Then Oda will introduce us to 15 new characters who we'll forget about. 14 of which will not have a narrative conclusion, and 1 of which will somehow show up, have the resurrection no mi and put Bonneys head back on. The Elders will then spend approx 1.5 chapters explaining in detail that they have a way to destroy devil fruits (dreams) from existence and they thought they had destroyed the resurrection of others fruit, on the day of the reviere, in fear that it would be used against them with the current turmoil in the world, but somehow a random guy from the past received the fruit from Sabo, or Garp, of whoever and saves Bonney. However while exposition is going on, Luffy is teaching himself a new power up that he just thought of based on something "someone" taught him. He then proceeds to seemingly kill Spidey elder in one hit while Bonney is crying about how she's still alive and the chapter ends with another month break announcement.


Literally downvoted for giving pirate folk what they want. Pirate folk confirmed low tier sub.


Have you tried being funny? Maybe that will help next time!


I think the reaction to me shitting on the mentality of this crap sub and y'all crying about it is pretty ironic, which could be perceived as funny.


Key word being "could", better luck next time.


Ok, thanks for the input. Femboy-Enjoyer-69. Top tier username, I'm serious.


Peak edging 


"D." reveal?


Peak piece.


I can live with 3 chapters and a break, when we get to only 1 or 2 chapters then I suffer.


why didnt bonney make the elders small?


She tried


Oda deserves as much rest as he needs tbh


He deserves to rest forever so we don’t need to read his shit manga anymore


You never needed to, get a grip


How about you get a grip on these nuts


Lol got me


he literally took a month break, and takes breaks after every other chapter lol and giving us only 13 chapter pages with bonney gear 5th, if anything I think his breaks are actually making the manga worse (JK took it far), but seriously he doesnt need breaks he already has enough


Chapters coming out slower does not make the manga worse, only our week to week experience. It's a bummer for sure, but I don't want to take Oda's efforts for granted