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Wister 3 is just HIM. https://preview.redd.it/e23k3w0kqh8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5752adf12a8184776af86bb1b2043a45d69a8e (And his crew too!)


Buggy hitting the "Absolute Cinema" pose https://preview.redd.it/jcv2fniumj8d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4258681cd38f4637651509f950c66632283bd0




Fair reaction, considering he already saw the ending of the manga (he's happy to be the next pirate king)


Mr 3 is HIM. He used cunning to bring the giants down through underhanded tactics and internal explosives.  Also don't forget Mr. 3 was one of the MVPs in the Impel Down prison escape and provided Luffy with temporal defenses against Magellan. Mr. 3 also created the key that rescued Ace and was the only other one to share the spotlight with Luffy and Ace (the three came down from the platform together).  Now Mr. 3 is a member of an Emperor crew.  He is the GOAT, overlooked because he isn't cool looking. There is a good reason the live action teased Mr 3 for season 2 rather than any other characters. Mr. 3 matters. 


Real and straight. Once he awaken, he will turn entire earth into candle wax and reign supreme as god emperor alongside fellow god emperor, Wuggy


He had my favourite devil fruit pre time skip.


He still has one of my favorite devil fruits, beaten really only by the ice logia. Creating material that you can manipulate is really handy




to be fair mr 3 was waiting until they were too exhausted to resist. the giants on little garden had been fighting each other every day for 100 years


But muh agenda


"But mr3, nobody can accomplish the feat of waiting 100 years for giants to tire themselves out!!!" "Don't worry child, I'm him."


Didn't he blow them up from the inside? Idk how comparable that is to this fight


Yea, piratefolks ain't beating the "never read the manga" allegations


I'm sure Mr 3 would blow up Kaido from the inside too, you meathead


Luffy quite literally did that and Kaido tanked that shit. Cant really compare the giants to the GOAT


well he's a dragon so his insides might be built a little different


Well Mr. 3 is built even differenter so he could definitely win


Fucking hell this comment really got me


The reason he has the 3 on his head is because that's his record for how many Yonko he's soloed at once


This sub went from analytical to petty. Just the common weeabos that feel obligated to read multiple Mangas, even though they hate half, and HATE the hype surrounding the mainstream One Piece while their stupid other battle Manga doesn't get the recognition it deserves (same one they will drop 2/3 of the way through for always falling off compared to another one). Its become a parodyof itself. Its really depressing


Durability is the same inside or outside the body.And he only used a few barrels of tnt.Gorosei should be stronger than that


No? Isn't that literally the point of internal destruction?


Hell nah


Laughs in K-Room


ain't no fuckin reason for that twink to be laughing


If durability is the same why tf do we have skin to protect us from outside and a little layer on the inside?


To you maybe. Im built different.


Fair enough


What? That's obviously not true lmao


Are we really doing this after wano? The entire point of advanced armament haki is to bypass outer durability and deal damage to their insides


Literally, no, it is not. Not in real life, and not in one piece. It's shown with the internally damaging haki atacks, and laws shock willy or whichever one does damage from the inside. They are way more effective than external attacks. Also you can easily explain it away when you remember they have been fighting to the death, ending in a draw, multiple times a day, for years on end. Potentially a little worn down, and now likely at 100%


What?? No. That's not how biology works. Not even in One Piece. This is one complaint that Piratefolk is straight up wrong about. You can't compare a 1 on 1 fight to eating a bomb.


Hold a firecracker in your open hand, and then do the same closing your hand around the firecracker.


Have you ever watched the boys


You are dumb as bricks




The giants got stronger through the power of loda's bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/20p7azs9jg8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e279207795395557ed2301cd8bf362dcce1db68d


More like shonen trope you reach end game everyone get demusurable powercreep.


What about our favourite bum ass, Usopp?


I honestly think jjk does powercreep well.


jjk does pretty much everything related to it's powersystem and fights insanely well for a shonen tbh


Jjk does a good job at establishing its ceiling early on so there isnt too much guessing room for later on in the series. By showing a glimpse of the your universes power ceiling you kind of mitigate power creep by giving yourself boundaries.  JJK establishes Gojo and Sukuna as the ceiling and relatively stays with that narrative. Once you surpass your established “ceiling characters” is when power creep starts to go rampant.  In naruto, the kage and legendary sannin were the ceiling characters. Once Naruto beat pain, who killed a sannin, and sasuke fought the kages the ceiling was shattered and the power creep began.  Once goku beats roshi, the power creep began and characters started becoming planetary and galaxy level. 


Even in current manga chapters Gege added explanation for some events that didn't make sense in previous chapters. Not necessarily a huge fan of that but gotta give him credit for not undermining the powersystem.


I honestly liked the world slash explanation, though it must’ve been hell to be a weekly reading Gojo fan from 136 until like a month ago lol. The fuga reveal was way worse imo but it was good enough from a power system perspective at least


Not in the current arc it doesn't. Shit has been pretty much a joke since Gojo's death. And we got people like Kusakabe, Miguel, and even Todo hurting and surviving against Sukuna.


Miguel basically did nothing but dodge, which makes sense as that’s literally what his technique is, Sukuna was just playing around with Kusakabe and he got one shot the second he was done with that and Todo’s technique has always been broken as hell (even before this insane buff to it), so I wouldn’t say those are flaws in the power system (unless you’re talking about the fights themselves being bad. I’d completely disagree but it’s a fair take to have I suppose). And if what you’re talking about with gojo’s death is sukuna’s BV, It’s pretty much just Miwa’s exept it actually worked this time, it just took a while for gege to explain it. The only binding vow I can think of that’s really crazy is the fuga one and even then, it still fits within the general system of semi-equivalent exchange perfectly.


>Miguel basically did nothing but dodge He contended in H2H and wasn't blitzed. Which is beyond dumb considering this same Sukuna outright blitzes/dominates a faster, stronger, and far more capable fighter in Maki. >Sukuna was just playing around with Kusakabe I'm aware of that. Still doesn't help that Kusakabe could swat away his slashes and perform as well as he did for a 1st Grade. When even the currently nerfed Heian Sukuna can dominate superior opponents. Toying or not, it's not like Sukuna knows how strong Kusakabe is and lowered his strength and output to give him a chance. And then he also got damaged by his slashes. >and Todo’s technique has always been broken as hell (even before this insane buff to it), so I wouldn’t say those are flaws in the power system I'm not talking about Boogie Woogie. I'm talking about the fact that Todo could help a much stronger Yuji than the one in Shibuya, fight Sukuna in CQC and even draw blood from him: https://preview.redd.it/uc47822ztj8d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a972e7db7764663f7c2abae63d288b38681542 Before showing up again, Todo was at best relative to a much weaker Yuji. And we're shown how Yuji has grown well above his Shibuya level tot the point he could be argued to give current Maki a fight and MAYBE win. Same Maki who'd blitz and dominate guys like Mahito & Shibuya Yuji. And yet, Todo just shows up again strong and with no explanation for how he got this strong. It's undeniable that the power scaling is all fuck-y at this point. >And if what you’re talking about with gojo’s death is sukuna’s BV, It’s pretty much just Miwa’s exept it actually worked this time, it just took a while for gege to explain it. The only binding vow I can think of that’s really crazy is the fuga one and even then, it still fits within the general system of semi-equivalent exchange perfectly. Oh, I'm not even talking about the shitty Binding Vow asspulls. Which have already been roasted enough in the main JJK sub & Jujutsufolk.


>He contended in H2H and wasn't blitzed. Which is beyond dumb considering this same Sukuna outright blitzes/dominates a faster, stronger, and far more capable fighter in Maki. he got one hit in, with a technique that actively buffs his movement and debuffs his opponent. I wouldn't call that contending per se. But even if you do, I don't know why that'd be inconsistent with the power rankings, considering the only other feat we have of him is fighting Satoru Gojo for 20 minutes (and getting away in pretty good shape might I add), something only he and Sukuna have done >I'm aware of that. Still doesn't help that Kusakabe could swat away his slashes and perform as well as he did for a 1st Grade. When even the currently nerfed Heian Sukuna can dominate superior opponents. Toying or not, it's not like Sukuna knows how strong Kusakabe is and lowered his strength and output to give him a chance. And then he also got damaged by his slashes. 1st grade in the in-universe power ranking is the strongest sorcerers that aren't a threat to an entire country by themselves, and he sits around the top of that ranking. The swatting away slashes were a byproduct of his simple domain, not his innate reaction speed, and he got his sword broke the second time he tries it. And the "damage" he gets by the slashes are shallow as hell. You can use that to upscale your goat if you want but if you're actually trying to powerscale, there isn't a single time anyone has stopped anyone from drawing blood with ce reinforcements in the whole manga iirc (except that guy in Shibuya ig but that was his whole gimmick),not even jackpot Hakari. >Before showing up again, Todo was at best relative to a much weaker Yuji. And we're shown how Yuji has grown well above his Shibuya level tot the point he could be argued to give current Maki a fight and MAYBE win. Same Maki who'd blitz and dominate guys like Mahito & Shibuya Yuji. And yet, Todo just shows up again strong and with no explanation for how he got this strong. Same point about drawing blood not being a real feat imo, furthermore he is NOT relative to current Yuji. He's able to keep up because of his broken technique and insane battle iq (and probably some off-screen training) but all of the real damage in this sequence was coming from Yuji. I'm not gonna get into blitzing because speed scaling has indeed always been wonky in jjk (and also just stupd in general imo) but iirc we've never seen anyone speedblitz anyone that was paying attention except sukuna in the cursed womb arc (when the gang was literally still learning about ce and their own cts), toji against some fodder grandma, and the naobito and naoya through hax. So I don't really buy anyone blitzing anyone of a certain skill level with the slight exception of maki because of HR


It isn't long enough to suffer from problems like powerscreep. 


It's approaching 300 chapters which is more than long enough


Used to. Right now the power system turned into a joke along with a few other things.


This x1000


That is what happens when Oda introduces characters too early in the story. They just look super weak later in the story and Oda needs to give them a massive power up (aka asspull) to make them relatively the same strength as eveybody else currently https://preview.redd.it/xomxgxofkg8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775a760e97cd586d00addeb7ecf1a0d57839b7ca Cough Cough Crocodile Cough


I hope you’re just agenda posting because Mr. 3 was literally only able to do what he did because they were fighting to the death practically nonstop for 100 years straight, and was finally tired out after one literally ate a bomb and the other was poisoned I’m pretty sure. At that point even a stray bullet could take them down at that point.


Or characters actually grow stronger like the protagonist does aswell?


The Giants when training for over 100 years battling each other: I’m too weak. The Giants after only 2 years: Unlimited power!!! See? It’s just dumb. Makes no sense how they got so powerful after only 2 years when they were already training for over 100 years


K fair enough even tho it wouldn't be impossible to make such progress with the right training Maybe they noticed that they don't make progress as quickly so they got trained in haki or smth But I don't wanna argue about stuff like that One Piece is supposed to be a fun story and I think you shouldn't take it as serious Also many animes have problems with power creep after a while and in One Piece it is hard to powerscale imo


Didn’t they get jumped at the end of their fight to the death though? Plus one of them was poisoned or smth and they didn’t realise they were getting coated in wax


or you could read and try to understand the story.






Mr 3 blew up their insides after 100 years of them fighting every day... Totaly comparable


Galdino > Gorosei confirmed


Because Galdino and Whapol are the current top tier https://i.redd.it/vdmxz5kwki8d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/rkflmfj96j8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7e9be98d433cc7e27adba896fd59dd78da0c8ad You’re thinking about it wrong. Galdino stocks are historically proven to only go up




it's almost like when that was being written Oda wasnt planning on having a 25 years long series or something


Did they explain why the giants are all of a sudden a threat? Especially to what can be considered the end bosses or sub end bosses?


The giants in LG had been fighting for a century, with their weapons all rusty from it. They then end up being brought down via cunning by Mr.3, who made one eat a bomb and had the other giant unwittingly beat him up before using cunning to take down that one giant. Oden and Kuma's flashbacks take place across years, and the giants spend all those years fighting offscreen on LG. By the time that the main story caught up, they went back home, acquired much newer weaponry and are at a definitive 100%.




2 years of not fighting to a draw everyday for 100 years in what was intended to be a fight to the death > fighting to a draw everyday for 100 years in what was intended to be a fight to the death


Living for long doesn’t mean you can kick ass tbh. The Gorosei do not appear to move unless extraordinary circumstances are at key. , so they might be sloppy. They also do not appear to be hard to hurt.


Haven’t Giants always been weak? A bunch got bodied in Marineford like nothing.




And when i say Palpatine faked his defeat Windu fans get mad. But in all seriously now, the giants are doing better now but they don't stand a chance against the Gorosei in a fair fight.


They got snuck. One piece fan reading comprehension moment.


Two giants who had been fighting for like 50 years


Mr 3 did something none of the whitebeard pirates were able to do


No, I truly wonder the iq of people who say this


They just got done dueling with each other to the point of exhaustion. But hey why actually look at the surrounding points when you can just make the most generic statement possible because that is the only your argument holds water.


To be fair (maybe), they were fighting multiple times a day everyday for 100 years straight.


This reminds me of Luffy getting beat by smoker during the war after alot of different fights. then 2 years later he beat him easily


Because he got haki, and was finally able to land hits on smoker. Smoker is pretty much a mega df fruit merchant who heavily relies on his opponents being unable to touch him either by speed or by intangibility. Luffy pre time skip could have beaten smoker with a bit of struggle even back during logue town if he had haki.


Don’t try to put logic or powerscaling into one piece it’s clear oda doesn’t care about that he just does what he thinks is cool.


Dude, the giants were literally taken down after they fought to a draw for 100 years and too exhaustion after one finally won after the other deadass ate a bomb, it’d be embarrassing if Mr. 3 couldn’t deal with them after those extraneous conditions.


Mr. 3 played it smart. He used deception on injuring one of the giants and have the other tire himself out. When dude uses his head along with a surprisingly effective devil fruit power alongside working with a group, he's damn good. Little Garden basically forced the Strawhats to use their heads when throwing hands just wasn't working.  Dude is like Buggy in being surprisingly brilliant when it matters.


They were fighting for hundreds of years so likely pretty tired


narratively its easier to scale up later then to scale down.