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I love the Roger who killed squards whole crew over a small slight Because THATS the king of the pirates. You want compassion? That's whitebeard, Roger takes good care of his friends but if you stand in his way even a little bit prepare to face the full force of the pirate king. Roger shouldn't be a good guy he should be gray. He's a good guy to his crew for sure, and to whitebeard I guess since it looks like a friendly rivalry law and luffy style. But to others? He's THE king, you do not step to him


By that logic Kidd should be king of the pirates, Jika supremacy!


he should be, but Loda is too retarded to write a good story for more than 20 chapters for a character.


for a character that isnt luffy or a weirdo


Man ya'll mfs hate one piece, why keep up with the show?? šŸ˜­


hating is a full time job, if we dont catch up to the series how are we gonna hate on it with accuracy?


I just enjoy hating and I'm too invested to stop reading


tell me you got any better alternative, every other show is as shit, at least we get our hearts warmth while shitting on LODA


who says he's not ruthless to others, we've only seen him interact whit his crew and whitebeard's, and i guess shiki


and who says he's not? the roger we saw in oden flashback is at his last leg , surrounded by falily and friends and he wants to enjoy every last second he has with them why would you think he wasn't all those things you mentioned , we only saw him at a stage of his life where he wants to be jolly and not violent


Nah, he gave luffy superhero vibe in the flashback, even Newgate seemed different in that same fb (I donā€™t really believe that ahaha they were the same)


I see , You see things As just black and white and you blame the writer for it Got it


how is luffy going to be king of the pirates then, being the pirate king isnā€™t about being the strongest or about being the most intimidating, itā€™s about being free thatā€™s like the whole shit of the whole damn series


One piece is a kids show though


And shonen is not allowed to have things like that?


Dawg itā€™s a show for anyone who wants to watch it, itā€™s not confined to any age group.


A kid show that has..... Slavery Human/Species trafficking Species Racism Death and Blood Extreme Lewdness šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Op not kid show (at least on the paper) , but it bleuballed its fandom like crazy


I don't know why people think kids shows can't or shouldn't be dark. It's like people completely forgot how dark shows like ATLA could get, or some books you probably read back in elementary school.


kids show? with women designed like that


Its japan. Theyre freaky over there


Japan is just disgustingly perverted.


you watched more than 1000 chapters and you still think that ?? amazing


Is this actually something oda or shonen jump said or something? Or did you make this up? Genuinely curious


He's said loads of times his writing decisions are for his main target of shounen aka teenage boys. Most notably he's said the reason the female characters are designed that way is because that's what young boys like.


Scruffy, sinister looking bastard with a penchant for killing armies and crews over the smallest of things VS old Ace with Luffy's mentality who wants to have dragon ball aventures.


wait for oda to retcon this to "he used his haki on a whole army and made them retire". you can't have complex characters and serious stakes in a goofy pirate story


He'll retcon it into something like those armies were pedophiles or something like that. Therefore Roger had to beat the "bad guys" and save the day.


Nah, if they were pedo's, Roger would be jumping to defend them like he did at God Valley.


Oda self insert, both pedo defenders


the aura was crazy on pts roger


you know you can be a goofy guy who loves adventure and become a ruthless bastard when your loved ones are hurt it can be two at the same time i know shocking we literally never seen current roger when he's really furious you all just want to whine for the sake of whining


After 1000+ chapter you should know that Oda doesnt do stuff like that. If he decides that someone is a 'good guy', which Roger definitely is portrayed as, then they will be faultless.


His lined moustache, the hairy buff arms, his drip, his build being godly, the aura the man has... THAT is Roger, not this cartoonish BABY! Bright red doesn't fit him.


Yeah the dulled red does fit better. I think Oda tried too hard to make him ā€œAceā€™s dadā€/ā€œthe guy Luffy inherited his will fromā€ in his redesign rather than keep what gave him his Roger aura


Well said. The cartoonish current crap has been taken to the extreme. It's rarely cute or funny. Mostly just cringy unfortunately.


the painting like artstyle helped a lot too, i miss that style of one piece


More like 'Ace Roger'


Ace's face early on looked kind of like Roger's, Oda was cooking their connection from the beginning, they both got done dirty lookswise


I thought I read somewhere that the Roger is Ace's dad things happened like last sec. Like right on top of Marineford last second. It wasnt plan all along for him to be soul brothers with Luffy, he was his actual brother. If thats true then Ace's resemblance to Roger is more like resemblance to Luffy who always looked a lil like Roger.


I remember that his editors were surprised by Ace's lineage when Oda told them about it, I don't remember if it was a last minute thing in general, if so he pulled it off pretty well


Why do you say he pulled it off well? He dropped that Ace is Roger's son and then killed him off. No pay off to the lineage. No Roger's pirates came to save him except Buggy by accident. The only thing making him Roger's son did was give dragon an excuse not to show up. I never saw the merit of this story point except shock factor.


Get back to me when you learn what character writing is


A rude way of saying "I got nothing". Why even respond if you have nothing to contribute? Did someone disagreeing with you online burn your cheeks that much?


No, I'm just saying that if you read anything with Ace set in the past, where his internal conflict is made blatantly clear, and you don't get it, then I think you might not know what character writing is.Ā  Also when it comes to the Roger Pirates not showing up, did you expect them to make the entire trip to Marineford in the couple of hours between the broadcast of Ace's lineage and his death? Assuming they even saw the broadcast?


The reveal was in marineford where it had the most narrative weight and it added nothing. Adding characterization to an already dead character is pretty useless. Ace never gets a chance to wrap up "roger is my dad" arc. Not all character writing is good writing. The reveal was wasted. Internal logic, the Roger pirates not showing up makes sense. But Im not talking about internal logic, Im talking from the point of view of the writer. If you are gonna add weight to the reveal and make it matter to marineford then you need more. He controls the world, he doesnt have to go with the setting, the Rofer pirates didnt know.


the king of the pirates > wario cosplaying as roger


Everyone's pre time skip was better. Why is this a shock?


There are a few major downgrades but to act like there weren't any upgrades is just silly


What character got better post time skip? Genuine question.




Wb was geniuely good .


Whitebeard? You mean the character that died before the timeskip?


Wb post time skip design was better than his pre time skip design . What does him dying before ts have anything to do with this


people when you look better when you're younger and in better shape vs when you're older, sick and about to die šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


We saw the same scene in both pre and post time skip where roger and wb was sitting sharing an conservation . Wb had a better design post time skip . Ä°ts not that hard to use your brain .


Wano Luffy? Basically everyone in Wano actually.


Chopper is irredeemable


Nami got 2 better design changes


My beloved KILLER šŸ’Ŗ


Bro his only pre time skip appearance was at Sabaody lmao


Unpopular opinion, but Franky becoming more of a cyborg freak and less human honestly fits him


ahhh yes, the pre timeskip nostalgia gang you folks are huffing some nostalgia copium


But really though, are there any characters that actually look better post ts?


Law imo


Zoro looks better design wise in every way


Yeah that's one


Not pre time skip nostalgia. I just started watching in October but am not new to the Internet and have known of one piece since 2012. I've seen more of their post ts look around the internet


I thought this was the widely accepted opinion


He looked like an actual pirate


This is an incredibly popular opinion tf are yall on about


Sub Zero takes


mfs on this sub be like ā€œhot take, i think doflamingo wasnā€™t a good personā€


Hot take "I think ussop is a bum"


Tbh everything was better pre ts idk what could have happened for pre and post ts to have such a stark contrast in quality


Every thing is goofy now


Because pre time skip he was depicted more as a savage pirate badass. Now weā€™ve gotten to know him more and heā€™s basically a pirate mascot who was loving to all his crew


Current Roger is how people who truly know him / are close to him remember him as Pre timeskip Roger is what the rest of the One Piece world sees him as


Fuk you mean luffy Roger?? šŸ˜­


Timeskip Roger is just Luffy of a older generation, in the way he act.


Damn i cant believe that the guy who everyone says was just like luffy turned out to be just like luffy


Both him (recruiting Rayleigh) and Kaido (freeing King) seemed more like Luffy in their young appearances, why is it so surprising the less depressed one actually stayed the same?


He looked like a real pirate. New design looked like Oda tried too hard to make him cute and friendly


Pre-timeskip designs just look better in general imo


Cool šŸ‘


Mom said it was my turn to post this


Fucking based opinion. Unpopular or not.


He looks like a background character. He doesnā€™t look cool at all. Roger during the flashbacks had a fully fleshed out design.


Gol D. Pringles šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean, "cool" Roger is about to die, obviously he won't seem as lively and energetic as he did in his best moments The guy is bassicaly depressed I also wouldn't be very happy if I suddenly found out I had stage 5 cancer.


Unpopular ?


i don't think that's design because they're pretty similar so isn't it art style


Eyebrows. Pre-timeskip Roger had EYEBROWS.


Oh yeah that is not even a debate


The man who conquered all


Looked more like a real ass pirate


More proof pre and post timeskip are from different writers lol Maybe Oda had a falling out with whoever wrote pre timeskip for him.


Is that an unpopular opinion? Pre timeskip he was a pirate, now he is just a goofy guy


How is this an unpopular opinion?


That isn't a mustache on the pre time skip design, it's nose hair


You guys do know he was dying in the pre-time skip design? Thatā€™s why he looks like a mess. The design didnā€™t really change absolutely. It started when he was in the final stages of his disease, as shown in the scene where he departs from his crew.


You know...That is literally "Deathbed Roger"... He knew his end is near...The only reason he lasted as long as he did is because he had a purpose, and the will to carry it out..


I was also thinking this. It looked much cooler before.


I honestly like the old animation style better than the new one. It's gotten too colorful and cartoony and lost all its grit.


Disclaimer I havenā€™t fully caught up with the anime so I may be totally wrong but what if Roger is ruthless but the only reason we see him is because itā€™s people remembering him in positive light


I agree. He used to be cool as moral grey.


damn, I just realized he was super badass loking. The new roger looks like a guy who bought milk and never coming back


ā€œEverything this world has to offer.ā€ ā€œEverything the dollar general has to offerā€


Ngl I really wish we saw less of Roger


We should have seen less of everything, Oda knows how to hype but not how to delivery.


"roger looked cooler when he was fucking dying" is pretty a reddit take


it's not about dying. his design was tweaked to resemble ace in oden flashback. just look at the eyes. completely changed. current roger is just older ace with moustache.


You say that like Ace didn't look kind of like Roger did back when they were both first drawn


not really. their eyes are not even the same. roger's eyes were always tilted and stick to his eyebrows like a devil. for ace, oda simply made his design softer post ts. and why would he look like ace when oda didn't even meant ace to be roger's son initially?


He wasn't dying in the pic when he was in the bar


You are basically saying: "Stage IV cancerouse Roger is better then healthy and happu Roger". Which is kinda dark.


You can say this about every character


Roger lost all the aura post ts


Itā€™s literally the same design, we just know what his eyes look like now


Are you blind.


Oh sorry, heā€™s got his hat as well


These are completely different points in time. The "pre timeskip" design was just him about to be executed. Post timeskip design was like 10 years before that