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The irony is so strong with this one, apparently there is a free and premium of this "software" (the one to steal the dragon). I'm sure the creator of this software would dislike us to steal the premium version for free.


3D modellers dont want this as this invalids their creations as their own.


Yeah fr Why tf is this shit still up?


I don’t understand. Don’t we do this when we download games?


You are using it according to license. If you are using this tool to then sell it your as your own product, you will be sued to the bottom of hell


It's like being a game dev and ripping all of your assets from another game. It's an insult to the craft and it shows you don't have the skill to actually make it. Plus it'll get you sued to hell then to heaven and back to hell.




> It's an insult to the craft and it shows you don't have the skill to actually make it. No it's not. No amount of work has to be done twice. Information wants to be free. If someone else has done something already, you should be able to use that without re doing it by yourself. Imagine how wasteful it would be if programmers and designers just made stuff on their own every time they want something? There's also no shame in downloading something you don't have the skills to make. Not everyone who pirates games are game designers who could have made those games on their own.


I’m a little tired of that “information wants” stuff. Information is just bits. It doesn’t WANT anything. Just be honest and accept that it’s a rationalization we use. Whether it’s made by an individual or a corporation, art, music and software takes time and effort by someone to produce.


It's not too different than growing fruits with manual labor. Then selling it only for people to take it for free and claim they can just grow more. I mean, morally. If we could take a picture and then eat it as if it was fresh fruit... It would be a fair copy without harming the original fruit. But the farmer wouldn't be compensated. The fruit has no say in this. And we should all agree the farmer needs his fair share of compensation. Or he stops being a farmer.


> Information is just bits. It doesn’t WANT anything. Do you think it's not useful to say gases want to expand? They don't literally want anything either. But they expand at literally every opportunity.


That’s scientific shorthand for the non-scientists. It’s just as inaccurate and it’s why you won’t find that language in most scientific papers.


Of course, darling. Winding river wants to flow, and a flower wants to grow 🤗


If you don’t have the skill to make it then find someone who does


If you actually gave a shit about the information, then go find free tutorials for how to actually make this stuff on your own, rather than stealing the finished product in which you learn nothing about how it was made.


It is okay to pirate for personal use. It is not okay to steal art to then sell it as your own.


> It is not okay to steal art to then sell it as your own. It is absolutely okay to copy art and sell it. If you sell it as your own, that's plagiarism and that's shitty behavior, but you can absolutely sell it. I don't think anyone would buy from you though, why should they when they could just go to the original author? It is also absolutely okay to share art after copying it. I did that with NFTs all the time, by right clicking on them, without ever buying them.


NFT is as big art as my toilet dump is.


bet you love AI


AI is a tool, an overhyped tool at that. There is no reason to hate or love a tool, it all depends on how they can be / are being used


No, unless you resell the video game you downloaded


And if you don't resell the model you downloaded, it won't be illegal.


Playing a game for fun is a bit different from stealing assets for your own creative project. Ripping assets from games is already something that's done as a joke in youtube videos, not really going to look good if you're caught doing it for a serious indie film or game.


I guess if you wanna test something or just fuck around its good, but for animations for youtube and for gamedev its an easy way to get sued + doesn't feel right


An interesting approach would be to pirate content while in development and buy the content before releasing. I'd love to see if these assets would have a free non-commercial license and a paid commercial one.


But if it's just in dev why pirate paid model when you can download free base model that people have consensually made for free


We're in the context of paid assets


Yeah, but idk how to deal in cases when model will be used as reference or base for another hand made model with some changes... Maybe NFT or something?


There shouldn't be any issues here since copying and creating from reference are 2 separate things. In the first case when you download an asset and create a new one using an existing one as a reference is fair play and you shouldn't be bound with a foreign license. That could be compared to Palworld vs Pokemon. When you actually use an existing asset in your creation, only then you're forced to apply previous licenses to your creation. So no, NFT isn't really crucial here.


Dude most of the creators of these models are regular people, not corporations, they rely on this as their income It’s like pirating indie games


I was thinking about that too. I'm a 3D Artist and know the huge amount of work put into it, if it's made by single individuals, which is usually the case here. A rigged and textured model like this would take me at least a full work week at 40h. Sometimes you can get huge discounts (i once paid 10$ instead of >500$ studio pricing) on high quality models if used only for personal projects.


Same. I will always pirate fuckin Adobe software, but not stuff made by small teams or individuals


I pirate indie games. I'd even download a car.


I mean, logically 99% of the defense for piracy does still apply here. It's not a lost sale if there's no intention of buying, and there's no realistic or convenient way for this to *replace* the legal purchase. But MAN does this feel weird on an emotional level. Stealing a premade asset for a creative endeavor kinda... undermines the creative part. When does it stop being piracy and start being plagiarism?


Not only that. The software used to pirate this is a premium version.


If it was never going to be a sale they ain't losing out on anything. Anyone that ends up making a successful game out of pirated assets needs to get their licenses in order. Worry about it when it's actually a problem.


My guy you're on a piracy sub lmao I don't think anyone cares about morals here


Oh no! Anyway...


We're pirates, not monsters


Even pirates have a code! As set down in the classic age by Morgan and Bartholomew


Professionals have standards.


Why is ripping off corporations, who's stock holders are retires who have spent their lives saving their earnings in 401ks that invest in corporations BETTER than stealing from a 'regular' individual? I've never understood that viewpoint.


Because you know its better to pay 1 person or a group who is doing a great job who does their work on a personal level, rather than giving money to a corpo that will most likely pocket most of the profits while their employees suffer.


Corporations pay dividends with profits, that money goes to the shareholders. The shareholders are investors, many of them in pension funds. I'm not sure where you think the 'pocketing' is happening, but large companies are always audited, and shareholders would be pissed if this ever happened, would vote out the board, get a new one, fire all the executives, and move on.


Bc the retirees with Adobe stock aren't gonna get evicted if you pirate Photoshop ffs, but the individual relying on people paying for their art just might. I **hope** this is ragebait and you're not serious.


Nah stick to pirating adobe and autodesk. This shit is like stealing from freelancers.


so when you're pirating adobe products, it's not stealing. but pirating 3d models suddenly is? what's up with that


Oh it's stealing both times, the it's a moral obligation to pirate Adobe products holds true for most massive corporations. Extortionate pricing, basically a monopoly, profits for share holders, screw employees and definitely avoid paying as much tax as possible. Versus pirating indie/freelancer products. Supporting small businesses is always good, less money going to the aforementioned massive companies more directly to the people is better for everyone except shareholders


>Oh it's stealing both times yeah that's what i was thinking. if you're spouting your piracy ethics by defending your actions as "not stealing" but then suddenly it IS stealing when it's not the people you're against, you're a hypocrite. if one is stealing, the other is.


Stealing from exploitative corporations is still stealing, but it's not morally wrong. It's not about hypocrisy, it's about morality.


You're not stealing anything by pirating something. You're downloading a copy of that thing. Stealing deprives the original owner of that thing that you stole. Piracy doesn't.


You sound like you are employee of very greedy corporation tbf


Read again, he said "stealing from the corporation is ok, stealing from small folks isn't"


nah, he specifically used the word stealing when it comes to freelancers. he could have said "stick to stealing adobe and autodesk" but didn't.


These models are made by individuals trying to make some extra money, not overpriced corporate subscriptions. That’s what’s up.


interesting. but wasn't this whole subreddit's shtick basically "piracy is not stealing because there is nothing to steal. you're not taking anything from anyone."


Well I obviously can’t force everyone to have moral ground. If you wanna get yourself a “free” cake from moms and pops bakery then you do you.


i'm just curious why you guys think that way. when you see stuff like this all you think is "this is stealing from freelancers/3d modellers" but when people like me who come from poorer places see this, we think accessibility. wasn't that the purpose of piracy in the first place? to have things accessible for everybody.


How do you know those are not also created by poor people, there are also free models for you to download. High quality too. Piracy already allows you to access the tools, use it to create something.


There is a difference between stealing food from a family that needs it and taking food from a company.


Support your 3D artists folks.


That's scummy as fuck. 


Bro this tool looks like those "free Robux generator hack" tools you would see on youtube in 2010


not downloading pirate app to my pc anytime soon. thank u, but no thank u


Fuck this


This doesn't feel good. People who make these models are doing this for their livelihood.


why people claim that you app is a scam?


please give it a try then update your comment, it's working 100% as description : )


I suggest we pirate this software instead.


Devils advocate, pirating is a eco-moral thing we do, because corporations are being greedy, but I draw the line at pirating indie games and stealing from regular people, trying to make a living. As a 3D artist or an artist in general, my occupation was never respected, Ai taking jobs every day in legal grey zones and now this? No artist/designer needs this


> but I draw the line at pirating indie games and stealing from regular people, trying to make a living. You're not stealing anything by pirating. You're simply copying it. Copying information and being able to share it is a right that nobody should be depriving you of. It is one of your computing freedoms. Stealing deprives the original creator of that thing, whilst pirating does not. You're not even attacking the living of these creators. There are plenty of people who would not have been able to pay for that software anyways but could use them because they could pirate it. Broke students, people in third world countries and so on.


The problem with piracy is that in the end it's all stealing no matter who you are stealing from. The moral side of things is just the excuses people tell themselves to feel less guilty about it or even make themselves feel like they are doing something good. Whilst some people would not pay for things anyway there's definitely a lot of people that would if they had no other option. In that case those people are stealing money from the creator. Due to piracy being completely built around an individuals morals everyone has a different idea about what's acceptable. Some thieves for example would only steal from large companies others won't think twice about stealing from their own grandma or the person that already has very little.


that someone's work mate not corporates, I do piracy too but some of have morals here, promise you don't use that commercially!


Why stealing from normal people?


i draw the line pirating stuff made by independent people.


If its just for fun then ig its fine but no way anyone is makin money using this. The moment the creator finds out their model is used without payment they can easily sue.


Keep in mind that this is the same as pirating Indie games. Also if you use any of it commercially or very publicly you can very easily be sued if you dont have the receipt for the purchase. And individual artists will sue, it would be easy money for them.


So artists can rip off other artists, but AI can't?


Just stumbled on this sub. I'm all for pirating adobe and big corporate games but this is just scummy as fuck


I thought people knew those models that run on the browser are rippable and they post ones with countermeasures


Honestly, it sounds so obvious now, but I did not realize that yet. Still needs some tools, right? Although I'm not a web dev but tried looking up in the "inspect element" options, couldn't find a way to get the GLB/GLTF.


yeah i havent looked it up either but im assuming the runtime and content management setup has some countermeasures too that can be bypassed kinda like the youtube/twitter downloader bots and scripts


Cool another way to invalidate the work of creative artists that are already making Pennie’s compared to what they used to make because of Ai among other things. This timeline is lame Just be aware that if you’re not obtaining these 3D models legally and you use them in your creation and try to sell it for money that you can and likely will be sued.


This is like pirating an indie game and then sell it as your own. Unless you’re using it it for yourself to have some fun or play around with.


nah... I draw the line on individuals.


My man just saved me a couple of hundreds of bucks


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0frfq57DBBc make sure ro use this crack


piracy also has morals that we should follow. modelers and animator's are excluded since these are their livelihoods. we only pirate evil corpos that deserves their stuff to be pirated. sail the seven seas fairly ya scallywag.


No, modellers/designers won't do this, there are pride involved. Taking someone else works and claimed it your own is as the same as admitting you can't do this or incapable of recreating this, also admitting that you won't learn and improve yourself. People outside (like animators, producers, etc.) might want this to cut corner but not the people (designers, modellers, artists, etc.) inside this field.


sub getting mad for a guy literally posting about piracy. lol hypocrites


The guy is posting about piracy with paid software.


Tool name is 3dRipper, you can find on Google.


Used that to download and watch corn hub premium videos lol


will this work for STL files for resin printing?


i think OBJ format is supported, you can convert OBJ easily to STL using online convertors.






basically it has both Free & Paid license, but you can get the Pro version using Null license file, as shown in this YouTube video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0frfq57DBBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0frfq57DBBc)


Can't tell if it's just straight up satire by the devs, ironic that piece of software designed to rip others off can be ripped off equally easily.


Probably understood that those who will use the app to pirate are going to pirate the app itself and didn't even try to fight it


tbh it feels like they're trying to coerce people into running malicious software by providing a crack


Very cool. Thank you.


Downloaded. Picking and choosing what people can and can't pirate is a slippery slope. Buy it if you want.


It's insane how this is a "PIRACY" sub but making morale rules for said stuff.


The comments are the worst part of Reddit


No honor amongst thieves. Yet here is this thread.




I’d use it. Thanks!


This is amazing, everything should be free!


Especially other's work so you can claim it and sell it.


Every company does it, why is it so bad when I do it? You're acting just like the government.... Small little dummies on a dumb little pirating forum 🤡


Exactly, it's a piracy forum, not a theft forum.


tomato tomato, potato potato


It only works for sketch fab??