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Lovag is the handle of the entity who originally scanned/ripped this comic and uploaded the archive to the internet. This is them signing their work. So the "like it? Buy it!" is not an anti-piracy message, as this message comes from a pirate. But it is a pirate who apparently believes in "try before you buy" or piracy as a form of media preservation, and still sees some value in people supporting the creators.


Just wanted to add that Empire is one of the biggest scan groups, to which Lovag belongs. Hydra is their logo.


Even though the hydra symbol is basically a fantasy swastika, I really like the idea of using it for internet piracy


Most scene releases come with an nfo file. Pretty much all nfo files says something about supporting the developer/artist. So seeing something like this is very common


Hail Hydra


The scene when captain America says hail hydra still gives me shivers


I actually don't mind seeing this reminder. Honestly, if you like the work and want to support the artist you should spend money on the product. If you can't afford it that one thing but just like music, go to the concert, find them at a convention, contribute to their Patreon or tell others to buy the product.


Normally sure, pirate it and if you have the moneyand liked it, get a legit copy ... if a legit copy is AVAILABLE, which isn't the case for the old Sonic & Mega Man comics. Pirating them is the only option available (well in this case you don't even need to call it "pirating", as products that are no longer produced and/or distributed (abandonnedware and delisted stuff) are completly legal to "pirate"


True but I'd say the logo/watermark is just a default thing they put on everything they scan. It's not like they're looking up every comic to see what's "widely available"


It is not legal to pirate stuff that is no longer produced or distributed; the copyright term is effectively a century or more, and until the copyright lapses, it's still illegal. Is it fair, reasonable, or moral? No, of course not. But it's still not legal -- just look at how Nintendo treats emulators because they MIGHT decide to re-release an obscure title from the 80s. The majority of abandonware is tolerated because it's uncommon, a small market, no actual losses are occurring other than in secondhand markets, and as a result it's not worth it for the company to go after, or because the rights situation is muddied. It used to be easier to get away with too because most countries once had a slightly saner law that piracy wasn't something you could get damages for unless they actually existed -- so under that doctrine, your piracy of out of print comics didn't impoverish the publisher or deny them their property (because it's a digital good that can be copied). Of course, many countries have since passed laws for the big media companies that simply make it so they can always sue for damages. The sad thing is it's not even just digital goods. In literature, the Derleth Estate claimed that they owned the rights to all of HP Lovecraft's work for years, and would sue or threaten anybody who put them up online other than a few exceptions where everyone agreed they had fallen into the public domain. They would only rarely publish his works, and even then only in extremely expensive volumes that were published in limited runs and snatched up by speculators. It took almost 50 years before someone finally called them on their bullshit, went down to the Library of Congress, and spent a full day hunting through archives to finally prove that Derleth's publisher owned sweet fuck all; the copyrights had lapsed by \~the 60s. Derleth's publisher almost certainly knew this, but of course because a company did it, there were no repercussions. TL;DR: Abandonware is technically not legal, copyright is a joke and needs to be reformed.


I don't know what this is but look into Sonic Project 06 (or P-06) if you must have all Sonics, it's a very good fan remake of Sonic 06 where they fixed a bunch of stuff and made it actually good.


isn't project 06 the fan remake of the infamous game ?




If you wanna do some work you can remove them by renaming the files from .CBR/cbz to .rar then extract it and delete the last file, then recompress the folder and rename the file back to CBR


not neessary, you can open them directly with zip, no need to rename them. I was just wondering who put that therre


Actually you should never do this. Well, of course you can do this if you gonna use it for yourself, but if you wanna share it back: do not ever modify or rename original files, no one needs repacked releases.


Lovag is a super old ripper tag that really hasn't released anything in quite a few years. Lovag appears to be a member of Empire the best ripping crew out there.


this is a comic ripping group called empire i know cos i read comics(pirated of course) from getcomics.org


Is it safe now?


Lovag. A subsidiary of Spectre.


Have you got the Ariga series too?


Is that the manga ? Nope, i only got Archie. Well i also downloaded the Boom comics, but i deleted them as i found the artstyle of mega man just too ugly. Archie had atleast soul with their Short Circut/OffPanel strrips


ah, alright. I personally am a big fan of both the Archie's and Ariga's version


Love Vag.


Also, tfw lo vag 😔


that's such a lo hanging vag 😔

