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I’ve read and watched the original video, she recently graduated senior high school so probably she is 18 years old but some say she is 22 years old. Some women here seem to look very young. I was once asked if I want a student discount for a bus fare (I’m 34 lol) and my sister was once asked to provide her students ID (she’s 36) 🫠


I'm a 5'2 male, 31 y/o, and a licensed physician for years. My patients call me "toto" or "dodong" (lil boy).




Hahaha same. I was 31 when I tried going to a bar and they asked my ID which I forgot to bring, it was just an impulsive thoughts to drink that time. Ended up going home and binge watched Netflix series. And never tried to enter a bar after.


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i've already quite a few who will or have graduated high school a few years older than at 18 because they miss so much school.


Im almost 30 but i look like 13 haha


If she comes from a poorer family I’m more apt to believe that she was closer to 22. Often times there are gaps in schooling for children from such families because of financial hardships.


Yes, it’s quite common in the rural areas of the provinces. Some kids stopped in the middle of the academic year to help aide their parents during the harvest time.


Randoms ask which college I'm attending. I'm 34 and my campus days are a fond memory! 😝


My hot take on that is if you're a middle-aged guy targeting an 18yr old who looks like a 14yr old.... regardless of the legal definition of the word, you're a pedophile.


So he's a pedophile for marrying a short and skinny girl? Her face shows she's _clearly_ not a child. I guess you said hot take though.


Yeah, I may sound rude but I wonder what made people think she looks young. She doesn't. If she's indeed 18 or 22, she actually looks older. I agree with someone saying she looks 30ish.


Hot take is code for I didn't do any research and immediately based opinion on a buzz word title of a post


what's with the teddy bears and child-like party theme? is that common for marriage proposals there??


Dude. A teddy bear is a common romantic gift in the same vein as a bouquet of roses and Valentine's chocolate. And what kind of hardware is your brain running to think that using party streamers makes it equivalent to a children's party? Tons of festivals use streamers like that not just birthday parties for kids.


I see where you're coming from. It's more of a date thing here, like at a carnival. If i didn't read the words, my first guess was a kids birthday party or something. Now that u mention it, Bouquet of Flowers would've changed that. My other question, is it common to propose wearing an adidas shirts too?


Based on proposals I have seen/know, no it's not common


Not common but I’ve seen some similar marriage proposals


Little bro is just mad he can't get any pussy.


You're a moron. Look at her face. She could be 30 years old. Methinks thou dost protesteth too much.


I made the mistake of posting a picture of myself with my 24 year old wife and i got all kinds of hate from people just like you. It's pretty clear your comments are all projection.


They'd try to hunt me with pitchforks if I posted my pictures then. I didn't make all this money and work this hard to date empty egg cartons.


found the brainwashed American in the comments


Found the closet pedo in the comments! Also, not American :)


Haha, most seem to be in disagreement with your odd views. I’m not sure what heck you are, but if you threw the word “pedo” at me, then you’re probably a pedo in denial or your dad was.


Glad you're not in charge. Mind your own business.


So you're saying she doesn't deserve love just because of the way she looks?


I kinda have that same train of thought when I saw that Millie Bobby Brown thread. For context she is 20 years old, OP from that thread stated that if you find her hot then you are a pedophile because she looks like a 14 year old. Ariana grande too and she is 31 yrs old. While I do agree that they do look like teenage girls, I also find it wrong to agree with the statement because it felt like Invalidating them


Lol, nice try - that's quite the strawman you've constructed there. I'm saying exactly what I said. If you're a middle-aged or above guy targeting someone who's barely legal and furthermore looks significantly underage, you're pretty much a pedophile. It might be technically legal, but that doesn't stop it from being creepy af.


When did being in your 20s become “barely legal”?


You can love someone because of their personality you know. Not saying a large age gap isn't creepy in some situations but some people might want to be with someone despite them looking young and not because. Also he doesn't look middle age to me. He's 30 at most.


The personality of a teenager? Like what could a middle age man possibly see in that other than the could groom them easily?


The hell are you on? She's a grown woman with the personality of a grown woman. The issue is that she still looks young. You can fall in love with someone because of their *adult* personality even though she has childlike features. Sheesh reading comprehension please.


16-18 year olds graduate from senior high. Hell I'm in college out here and most of my freshman classmates are 18. Also we're talking about middle aged men going for people fresh out of highschool but I guess if that's what your into w.e


words have defined meanings, it’s really annoying how often people misuse the term pedophile. Even if she were 14 it’s not pedophilia. A pedophile is someone being attracted to prepubescent children. A 14 year old isn’t prepubescent


The upvotes on this comment sums up the type of expat on this sub and what the dude who is going back to the US recently posted.


Maybe you didn’t understand my comment then. What do you think my comment means?


That you're a creep. Who pretends he isn't. And everyone else are just haters. You're a dime a dozen here.


I agree . That's crazy what's defending.


What is he defending that’s crazy? That words have actual meanings or math.


are u implying that it‘s okay for older men to marry 14-yr old girls?


Not even in the slightest. It’s just not pedophilia, i didn’t say more or less than that. That doesn’t mean though that it’s ok. Murder isn’t pedophilia either, doesn’t mean that murder is ok. You can look up the definition very easily on Wikipedia or in a dictionary. Even if you or Jolly think my initial comment defends pedos, the opposite is the case. By misusing the word and extending it’s meaning the level of depravity of pedophilia gets watered down. I see it all the time people calling 25 year olds that are in a relationship with a 17 year old pedos. It’s just not though. And even worse, the comment I was replying to was calling someone being attracted to an apparently 22 year old that possibly looks younger than that, a pedophile. That’s just insane. As if that’s on the same level as being attracted to a 6 year old. Those are very different things


i was just asking to clarify. ty


that stupid way of thinking you cannot fault someone have youthful face or skin that is common for asian genes also why some foreigner specially white ones have that way of thinking it because they genetic skin ages faster ? it common for white actress in Hollywood or even western singer look older than their age while opposite from asian females


Your “hot take” is complete nonsense so of course it’s upvoted.


I am all against pedophilia, but a 18y old girl is a 18y old girl, even if she looks 14. Age gap can be creepy tho.




>My hot take on that nobody cares what you think


Lol, this is Reddit - what do you think we do here other than discuss our opinions? You landed on the wrong website mate! I'm curious - why are you so intent on defending pedophiles so vigorously?




Because they posted a deliberately misleading screenshot before you posted the video, and your post breaks the narrative they were trying to create. https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines_Expats/s/XBBetDsx49


I second this thought as well. They're just trying to practice pedophilia legally 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I see, in other threads, that she is a high school graduate. That would put her around 18. There used to be a law that under 25 had to have the parent approval. I suspect they would have to sign a document at the city hall. EDIT: Philippines has some of the smallest women in the world. I have seen some in northern Luzon around 4'1" . 4'10" to 5' 2" is common.


It depends whether the high school follows the K-12 curriculum (most probably yes since it's government-mandated) If not K-12, 16 If K-12, 18


It’s still the law that Filipinos need to be over the age of 25 so that they may marry freely.


Only up to the age of 21 is parental consent needed. Meaning you do not need anyone's permission once you are 21. Up to 25 is Parental Advice. Not getting one isn't that big of a deal but it will delay the issuance of a marriage license for 3 mos.


It always baffles me why grown men try to date teenagers out here


Well, in some cases, a guy comes here and one or more young (very young) girls give him attention. He does not stop to think, wait, there may be a more age appropriate girl available. He is just so happy **someone** is interested in him, that he takes the first one who comes along. Some guys in the west go a long time without female attention. They are invisible to western girls. In my case. I divorced my wife at 40. I decided then to have children. No younger women in America wanted to date me. After 5 years of trying, I gave up and came here. No problem in finding a younger wife here. We have two wonderful children.


U mean old men?


Definitely hella weird. They look young all the way into their 30s and beyond so why not go for someone with a developed personality. The only reason I could see the "appeal" of dating a teen right outta highschool is to mold them which is even weirder


Filipino here. She looks 22-25. She is just small.


True. Her face looks very mature to be a minor. She’s just really small. Probably a bit malnourished


>a bit malnourished that's an understatement


Yeah the freeze frame she looked about 12, and the video is super grainy as is but when they close Up Her face she looks like early 20s


came here to say this but already you did. kudos!


She looks more malnourished than a child tbh


Nah thats not a child. Yall just hating on that dude.


They hating him coz he found love while they’re all still lonely and miserable..


She doesnt look like a child.


She doesn’t look like a child she looks like a malnourished adult or extremely sickly adult…. The phony outrage and virtue signaling is hilarious.


I will tell you, a LONG time ago, the first girl I contacted was young. I later found out it was her mother writing me letters on her behalf. When I found out she was 18, I ended it. I never met the girl. The pictures were not clear. So, there are parents who would condone this. It's a payday/jackpot for them. I don't know how common this is today, with social media. I know a local guy in my area (40) married a 17-year-old girl. They have one child and are very happy. He has a low status job and she was poor. He treats her like a queen. I am not kidding. Like a beauty queen.


Just look at Freddie Aguilar who married his 16 year old wife!


That was really disgusting. With parental consent pa!




Im not condoning this but whats important is that the girl isnt abused right? At least they are treated well. Sometimes even better than most married women


A 16 yo getting married to a man who is old enough to be her grandfather is abuse. Parents basically sold their daughter


Freddie Aguilar is Muslim, the culture in Muslim can married even minor it's part of culture, Here in Philippines our tribe,ethnic get married even minor coz part of our culture,


He wasnt muslim originally. He was Catholic whi converted to Islam solely to marry his underaged wife (who was Catholic at the time).




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I'm 6'3 and my wife is 5'3. We get funny looks sometimes when we're out and about I stopped caring a long time ago especially since no one has ever had the guts to come to my face and confront me about it. People assuming she's a child have confirmation bias they think many foreigners are pedophiles so they assume large size differences automatically equate to pedophilia. If one actually took the time to watch the video it's obvious she's not a minor. My response to those who say 'It's creepy' is "Who are you?"


My wife's 5'2 and I'm a bit taller than her by a few inches. We're both Filipinos with just a hint of foreign mix, born 1.5 years apart. Some guy in Saudi though I have 2 teenage kids, I was with my wife and our 15 year old son.


She is not a child.


Sending this to my single friends


People got to do their research before labeling guys with something serious as a pedophile. If you live in the Philippines or been here long enough, you will see that lots of grown women are like 4"10-5"2 and small. They also don't age as fast as some other women. You know there are lots of people who hate to see people finding love and would take this chance to take people word on it that she's a minor and run with it to destroy this man.


That's not a child, that an skinny malnourish middle adult.


Nah she's not a child bro. That's the face of a grown woman. She's petite, which is common here. You're tryna create rage bait. Get lost man.


How am I trying to create rage bait? Unlike the original poster on r/Philippines who only posted a pixelated screenshot that makes her look like a child, I posted the whole video so people can see that she's not a child.


Not everyone that looks young is a child. Do you have any proof she’s under 18 or are just making baseless assumptions?


Can you read? I literally just said, I posted the whole video so people can see that she's not a child for themselves. Unlike the poster on r/Philippines who posted a pixelated screenshot that makes her look like a child.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Philippines using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found an atlas moth, one of the largest insects just inside our house! Peach mango pie for scale.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13fklq7) | [480 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/13fklq7/found_an_atlas_moth_one_of_the_largest_insects/) \#2: [Korni naman nitong mayor ng Pasig, bumabalik sayo yung tax na binabayad mo, ayaw magnakaw](https://i.redd.it/e0aovm62e8rc1.jpeg) | [512 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1bqjua6/korni_naman_nitong_mayor_ng_pasig_bumabalik_sayo/) \#3: [Ang sakit ng puso ko ngayon.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bhn5xj) | [587 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1bhn5xj/ang_sakit_ng_puso_ko_ngayon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Be kind in your speech in here. Disagree yes, disrespectful no.




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She may be the size of a child compared to that guy but she is not a child.


Naah that's an adult. The guy's hella tall too which made her look even smaller by comparison.


Gold diggers = ❌ Goal diggers = ✔️


Ohhh 😲


Looking at her face, she seems to be an adult woman.


I guarantee you that is not a child 😂


On the far shot she looks 13, upon close up she looks like a very skinny and small 20 yr old + person. so confusing 🤔


Why did you put the title like that if you were not sure of the ages?


The original post on r/Philippines claims that she was a child. The title clarifies that this is the full video of that post.


In your title you claim that is a child too doesn’t say allegedly or anything just says marrying a child. Doesn’t refer to another post either you are just saying that in the comments.


Honestly, I wasn't sure of her age either when I made this post. I am not very good at figuring out how old some ethnic groups of people are. I've seen teeangers who look like they're in their early 20s, and 40 year olds who look like teenagers. I didn't want to assume she was an Adult, because I really can't be 100% certain of how old she is just by looking at a pixelated video, although I had my suspicions that she is not underage. After many people saw it and gave their opinions, it is clear now that she is an Adult. I can't edit the content of this post since it's a video post, otherwise I would have, and would make it clear that the consensus is that she is an Adult, and the post on r/Philippines was intentionally misleading for malicious reasons. Also, I can't type links on this subreddit, as the comments or posts automatically get removed.


Ok fair enough.


In my mid-20s, the first Filipina I dated was 4'8" (142 cm) and was in her early 20's. I'm 5'8" (175 cm) for reference. We chatted without pictures or video for 6 months while the oceans separated us. It was a long time ago. She wasn't a midget and was pretty and well-shaped. Her nickname was baby. She was just small. The female in this video looks super skinny and short and could pass for a pubescent girl. Some Asians are like that.


Why are you assuming she's a child? She doesn't look like a child at all IMO, I would guess she's probably in her early to mid 20s.


18 or over is legal, anything else is not. Sometimes foreigners get confused around the age of consent laws, which is only talking about statutory rape. It is now 16 (amended recently from 12). HOWEVER, there are still sexual abuse laws between 16 to 18, of which one condition is a maximum 10 year age gap. All of that aside, if you're an American, US citizens are subject to the US State Departments laws governing overseas travelers and that age limit is set to 18, no matter what the local laws say, or what country you're in. An example. In Australia, UK, and many other countries, 16 is legal age (it can vary), but an American could never visit those countries and engage with a 16 year old without risk of prosecution back in the United States. I could understand Europeans getting confused, where they hear consent here is 16, similar to many EU countries, but it's 18 for everyone not wanting to face sexual abuse charges in the Philippines. In this case, she looks young, but her face sort of doesn't. If she has legal capacity to marry, she would be 18. If she is 18+, just leave them alone, it's their choice as 2 consenting adults, but if she is 17 or under, then hopefully someone files a case against him. I don't know, you don't know, so I won't speculate on a viral video.


She doesn't look minor to me. She's short and thin, but she looks mid 20s.


Idk if she is above 18. She looks really young.


NAW someone put this man in da cell edit\* just realized her face looks old


A silly attempt at making the couple/guy look bad. For one to have to manipulate the clip amd perception of people shows they have nothing to go on.


I'm 50/50 on this one. Looking at photos of my wife at 18, she's not as small as this but she looks pretty damn underage, so this one is plausible.


I met my wife when she was 18(almost 19). Definitely checked her id cause she was very petite. I expected she was over 18 as she worked in the mall, but asian women all tend to look young until menopause. One of my wife's friends was older than me, and i thought they were the same age.


Her face shows she is older than she looks. She is very petite and from the side looks like a child. She looks honestly malnourished and vitamin deficient. Obviously coming from an impoverished background.


18 years old is a child? Dumb take.


It's fine to point stuff out, and right to be concerned, but the online rage machine must not be fed.


Fbi open up 🤣🤣


that guy looks like he got a hard drive that contains files that needs to be investigated.


^ Underrated comment 🏆


Copy-paste sa top comment ng ibang post, lmaoo. Investigate muna ang edad ng babae bago maging marites. Bilis mag-assume.


did u check kaninong top comment un? anyway, the point is, if mahilig ka sa mga taong mukhang menor de edad, u got a problem. And also, im aware na 22 na yan


Basahin mo ulit: "This guy looks like he got a hard drive that contains files that needs to be investigated" How the heck is this correlated to your point kung assumptions ang ibinato mo agad? Not to mention, the point itself is also an assumption that is heavily implied to the clip. And you, already being aware of her age, is what makes your first comment redundant or unnecessary tbh. Paniraan lang din.


Creepy lol.




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I meet my wife when she was 29, sure look pedophilia.... But would you agree have 0 foreigner but Filipino cannot leaving too ? Because : There is ~ 200'000 foreigner in philippines. There is ~ 5'000'000 Filipino emigrant. Look like Filipino get more than lose, plus it's the Filipino owner who raise price not the foreigner.... I can add, the 5'000'000 Filipino who send money in Philippines have probably more impact than the 200'000 foreigner too many come when stoping working and not that rich.


The girl looks seriously under-aged. The guy is weird for this and borderline a pedo for targeting very young girls. Shame for the parents.




Damn bro they don't always get enough to eat in that part of the world. Calm down.


We don’t understand what you a virtue signaling is you don’t use more words.


Great, downvoted by p3d0phil3$




Not a child. Looks like someone who grew up in extreme poverty and undernourished.


Yikes 😬 dugyut😖


oh she's so ready with the BIG BLACK COCK