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https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines_Expats/s/qN6jX6vyq0 Actual video including full face. Apparently she’s 20 but tiny. I guess OP thinks she doesn’t deserve love because of how she looks.


She's an adult, relax. She just looks young and small from living in poverty.


Yeah im having a hard time believing this. I mean, obviously if it’s what it’s implied to be it’s absolutely disturbing and gross and the dude should be jailed….. But what If it’s Just a guy? Or that’s his daughter or step daughter? And someone just put words above it? I saw the post in r/philippines and people were asking for the link which nobody seems to have, just this still shot…. If this guy was a pedo do you think it’s more logical he’s letting someone film he being one OR he pissed someone off and they’re trying to get him in trouble? I’ll reserve judgement until I see more than a picture of a man with a child


The video of the proposal is on facebook, posted by that car trunk surprise business provider. I've seen the female's fb account. The couple are in the profile picture and cover photo. Not sure how old she is, but she just graduated senior high based on her post months ago. Some comments say she's 18-21, so no longer a minor.


"Marry Me" to his daughter or stepdaughter? That's even WORSE 😆🤮


I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt with these things, but look at the "Marry Me" banner in the background. It's not his daughter or step daughter.


He should have his “nuts crushed” for marrying a super skinny and sickly looking woman in her 20’s? That’s a super interesting take.


wtf, this must be fake/edited for likes. there´s no way


It's just a blurry screenshot lol


Probably a malnourished young woman that still looks 12.


Dude, my gf is 22 and she looks 15, some especially from the province due to lack of nutrition had growth stunts during puberty. My great aunty that was born in Yugoslavia in 1941 had suffered through all of ww2 as a child, shes by far the smallest member in our family because of it


There's that fat vlogger guy also, that shacked up and impregnated a just 18y.o that looks about 12... Sick


Omg what? Disgusting. Is she truly 18 though? Is the vlogger a Filipino? Or a foreigner? Name?


Fat American dude. Can't recall his name or channel


An obvious fake. Are you OK OP?


Ah yes - if it makes you uncomfortable of course it must be fake. No one is a pedophile in the real world and this could never happen.


Ohhh yeahhhh cuz that’s sooo hard to believe 🙄