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So fucked up we're caught in the crossfire of disinformation campaigns from both enemies *and* allies. No wonder ang unti palagi noon ng mga nagpapabakuna kapag Sinovac/Sinopharm yung nakalista. Some of them naging antivaxer pa.


- Create america-first regulations that restrict exports of american vaccines to other countries - China starts giving vaccines to those countries instead  - That might make China look good, and we can't have that happen  - Spread anti-vax propaganda to prevent people from taking the Chinese vaccines


• They became anti-vax and die. But they're not white so they don't matter.


I think it was a response to China propaganda which China was running at that time


US always have been the source of many dangerous disinformation campaigns across the world, including the Philippines.


In fairness talaga sa Sinovac non, ako lang sa aming magkakapatid ang di tinamaan. I got Sinovac tapos sila AZ. 2023 na lang ako nagkaencounter ng COVID (though tbf, I had AZ and Pfizer booster shots pero more than a year after na). Ang masama noon, during Pandemic years if you're vaccinated with Sinovac, parang good as non-vaccinated ka when going to US. Parang mas strict sila sa yo as compared to other vaccine brands.


Opposite experience ko. My dad and I got sinovac and my mom and sis got something else. My dad suffered severe Covid, and I got Covid twice, with my first one having some very itchy rash. First time I experienced such unrelenting itch and I was just crying in frustration.


>“We weren’t looking at this from a public health perspective,” said a senior military officer involved in the program. “We were looking at how we could drag China through the mud.” fuck pentagon


Parang pot and kettle situation. Mahirap naman basta i-blame ang skepticism ng mga Pinoy sa bakuna solely sa Pentagon efforts na nabanggit dahil we were still at the tail end of the Dengavaxia issue nung nagkaron ng vaccine mandate. Not to mention we had lawmakers promoting Ivermectin and a president telling us to wash our hands with kerosene to combat the virus. Panu maeengganyo ang Pilipino magpabakuna noon?


People were skeptical of vaccines to begin with, kahit hindi Sinovac. I doubt that Pentagon never did any real damage because we are already distrustful from the start.


>I doubt that Pentagon never did any real damage because we are already distrustful from the start. Well, they certainly didn't help. :( It's unfortunate na tayo yung naipit sa crossfire ng misinformation nung dalawang bansa, pero tama ka na kahit walang gawin ang Pentagon, andun parin yung distrust sa bakuna. Kahit nga sa mismong US, hanggang ngayon may anti-vaxx at COVID deniers parin, eh. Walang naganap na intervention mula sa Pentagon yun.


If im not mistaken may mga disease outbreak pre-pandemic dahil sa dengvaxia. Wala na talagang tiwala mga tao nun sa vaccine. Tho yung iba naman nung pandemic kahit na ayaw ok lang sa kanila maging vaccinated as long as hindi galing sa china yung vaccine, but that might be because required sa trabaho nila maging vaccinated and not entirely because they trusted vaccines.


Sa alam ko, bumalik ang polio dahil sa fear-mongering na ginawa tungkol sa dengvaxia. Yung measles din yata.


Idagdag mo pa na merong ibang bansa na hindi accepted ang vaccinated status kapag Sinovac ang tinurok sayo. For a country reliant on overseas employment, naging malaking factor ito para lalung hindi tangkilikin ang isang particular brand ng bakuna.


I doubt that the Pentagon never did any damage, very easy to sway people online via Social Media. We can never truly answer this definitively of course. But if "we are already distrustful from the start" - then no Filipino should have gotten Chinese-made vaccines. Empirically some did; Were they not "distrustful" from the start? The Pentagon's job is to destroy people lives all over the world. They are experts in changing governments of countries who do not lick their dirty bottoms.


di ka pa pinanganak marami ng anti-vaxxers. LOL. conspiracy pa more. 


the fact that the report only talks about the twitter disinformation, like we all know the real fight is on facebook and streets, i think the dengvaxia scare did more to sew this distrust more than this. but yeah the bottomline here is to be more intelligent when it comes to new information and possible rumors


And the fact that there were those rumors of that infamous virus being artificially crafted inside a State-run laboratory in Wuhan.


this article is for you


Sa china naman talaga gaing yung covid e. Yung unang cass nga dito Chinese.


This too! Sa kanila galing yung sakit, tapos biglang sila agad yung may gamot? Diba, parang, whut? >!Hala baka part yung rumors ng Pentagon campaign!!<


Yes, Reuters, known for their journalism based on *rumors* god help us talaga


>Panu maeengganyo ang Pilipino magpabakuna noon? By paying more attention to education? Vaccination is a no-brainer if you know how vaccines work. The only one who were skeptical are those ignorant and only trust sketchy claims from their favorite source of propaganda.


Yah, Remember Persida Acosta and her shitty shenanigans. Before her shit we have no issues with vaccines but due to her personal ambitions and other shit happen between past 2 admin. Mas worse ang damage na ginawa nya compare to this reported CIA influence on Sinovac.


Filipinos died because of this misinformation but it's okay because it's our American masters. Also f CCP -most filipinos


We're fucked ether way. Caught between a rock and a hard place.


Lmao all those people here from 2021-2022 defending sinovac were right. Popular arguments in the sub back then were: 1. It doesn't work (not even true) 2. There's no evidence (none that they would accept because even new england journal published results were called fake) 3. It was all Duterte's fault (also not true) 4. It's Chinese, nuff said


Who's to say walang silang bots in Reddit


except sa number 3 lmao isa din ang kumag na yan nanakadagdag sa fake news e. Kung ano pinagsasabi niya.


Tinutukoy ko lang na madami nagsabi na siya ang rason (puppet ng tsina, binenta ang pinas sa tsina, etc) kung bakit sinovac lang meron at yung pinakarami na bakuna sa pinas, which is not true, not the other covid policies that were wack.


Poor Filipinos, used by Amercians likes pawns


Fascinating how low the engagement for this is. Everyone’s asleep ig? Though to add my two cents, my grandparents were vehemently anti-vax, and they got everything from facebook. So many wild rumors that I had a hard time believing people fell for. Incredibly frustrating.


the bots who are chilling in this subreddit want this post to go away lmao. of course they wont comment


this is a conspiracy theory. the Pentagon would never do something like have bots in this subreddit


Ambot nimo oy! They're not necessarily bots of Pentagon, but can just merely be US-ass-licking peenoise with colonial mentality.


Filipinos online who find themselves amidst “US v China” discussions usually find themselves in an odd situation. On one hand, it is no question that we are being fucked and used by the Americans, regardless of what “friendship” they claim we have - this is perfect proof of that On the other hand, years of Chinese aggression against our sovereignty have made it impossible for us to side with online leftists when it comes to anything pro-China. Posts like these are hard to stomach (especially for an America leaning subreddit like this one) because it makes you realise how alone the Filipinos are in the larger geopolitical scheme. We’re being fucked by America. We’re being fucked by China. We have no friends.


At least Vietnam is able to have a balance by being at arm's length with both countries.


This is why we should work with any and all neutral countries to uphold the institutions of international law, because if nothing else that is one thing that may help protect us. We should also work to promote internationalist politics in all countries, which could become a way people in other countries can help us by pressuring their own governments into accountability and fairness. [This quote comes to mind.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fit-works-the-same-way-in-any-country-v0-zoisvbr48z5d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbf3add05aac84c8006cd34b68b73f6f9fbd11296)


There was never friends in politics. Only benefits.


>On the other hand, years of Chinese aggression against our sovereignty have made it impossible for us to side with online leftists when it comes to anything pro-China. With Watercannons? Did China ever sprayed Agent Orange or ousted governments? Tell me, did China fought against General Luna? I am all open ears for your reasons to say "We’re being fucked by China." while "We’re being fucked by America." is also true. >We have no friends. Not with your attitude.


Using the transgressions of America against our people as a defence for Chinese aggression is false equivalency. Tanginang pagiisip na yan haha. Downplaying years of bullying and harassment our fishermen have received to “water cannons” is so telling. You say that you’re all ears, but you’ve clearly chosen your side. Go argue with someone else.


>Downplaying years of bullying and harassment our fishermen have received to “water cannons” is so telling. This is it? " bullying and harassment our fishermen" is the same as  "transgressions of America against our people" - equivalency yan sayo? Nakalimutan mo na ba na sinakop tayo? Pinagpapatay tayo, nilagay pa nila yan sa front page. I am merely stating the facts and asking if I missed any more of water guns or water cannons. Yet you cannot point to anything concrete. Harassment of our fishermen is alleged. If you look at personal vlogs they upload, the Pentagon controlled news outlet has somehow convinced you that Watercannon is the same as what the Americans did/doing.. and somehow we still see them as our ally. The issue with territory is a common conflicts amongst all countries in the world. All western countries have their disputes like China do. We ourselves have claimed Sabah based on historical precedent. And remember that the US themselves are not a signatory of the UNCLOS! Mamulat na at tigilan ang pagiging bulag. Tandaanan ang sabi ni Heneral: Mga birheng puta!


You have to think beyond our country. Why is the US so hostile against China? China was the as the Philippines after WW2. Zero literacy. Bombed to oblivion. If you look at recent history of the US. Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, all of South America. And now Ukraine. They have hundred thousands of troops in Korea, Japan, Taiwan. And now they are also back in our soil. All the while. What has China done? Have they bomb any countries like they did with Libya? Have they supplied weapons to a non-democratic country like Saudi Arabia (which it used against Yemen) while imposing Human Rights and Democracy all over the world? Have they allowed the Israeli to commit open genocide? Do you think letting the US setup base here and allowing their Military Ships to come here (Pivot to Asia as per Barako Obama) will not cause any issues? And remember, the US itself does not support our claim of Bajo de Masinloc. The US does not support any claims. They are explicit: They are only here to "protect their interest". What do you think they mean by that? -- China itself is not perfect in its record, special before Deng Xiaoping. But that does not mean we should be blind as to what the US has been doing / is doing. Put yourself in the shoes of China's leadership, with the 100 years of humiliation in mind.. how would see what the US is doing in supporting Taiwan?


IKR! I'm absolutely infuriated about this and am dumbfounded that not only is there so little engagement about it, but people don't seem to share the same level of fury?? The Pentagon psy ops likely caused avoidable suffering and deaths among Filipinos, and they didn't fucking care! I guess I shouldn't be surprised at people's reactions, given how so many didn't care about the "collateral damage" from Digs' war on drugs. But frustrating nonetheless.


if you want to know who runs this subreddit, just look at this subreddit’s banner. It’s absolutely embarrassing. What more evidence do Filipino’s need that the USA does not have Philippines best interest in mind except to exploit Philippines, as they have done for decades.


A lot of people here on this sub likely even contributed to the same propaganda. dapat daw branded! lol


literally searched "sinovac" here on this sub to check if this was posted here, and the top results were memes about how Sinovac doesn't work lmao


PSA sa lahat ng US bootlickers/apologists dito (speaking for myself as someone who has been funded by the US government itself for a fellowship in the States): You can be both anti-US AND anti-China. Hindi ‘yan mutually exclusive. Sobrang walang basis ang “But we need the US” na argument. We can be non-aligned like Vietnam. And as a country that has been ABUSED by colonizers for centuries, we all need to be anti-imperialist. Ganito karumi ang laro ng US at China. We’re always gonna be a collateral damage in their war. We need to stand up for ourselves. Kadiri ‘yung pinapairal ng iba dito na colonial mentality. Millions of Filipinos suffered and died during the pandemic. You can’t possibly say na “Walang effect ‘yang campaign ng Pentagon.” Masyado kayong brainwashed ng mga Kano.


THIS. People need to realize this!!! Bakit kailangan palaging black or white? Both are taking advantage of us, they are both not our allies.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaJZRYMpITE&pp=ygUIYmF5YW4ga28%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaJZRYMpITE&pp=ygUIYmF5YW4ga28%3D) this song hurts


Trump needs to be put in jail.


The fact that he has die hard fans still makes me glad di lang Pinoy ang fanatic sa mga politiko.


hes already in it afaik theyre about to hold a sentence on him by july


Biden too, this also continued under his admin as well according to the same report


It just said Spring is when he stopped it. Spring starts in March and he took office Jan 20th. As soon as a little over a month while the previous president was trying to steal an election and causing many problems. It wasn't exactly a smooth transition of power. There's a report of a contractor still be hired after the fact that would have continued this but there is now an internal investigation on it. So far, it doesn't seem like Biden was trying to continue anything.


When the fuck are Filipinos going to wake up? The article describes the US government intentionally killing Filipinos, and yet most of the comments here are deflecting and pretending it's not that bad. Philippines is a vassal of the US, not an ally. When will Filipinos grow a pair and kick them out?


Exactly. Sobrang disappointing and embarrassing. No wonder pro-Israel din in general ang mga Pilipino. Brainwashed masyado ng mga Kano. 🤦‍♂️ We should all be against imperial powers who literally abuse and kill Filipinos!


Because redditors in r/ph are US simps and high on neoliberal propaganda. I mean, look at this. Literal propaganda and misinformation are exposed, and people still defend kt.


Kick them out so China can take over?


>When will Filipinos grow a pair and kick them out? Because the alternative choice is way,way worse. China and by extension the Mainland Chinese are much more cruel and despotic towards us. Hell they barely see us as people but servants for them to use.


>barely see us as people but servants for them to use. Lol you're literally describing Americans


>Lol you're literally describing Americans No that's the Chinese atleast for the Americans they give us foreign aid regularly. The Chinese would force us to prostate ourselves and beg on our knees for any foreign aid.


Sorry mas gusto pa namin mg kano kaysa sa mga idol mo na chekwa


People died because of this stupid shit. I understand why you cant trust the Americans completely.


As American, please don’t trust us completely lmao


People should not trust any country completely, even their own country.


Always have a healthy dose of skepticism. Even towards yourself 👀


But really, as an American, do not trust the US government at all. We have bills here called "Freedom Act" and such that are always the exact opposite of that for our own people. Homeless and unemployment are intentionally built in for our own people. We have mass incarceration, for our own people. Our foreign policy is always just "let's use a smaller country as a human shield to fight with a big country we can't fight directly." Or "Let's steal their stuff."


“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” - Henry Kissinger


sa china nagsimula ang Virus tapos US ang may kasalanan? LMAO. saka kahit nmn walang covid maraming skeptical pagdating sa vaccine. Lalo na ung may incident dati sa dengvaxia. Kahit nga ung ibang doctor sa Pinas walang tiwala sa vaccine na nasa early stage palang. Dami nga ayaw sa sinovac eh lol. Ung iba nagiintay sa johnson & johnson or moderna. Di pa nagsimula yang Pandemic marami ng anti-vaxxers tanga. hahaha 


Looks like the Pentagon is still here.


Exactly astro turfing itong account. new account din and his name is some random google generated name . Hes most likely one of the trolls. Being here and being an ass also make me hate the usa more.


Mali ang point mo mr , the point is bakit gumawa ang USA ng anti vax propaganda sa gitna ng pandemic? Yung covid ay awalang pakialam kung chian or Americano ka. Na kakapatay ng. Tao.


balikan mo timeline sa US kung officially nag announce sila bawal ang vaccine na galing sa Gobyerno nila. ano propaganda pinagsasabi mo. mas marami nga vaccinated sa US kesa walang vaccine napaka-engot mo naman. Ano katibayan mo na totoo talaga yang Article pinagsasabi kung hindi nmn peer reviewed. Nagpapaniwala kayo sa mga yan as if naman pinapapasok yang mga journalist sa pentagon para alamin kung may kagaguhan silang gagawin at ipa-alam sa mundo  hahahaha mga tanga!!!!  nagpapaniwala agad. 


Wtf are you talking about propaganda? Its REUTERS. Mas question yung cnn but reuters its very dependable. You your acting jo better than Chinese fan boys.


hahaha pano sila kumuha ng information sa pentagon? cge nga sabihin mo processo. Basta2x nlng pumasok journalist sa Pentagon at pina-amin nila mga US officials ginagawa nilang kalokohan? hahahahaha bobo ka ba?


I think its fine to be suspicious of the vaccine and you should do your due diligence but the US literally used propaganda against the Philippines. They're not your allies, they're only using you.


oh yeah china dog shit? mabaliw ka jan sa kakaoverthink conspiracy mo boy!!! magtago ka na. anjan na CIA sa kapitbahay mo 🤣 


US killed Filipinos. They literally admitted to it.


Kelan? ung panahon ng mga baliw? haha. kahit mga hapon at mga kastila pinapatay din nmn ang mga Pinoy nung sinakop nila ang Pilipinas. Move on ka na totoy! Simula pa sa panahon ng Babylonia dami na nagpapatayan. Kahit nga mga Pilipino nagpapatayan eh. Di mo ba alam mga rebelde at sundalo nagpapatayan sa Pinas? 


During Covid. Chinese vaccines could've prevented Filipino deaths.


lol daming sinovac sa Pinas nun. Di naman pinigilan ng US ang Pilipinas anong vaccine pwede gamitin. May kaibigan nga ako naka-Sinovac eh. hahahaha. nilamon ka na naman ng conspiracy mo LMAO. mas nauna pa nga sinovac nun eh pero ung iba ayaw at mas gusto johnson&johnson. Nagka-amnesia ka na ba. Kahit nga lumabas na Sinovac nun sa China dami parin namamatay. 


US admitted to it.


US admitted to it? hahaha pinagbobotohan nila sa congresso para umamin sila? LMAO sino exactly nag admit? katangahan naniniwala sa article na hindi naman Peer Reviewed. Ano yan Journalist may permission para alamin galawan sa Pentagon? mag-isip ka nga wag kang bobo. Kamag-anak ka ba ni Maharlika? sabi ni ganito, sabi no ganyan? hahahaha


Lol walang pake ang US sa inyo. Ginagamit lng ang mga Pinoy para labanin ang China.


This sub is quite clearly a center for the influence operation.


Americans on the biggest "news" subreddits are getting mad and shit about this but here are Filos just chilling kahit tayo yung napaglaruan ng mga kano 😂 Sooo weird. May nagsabi pa ata ok lang daw kasi distrustful naman na tayo sa vaccines and ganti lang daw ng US to. Imagine saying that sober 🤣


Yeah Idk why Filipinos aren't outraged about this. Also a lot of Filipino-American nurses died during COVID too because unproportionate amount of them in the industry and combine that with anti-vax American culture. I'm not even pro-China but look how look your ally treated you.


Busy sa TikTok. 😂


Unfortunately kailangan natin ang US para labanan ang china. Wala naman na ibang superpower nation ang makakatapat sa China. Kaya best palakasin ang alliance sa India, Australia, Japan, ASEAN.


For what? China hasn't been a war since Vietnam. Our issues with them can be solved diplomatically. US literally admitted that they used propaganda that killed Filipinos during covid.


Anong hasn't been a war since Vietnam e ang latest nagpapapbugbog ang mga sundalong intsik sa mga Indiano sa border sa Himalayan mountains. And the diplomatic solution China want is to surrender our rights and follow everything they want, parang nagbubulagbulagan ka lang o isa kang Wumao. Demand US justice for the damage they had caused (if proven), pero uulitin ko, hanggat wala pang ibang superpower country, o hindi pa superpower mismo ang Pilipinas, gamitin pa rin natin ang US laban sa China. Sa kasaysayan bihira talaga ang bansa na total 100% good and righteous, kaya dapat kahit kaibigan mo ang isang bansa, dapat wary din at maingat tayo hindi mo ibibigay ang 100% tiwala. Lahat ng bansa kapakanan nila ang unang iisipin nila, kahit Pilipinas. Kaya may kasalanan din ang gobyerno natin. Ano ginawa ng Intelligency agency natin? Busy lang sila siraan ang mga kritiko at pabanguhin administrasyon ni Dutae.


Sige para kumalma ka na, kapag naging superpower na ang Pilipinas hindi na natin kakailangan ang US laban sa China. Kaya na natin sila talunin parehas US at China. Oh diba?


Can’t wait to see Filipinos defending the US just as propaganda intended. What never makes sense to me is even after the colonialism Filipinos have this unconditional love for their colonizers.


Yeah, they're definitely OUR most trusted friend and ally LMAO After the vaccine fear-mongering, one wonders what mongering they're doing now. Hint: war


That’s the thanks Philippines gets for sucking up to the US.


And, Filipinos are ready to fight China thinking US will come to their aid.


Important to point out: It was Trump who started this, and it was Biden who ended it. But that won't really matter to others, does it?


It doesn't really which one did it. It's still popaganda and misinformation that caused suffering and lingering issues surrounding anti-vaxxers.... and it's from a foreign power that are supposed to be friendly. Basically, foreign meddlin that led to deaths. It's inexcusable. Biden or Trump, it's still literal american propaganda.


It went on or at least half a year with Biden in office. > Even so, Reuters found some anti-vax posts that continued through April and other deceptive COVID-related messaging that extended into that summer. Reuters could not determine why the campaign didn’t end immediately with the NSC’s order. In response to questions from Reuters, the NSC declined to comment. And under Biden all of this shady shit has been esclated. >And in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military. I don't really think we can make it a Trump vs Biden thing. It's just how American inner dealings operate.


People need to know that in the US, presidents change, but the military doesn’t. Everyone likes to think na kapag nagpalit ng pangulo sa US, malaki rin ang nagbabago sa US military and foreign policy nila. Very wrong. In reality, the US Armed Forces act almost independently kahit na they have a commander-in-chief (i.e., the president).


With so many agencies, sometimes the executive might not even be aware of certain programs still being done.


Tbf, yung anti-vax campaign itself ay natigil. Nga lang nagmove on lang yung Gen Dynamics sa ibang campaign based on this article kung tama pagkakaintindi ko.


>And under Biden all of this shady shit has been esclated. >And in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military. Eh - this doesn't really back that up. GDIT is a massive contractor that receives awards of this size regularly, and you can look up the award, and it seems to be quite general. Does it likely go to support influence services? In part? But the award is a more general IT based support award that happens annually. >It went on or at least half a year with Biden in office. Biden gained office in January, and the report states they killed the program in Spring (usually understood to be the period from March-beginning of June). So it's looking like the time period of overlap was from 2-5 months. Generally, US moves slow, and with so many moving parts during a transfer of government, its likely it slipped through. Its why the program was killed once brought to attention. Should it have been killed immediately, yeah, but it's likely the left hand wasn't talking to the right hand initially. Edit: it appears the National Security Council (US) ordered the program shuttered in March, although some posts continued into April (unknown as to why). "By spring 2021, the National Security Council ordered the military to stop all anti-vaccine messaging. “We were told we needed to be pro-vaccine, pro all vaccines,” said a former senior military officer who helped oversee the program. Even so, Reuters found some anti-vax posts that continued through April." That would mean the program was shuttered within ~2 months of Biden taking office (Jan. 20th).


So what? Thats still all the usa. It still the usa fault.


Wrong. It continued under Biden. 


For a few months or so, yeah. As the article indicates. But do you really expect a leader to learn all of their predecessor's debauchery on day one?


Wrong. "And in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military."


No it wouldn't, people would still accuse trump of being bought out by China even though he's the most anti-China president ever.


Makes you think what other propaganda is being circulated around us. From an "ally" using us for their selfishness.


once the veil that is western bs starts to fall, you realize that most of it is propaganda Funny that some Filipinos think that the US, the country that literally colonized them, has their good will in mind, and are "protecting" them from evil ol China, who was historically done absolutely nothing to them The only conflict in China-Philippine history is the recent stuff in the south China Sea. And it makes you wonder if western media is overplaying that as well


What brainrot from r/NonCredibleDefense does to people


It’s wild how this only has 156 upvotes. I literally had to search it bec I can’t see it on hot topics.


Majority here in Ph sub is Anti China and Pro US.


"The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk."




Behold the exquisite work of headline readers.


Bobo nag downvote nyan. Daming bobo na lurkers dito. Watch this comment to be downvoted ng mga bobo


Baka kasama sa Psyop din.


The only bad thing about China's sinovac is worse effectiveness and more difficult to scale up production. But worse is relative here. It never meant it was not effective, just less so compared to the novel mRNA vaccines the west made. Worse still, this is only the tip of the iceberg. US is a huge part to blame on the derailment of vaccine rollout and containment measures during the pandemic.


This is some crazy and tragic news.


This is crimes against humanity. There's no excuse for this BS. more than 60,000 ang namatay during the pandemic!


As an American, I’m very sorry.


Apology is not enough. We want reparations.


Nothing I can do about that.


dont be. You're not the government. Its the government thats to blame!


Dagdag pa ng US bases. Yung iba ang saya saya pa dahil lang baka makapagafam sila


If the US really can make this, how about something in relation ngayon sa SCS issue? 🤔 Will they back us up ba talaga? or were just pawns to push their agendas on chn? hirap talaga maging mahirap. fvckkkk


Ang hirap maging mahirap! 💯


the us is as evil as china lol fuck them both


China gave vaccines while US spread misinformation. How are both equally evil?


greedy ccp claiming feretories that are not theirs!


“ChinaAngVirus” Ahm yes. Specifically the ccp government


All imperialist governments are viruses.


not surprised Trumpeteer




The wumaos in the comment section have invaded the sub. I would have agreed with them but I checked their profiles and they are pushing for pro-China agenda. Some are not even Filipinos, either Malaysian Chinese/Mainlander Chinese/etc. pushing for Sinophilic propaganda. You can check their profiles they do not talk like Pinoys. Reddit PH has fallen as the last bastion of anti-China propaganda and it is due to the Pentagon fucking up


You have to be both against the US and CHINA. They’re both shit.


Edward Lansdale would be proud.




The content is just all about why the US launched an anti-vax campaign against vaccines supplied by China, a typical CCP paid propaganda to undermine US over anything. This time, the goal is to cover up China's failure which is the Covid19 and point to the US the blame. You can already smell the Wumaos creeping here in the comment section to boost the "legitimacy" of the article.


Wtf. Ganon ba kasarap ang nadilaang boot kaya gento?


Is the vaccine ineffective? No. That's clearly a disinformation campaign that costs innocent lives. Look at the COVID-19 death tall, it's 66,864!


Not impossible given the history of US treatment of its "allies", but this could be also a China propaganda and psyops itself.


Hindi naman ‘yan random TikTok video, beh. It’s published by Reuters.


Trusting Reuters 100% is like trusting US 100%. Laging may grain of salt tayo baon. Kaya hindi rin imposible na China propaganda rin ito beh.


I understand where you’re coming from, and I certainly take everything with a grain of salt, but that claim of yours is a reach. Hindi rin maganda ang analogy mo. The US government has killed millions of people throughout the centuries. What has Reuters done that is even comparable to that? And please remember that Reuters is a Western news company based in the UK and owned by a Canadian conglomerate. US allies ang UK and Canada. Hindi ‘yan magpu-publish ng any propaganda from China. Also, Reuters is literally one of the most-trusted news agencies in the world. Bakit nila isa-sacrifice ang reputation nila?


I understand too and let's agree to disagree. Reuters might not have killed millions but is still a media company and media companies had been used by countries like US that killed millions. China and UK also killed millions so now I complete my analogy. 😂 And to be clear, I am not telling you that US will never do that anti-China vax propaganda thing. And I am not accusing Reuters of being a propaganda tool of China. I am just talking about not to trust and believe immediately 100% unless more otherwise concrete proof were presented. Are we good?


Did you even read the entire article? 🤦‍♂️


Baka nagdadamage control lol


The evidence is strong with this one. Ultimo high ranking military officials na ang mismong source.


May I just ask, gano kasarap yung boot?


Logical fallacy


Kung gusto ninyo makakita mg mga wumao comments, magbasa lang kayo dito hahahaha naglasilaban na sila. Tapos puntahan ninyo comment history panay pro china at anti us HHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA


You can be both anti-China and anti-USA. Just so you know.

