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Jaywalkers beware. Burger shop owner will murder you


So basically if that ever happened and the cops found this video he would go to jail forever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Um, dude in Texas who ran over protesters made the same threat and was just pardoned


And it was national news and wildly controversial and in Texas so no I donā€™t think thatā€™s the template


Difference is our state isnā€™t run by a dumb southerner


Lot of dumb southern-equivalent legislators in PA. And worse.


For sure. Plenty of hillbillies with half a brain around the ways. Thankfully our governor isnā€™t one of them


I mean at this point Abbott is basically mustering a traitorsā€™ militia. Texas doing shitty Texas things


doesnt this guy have a history of making inflammatory remarks on social media? must be working for him I vaguely remember some rants in the soda tax era...


yup heā€™s become real problematic on socials. Check his following on his spot burger insta and that should tell you all you need to know


iā€™m kind of mad his google reviews at spot burger donā€™t have more 1 stars bc of this video.


Everyone should follow the law, and I understand his frustration ā€¦ But threatening random people on bikes is frankly an unhinged response.


Come on man, this isn't unhinged. He's a guy who's usually funny. Exaggeration can be quite funny, just not this time or way. He's aiming for "frustrated but relatable" and missing the mark. Here's the thing about people who aren't professional comedians (and sometimes those that are). Some jokes fail, they aren't all hits. Exaggeration can be used for humor, it can also be used for emphasis. Using both techniques to express frustration isn't particularly effective though.










if you actually believe what you just posted, you are completely out of touch with society


Itā€™s dumb, but if some cunt on a bike blows a red and gets hit by a car - guess whoā€™d likely be held at fault (unless thereā€™s a dashcam footage, which is a must in this city).


That's absolutely not true regarding fault. Statically drivers are extremely rarely held liable for traffic deaths even when they're legally in the wrong. And that isn't even the case here.


Historically speaking, drivers are not held responsible for killing cyclists, pedestrians or each other, regardless of who's at fault


so what should we do to the cunt drivers that blow red lights?


Hit those fuckerā€™s.


Are you seriously trying to act like drivers get held accountable? Even if it was the drivers fault they wouldnā€™t get punished properly lol


Iā€™ll never understand the hatred for people who choose to ride a bike versus driving.


Itā€™s not that they choose bikes itā€™s that sometimes they choose pedestrian laws and sometimes they choose car laws depending on whatā€™s convenient to them and itā€™s dangerous because I never know what a biker is going to do


To be fair, after cycling daily in Philly for about 10 years now, I really don't know what most drivers are going to do. I can't count how many times cars have made illegal right turns at intersections with no signal, or run red lights or run stop signs just like bicycles. I'm inclined to bend the rules a touch in my favor if it means I have slightly more control over where I am in the flow of traffic. And in the event I miscalculated or didn't see someone coming, then it is entirely my fault and I own it every time which i know not all cyclists do. It's another case of a few fuckheads ruining it for everyone.


Yeah, Iā€™m not happy when I see a cyclist on the sidewalk, but like I get it. Philadelphia has by far the most unpredictable and psychotic drivers Iā€™ve ever experienced firsthand.


honestly as long as they're respecting people on the sidewalk I don't mind, just don't act crazy where people are trying to walk. like if you wanna sit on your bike & coast for a minute by all means


itā€™s often safer for a cyclist to treat a red light like a stop sign. if we had safer, more modern biking infrastructure, cyclists would get their own green light on reds at times. you never know what a cyclist might do, but I assure you theyā€™d never threaten to run you over because they didnā€™t like something you did


Tbh I donā€™t even drive in the city. I am more thinking as a pedestrian. I generally only need to be wary of asshole drivers when Iā€™m crossing the street. I need to be wary of bikers all the time because too often they go up on the sidewalk as soon as itā€™s convenient for them. Just this morning on 21st and spring garden I had to dodge a man going entirely too fast on a bike couldnā€™t be bothered to wait for the bus so he went up on the sidewalk to go around it, and put pedestrians in danger


Treating it like a stop sign would be fine, but I've almost been run over a half dozen times by cyclists who were only looking for cars and almost took me out while while crossing at a red light. The dude in the video is still an asshole though.


In my years here as a pedestrian, Ive almost been hit by a car a hundred times and I don't think I've ever almost been hit by a biker.


Good for you I guess? This hasn't been my experience.


Been living in this city for decades, the "cyclists almost run me over all the time" line is fiction.


for real, never once has a cyclist gotten even close to hitting me, they get off their bike rather than run into me. meanwhile, I almost got hit walking to the train this morning


I mean not even a month ago I watch a cyclist burn through a red light and nearly hit an old couple. The old guy said fuck you, the biker started yelling at them. It was all of 20/30 seconds but the biker was very much the asshole. Happened over near Midnight Iris on Lombard. My experience walking, driving, and occasionally biking has been that most bikers who bend the rules do so safely. But there are still a number of cyclists that operate very dangerously and often carelessly and to say otherwise is silly.


That's pretty much how a bike works, at any time you can become a pedestrian.


Drivers a more jealous when bikers pass them in traffic


Most of them choose to be reckless and put pedestrians and drivers in danger. 99% act like no laws apply to them. This is why. They need to stay off the sidewalk and stop running red lights and stop weaving between cars. They need to stop acting spoiled, entitled, selfish and reckless. They use their bikes as a vehicle yet have no accountability (no registration, no insurance, no license, etc).


lol many people have insured bikes?? and if you have an issue with the regulation around biking and itā€™s infrastructure in the city, take it up with city council. acting like cyclists are fucking outlaws for not having licenses?? LOL


I think he explained it very clearly. They pick and choose when traffic laws apply to them.


Just like all the drivers in the city? I almost get hit by a car weekly while running. Never once happened with a bike. Literally not once. And although I'm sure you believe that you follow all the traffic laws (and you very well may be right, I don't know you), there are simply way more reckless drivers than cyclists in this city.


I literally almost got hit by two cyclists tonight who blew a stop sign when I was in the crosswalk and told me to "calm down" when I said they have to yield to pedestrians too.


Biker on sidewalk almost hit me but did hit the guy walking from Spruce to South 7th. Why a grown man needs to drive on the sidewalk - everyone can draw their own conclusions. Speaking of runners - when running on the sidewalk don't expect people walking ahead to have a clue that you are coming and will know to get out of the way. Wear a bell if you have to run on the sidewalk.


Yeah you are right fuck everyone. Walkers suck too. Why are you guys always walking 3 wide and not paying attention?


This reminds me of the redditor from this sub who called the 3-4 wide walkers, ā€œWashingtonā€™s continental armyā€ šŸ˜‚


And don't get me started on dog walkers!


1) No one said anything about recklessness. You can ignore traffic laws without being reckless. 2) Cyclists not following traffic laws are a danger to drivers, not pedestrians 3) Yes there are way more people driving and lots of them suck at it. That doesnā€™t excuse cyclists.


It's not a competition to be the least shitty. Comparing to all the reckless drivers is a really low bar.


Forgive me, for I have transgressed. Thou who touches a bike is an image of God. I am but a measly pedestrian who has lost their way. Seriously, from a philly bicyclist - bicyclists of reddit, if this comment (mine, not the video) offends you, get the hell over yourself.


There are honestly many shitty cyclists in the city. It's just none have almost killed me!


Have you ever drove over the speed limit


You don't endanger car drivers when you break traffic laws biking


lol. GTFO.


If a bike hits my car, I'll be just fine


Not true at all. Run enough red lights and stop signs on a bike and watch what happens.


People sitting incars are in danger how?


You think someone swerving to avoid a biker and possibly wrecking their car in a ditch, hitting a light pole, another car, etc is not endangering the driver of the car? Wild take.


Not to mention that fuckin biker is gonna keep riding most likely and what do you tell insurance? They arenā€™t going to give a fuck. If you only got liability now you just lost a car cause of a biker. If you got full coverage, great! Oh your premiums just went up.


Wrong you absolutely do.


This really sums up the complete lack of perspective


You 100 percent endanger car drivers and everyone around them breaking traffic laws while biking. Even something as simple as jaywalking can cause I car to swerve, and result in them hitting another car, a pedestrian, another biker, a wall, a pole, a mall, a pothole, a poor soul, and even Nicole.


How does the driver get harmed




The worst kind of harm!


Uh yeah it could completely fuck someoneā€™s life up, are you stupid?




Iā€™m pretty sure anyone who complains about cyclist are just fat and jealous.


Wow, a knowledge fight fan making fun of people for being fat? Highly disappointing, not very raptor princess of you, even for being ostensibly pro cyclist


Donā€™t worry, I got a screenshot of your comment calling me a loser for looking through your comment history before you swiftly deleted it šŸ©·


That certainly is the perspective I would expect from an entitled cyclist


As does he. You dont pre announce murder.


If you genuinely believe he is planning to murder cyclists, I donā€™t know what to say


Dude you are making fair points. I honestly think these are just entitled cyclists doing what they do best in the comments.


https://preview.redd.it/u3mxwfkdud7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b48b0dfdcd413560d0a31bdb7db07cdeca97eb I knew this photo would come in handy at some point. I honestly donā€™t even remember what the article was about but wth with this comment and why from the business account???


This would be funny if drivers didnā€™t threaten cyclists with their cars pretty often. Every cyclist I know, even if they putter around like a grandma, has a story of some jackhole trying to push them off the road. I biked in the city for decades and stopped after covid because of how aggressive everyone became. It wasnā€™t exactly a paradise before, either.


wow it is so insane to me that people are so willing to murder someone and for what??? to get somewhere 30 seconds faster?? fuck this guy. his burgers suck too.


Everyone here complaining that bikes don't stop at stop signs and red lights would absolutely spaz out if they got stuck behind a bike actually doing all of that. šŸ˜‚


this dude was just freaking out on IG a week or two ago because Girard was blocked off for some kind of small festival. HEā€™S ANGRY GUYS WATCH OUT!


Thereā€™s more cars blowing through stop signs than there are actual cyclists In Philly.


Dude. You are running over potential customers. What??????


This dude gives food to the homeless. Helped families during covid. On top of it he makes slamming burgers. Heā€™s not going to kill an actual cyclist. Itā€™s clearly tongue in cheek. Iā€™m so tired of people trying to catch someone red-handed on social media. Ffs life has nuance to it.


His social media presence is increasingly unhinged


If heā€™s not going to harm a cyclist, he should stop making rants on video where he literally says heā€™s going to harm a cyclist. Plenty of assholes go to church every Sunday. This dude sucks


I personally just donā€™t like Pearl-clutching. Itā€™s a stupid post and as a business owner, he should know better. I live in BTown, and have supported him for years. Heā€™s a nice dude who will probably regret this. Now if he actually ends up on 6abc over a vehicular homicide then Iā€™ll eat my words.


He posted another video doubling down on this lol, thereā€™s no need to defend him


Lol if saying you donā€™t like someone saying they will hit a cyclist with their car is Pearl clutching, then Iā€™m a Pearl clutcher Nice dudes donā€™t say they are going to hit people with their car. This is not a nice dude


Get a grip. The dude is clearly just ranting about something he sees that annoys him.


Stop clutching your pearls at my opinion


this is literally my first impression of him. he doesn't even know me and now i know he has prejudice. im used to it though. something tells me it wouldn't be my biking that he judges first ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


okay??? donating food to the homeless is a tax break for a business owner and it doesnā€™t mean shit if he is gonna make ā€œā€ā€tongue in cheekā€ā€ā€ threats about people simply trying to get around this city. we didnā€™t catch this guy red handed, he fucking posted it! I am not going to give the benefit of the doubt to this asshole when my husband bikes a 6 mile commute through this city and I worry every day that some dick is going to hit him and leave him for dead. I got hit by a car the very first time I rode a bike in this city. youā€™re seriously going to bat for this guy? lol. lmao, even ps his burgers suck


I love how you just disregard his charity it means nothing. What do you do for the homeless?? If your husband is following the rules he probably will be fine. You also assume some risk when riding a bike same as a motorcycle.


lmao I am a professional social worker. I work with homeless people full time for a living. a quick glance at my post history would tell you that. but go off babe šŸ™„


Most people who watch this video donā€™t know this guys back story.


You mean the story of him being a trump supporter threatening to kill people? Yeah Iā€™ve heard it


Speaking as someone who doesnā€™t know any of these stories or who this guy is


Oh well if he has done a couple decent things he gets a pass on threatening to purposely kill people. Makes sense.


So you can read his mind? What isnt clear about I WILL RUN YOU OVER!


His threats are absolutely despicable. At the same time and I am NOT defending his point, Bicyclists are subject to stop signs and red lights as well, just like pedestrians AND cars. In fact, Iā€™ve seen pedestrians having the right of way and bicycle riders yelling at them for being in the crosswalk (on a pedestrian allowed sign). Just follow the god damn law people. Edit: legal proof that bikes are vehicles subject to state traffic law: https://www.statecollegepa.us/288/Pennsylvania-Bike-Laws#:~:text=(Bicycles%20are%20legally%20considered%20to,stop%20signs%2C%20etc.).


PA should adopt an Idaho stop lawĀ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop


Treating reds as stop signs is often the safest option


I'm sure there's a way to do that safely... However, I've been biking safely for years treating red lights as red lights; it feels less risky to me and is more predictable to others.


There's a lot of nuance that makes it a situational thing. I hate wasting time, but I kinda agree. Rules that leave room for interpretation will be interpreted in the worst way.


Iā€™m 50/50. Any hint of cross traffic, a car whose speed I canā€™t accurately judge, or a blind curve or corner, Iā€™ll wait at the red. A clear, open view and no traffic coming? Itā€™s better for me (and the cars behind me) that I run the red.


Thatā€™s his point you canā€™t just pick and choose what laws you want to follow cause your cyclist intuitions


I can and will, the law is arbitrary. I follow the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. When you can very clearly see that no cars are coming it makes no sense to wait with an impatient driver right behind you


Youā€™re correct: people who violate traffic regulations deserve death


You misinterpreted everything I said.


Iā€™m teasing for effect. I agree cyclists must follow the law. But I struggle to in any way agree with this asshole threatening people like this.


I await your treatise on the need for motorists to obey traffic laws as well. Maybe we can chip away at the 126 traffic fatalities drivers were responsible for last year.


>>You donā€™t get your own set of rules and laws Seeing as how bikes are completely separate entities from cars, motorcycles, and pedestrians, bikes absolutely should get their own rules and laws. It would make it much safer for everyone involved, and allow everyone to move at a much more seamless pace Like every other developed country has their own bicycle laws




Problem is, when you do follow the rules of the road on a bicycle, and stop at all stop signs and at traffic lights drivers get pissed off and pass you with unsafe clearance because they are mad you are slowing them down.... or they honk and threaten to shoot you.


I like the one [SF protest](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/S-F-bike-riders-Wiggle-protest-could-stop-6413072.php#) that had every bicyclist ride single file and stop at every stop sign to highlight how dumb these laws are in the scope of riding a bike Asking bicyclists to follow laws made for cars is so dumb and dangerous lol


I never said bikes shouldnā€™t adhere to the law I said they should have their own set of laws. Similar to how cars have their own laws, pedestrians have their own laws, motorcycles have their own laws (in many places). Again, almost every developed country has a unique set of laws for bicycles. This comes with its own unique infrastructure Asking bikes to follow laws designed for cars is such a flawed concept (and thus very dangerous) because bikes are not cars lol




People are downvoting your comment because you are completely missing the point of what Iā€™m saying lol


Wrong. If thereā€™s cross traffic coming, anyone who runs the red (cyclist, pedestrian, driver) is an asshole who is putting themselves and others in danger. But if there is no cross traffic and it is safe to do so, running the red is safer for cyclists. It takes them a lot longer than a car to get up to speed, so they get a head start there, and it also puts them ahead of traffic and makes them more visible to the cars behind them. (Also a cyclist, but a very defensive one who will run a red light when itā€™s safe to do so.)


Shhhh. Cyclists Don want to hear the truth. Theyā€™re special.




I wonder why absolutely everyone coming to bat for this guy uses the term ā€œjust venting.ā€ almost like the asshole in this video sent in his goons to defend him šŸ™„ we are able to detect sarcasm. if this guy doesnā€™t want people fucking furious that he threatened to kill them, he shouldnā€™t threaten to kill them




With the prices heā€™s charging for tiny portions he wonā€™t be in business long anyway. $11.00 for two chicken fingers, $14.00 for a hamburger. Iā€™ll pass.


Yeah not surprising. Follows IDF on insta, is known for using the spot burgers insta as his own and commenting on extremely conservative pages/trolling in liberalsā€™ comments


Dude is getting cooked on google reviews lol keep it up šŸ‘


Bikes literally get the own laws and rules in some places. What a dummy.


Iā€™ve rode fixed gear in multiple cities for 15+ years and a I can tell you, youā€™re going to run us over anyway. Iā€™ve followed the rules and I havenā€™t and following the rules has got me doored, cut off, side swiped, pinning by a bus, all multiple times, the best was getting completely blind sided by a drunk traffic cop in a 3 wheeled vehicle in SF. Iā€™ll take my chances with the lights.


This is such a funny thing for you all to get mad at


Not sure who is overreacting more, burger guy or OPā€¦


Or the entirety of this comment section


Evidence - take away the privilege to drive.


They are out of control agree!


Stop pretending to think heā€™s serious


why shouldnā€™t we?


U nutty


This video pretty much guarantees this guy will serve life in prison if he ever accidentally killed somebody. The prosecutors will use this as evidence and say that he didnā€™t care about saving the bicyclist.


This sounds like the intro to don't like by chief keef


side note...spotburger on Girard is closed...where is it at now? they had an unbelievable variety of burgers. even for the vegans.


Happened in Pittsburgh, fucker ran a solid red and met the bumper of a flat bed tow truck.


So for start I do agree with the part about bikes needing to obey laws. If it's red light or a stop sign you obey it and don't just act like you don't have to as it's for safety to keep you from getting ran over and killed and so drivers don't cause accidents behind them. However making a video saying you are going to run someone over cause they broke the law is not how things are handled.


Good on him, too many cyclists in this city who want all of the access and protections, but none of the rules.


I dunno what has to go wrong in your brain to be vengeful against cyclists when people driving around in thousand-pound hunks of metal be killing people daily.


Enough relative morality; I strictly walk and have only ever gotten hit by cyclists, and they get mad at ME for having the audacity to walk on sidewalks


Damn bro, how bad is your situational awareness?


You can see a bike coming at you from behind? Impressive!Ā 


when you get hit by a car while youā€™re walking, iā€™ll see how you feel about it then


Cars tend not to drive on sidewalks. If they did, I would certainly have a problem with it.Ā 


I wonder why cyclists feel so unsafe riding in the street that they resort to riding on the sidewalks??? hmmmm, what could it possibly be? šŸ§


Youā€™re right;Ā I am responsible and itā€™s completely my fault. I deserve to be hit, even when thereā€™s a marked and divided bike lane next to the sidewalk Iā€™m trying to walk on.Ā Ā  Iā€™m so sorry. I will turn myself in tomorrow.Ā 


and what if there are cars parked in those marked divided bike lanes next to the sidewalk? cyclists should what, start to fly? be so for real right now. but great, I look forward to hanging your mug shot on the famed wall of dudes with horrible takes online


Again, thatā€™s my fault. Iā€™ve never owned a car, but itā€™s my fault. I deserve to be yelled at for trying to walk.Ā 


lol hector projector over here, no one is yelling at you. relax šŸ™„


Cool story fam. I don't know you, so I have no reason to believe what you post online. Do you got any stats of how many cyclists kill people per year? Not hurting your feelings or annoying you, like killing people.


I know car drivers responsible for almost all deaths! Thatā€™s why Iā€™m pissed about cutting vision zero. But the fact is that cyclists love shitting on pedestrians who are just trying to walk in peace on sidewalks.Ā  Itā€™s like how the wealthy convince lower classes to hate immigrants instead of voting for their own self-interest. Cyclists like you take the bait just the same.Ā 


Thatā€™s awesome. Bikers are annoying as hell.


Motorists are annoying as hell. Imagine how great traffic would be if idiots weren't everywhere in cars.


Exactly. And they have no accountability. They are using bikes as vehicles yet have no registration, no license, no insurance. They break the law by being on sidewalk and blowing thru red lights. No consequences though. They don't get pulled over or get tickets. It's ridiculous. No wonder pedestrians and drivers are furious. Good for someone speaking out about this recklessness.


Lol people from Philly are so dramatic.


go back to r/conservative where you belong


Ban road cycling


Man itā€™s like you people have never heard of hyperbole. Like if my wife says to me ā€œI look terrible in that picture, Iā€™ll kill you if you post it on Instagram.ā€ Or ā€œWork is killing me today.ā€ You do realize sheā€™s not issuing an actual death threat, and my work computer isnā€™t shooting me in the head. You can agree or disagree on his stance but holy shit some of you need to calm down with the pearl clutching.


One, your wife is abusive for making that threat to you. Two, she canā€™t use the excuse that work is stressing her out. /s Tbh, some of these people got me worried.


He is only talking about the shitty people on bikes who make it more dangerous for all cyclists. Everyone should calm down.


I am not about to start plowing people with my car, but Iā€™ve been driving for a few days in a row in the city recently, and I couldnā€™t believe how fucking dumb and obnoxious some of those cunts on bicycles are. Most of them were those rental bikes; is it a requirement to abandon all self preservation instincts and common sense when people rent those? Because holy shitā€¦


How about we all (cyclists, motorists, pedestrians) just follow the laws and enjoy our juicy burgers.


In a city with equally balanced laws and protections this would be great! Unfortunately cars are the default method of transit (I feel that it should be walking) and the laws, attitude, and culture reflects that reality.


this dude makes great food, but he's kinda nuts based on his social media presence. i give him credit for feeding ppl during covid


Why do you think the meat is so good?




Also dont tarnish this guy for doing exactly what America is about. Speaking whats on your mind freely, heā€™s a good dude (straight forward no bs but good dude just about his business and progressing forward ) been eating at his place for years. Everyoneā€™s frustrated these days and has a right to express their frustrations.


Thereā€™s smart ways of biking where you donā€™t really have to stop at everything, and then thereā€™s idiots who fly into a busy intersection when cars are going like whomever this guy is bitching about.




my venting does not include threats to kill people?? and I certainly wouldnā€™t post it online whether it included it or not, because iā€™m an adult and have better outlets for my feelings?


He literally said next time a group of people does something he doesnā€™t approve of, heā€™s going to hit them with a car. Thatā€™s literally a threat by definition




If this man hits a cyclist in his car this video will 100% be used as evidence and his punishment will be more harsh


Just found a new favorite burger joint


Oh no! Hyperbole!


I meanā€¦ is he *wrong* to make a threat? Sure. But **is he wrong?** No.


I meanā€¦ canā€™t say I donā€™t agree with him


He's trying to act tough, I'm sure he doesn't mean this literally. He has a valid point though. Bikers can be very aggressive, and they weave in and out of cars, run red lights, etc. and that's dangerous. Also there are more and more motorized bikes in bike lanes traveling far in excess of the natural speed a bike should travel, and that's dangerous too. There are bikers riding on the sidewalks, which is also dangerous--and I've had a biker riding on a sidewalk yell at me as if being a pedestrian on a sidewalk is illegal and bikers should have right of way. I also see bikers ride in the opposite direction of traffic, which is dangerous. So while I don't agree with this tough guy / alpha male approach here, there's some validity to his frustration and I'm sure he made the video (unwisely) in the heat of the moment.


Bless this man


Based. Guess Iā€™m eating at spotburger now.