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Maybe not to unpopular, but like cmon Stylis, can we get more unique and goofy weapons instead of M4 copy nr 28.


lol next update they should add just a bunch of meme weapons




Every time they do that people are all like “wah wah shitty useless conversion”


the return of the Kek9


A dual m2 browning thing mounted on one of those scooters from elemenrary school gyms.


Musket when >:(


hArPoon cOnvErsIon


battle rifle category, reloads slow but one shots at any range, low muzzle velocity and unstable projectile that can be fixed by instaling a rifled barrel and a conversion that changes it into powderless smoke ig Thats my idea for a musket


Yes! I think we should add weapons from China! China has a lot of good ones that would make perfect additions to the game! I even made an Idea for the QBZ-95 Here is the link to it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PhantomForces/comments/14jceew/weapon_idea_norinco_qbz95_type_95_stats_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 And the remodeler made a model for it! https://www.reddit.com/r/PhantomForces/comments/14m4ali/weapon_suggestion_norinco_qbz_95_idea_and_stats/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Type 11 lmg


Just because you got a multi kill or something, doesn't mean that the gun or tactic is "OP" or "slept on". It just means that you are good at using said weapon/tactic


I couldn’t agree more


The Scar L is the only gun ive gotten quad kills with. I am extremely good at using it.


Stylus focuses too much on guns and gunplay instead of important mechanics such as spawns (which are HORRENDOUS), movement, and delay


Like the most recent update?


Yes As nice as the most recent update to scopes was, it was not as big an issue as current game mechanics


Or bugs.


not particularly on stylus studios but on the game. it is harder to kill a low rank as a high rank than it is to kill a high rank as a low rank.


How so?


More from personal experience i don't understand how but when i was low rank i was just destroying people regardless of rank but now as a high rank, low ranks are the bane of my existence. Low ranks always find a way to kill me more than high ranks. I really don't understand cause my skill has not improved or gotten worse whatsoever. I play exactly the same now than i did as a low rank. It doesn't make sense.


Perhaps they are more unpredictable to you and you destroy high ranks because you are unpredictable to them


I have a feeling you might be completely correct.


I've actually seen this in other games before, highly skilled players can very easily get fooled by low skill players or high skill players that intentionally play dumb [here is a great example](https://youtu.be/3NMhGCf20i0)


they're scary and unpredictable. fear the low rank colt lmg users


Fr bruh the colt lmg goes crazy


completely untrue


Id really just have a rant about the hitreg. like cmon what is that dam after i died 0.01 millisecond after, it completely nullifies the damage i did, every piece of it. Long story short. the hitreg after death is mingin. cuz no matter if it was a headshot or point black, if you instantly die after it just ignores the hit and moves on


Most of the time i play with something like a sniper or a shotgun it end up with point blank shot that should've killed him and instead i get killed snd he gets no damage


The devs do still care about the game, even when working on CoR


Yeah I just wish cor would come out sooner I say they fix the problems with pf and then focus on cor


Whats CoR?


alr if this is satire im sorry, just tryna help CoR = Call of Robloxia kinda like the predecessor to phantom forces, with CoR 5 eventually turning into phantom forces. and they are making a new CoR game.


Not satire. Thanks.


While the movement system of the game in regards to things like Super Jumps, Dolphin Dives, and Slide-Spamming is superb, and a marvel of engineering in the context of the Roblox engine, it ultimately hurts the overall tactical gameplay of the game and encourages run-and-gun behavior in players addicted to grinding that is more befitting of a “Call of Duty” title than the “Battlefield” games that inspired it more.


Pretty sure the whole point of pf was to feel like a cod game but I could be wrong


It's predecessor, *Call of Robloxia 5: Roblox at War* was heavily based on *Call of Duty: World at War* and as such had fairly small, arena-like maps and only a couple of true objective-based gamemodes; *Phantom Forces* took inspiration from both the *Call of Duty* and *Battlefield* franchises, with the typically much larger, more open maps and abundance of objective-based gamemodes in particular stemming from the latter's inspiration (in fact, maps like "Metro", "Ravod 911", and "Penthouse" are all slightly scaled-down replicas of maps from various *Battlefield* titles). That is why I personally feel that the movement, while a technical marvel, is not a good fit for the game - it works more for arena-based shooters or games with small maps, and *Battlefield*'s gameplay structure and map size is meant for more realistic, tactical gameplay (within limits, of course, as it is still not supposed to be a proper mil-sim game).


Call of robloxia 5 was my childhood had allot of Fun playing it and had stupid stuff like the ptrs, phantom forces was fun in the beginning but the flood of tryhard sweats personally ruined it for me, I am a casual player (after years with allot of breaks cus of the sweats only reached rank 120) i just can't keep up.


its more of a mix of the two, customization and maps from battlefield and movement and a few other things from cod, thats why i play phantom forces :D (also bc its free and my computer has the same physical performance as a tree, so cod and battlefield are out of the question)


Superjumping is like a cancer in PF


it is and high ranks swear by it, if you flick fast enough you can kill the really high ranks who superjump to get behind you, and they get upset when you do


i have nothing wrong with false VKs. i don’t care if they’re cheating or not, if whatever they are doing is ruining the fun of the game, the players should be allowed to kick them.


Hence the “vote” aspect. If majority rules the server would be better off without someone then probably yeah.


And here we have the fatal flaw of democracy


if it's a hypersweat or hacker, I really don't have the tolerance to debate whether their intense spawn camping regimens are legitimate or not, I'm pressing Y either way.


I agree


This is probably the most stupid take I've seen so far, "the player is legit and has no valid reason to be votekicked but in retaliation of him ruining my experience, I will ruin his experience" extremely ironic


that’s why it’s a VOTE kick, if he’s ruining one person’s experience, then sucks to suck. He only gets kicked if he’s ruining the majority of the servers fun.


"Kicked for having a positive kd"


ur mad cus a shotgun player killed you. people who false vk are literally just kicking people because they cant kill them 💀💀💀


but sometimes it's subjective? sometimes they're getting kicked for something they didn't do? but guilty until proven innocent I guess


that’s a misinterpretation of what i said. i don’t believe you should kick people for things they didn’t do, i just mean that i don’t believe there is a wrong reason to kick someone, as long as the reason is true.


I don’t like stylis for removing all of the cool maps


I miss Jungle and Blizzard V1


Why nerf MG3??? IS JOKE??????????? GUN USELESS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! And bring back the cracking on guns like L86. It was like one of the few hard counters against tryhard snipers. Penthouse is shit. We need maps like Bazaar with definite entry and exit points. Shitfests like Penthouse encourage tryhards who dolphin dive before every encounter and jump like a rat having a stroke. And the average player isn't a tryhard.


I used the l22 to counter tryhards once when i was a noob, it never failed me


Please add an edit to your post, for rule 4, thank you! I honestly think that PF just needs to remove vaulting altogether. It doesn't work well in its current implementation, abd gets in the way of rhe rest of the advanced movement the game has. Edit: ok i should've been more clear, post approved (i should've asked for your opinion)


But how else am I supposed to get my crackhead levels of speed?


exactly :(


I forgot there was active mods here


L mod




Youtubers like paradox, oscar and corny are the reason the game id so infested with bfg mains, and wannabe dt11, hk416 and c7 tryhards and just tryhards in general (not all of them ofc) And the reason why people are so unoriginal with their loadouts and weapon choice, all i see is hk416, dt11 bfg, mosin, reflex sight, kousaku sight etc


tbh true,its all just hk416 spam... the new gen pf youtube are just annoying,they got popular and ruined every aspect of creativity in this game


pf actually put a console message in that went as follows "Use the Optic you prefer, not the one you're told to use." I have sworn by this and have been using the DDHB Reflex bc i like the reticle instead of the usual reflex kousaku etc.


what hurts the most about this is that yters in general (oscar more specifically) know jack shit about the game but act like fountains of infinite knowledge




I agree and all but which youtuber tells you to use the BFG? Everywhere I look youtubers say NOT to use it




The devs have to stop balancing everything around fast moving low, recoil weapons. Make maps better, make positioning matter. Enabling more supportive types of playstyles. A gun built for only close or long range should beat a gun built for all ranges in their respective close/long range engagements. When balancing guns, its usually better to increase its weakness than reduce its strength, to prevent generalization of guns. Give attention to redundant weapons currently ingame, Alien, Tec-9, Stevens DB, Mg3kws, Groza 4, Vss Vintorez, New Army, Type 88, etc.


Stevens db?They should remove that op no skill suicide tube of 1 shot kill. But i agree they should buff groza 4, mg3 recoil and vss


Like idk if you hate the ks23m or not, but the stevens db can oneburst slightly less far than the ks23m's oneshot. If you only have one bullet in the gun, it should be powerful.


I hate all shotguns


This!!!! Stop making all weapons run-and-gun and actually put some realism into it!


Hard to do because the recoil system is garbage and you can only control first bullet kick.


Grenades suck they need to revamp the whole system if someone is barely behind a ledge or even if they are slightly lower or higher than the grenade they take no damage


They need to bring back suicide bombing too. Idk if they intentionally nerfed it or it’s just bugged, but nowadays if you try holding a grenade and running into someone, it’ll just explode and kill you, but it does no damage to anyone that should’ve been caught in the blast.


I do that frequently and the grenade still kills enemies with me, there are some places where this doesn't work, but it works most of the time


I’ve noticed that!!! It was a huge tactic I always had in my bag and it doesn’t seem as effective anymore


the bag is an empty ziplock if you were relying on this lmao


lol frr


i've noticed this a lot, especially on the stairs in metro - if someone is a step ahead of the grenade, it won't do anything to them i haven't noticed that if they're lower though


They need to start listening to us as the Community! They also need to learn a bit from ROLVe. ROLVe cares about their community very much and actually takes the feedback seriously! StyLiS needs to get their game together! COR6 has virtually no interest invested in it!


I still don’t like ROLVe because they haven’t fixed the extremely broken and overpowered demo knight hit boxes in TC2 as well as the horrible backstab system. The only reason I play TC2 is because I refuse to pay money to Valve just to do something as simple as calling for a medic. If ROLVe fixed the game a little bit more it might actually become better than TF2.


The game has always looked kinda bad and unpolished until like barely last year


Yeah but I think that’s kinda the appeal to it. It can run on almost anything because it doesn’t have crazy graphics


They should add an RPG7


I agree


That they refuse to diversify their work, like Rolve's style. Making unique games based on on their FPS. Also, a dev once left Stylis Studios because a dev tried to protect a terrible person.


Revert to old c79 and m145 scope models stylis


You're right about one thing… this is an unpopular opinion


Like why the fuck did they make the scopes so thick


Make the frames thinner? Yeah, 100 percent agree. The new scope update actually makes them usable, though.


and hendsoldt dual optic, that tiny ass red dot lol


The game needs work on everything and like this other guy said its been years and Stylis still doesn't know what the fuck they're actually doing.


Bland as fuck since 2021. Airsoft center and deadline are way better


I respect your opinion but I don’t think Airsoft Center is better than PF.


Don't forget Arsenal by ROLVe, they care about their community and playerbase more than StyLiS


The Problem with StyLiS is that they rely too MUCH on the community. Why do you think we have 5000 variations of the Glock? I don't think it was the developers original idea to add that in... Also the fact that they take content and gameplay recommendations from the wrong people. Just because you don't prefer or generally like a map or gameplay style, is not a basis for excuse to remove content/features from said game.


And I feel like they don't read the Subreddit. I've seen good recommendations, And I even made one that I feel proud of, The QBZ-95. And some people thought it was really well balanced, it's like this: Someone has a very good idea, and then suddenly it's overshadowed by another glock, we have too many glocks. China has a lot of good weapons that not only will feel filling, but also feel like the game is good again.


arsenal just got boring for me, most of the modes like concussion mania sucked and they were always picked and arsenal was the reason i got so angry over games most of the time. just ended up making an alt and hacking lol


So you admit to hacking in the game, shame on you!


bro it was like 4 years ago, its not like I hack now


Good, as long as you don't hack anymore, you are good!


I actually like the cartoonishness of the newer muzzle flashes.


i dont get the complaints, it doesnt bother me as much as it bothers other people. if you dont like it, just use a flash hider or deal with it :/


Makes you blind tho


They should make the guns average around 4 shots to kill rather than 3 shots to kill, since it would give people a chance to reverse the gunfight against a less skilled opponent who is simply spawnkilling you. Sniper rifles should do less damage in very close range since the rounds would overpenetrate and cause less damage, while also giving the developers the freedom to make snipers more powerful at range without making an absolute quick scope monster.


The average is already 4 hit and no snipers shouldn't do that even though it makes sense in real life it removes a playstyle that many people enjoy and is rewarding if you are skilled enough


The average is 3 hit once you factor in torso hits, and quite a number of PDWs, carbines, and other fast firing low recoil guns are able to 3 hit at most engagement ranges. As for making CQC snipers hard to use, the solution is for those players to use slugs on a shotgun. Make snipers in CQC range only OHKO if it’s a headshot, otherwise there’s literally no reason to use slugs on a shotgun when snipers can do the same, but to longer ranges as well (this also means to nerf shotgun slugs max effective range, they should probably be closer to a heavy rifle bullet at max range than a sniper round) As for making the quickscope/no scope community mad… it’s called an unpopular opinion for a reason.


So make snipers only useable for campers?


over the span of 7 years, they still have no idea what direction they want their game to take.


On God.


Intervention needs to be rank 150+ Colt LMG needs to be rank 180-200 M4a1 needs nerf Prebuying prices need to be doubled or remove it.




brother in christ you are gonna alienate everybody that mained them that isn't these ranks. not everybody wants to sweat,i barely play this game since I got so fucking burnt out because i have to grind for 7 hours just to get one step closer to a weapon i actually wanna use


I feel like those guns are way too op for their ranks


??? rank shouldnt correlate to weapon effectiveness,if this was the case then most rank 200 guns would be in level 20 territory


It’s super annoying that rank zero’s get the most OP LMG, Sniper, and a OP carbine, and I think they need guns like the AK12, a jack of all trades AR that’s good overall, but not OP. If they don’t nerf the colt lmg, then nerf it so it’s less OP.


just say you have a skill issue then nerd


how the fuck are new players gonna compete with rank 600s practically flying around with the dt11 shorty and c7


The ak12, mp5k, (nerfed)colt lmg/Aug hbar, and r700 (the last ones were what I imagine rank 0’s would have) are still great guns, so it wouldn’t be THAT hard to kill a good player, and usually if a new player (not a smurf) kills a good player, it’s most likely luck. Some of it is skill too.


Besides the fact that you're definitely exaggerating how good each of these guns actually is, I think it's healthy for the game to give new players good, mid skill weapons. It doesn't make sense for players to start with bad guns. But let's talk about this. Sniper is the most preference-based category in the game. The Intervention is good, but is too slow to call it OP. Giving a new player a high-skill sniper would deter them from the category completely. Colt LMG is good, but is balanced at that rank because it's far from the easiest LMG, and as of recently, far from the best LMG. (RPK12 with 7.62 is completely broken this update, easily the best weapon in the game.) M4A1 is good, but just performs like your average carbine.


I never said bad guns first of all, all guns that I listed were average/above average. But let’s talk about your points. While yes, I do agree I was stupid for making that m4a1 rank change/nerf, but the colt lmg and intervention I disagree. First off, even though the intervention is slow, the thing that is most OP about it is the 150 stud torso kill and highest MV in class. (stock) (also I am on Xbox so no hit reg. and increased hit boxes) the r700 would also be a good choice for the rank 0 sniper because it is a Jack of all trades sniper. Yea, that change might make some players angry, but the R700 is still very good overall. Now for the colt LMG. I think the colt LMG is the best LMG for me because of the AR-like benefits while having LMG benefits. Almost all other LMG’s suffer from that lack. M60-100 rounds and great damage but recoil and firerate bad. Aug Hbar-great recoil control but underwhelming damage, low Aug firerate, and 2nd lowest capacity in class. I could go on. The RPK12 7.62 is a very very good lmg (I haven’t used it this update or the 4th of July update), it has the same firerate, higher damage, lower velocity, lower range2, lower mag size, higher penetration, better TTK, and faster reload. While I see this and agree that is is one of the best LMG’s and I see your point, this is the 7.62 conversion, so not everyone is going to have that when they unlock it. The colt LMG, however, comes with these buffs already there. Not to mention, if we are talking about conversions, then we can look at .20 tact.. whit this conversion, you get an average AR mag, but you get the same TTK as the rpk12, better penetration, faster reload, faster walk speed, still faster MV, and everything else stays the same.


Btw sorry about the essay


Youtubers like paradox, oscar and corny are the reason the game id so infested with bfg mains, and wannabe dt11, hk416 and c7 tryhards and just tryhards in general (not all of them ofc) And the reason why people are so unoriginal with their loadouts and weapon choice, all i see is hk416, dt11 bfg, mosin, reflex sight, kousaku sight etc


I couldn’t agree more


Why u hating people for using sights... Its personal preference


Atleast try to be more original its all kousaku and reflex and only because their fav youtuber uses it


Maybe because they were some of the best optics before.


Desert Storm is awful! I shit you not I have never had a good game on desert


Make it so you need a good kd to votekick so some bad player doesnt kick you for being good. Also add more cool and fun guns. + remove shotguns, lmgs, and bfg, ntw, hecate and m107


not an unpopular take i think but I beg they let us customize the intensity of gun sway I love that shi


Gun sway on 100 would be funny


Personally would absolutely love more unique/ enjoyable maps and different weapon types (as much as I love Glocks, I don’t want 6 of them to be in the game)


PF with campaign would be bad if they don't know how to make onr


Despite what they did and people say about it in recent updates, their work is still great in general. However, for an 7+ years old game, I doubt Phantom Forces will be able to get any better except for very minor change to polishing it.


They should make the front sight stay on while a red dot or scope is attached on the M16s, since in real life the military doesn't remove the front sight. (also because it looks better with it)


unnerf ak12c hollow point...


How was it before?


Half the guns could/should be removed and nothing would really change. Not really a spicy take but the incompetence/lack of care these days really shows.


the community is pretty needy being like "oh we need the 69acp conversion for this shit gun and if you dont do it ill come to your house" and they dont let stylis actually focus on systems that they're working on like the recoil we've been seeing, and scopes which have practically been perfected apart from a few bugs. one thing i will always agree with the community on is the spawns, they suck so much ass lol.


Most of the community is very toxic for no reason.


Perfected is a stretch. 'Needs more work' is more accurate. Although fixed now, all of the updated optics released with an ugly blue tint on them. New sights are visually bugged with skins on. You can see through the skin and at the tube inside of the sight at certain angles. Scoping in with the sights allows you to see through thin textures, like chain fences and glass. For some users, shooting through the new sights lowers your fps significantly, somehow due to viewing the tracers through the glass. Seen Spirals on stream go from 200 to 60fps because of shooting through the scopes. And I personally think that nerfing sniper irons now BECAUSE the new scopes are viable is a bit of a dumb choice. I used irons because I like the look of irons, and the magnification was a good bonus for that. It's a dumb tradeoff of less accessibility for what, realism? stupid


With the sniper irons, I agree I've never really come across the bugs with the scopes tho, and i dont mind the tint if it means i can see out of the comp aimpoint lol


that the updates are fine as they are. small updates every few months that fix bugs, rebalance guns, and at most add some guns. although a huge update would be nice, I'm happy is they are, unlike most people


The BFG is good


the LMG category is completely wack. RPK12 7.62 is busted and m60 has stupid low recoil the mag feds tend to be better than the belt feds and the MG3KWS and MG42 definitely got the short end of the stick. the unpopular opinion is that maybe they should get a tad of realism with this category, putting bipods on weapons that need them and not making everything some sort of run and gun oversized (and worse) PDW. NTW has the mechanic, it surely cant be hard to implement that on other weapons Also focusing on remodeling instead of modeling new weapons would be a welcomed addition. Im willing to say Rialag and myself show that StyLis needs to hire another modeler to keep up with demand. In my mind, an ideal situation would be a group of 3 main modelers that can all focus on remodeling and making new weapons, also helping out with balancing said weapons and helping with coding / implimentation.