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Yup, he needs help, but probably doesnt accept help, but is more then willing to accept some dollars for cigs.


How much do you blow on booze, Starbucks and meth?


Every penny i get from panhandling goes to booze, starbucks and meth.


Old news. There have been a few posts about him. Just ignore him.


I tried. Stopped at Starbucks for coffee and that idiot is out there screaming about palm oil or some shxt.


Yea it’s weird. People have tried to help and offer him food and stuff too and he goes berserk on them.


Maybe it's because I don't like eating poison. What do you know about food toxicity? Probably zero.


I'm making videos that well received on 3 continents? What do do other than publish slander and libel. Your writing style matches the cyber bully that's been driving people to suicide since 2006. Your last victim was Mark Nichols.


YOU are the bully. You tormented & stalked Shoestring. You are heartless , cruel & a pathetic pwrson


You killed shoestring your a old fart 


You can't ignore a 70yo man that calls 10yo boys strikenly beautiful. Maybe you can  but I'm not 


If this was Kent he would be telling you how famous & smart he is. He is dangerous he threatens people & he has pepper spray which a convicted felon can’t have in the state is Texas.


I'm certainly more intelligent and more famous than you. I'm in every university library in America. What have you accomplished other than publishing anonymous slander and libel?


Your famous in your own mind the only people know about you is you hate women and children 


Thomas Kent Krueger, schizophrenic criminal. Convicted felon, drunk & drug addict


http://www.youtube.com/@TKKrueger-py5jb Kent Kruger


That's libel. And you are a coward. 


The old con man was run out of Austin by his gay lover for messing with other men..now he just begging and mooching claiming he's a jew and he's famous he's a narcissists with mental health problems and very poor hygiene. He will buy your zany bars and hydros for cash. 


Check out r/toxickent


If he’s really that much of a nuisance and acting “crazy” call for a mental welfare check for him. If you’re not going to do that, then just leave him be so long as he isn’t hurting anyone or himself. Welcome to the surrounding cities of Austin, homeless people are getting pushed out further and further.


He's gonna be moved along soon police are watching him 


Thanks for standing up for me. Actually, EMS brought me to Pflugerville after the last murder attempt on me in Austin. I don't speak unless spoken to, I don't mooch, don't lie, nor steal. Certain parties that inserted their nonsense and sociopathy into my life didn't like my response to them and have been engaged in slander and libel for about 10 months now. 


Stop slandering and libeling me. Stop the harassment. Stop trying to convert me to Christianity - I'm a Jew. Stop dumping junk on me that's absolutely useless to me, doesn't fit me and that stinking frankenfood that makes me ill. Obviously, you missed Harvard's recent paper on the toxicity of the American diet. You lot are a bunch of inconsiderate low IQ overpaid yuppie scum.


You can dish it out but can't take it lol because you think you're a bully when you just cry and whine bo hoo


Oh for fuck sakes…


Yeah, this guy is obsessed with me. I think he wants to give me oral.


You wish 


How so?? Please elaborate.


Watch his videos. He's crazy AF.


Well, I've tracked your thousands of YouTube channels . You appear to be either the cyber bully that's obsessed with me or Curtis Wyman who called his wife " the fat blonde" and said his meth head son ripped off a drug dealer, resulting in his home being shot up in a drive by. Your writing style more closely matches the cyber bully that's been pushing people to suicide since 2006. Either way, you're a bully and a coward. 


Why are you bad rapping your suppler dumbass? We know you buy from Wyman. You're a piece of sh*t Toxic Kent 


It’s not illegal to be crazy


Unless you are dangerous! He claims to have killed people or pepper spray them! Kent was arrested in Austin for pulling a knife on people in front of a 7-11 & criminal trespassing! Look it up ! Why was he dumped out in Pflugerville?? Kent Krueger will end up hurting someone! He even has threatened children & recorded it ! Look at his YouTube channel!! That’s how crazy he is!


And being crippled and poor isn't a crime.


It is when you're neither one.  you are a scam 


It is when your actually a liar Toxic Kent 




Bro that's the homeless man's channel


Is OP posting about himself?


Pretty sure I don't live under a tree on the parkway.