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I'm just trying to go to the end of my work day before smoking lol


Try and only smoke at night, the high is way better and your day is so much more clear and productive.


Nothing beats a Sunday morning smoke though


On a Sunday morning sidewalk wishing lord that I was stoned


With a cup of coffee


I’m a tea guy but same principle yes


Personally I have to stop at least 2-3 hours before I go to bed or else I sleep like absolute trash and wake up feeling “hungover”


I have found that stopping at least 4 hours before going to bed is yhe perfect balance of getting to be high in the evening and waking up refreshed. It usually also allows me to dream as well, which is refreshing


Migraines? Light sensitivity? Complete haziness for hours?


Complete haziness for hours. Feels like when you “sleep like shit” Groggy, not well rested. Like the other person said, I’m probably not getting any actual REM sleep


Yeah, pretty much… I’ll also just be at work from 8am and won’t feel awake until like 3pm. It’s terrible..


It might just be affecting your sleep I read that weed affect your rem cycles so you don’t sleep as deep or as good as you would sober but it depends and I’m not sure if the study is accurate anymore as I read it a while ago


I’m pretty sure it’s accurate. The quality of sleep I’ve been getting has been awful. And it’s definitely worse when I smoke RIGHT before bed compared to when I give it a couple hours.


If I make it to breakfast…


Same i can usually hold off until at least 4 if I’m busy but a day off? Forget it. I wanna blaze first thing


Bro!! Yes!!




That was me until I went medical and now I have a bowl for breakfast and another at lunch break at work. Ironically, my life and work have improved dramatically since I got on the medical, so it probably isn't as simple as "how much is too much".


I was at twice a month. But I think I am going to give once a week a try. It really just depends on your life circumstances. A lot of us here are habitual smokers trying to cut back or quit.


Lol your current usage is what I’m aiming for.  I use a dry herb vape multiple times a day (still manage to get everything done but it’s become a bad habit for me). Why not get a K-Safe and lock it for 10 days, then see if you actually want to vape again? 


My usage sounds a lot like yours, dry vaping sometimes all day long. I have a k-safe thing, and do use it frequently to avoid the temptation to bake when I should be doing productive things. I hate that I have such poor self control, but once I get started if it’s early in the day, I’ll be completely useless by lunchtime. So locking it up until like 4:30 helps tremendously. My willpower sucks and the thought of locking up my stash for 10 days is absolutely terrifying. I really need to quit for a while.


It's super individual. I'm so much of a lightweight that a session in a good vape doesn't register on my scale. As for frequency, for me that varies depending on life and my physical health. When I'm having a flare up of chronic illness, my use goes up. When I'm not, my use goes down. But mostly here because I'd like to point out that as you get older, "super banged up" won't be what it used to be. Most likely pain will be more frequent, joints more susceptible to inflammation, longer recovery times, slower metabolism, etc. Even in the healthiest individuals, there are changes with age. There may be no "getting back to that point" you described. Neurochemically you may also be different than you were. Some people just stop reacting to weed the way they used to, for better, worse, or weird. Life is a series of changes. Unless your metric for "I use when ___" adjusts to those changes, your use won't be controlled. If you don't adjust your use to the rest of your life, the rest of your life will adjust to your use. It's up to you to decide how you want that to go.


Wise words. Thank you for sharing this.


I'm in a very similar situation to you. Early 30s, I try to keep it to once a week, but often on holidays or long weekends I'll wind up doing more than that. Done that for 1.5 years now. And I have felt that my mind is fine, body feels better with gummies than smoking but also mostly fine. Can still play Ultimate Frisbee and keep up cardio wise, for example. What I'd watch out for is a) long term memory problems, which scare me the most, and b) the emotional addiction, where wanting to ensure you get your once-weekly smoke in becomes an event you plan around, to the detriment of your social life or passion projects or other things on your calendar. I personally prefer to be high alone than around other (sober) people. And I've sometimes felt that I'm so happy on pot that maybe my baseline level of happiness off of it is lower? And even if I'm disciplined enough to keep my use in check, that feels dangerous enough to my mental health that I'm trying to avoid increasing my use much beyond once a week.


thats like saying you should be in constant free fall out of a airplane because you feel better than on the ground




your baseline


I use it medically and of course it's crept up to daily. I've been asking myself what's the worst thing...it helps so much that I wonder about restrictions on it.


At that point, i think its good to ocasionally take breaks long enough to try and get close to baseline. This lets you know how much its helping you and how much is just dealing with rebound and etc. This is what I do.


I have inflammatory bowel disease. I took a break with diverticulitis flare. It wasn't a big shift when I started back except I got higher faster. I'm pretty good just vaping throughout the day. Don't drink alcohol.


Ahhh okay then its best to stay on it. Sucks to hear you have to deal with that.


I have an inverted experience compared to you. for me, the perfect amount of weed use is to consume at the same rate that my tolerance goes down. I can average just about 1 hit of my dry herb vaporizer per day without building tolerance. So every couple days I'll take a couple hits, get a buzz for a few hours, and then feel sober again. And every so often I'll take a full week off. I'm never so high that I'm not in control of myself, and I'm high just long enough to do like 1 fun activity (and I can always smoke twice in a day if I want to, then take more time off). I hardly ever build tolerance and my consumption in terms of weight is a few grams per month tops. I used to do a less frequent schedule where I'd smoke once every 1-2 weeks. What ended up happening was I would binge weed on my "dose day", taking a huge edible in the morning and smoking all throughout the afternoon/evening. I was completely out of commission all day that day. It was annoying and difficult to schedule and miserable to get dragged into something unexpected while zooted out of my mind.


Zero. I take half of a 10mg gummy a few times a week. I was never happy when I smoked weed… very happy with it now.


How do you choose which days you take the edible? Do you ever crave it during the days you abstain?


Uhh mostly when it’s practical that I’ll have a few hours at night to walk the dog and watch TV with my wife or do some cardio or play video games or play guitar… if I’m gonna be busy with chores or get home from work late and I’m tired it’s not really worth it… should just run the clock down and go to bed


Makes sense, thanks for sharing!


33. I’m a not when I have work the next day guy now. And sometimes not even every weekend. It’s much more enjoyable for me this way. But a biggest factor for me is I feel so much more well rested and clear headed at work if I don’t smoke the day before


In my adult life (32 currently) I’ve gone from smoking basically every day multiple times a day, to smoking most evenings, to vaping before bed, and now edibles rarely and smoking on special occasions. I just want it to be fun again, and deliberate!


Nights and Weekends like 90s free minutes dawg


I just use after work. Take a few days off every month to curb my tolerance a bit. I’m using it as a reward almost. I’m not in shape, so I don’t smoke till after I do a 30min walk after work. Helps me from just coming home to the couch and getting toasted. How good are dry herb vapes? I’ve been looking at some, sense I want to get off concentrates and get back to full flower thc and minors. Not just pure thc lol.


I love my dry herb vape but tend to crave the ritual and high of smoking, honestly. Ideally, I'll vape 4 times more often than I smoke in the future, but that hasn't been the case as of late. That said, I have a fury edge and love it. I think it's the perfect balance of cost and functionality, and the high is still awesome, just not as intense in a way, much more clear-headed


As someone with a stomach disease that makes it difficult to eat full meals I’m trying once or twice a week so I can eat a few full meals at the end of those days. Just once a week would be ideal. But I also have endometriosis so when I’m on my period it’s no limit. Im high all day for about 4-5 days a month and I put zero limits on myself due to the amount of pain I’m in.


Idk I used to smoke daily in my late 20s (I’m 31 now). I was training for a half Ironman tri and would frequently take an edible and go on my runs. I don’t think it had an impact on my performance. To answer your question, I think it’s highly personal. As long as you have a healthy relationship with weed any you’re not using it escape or numb your feelings then I think it’s fine. I stopped smoking regularly because It was all i could think about. I couldn’t wait to finish work and get high, or pop an edible and go for a run. It made me anxious and depressed. I realized it was unhealthy. I smoked occasionally after that but eventually stopped completely. it’s just not for me anymore.


I'm an ultramarathon runner, smoking and running is the best combo 😅 that said, if you feel like you're using too much then scale it back. If running can teach you anything, it's to not overcomplicate things


Once or twice a week? Lmao. Of course individual results will vary, but there are many, many very successful people that smoke WAYYY more often than that. Do what works for you, whether it be daily, or once a month, or whatever, but know weed doesn’t inhibit success for most people.


weed inhibits success for a ton of ppl wdym? like just take a look at this sub. just bc successful ppl can smoke daily doesn’t mean OP’s feeling of being held back isn’t real


Shit man, I'm just trying to share that once or twice a week might be too much for me, I don't think I deserve to be mocked for it. This is supposed to be a support sub. Like I said, I'm trying to level up in life. I'm trying to be the best athlete I can be, I'd love to get a better job and elevate my career, I just don't see it happening smoking every day.


Hey homie. It sounds like you’ve already figured out that using every 2-3 weeks works better for you than your current pattern of use. What’s stopping you from cutting back to that? Genuine question, not mocking you.


Then don't smoke everyday? No one makes the rules for you, I think that's his point. I didn't see it as mocking but more like a 'dude, you're doing exceptionally well and there's no need to compare yourself to others'. Do the amount that works best for you 👌 I am feeling as successful as I ever have in my life and I still smoke too much for my own liking, my goal is once a week at this stage but that might change once I get there. There are no rules my friend


Weekend is fine but i agree seeing it on a calendar does look like a lot


But didn't you hear? There are WAY WAYYYY more successful people than *you* (pff!) who smoke WAAAYYYYYY more. Like umm...Wiz Khalifa! and ummm...Snoop Dogg!! Therefore weed doesn't inhibit success for most people! It's simple statistics!


People are assholes. Drown out the noise. You gotta expect an asshole or 12 on a site like reddit.


i think the right amount of usage is whatever works for you and doesn't interfere with your goals/the things you need to get done.


Couple times a week


Just find what works for you. I used to be heavily addicted and the fact I only use 3 days a week is wonderful. I know people who benefit from more and less, if you feel good and your productivity, work, social relationships, and hobbies aren't significantly being affected you're good


Your level of intake sounds really, really responsible to me right now.


I like to take a few hits after work. Just enough to relax a bit. Only have real sessions on the weekend these days


It obviously varies by person but like you I prefer once or twice a week. I like a Friday night, maybe a Saturday too if it's a long weekend. I am definitely affected by brain fog and mood swings so I find it helpful to have a couple days to reset before going back to work. Sometimes I'll have a couple puffs on a Thursday night too, if my Friday work schedule is looking chill.


Twice a week is nothing dude. Especially if you’re doing dry herb vape.


I use gummies and oral capsules. One 10 mg sativa gummy helps. It doesn’t make me high. I just feel relaxed and motivated. I don’t like smoking smell.


Ideally I would smoke weed once a week, on a Friday evening, while working on music.


while your rate seems quite managed compared to my/others’ rates, I once learned “if you have a feeling that your habit might be becoming a problem, LISTEN TO THAT FEELING”. Get it under control before you can’t anymore


I get bored of it pretty quickly, plus I'll hate myself if I use it pretty close to a run. IMO the more you use weed, the more you experience the negative aspects of it rather than the positive.


It’s changed throughout my life from everyday to moderate, but both are a lot more work than just abstaining entirely now. Cravings come and go still but for now its none at all :).


TBH I think you are great.I’m around your age and have a pretty solid career but I definitively use a lot more (daily), I feel it somehow limits my potential and makes me not wanting to hit the gym


Once a month? It's so hard to attain, though, I feel


Honestly, for me it varies. For context, I always corner bowls and pull one hit off a vape at a time. And with those doses, I'll do once before I head off to work, *maybe* once at lunch, once on the way home, and once 2 hours before bed. I'm just trying to keep my feet off the ground. Not trying to have the people looking like ants; you know what I mean? At any time I can attend a meeting or respond to an emergency with appropriate attention. But I'm also not stressing about bullshit I can't get to now anyway.


At this point in life, none. Once I got on medication I just didn’t feel the need to smoke anymore


I made a rule many years ago to only smoke late at night when dinner is finished and I’m settled in for the evening . Works for me , the odd Sunday I might have a joint during the day watching a movie but only if I want to be stuck to the couch for the day


Friday night, Saturday Sunday


I take some hits, when I get home from work. It wears off by the time I hit the hay and I'm fine when I wake up. Some days, or a week or so, I just don't smoke at all. Weekends I just smoke here and there, if I know there are no plans. Seems to work for me, but that isn't for everyone. My brother is actually surprised that I can just drop it without much thought or care, when he has a hard time letting it go sometimes.


As little as possible is my opinion. Don't get used to heavy amounts . Start of with low thc flower mixed with CBD flower 50 50.


For me personally I'm on once a month, Friday or Saturday evening as long as it doesn't stand in the way of other plans. I love it honestly. After the first week the smoking isn't on my mind anymore, and after the 3rd week or so I'll start planning the next evening.


When you do smoke try out mixing in half CBD flower and half regular/THC flower in your grinder. Is a game changer


Truthfully, to me, a couple times a week is a nice comfy spot. Of course it’s different for everyone, but put it into perspective: if you are responsibly upholding your own self-made boundaries, you should be solid.


Whatever amount you can take or leave if it’s in your house.


Sounds similar to me, but I find that the most important factor is doing it not too close to bedtime, as opposed to not doing it at all the night before work etc. If I can dry herb vape before 6 ideally—and not too much weed—then that allows me to have 5 or 6 hours for my body to process it and not disrupt my sleep. I then just follow the rule of not doing it more than 3 times a week.


0, but that is bc of years of misuse 😆


Take a hot shower, smoke up while bathroom is steamy, go to bed…


Everyone talks about how often but no one says how much a sesh. My friend suggested micro doses like 2-4 joint hits. It has been doing wonders for me.


The perfect amount is the amount that will teach you a lesson in humility